Well I'm glad because:
I. I shipped it back during Book 2.
II. It has a very positive impact on LGBT representation in the media (which is seriously needed).
III. It does end with Asami and Korra both being happy (and well, Asami definitely deserved some happiness).
IV. Despite the relationship being poorly written IMO, I think they actually had the most chemistry out of any of the romances. I also think their relationship felt more normal and organic. So it made their feelings (even if subtle or not overt) at the end, feel a lot more real to me.
So yeah, I definitely have some major criticisms. Of course. But I still love Korrasami. I think my only gripe is, I'm kind of tired of how much it's dominated the discussion of the show. And I think it's Bryke's fault for making it the end, when it shouldn't have been the end. As a fan of the overall show, I feel so let down in many ways of what they did with the ending. But I'm torn, because I loved the Korrasami scene.
I guess that is TLOK in a nutshell (intense love for it, but also massive disappointment. The conflicted nature of the TLOK fan.
