And I don't know about the date anymore. Somebody said we should do them after the rewatch, which isn't a half bad idea. What do you guys say?
It will always be relevant >:OAlso that bonus question is not relevant anymore
Ha! Fans of Kill la Kill.
At first I was going to argue, but yeah you're right. I think Kill La Kill ended and led up to it better but still the same outcome.same ending really
I've been waiting for a backlash to the ending from Fox News or other conservative news/blog sites, and I haven't seen any. That is really good.
I've been waiting for a backlash to the ending from Fox News or other conservative news/blog sites, and I haven't seen any. That is really good.
But it was D:It not being on TV has probably reduced that backlash
I've been waiting for a backlash to the ending from Fox News or other conservative news/blog sites, and I haven't seen any. That is really good.
Running? Not really, but you may want to take a look at Young Justice and Wakfu.No more Korra
Are there any action-based animated series left?
Wasn't season 4 on tv too?It's probably cuz it was online only, and Fox News doesn't know how to use the internet.
Bill O'Reilly will probably declare Korra as the new Satan. "Korra's bending the minds and the sexuality of innocent children. She's not the Avatar, she's the Anti Christ!"Give it time.
I demand pics.So Mom!Kuvira is a thing on Tumblr.
I've watched Young Justice (and I loved it). It feels like all the action series are being canceled these days, and that only 'wacky' shows (like Teen Titans Go) are allowed to live. Disney has been pumping out a lot of Marvel stuff though, too bad I just can't stand them.Running? Not really, but you may want to take a look at Young Justice and Wakfu.Wasn't season 4 on tv too?
At first I was going to argue, but yeah you're right. I think Kill La Kill ended and led up to it better but still the same outcome.
Mako and Ryuko dating each other was definitely going to happen and they didn't just spring it on you in the last minute. Kill La Kill had a pretty fun finale with more stuff being resolved in the OVA and Kill La Kill largely used it's cast more effectively. Many will consider me high on LSD for this opinion on here but Kill La Kill really isn't that bad once you get passed some of the randomness and fan service. My only real complaint with Kill La Kill wasLol wut?
Apparently theres a petition going for Nick to renew Korra.
I don't want to get my hopes up, but maybe after the hugely positive reaction to the finale they would consider it.
Oh please, we've both seen a lot worse than that. The woman likes Kuvira so cut her some slack.
Apparently theres a petition going for Nick to renew Korra.
I don't want to get my hopes up, but maybe after the hugely positive reaction to the finale they would consider it.
Apparently theres a petition going for Nick to renew Korra.
I don't want to get my hopes up, but maybe after the hugely positive reaction to the finale they would consider it.
I wouldn't mind another couple of seasons. The finale didn't feel like a series finale at all, more like a season one.
With finales for shows like ATLA and Breaking Bad, you felt yourself hitting the concrete wall or reaching the end of the line, I felt none of that with the LoK finale. For a good few minutes I was actually thinking about what was going to happen the next season, before realising it was the end. It sure as hell didn't fell like the end.
It looks like it was started back in October but it jumped from 5000 signatures to over 20,000 after the finale.I like how Asami is nowhere listed directly as an influential character in that petition.
Oh please, we've both seen a lot worse than that. The woman likes Kuvira so cut her some slack.
But she actually has some pretty interesting observations on there.NO ONE GETS THEIR SLACK CUT
Mako and Ryuko dating each other was definitely going to happen and they didn't just spring it on you in the last minute. Kill La Kill had a pretty fun finale with more stuff being resolved in the OVA and Kill La Kill largely used it's cast more effectively. Many will consider me high on LSD for this opinion on here but Kill La Kill really isn't that bad once you get passed some of the randomness and fan service. My only real complaint with Kill La Kill wasthat I didn't think they did enough with the revelation of Ryuko and Satsuki being sisters. I wanted more of a change in their actual dynamic, but given how much Ryuko hated Satsuki that transition was always going to take awhile.
Nox was a cool villain.Nope. I'm done with Korra's story much like I was done with aang's. If they return, give us something fresh.
On a different note. Watched some of Wakfu and Oban Star Racers again. Shoutout to France cause that's some great stuff, arguably does a lot of things better than Korra.
I have an idea. Why don't we all watch Twin Peaks?
Nox was a cool villain.
Both seasons or just the first one?
Teh people already are coming up ideas what the next Avatar might look like
I don't disagree at all. When people put all of the blame on Nick, I don't really by into that totally. Yeah, Nick messed them up, but Fox messed up Arrested Development during the 2nd and especially 3rd season (from what I recall) and yet that show was still gold.
Right? Talking about not knowing how to take advantage of the Korrasami good feedback as a reasonI like how Asami is nowhere listed directly as an influential character in that petition.
Like I said, it was made back in October. If I wasn't on my phone I'd contact the petition creator.Right? Talking about not knowing how to take advantage of the Korrasami good feedback as a reason
Oh it's not perfect I'm not even going to argue with you over that. In fact I really don't even discuss that show for the most part. I recommend it because I think the show is fun and it's something I enjoyed watching. I'd never recommend KLK if you're looking for something intellectual. It's just something I chilled out and watched after I got back from either work or the gym just to relax. It's a fun show, not an intellectual show. Regarding Mako and Ryuko Mako is quite literally Ryuko's emotional support and cheer squad. She's the one that calms her down when she went berserk that one episode, she's the one that takes in Ryuko, she's the reason why she's even able to eat on a consistent basis. Ryuko never got paired up with anybody romantically. Mako is pretty much the one person Ryuko always keeps from hurting on that show. You don't like the show yeah I get you, a lot don't It's definitely one of those love it hate it shows. And I hit the OT for KLK and to be honest Mako and Ryuko have way more on screen interaction than Korra and Asami.Again LOL WUT?! Just saying it doesn't support make it true. Show me the receipts compared to LoK
And you're definitely high on something. Kill La Kill is the only show I've seen where the writers pulled a retcon in the very first season. The potholes are gaping wipe lol
NB: I watched KLK as it aired weekly and commented in the GAF thread and witnessed the arguments after the finale
Dude looks like he belongs in an SMT game.Both seasons or just the first one?
Teh people already are coming up ideas what the next Avatar might look like
Gamagoori is like Mako. He had no clue which way Mako went. Maybe Korra's Mako and Gamogoori should start a support group for males that tried to sex up lesbian women.I just wish we didn't get that Gamagoori thing at the end because it just confused people *sigh*
It was a civil war plot that changed to shipping, to the story of the first Avatar, to save the world from Satan.I would if I could remember anything of value about the events of Book 2 to say anything about it.
Seriously, all I remember is some lame romance nonsense, the good parts being the Wan episodes, Bolin being a waste of time, and Mako being a detective.
I forget if Asami was in Book 2 prior to her kissing Mako.
But for real, what happened in Book 2? Like, I literally remember a whole lot of Not Shit happening in a sequential order to allow for harmonic convergence to happen, allowing people to go into the spirit world and spirits coming out.
Book 2 was literally one of Meelo's farts in the wind
Gamagoori is like Mako. He had no clue which way Mako went. Maybe Korra's Mako and Gamogoori should start a support group for males that tried to sex up lesbian women.
I just wish we didn't get that Gamagoori thing at the end because it just confused people *sigh*
Korra's Mako is potentially the trigger any way. What he's going to do when he finds out I have no idea. He'll probably just sleep under his desk.At least Gamagoori could be excused for not knowing, Korra's Mako dated both of them lol
I actually wanted that part to be animated since at that point in time Satsuki stopped being the enemy and Mako actually respects Satsuki.Or the part where Satsuki joins the supposed date between Ryuko and Mako. KLK doesn't have the network restrictions that LoK yet LoK was less ambiguous with its ending
Korra's Mako is potentially the trigger any way. What he's going to do when he finds out I have no idea. He'll probably just sleep under his desk.
Korra's Mako is potentially the trigger any way. What he's going to do when he finds out I have no idea. He'll probably just sleep under his desk.