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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Here's what I wrote to a friend who we both agreed Kuvira's apology to Su was weak and she should've said this instead:

can see the dialogue in my head now.

Kuvira is brought out of the spirit world and they have taken her into custody. She's stoic and slightly smug.

"What's so funny?"

She shrugs. "Nothing. I will accept your punishment only because I lost, nothing more. But *she looks around at all of them* know this: I regret nothing. While you fools sat around trying to pander to that idiot (referring to Wu) what was I doing? I was bringing stability to my nation. A nation you were going to pass off to a fool! I did in three years what the Fire Nation couldn't do in a hundred. You should thank me. Without me, there would be no Earth Nation, just bands of lawless states who served themselves with no higher goal in mind. I brought order when there was chaos, food when there was hunger, leadership when there was anarchy. You think of my actions as evil and cruel, but to me and the people who look up to me? I'm a hero. So enjoy your victory, you've earned it Avatar, that much I'll admit. But don't forget who really saved the Earth Kingdom. It was never going to be you. You weren't needed three years ago...and you won't be needed now."

Whatcha guys think?
I didn't like it at first SOLEY because I already came to terms with Kuvira being humbled or whatever, but as I read on I was like dang that would have been cool. Droppin truth bombs. Then #DESTROYED Korra at the end
That was pretty much what should have happened if she was handled with any care in this season. Although what I personally would go for is a change in dialogue during the last Korra-Kuvira exchange to bring up the 'imbalance' of the Earth Empire, e.g. slave labour and prison camps for "non-Earth citizens". Basically Korra would acknowledge Kuvira did some things right, but she went too far. Going back to the theme of the season, etc etc. Albeit, that would shave off time for her possible rebuttal to Su. Which would be basically a line from Waterloo (1970) "He who saves a nation violates no law". or something else short & concise.


Amon has the same hairstyle as Korra LOL



Young Justice Ep 5:
Can Superman stop acting like an absentee dad and help Superboy already?

Young Justice is basically blowing up buildings, kissing and sexual harassment. You'll get only one moment of Superman not acting like an absentee dad in the show. I hated the teenage romance in LoK season1 and Young Justice has twice as much 'drama' through the entire 46 episodes run (almost the same number of episodes as LoK's 4 seasons total)


Young Justice is basically blowing up buildings, kissing and sexual harassment. You'll get only one moment of Superman not acting like an absentee dad in the show. I hated the teenage romance in LoK season1 and Young Justice has twice as much 'drama' through the entire 46 episodes run (almost the same number of episodes as LoK's 4 seasons total)

holy shit. they stretched young justice to 46 episodes?


I wish we had two seasons worth of the Red Lotus. A bit of backstory wouldn't have hurt and a team of antagonist is more interesting than one single hitler.
Also would have concluded the series better imo.

A goal of ending the avatar cycle for good is more fitting than stopping a tyrant.


I just thought about something.

Considering folks have been vocal in this thread about the fact Bryke went out in blogs to say Korra and Asami's relationship is canonical as grounds to say they are bad writers, what did these folks think about the people who didn't need Bryke to say anything to know the pairing was canon?

Another thought: I also think maybe Brian's comment about needing to watch the show again, but not through a hetero-lens may hold some ground considering I could see the interactions between Korra and Asami prior to the ending as signs for them being into each other by simply thinking that they could probably be gay. The only reason I never felt convinced of thinking only that was due to being skeptical of a children's show on Nick ever displaying that to the public.
I must be completely oblivious but I didn't even realise the ending was supposed to imply a romantic relationship between Korra and Asami until people started posting about how progressive it was on facebook... I'm happy that a kids show has bi-sexual characters in it (Jack Harkness was a big role model for me in my early teens and even now) but I wish they'd done it better. I didn't feel like there was much of a build up at all... In fact I admired the way they portrayed female friendships so well. There wasn't much that couldn't have also been interpreted as friendship, and so I was honestly surprised when I read the writers' statements on the meaning.


Poor poor Bryke. Doomed to forever answer questions about romance in a universe they want to step away from. On the plus side it is probably easier to get answers out of them regarding non romantic questions.


Another thought: I also think maybe Brian's comment about needing to watch the show again, but not through a hetero-lens may hold some ground considering I could see the interactions between Korra and Asami prior to the ending as signs for them being into each other by simply thinking that they could probably be gay. The only reason I never felt convinced of thinking only that was due to being skeptical of a children's show on Nick ever displaying that to the public.

That's my feeling on the matter. I thought about the hints they were giving out -- at first interpreting them as friendship with a slight nod to the Korrasami shippers -- and it really clicks for me when I take off my hetero-goggles. Plus with the way the relationship was portrayed -- as if they were just at the start of a romantic journey together (both literally in the spirit world, and figuratively) -- I thought the relative suddenness and not-explicitness of it was tonally perfect.

Considering the limits on what they could show imposed by the network, and the fact that they had severely time constrained screen time, I think they did a good job of it. If they made more of a buildup to it, the usual suspects would be groaning that they diverged from the main plot too much to focus on the romance (a common criticism of Book 1).

It's lose-lose in some respects, but a winner for me. :3
Another thought: I also think maybe Brian's comment about needing to watch the show again, but not through a hetero-lens may hold some ground considering I could see the interactions between Korra and Asami prior to the ending as signs for them being into each other by simply thinking that they could probably be gay. The only reason I never felt convinced of thinking only that was due to being skeptical of a children's show on Nick ever displaying that to the public.
Before the ending I never thought of Korra and Asami's friendship as anything but, I was actually pretty against shipping overall. But looking back, open to the idea, I can completely see the budding romance.

I'm not as critical of the show as many of you. I can forgive the shortcomings for the awesome world and characters they gave us. It's been my favorite TV show of the last 2 years.
I must be completely oblivious but I didn't even realise the ending was supposed to imply a romantic relationship between Korra and Asami until people started posting about how progressive it was on facebook... I'm happy that a kids show has bi-sexual characters in it (Jack Harkness was a big role model for me in my early teens and even now) but I wish they'd done it better. I didn't feel like there was much of a build up at all... In fact I admired the way they portrayed female friendships so well. There wasn't much that couldn't have also been interpreted as friendship, and so I was honestly surprised when I read the writers' statements on the meaning.

Because that's exactly the way it was portrayed. The whole "taking off hetro-goggles" is nonsense of the highest order and damned Right insulting because it assume that we didn't see Korrasami because of some defect in our perception. Bryan is trying to deflect from his poor writing and no build up and not even a hint of a romance between these two characters at some homophobic issue with the audience.

It's bullshit.
Well it is a defect. Almost every straight person has it. It isn't our faults, we were raised in a heteronormative culture and most of us have had little to no exposure to homosexuality in a positive context. We don't think about the possibilities of homosexual relationships in situations such as these as equal to heterosexual ones. When people behind a hetero-lens do think about homosexual relationships in media its usually a joke or masturbatory. Once you break free from that, you can see many more possibilities.

That's why the ending is so important and monumental for breaking down heteronormativity. This is the first time ever in a children's program that the main character has been openly and confirmed on screen as LGBT. Children, both straight and gay now have a positive representation of homosexuality in programming aimed at them.


Because that's exactly the way it was portrayed. The whole "taking off hetro-goggles" is nonsense of the highest order and damned Right insulting because it assume that we didn't see Korrasami because of some defect in our perception. Bryan is trying to deflect from his poor writing and no build up and not even a hint of a romance between these two characters at some homophobic issue with the audience.

It's bullshit.

Woah there. Having a perspective of viewing things that confirm to hetero normativity is not the same thing as having an homophobic issue.
Well it is a defect. Almost every straight person has it. It isn't our faults, we were raised in a heteronormative culture and most of us have had little to no exposure to homosexuality in a positive context. We don't think about the possibilities of homosexual relationships in situations such as these as equal to heterosexual ones. Once you break free from that, you can see many more possibilities.
Most people have it until a person they like completely ignores your feelings for them and opts to date the same sex over you. It's um not a fun experience.


Most people have it until a person they like completely ignores your feelings for them and opts to date the same sex over you. It's um not a fun experience.

Mako, is that you?

jk. That blows. I've had my share of women problems but nothing like that yet thankfully.


Here's what I wrote to a friend who we both agreed Kuvira's apology to Su was weak and she should've said this instead:

Whatcha guys think?
Toa tak would legit have a heart attack if she said this.

It's also epic as hell and is way more fitting of kuvira, thanks for the head canon.

As for korra and asami it only obvious in book 4. Book 3 had plenty of platonic interactions with only their final meeting being romantic.

It would have been better if asami left with korra for those 2 and a half years with korra still choosing to leave to the swamps on her own which causes them to fight next fine and then make up. We could have gotten a lot more development in roughly the same amount of interaction time.
Because that's exactly the way it was portrayed. The whole "taking off hetro-goggles" is nonsense of the highest order and damned Right insulting because it assume that we didn't see Korrasami because of some defect in our perception. Bryan is trying to deflect from his poor writing and no build up and not even a hint of a romance between these two characters at some homophobic issue with the audience.

It's bullshit.

mmm I agree. If one of the two had been male I don't think I would have picked up on any "hints" until the very end anyway. Complimenting someone's hair and writing them letters isn't an obvious nod to romantic interest, even holding hands - which a lot of friends do all the time anyway. I don't think assuming that people didn't notice because they are heterosexual or raised on hetero norms is really fair. I mean I'm not hetero and I didn't notice anything :/

That's why the ending is so important and monumental for breaking down heteronormativity. This is the first time ever in a children's program that the main character has been openly and confirmed on screen as LGBT. Children, both straight and gay now have a positive representation of homosexuality in programming aimed at them.
I wouldn't go that far. They weren't really even confirmed on screen anyway, had to wait for confirmation from the writers.
It's definitely positive to have more LGBT - and particularly Bi-sexual - characters on screen.
I just thought about something.

Considering folks have been vocal in this thread about the fact Bryke went out in blogs to say Korra and Asami's relationship is canonical as grounds to say they are bad writers, what did these folks think about the people who didn't need Bryke to say anything to know the pairing was canon?

Another thought: I also think maybe Brian's comment about needing to watch the show again, but not through a hetero-lens may hold some ground considering I could see the interactions between Korra and Asami prior to the ending as signs for them being into each other by simply thinking that they could probably be gay. The only reason I never felt convinced of thinking only that was due to being skeptical of a children's show on Nick ever displaying that to the public.
I was looking at it like that the whole time and there really wasn't as much there Bryan seems to suggest, it was there, but not in the capacity he seems to think. Unless he's ignoring his original Miyazaki quote about how just because characters appear on screen together doesn't mean there is a romance there, and is simply counting every second they're on screen together since the start of season 3, and not making the distinction of budding romance and two humans in a situation interacting with each other.

I really do hate the "hetero lens" comment, because it's one of those things that you throw up as a cheap defense and they know they know they can use it to get out of any suggestion that something isn't the blossoming love they say it is by saying the person's gay goggles aren't at a high enough setting.

Edit: It is pretty funny to have two straight guys telling everyone to stop using a "hetero lens"


Like I said before, I knew they were a couple right off. Legit doesn't excuse their poor ass writing, which it seems they are very much trying to shield their writing.

Tell me, what is the difference between Asami's and Korra's relationship compared to a lot of action movies he rolled his eyes at. I'd argue that it probably got less development than those.


Unconfirmed Member
Let go your hetero goggles.
Enter tumblr.
Empty, and embrace the shipping
They couldn't even do a good job of that.

Also, I just realized I'm going to be sitting here talking about this damn show until the cows come home. ;_;
I'll probably be right here joining you on that front. I've always preferred Kuvira when she acted like she actually had a pulse, but those moments are so few. I'd have to rewatch this season to get a refresher on it. I remember her being nice to Opal in the first ep, cocky, but fun in The Battle for Zaofu and vulnerable and broken for the finale. Other than those, stoic, it made her come off as so boring when you know they could've done a whole lot more with her.


So when are we submitting our nominations for the KorraGAF awards again? I'm guessing in the new year when the community thread get's put up? Or is it after the community rewatch of the series?

I've finished my nominations, so i just wanted to know when I can post them.


Given the finale the Korra-fied version is just "do her."

Is Kuvira the "her" you're asking about?
It should be Korrasami. I'm sure someone on Tumblr will do it.
So when are we submitting our nominations for the KorraGAF awards again? I'm guessing in the new year when the community thread get's put up? Or is it after the community rewatch of the series?

I've finished my nominations, so i just wanted to know when I can post them.

What are KorraGAF awards?


It should be Korrasami. I'm sure someone on Tumblr will do it.

What are KorraGAF awards?

I wonder what the criteria and the awards are.

Ok, frenchies. Time do some numbers after four seasons of Legend of Korra and multiple successful threads. Everyone has awards, why not KorraGAF? So here are some mini awards to crown the best and worst things from all of Korra.



  • You can name up to three options in every category. You can make honorable mentions, but only the first three are counted.
  • Order matters! The first choice gets (3), the second (2) and the third (1) point
  • To make counting votes easier for me, please begin your vote post with "#ChariotWheel" so I can easily find the relevant posts.
  • You can use nicknames and descriptions as long as you are sure that I can understand them. I have to count and I try to understand what I can, but please don't make it too difficult for me
  • These awards only include the Legend of Korra, characters, events, episodes; everything that only appears in ATLA or the comics is not valid.
  • You have two weeks to vote, I will not respect anything that is posted after the rewatch

Example lines


Best Protagonist Mako, Bolin, Tenzin; honorable mention: Korra
Best Minor Character: Announcer, Naga, that cute dog spirit that helped Korra in S4
Best Antagonist
  1. Amon; Explanation
  2. Varrick; Explanation
  3. Unalaq; Better a damn good explanation


Best Protagonist
Best Minor Character
Best Antagonist
Best Fight

Best Moment
Best Episode
Best Season
Biggest positive Surprise

Worst Protagonist
Worst Minor Character
Worst Antagonist
Worst Fight

Worst Moment
Worst Episode
Worst Season
Biggest Disappointment

Korra and Asami - Friends or Lovers?
(you don't have to justify your vote, this is just an opinion piece!)

And I don't know about the date anymore. Somebody said we should do them after the rewatch, which isn't a half bad idea. What do you guys say?
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