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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Interesting choice of pronoun given that Dilandau turns out to be a woman. Then again I was never certain to what extent s/he had been changed....they are thankfully quite......vague with that.

That's one of those things a network might shy away from, actually....there'd have been an assload of cuts around it had it made it to broadcast I feel :D
He's specifically Allen's sister. His dub voice is quite androgynous so it makes a lot of sense, I honestly wonder how deep his tone was for the original Japanese because if it's deep it wouldn't fit.
They actually cut a lot or re edited a lot from the first couple of eps that they aired, Fox did not know how mature of a show they were getting. With the the occult elements going around and
Isaac Newton
becoming like medieval steam punk Hitler they just knew they shouldn't have tried airing it, but they found out far too late.
Anyone know of the Avatar Spirit forums? I joined there back in 2008 and I come back now and holy shit, it seems like it's full of 4chan dropouts.

That'll teach me to go to fan sites when GAF already has a community for everything and actual standards.
Anyone know of the Avatar Spirit forums? I joined there back in 2008 and I come back now and holy shit, it seems like it's full of 4chan dropouts.

That'll teach me to go to fan sites when GAF already has a community for everything and actual standards.
Lol reminds me of when I tried to have an LOK discussion on facebook and it turned into some 45 minute argument. It kept me from eating lunch at work. If anybody here digs anime themes here's a really good one...good old 80's:
Nope, we would still be in OT1 even.
I can agree with that because we're probably only in this thread because there were some meltdowns over Korrasami, shit was hilarious and scary at the same fucking time. The show still leads to some really good discussions, but damn, the meltdowns are insane.


Nope, we would still be in OT1 even.

Probably. I was just expecting to watch the finale than move on from the series and begin enjoying the start my 2 week holiday period.

Then Korrasami happened. Now I'll never move on from this series lol. I'm looking forward to the community rewatch.
Probably. I was just expecting to watch the finale than move on from the series and begin enjoying the start my 2 week holiday period.

Then Korrasami happened.
I'm starting to think I wasn't the only person super phased by it. Show ended, I watched the finale again the next morning and then just started looking for other stuff to watch. I'm a little sad it's gone yes, but life moves on and I find something new to watch.
I can agree with that because we're probably only in this thread because there were some meltdowns over Korrasami, shit was hilarious and scary at the same fucking time. The show still leads to some really good discussions, but damn, the meltdowns are insane.
I've noticed some people (awesomely none here) that just can't handle Korra being LGBT. It's sad.

Anyway, I'm never getting over this show. But at least Arrow and Flash are both kickass excellent. Beyond those two, I've got nothing. I've burned out on Hell on Wheels after a certain death. Once Upon A Time is annoying the shit out of me.


Did Azula really drop this thread because of Toa TAK? That sucks. And it looks like Korrasami dominated the thread, as expected XD

I've noticed some people (awesomely none here) that just can't handle Korra being LGBT. It's sad.

How can Korra be LGBT?
I've noticed some people (awesomely none here) that just can't handle Korra being LGBT. It's sad.

Anyway, I'm never getting over this show. But at least Arrow and Flash are both kickass excellent. Beyond those two, I've got nothing. I've burned out on Hell on Wheels after a certain death. Once Upon A Time is annoying the shit out of me.
I work and hang out in NYC, I can't exactly hide myself in a bubble and pretend gay people don't exist. Once enough guys start making out in front of you while you're in a movie theater you stop caring or go insane. I'm perfectly fine with the LGBT community. They're a very progressive for the most part society and want to be treated as equals. There's nothing subhuman about them.
I work and hang out in NYC, I can't exactly hide myself in a bubble and pretend gay people don't exist. Once enough guys start making out in front of you while you're in a movie theater you stop caring or go insane. I'm perfectly fine with the LGBT community. They're a very progressive for the most part society and want to be treated as equals. There's nothing subhuman about them.
My Aunt is a lesbian, so while I am a straight male I have a vested interest beyond being a decent human being for the furthering of minority representation in all forms of media.

Korra overall was so momentus for that. She isn't white, she is muscular, she is LGBT. When I see people flippantly dismiss what happened and ignore arguments to the contrary, I get angry. Luckily AvatarGAF is as progressive as it gets outside of tumblr. :)


I've had a ton of LGBT friends since I started university. I was raised in the Church in Wales (basically Anglican), went to a Church in Wales school and all that and it was a pretty homophobic environment, to the point that I wasn't really exposed to anything but church propaganda, and while I was on the most part accepting intellectually, actually seeing gay people weirded me out a bit. Partly because it was alien to me, and partly because the environment I was raised in painted it as being weird.

But since starting uni, finishing it, and starting again, I've met so many LGBT people and their same sex significant others that it's been normalised for me. But I still know some people from school who are "fine" with gay people, so long as they don't "flaunt it" or whatever.

I think that's what a big chunk of the homophobic reaction to Korrasami is, rather than passionate gay hating. Doesn't make it right, of course, but there are lots of bigoted fucks in the world who want to make life as difficult for LGBT people as possible, and in terms of influencing the social attitudes of otherwise great and accepting people, these bigots are doing a good job of it.

Did Azula really drop this thread because of Toa TAK? That sucks. And it looks like Korrasami dominated the thread, as expected XD

He'll be back for the community thread. He sent me a detailed plan on what we could do for it and I'm thinking about what to do for it too. I assume at some point in January it will be ready to roll, but before it's posted we'll wait for this thread's activity to slow down (which it has, significantly, since the weekend).

On a more general note to all of KorraGAF, do we have any graphic design maestros on here? I need help with banners and such for the AvatarGAF community thread. If you can help, PM me. :)
My Aunt is a lesbian, so while I am a straight male I have a vested interest beyond being a decent human being for the furthering of minority representation in all forms of media.

Korra overall was so momentus for that. She isn't white, she is muscular, she is LGBT. When I see people flippantly dismiss what happened and ignore arguments to the contrary, I get angry. Luckily AvatarGAF is as progressive as it gets outside of tumblr. :)
I honestly do have to realize it's something that effects a lot of people and if this helps further the idea that this is a worthwhile part of humanity to pay attention to and help then yeah I should give Korra its respect for that and I'm sorry if I potentially disregarded it. I personally just want all people to be treated equally, but sadly that's something that's just never going to happen because people can just be ignorant and biased and happy with their ignorant beliefs.


It's cool that Korrasami is a thing, but really... I think it's kind of a distraction from the rest of the episode's faults, and I wonder if the runners realized it was such and used it to try and fill the episode in ("no one will talk about this episode for long unless we give them something worth talking about") or if it was a last-minute choice for some other reason.
At least fan art seems to give me what I want:




It's cool that Korrasami is a thing, but really... I think it's kind of a distraction from the rest of the episode's faults, and I wonder if the runners realized it was such and used it to try and fill the episode in ("no one will talk about this episode for long unless we give them something worth talking about") or if it was a last-minute choice for some other reason.
Yeah I made note of that in an earlier post. I'm fine with the "hey look guys we're progressive" aspect, but not fine with failing to close out the series on any sort of a decent note. Could it have been worse? Yes, but there's a lack of relevant closure to it that left me wanting a lot more.


I know I've been posting shipping pics throughout this thread, but I'll add in a little of my background like sure folks have.

I was in a pretty dark place for some weeks now. My depression got awful after the news of the lack of indictments for the cops involved in the shootings recently. That and letting a particular madness overtake me about being black in America.

Seeing korras ending gave me a bit of hope for minorities. I have lgbt friends who deal with so much dumb shit I'm privileged enough not to suffer, so having this small bit of positive representation in a children's show is joyful.

I can help with graphic design stuff. I am familiar with Photoshop. Might need extra people though.
If they do another Korra I'd like to see another timeskip of about 10 years.
If he's still single this will confirm my theory that his relationship with Korra turned him asexual. Mako, the Morrissey of the avatar world.
I know I've been posting shipping pics throughout this thread, but I'll add in a little of my background like sure folks have.

I was in a pretty dark place for some weeks now. My depression got awful after the news of the lack of indictments for the cops involved in the shootings recently. That and letting a particular madness overtake me about being black in America.

Seeing korras ending gave me a bit of hope for minorities. I have lgbt friends who deal with so much dumb shit I'm privileged enough not to suffer, so having this small bit of positive representation in a children's show is joyful.

I can help with graphic design stuff. I am familiar with Photoshop. Might need extra people though.
Anything that can open up the eyes of today's youth to keep them from growing up to be bigoted or short sighted is a good thing.


If he's still single this will confirm my theory that his relationship with Korra turned him asexual. Mako, the Morrissey of the avatar world.

I know this is a joke but you can't "turn" someone asexual.

I'm asexual. I've been in some bad relationships but they had no affect on my sexuality.
This is my issue. I feel there wasnt enough build up to justify that korra basically is lesbian or bisexual. I feel it was a cowardly way of ending. I felt there should have been one more episode to kind of answer some questions. I just hope they are done with it all together. I just didnt enjoy this as much as I did with TLAB.
Well there was supposed to be one more episode, until the budget was cut. I imagine that they had to compress the finale because they couldn't do what they wanted with the clip show.


I don't understand everyone's needing to be shown/told directly stuff. We end up getting weird 4th wall breaking stuff like Bolin asking about Toph's husbands or why katara never fought.



I think this is the nagging issue I have with the finale. I really didn't have any problems with the plot point themselves, but if felt way too rushed, leaving no time for the great character moments the series is known for.

There was nothing in the final episode that felt as momentous as Korra removing the poison from her body earlier in the season. Only thing that really comes close is Hiroshi's last scene.

An then it felt like they took time to wrap up the plots for some secondary characters (namely Varrick, Zhu Li, and Wu) and just said "well, that's good enough".

This may also be the reason I'm not crazy about Korrasami. I don't have a problem with the paring itself, but there was minimal buildup to it. The whole think came out of left field at the ending. Considering how much the show has focused on character development it felt like a cop-out to just toss this on the ending. There was no real closure or wrapping up at all.


Well there was supposed to be one more episode, until the budget was cut. I imagine that they had to compress the finale because they couldn't do what they wanted with the clip show.

I doubt they would have done much with that one episode. If they were given the full budget it was probably still going to be a variation of the clip show, just better made, a LOK version of the Emblem Island Players, except directed by Varrick. At least, that's what I think.
The Legend this show will leave behind.
Depends on who you speak to. Most will remember it for Korrasami others will remember it for wasted potential. My reaction was just "ok...they held hands...time to watch something else" now I'm on Young Justice and liking it.
Hitler just wanted to paint.
Kuvira just wanted to be accepted and save her people and I guess dance.
Just like all dictators.
I honestly just think there's just too much flip flopping with her. They concentrated too hard on her being a dictator and forcing the audience to see her as a villain that when it came time for her to be an actual person they showed so little of her having emotions that the audience just couldn't believe it.
Did Azula really drop this thread because of Toa TAK? That sucks. And it looks like Korrasami dominated the thread, as expected XD

How can Korra be LGBT?

Nah he's probably just getting the community thread ready. If he's like me (I agree with his opinions and posts 99% of the time), there's nothing more really to discuss. I wasn't impressed with the finale and just want to wait for the community rewatch. No point discussing in circles here.


the legend of korra is the perfect show for a retelling in a good 20 years when people are nostalgic about the 10s and want to remake everything from this era. at that point they will have all the good and the bad at their disposal and can rearrange it in more logical and interesting ways to improve pacing and character interactions.
the legend of korra is the perfect show for a retelling in a good 20 years when people are nostalgic about the 10s and want to remake everything from this era. at that point they will have all the good and the bad at their disposal and can rearrange it in more logical and interesting ways to improve pacing and character interactions.
The Legend of Korra: Sisterhood.
Bryke just sucks at writing their own show. :/

They're great at building worlds. They deserve immense credit for creating the avatar verse, as it's a great place with a lot of potential for interesting stories.

I just think they need a lot of help from other writers (Ehasz's come to mind) to create fully fleshed out characters and plot arcs.
the legend of korra is the perfect show for a retelling in a good 20 years when people are nostalgic about the 10s and want to remake everything from this era. at that point they will have all the good and the bad at their disposal and can rearrange it in more logical and interesting ways to improve pacing and character interactions.
Hopefully by then LGBT relationships won't be taboo for kids TV like they are now.


He'll be back for the community thread. He sent me a detailed plan on what we could do for it and I'm thinking about what to do for it too. I assume at some point in January it will be ready to roll, but before it's posted we'll wait for this thread's activity to slow down (which it has, significantly, since the weekend).
Nah he's probably just getting the community thread ready. If he's like me (I agree with his opinions and posts 99% of the time), there's nothing more really to discuss. I wasn't impressed with the finale and just want to wait for the community rewatch. No point discussing in circles here.
Just admit it guys. He left because of me and my awesome OT. :(
Well, I guess everything has been talked to death about the finale. Not much left to talk about then. Korrasami has run its course as a topic for me, and seems to be dominant. All I can ultimately say on this is: It happened. It is a thing. You can say it came out of nowhere, but that's wrong. There were moments. You can say it was written poorly, and I won't fight you on it. I mentioned back in the other OT that it reminded me of Willow from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, only not as well done. That's the truth of how I feel on it. It happened, you could see it, but it wasn't done as well as it could have been. Probably a list of reasons for that, but fuck if any of us can say for sure what those reasons were.

As for those saying that the finale wouldn't be talked about much if Korrasami wasn't a thing: If that was gone, they probably would've replaced it with something else. Maybe not as big, but it would've been something and who knows what that something would have been.

I think now, I'll wait for the Community OT. I probably won't participate in the whole "Community rewatch" idea that's been thrown around, but I'll stop by and talk. I do love talking, in general, but also about the Avatarverse as a whole. I mean, I've made some very long posts on things already.
The real problem with the lack of substantial build up to Korrasami is that it's premature implementation comes off as something token, like they threw it in for PR reasons because they knew the Internet would eat it up, for better or worse. In that regard they're geniuses because there are now probably more people talking about Korra than ever before, but it feels like it cheapens the whole thing and is kind of upsetting for the fans who really just wanted a proper send off to the story.


my only problem with korrasami is that asami is a dumb character who has no flaws. the relationship between the two was fine for me though.


my only problem with korrasami is that asami is a dumb character who has no flaws. the relationship between the two was fine for me though.

Her flaw is that she is a non-bender and thus can't do shit.

But seriously, I don't think her not having any flaws is a bad thing. It's not like she's a main character and sometimes you do meet people that are just that nice.
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