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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Here's the article I've been mentioning: http://www.themarysue.com/legend-of-korra-ending-scene/

I've been going back and forth with myself on why exactly the ending of LoK made me as happy as it did regardless of the criticms I could find easily within it, the book itself, and the whole show it concludes. I think it's because there's actual representation of a minority group within a children's show on a network that had every ability to nix any sign of bisexuality.

That said, regardless of myself and others knowing full well the pairing was true at the end before Bryke both came out to reaffirm it, we all honestly felt there could've been more to build up it. Either to help some audience see where the 'crazy shippers' were coming from or to give folks who geninuely saw Korra and Asami compatible together some more tangible and concrete to see how close the two really were, there could've been more even if the two never kissed. Potentially, this would've been something sprinkled throughout the show in their own small three or four minute segments as opposed to this extravagant display of Korra and Asami at the end.

Them hugging or admitting they loved each other right before the colossus attack or something. Anything. When you think about it, if such a moment existed between the two characters, then the reception of Bryke's blog articles about Korrasami being canon wouldn't have been as big as it was, you know? Even I got hyped about it.

I can't say for sure if Nick censored Bryke's plans to have the two interact more intimately (they definitely were on par for the course, you'd think), but I think we should take into consideration that the writers shot themselves in the foot when they, again, decided they should make shorter books and write them with underwhelming stories for all four books.

Here's a part of the article I'll probably reference for a long time:

And here’s the biggest frustration with the finished result. Because while it’s clear to me that it’s not platonic, I wanted there to be no ambiguity. I wanted the writers and animators to have been able to include just one more detail to that moment to sell home that “This isn’t a fluke. This isn’t coincidence.” Of course to parallel A:TLA’s finale I’d want them to kiss in the last shot, but even a kiss on the cheek when they spoke at the wedding would have helped. Even an “I love you” from one to the other as they stepped into the portal (which the network could in good faith interpret as a platonic sort of love if they wanted to feign ignorance. Or, I don’t know, tell themselves the girls are cousins). Even just a little bit more to take away the naysayers. I feel like maybe we’re even missing a scene somewhere around the time of the clip show, something where Korra and Asami relay their feelings to each other but put it aside because they need to stop this dictator before anything else. Because everything is set up perfectly except for confirming each other’s feelings.

Yes, I interpret the intent of the last scene to be romantic and I respect the fans shouting to the heavens that it’s “100% canon” to describe that ending moment, but at the same time I don’t want LGBT+ fans settling on anything less than explicit because dang it, queer relationships deserve proper representation. This shouldn’t be the closest we get to explicit confirmation.

As both a minority (a black man) and a writer, that last paragraph notes something I've always wanted but never actually experienced. I've never looked at representation as being lackluster considering it happens so little, but the writer makes a damn good point IMO.

Well... did you see season 2?
She kinda dies and he has not relationship from there on. So he could easily get attracted to another boy. Maybe it's something they wanted to play with in season 3. :(

God I forgot how relentless YJ was with its characters.

*sigh* Season 3....

You know, I'm wondering if it's even worth putting a show on a network. Granted, I don't like RWBY but that show is popular enough without needing to be on any channel.


I know this is off topic. But you guys got me looking through my photos I took while I was in Japan last.

[B]Here are two pics I took in Kyoto. One of them was this random white Blossom tree:[/B]



[B]2 pics from Shinjuku Park:[/B]



[B]Another shot from Shinjuku. This couple walked into the frame of my picture, and I have no idea who they are. I actually didn't know they were in the shot until I got back and checked my pics. But yeah, stylish couple. :P[/B]


[B]Lastly, here is a pic I took of Ueno Park. It was right as the Cherry Blossom Festival stuff was starting to get under way. [/B]



[B]Bonus: random shot of Akiba. I didn't take too many pics here, because I dunno. Was just moe/anime everywhere. :P It was a fun place to visit, but yeah. [/B]



Don't ask questions when it comes to Talia and Bruce. There are no answers. It simply was.

Now, Bruce and Diana was something else. I really hate that they paired her off with Clark in the nu52.
Yeah, was pretty angry about that. But I was angry about a lot of things in the new52.

Bruce and Talia is great, especially that one Batman Beyond episode.
I think Bruce knew Diana would never allow him to just dump her and just sleep around randomly. You don't exactly ditch a woman that can throw a fucking school bus at you and flies. She'd be like Superman Returns' stalker Superman.
Diana has herself better under control than chief Beifong :p
Then again there was this elseworld comic where she and Superman had sex and accidentally created tidalwaves and other catastrophes. Comics are freaking weird.

God I forgot how relentless YJ was with its characters.

*sigh* Season 3....

You know, I'm wondering if it's even worth putting a show on a network. Granted, I don't like RWBY but that show is popular enough without needing to be on any channel.
They only had to try to make a serious kickstarter, but they only allowed some random guy to make indiegogo campaign that was so hidden, I didn't hear about it. And I am sure to look out for stuff I care about. I am sure we could at least get a special episode financed.
I know this is off topic. But you guys got me looking through my photos I took while I was in Japan last.
Looking good! Japan is beautiful.
I know this is off topic. But you guys got me looking through my photos I took while I was in Japan last.

[B]Here are two pics I took in Kyoto. One of them was this random white Blossom tree:[/B]



[B]2 pics from Shinjuku Park:[/B]



[B]Another shot from Shinjuku. This couple walked into the frame of my picture, and I have no idea who they are. I actually didn't know they were in the shot until I got back and checked my pics. But yeah, stylish couple. :P[/B]


[B]Lastly, here is a pic I took of Ueno Park. It was right as the Cherry Blossom Festival stuff was starting to get under way. [/B]



[B]Bonus: random shot of Akiba. I didn't take too many pics here, because I dunno. Was just moe/anime everywhere. :P It was a fun place to visit, but yeah. [/B]

The scenery is beautiful. Japan is definitely more at one with nature than some of the urban parts of America. Only thing missing is the shot of some random guy buying panties out of a vending machine.
Diana has herself better under control than chief Beifong :p
Then again there was this elseworld comic where she and Superman had sex and accidentally created tidalwaves and other catastrophes. Comics are freaking weird.
Tenzin would've never survived super powered Lin, they'd have to mop him up after the breakup. Comics are created by men appealing to the fantasies of perverted closeted geeks. Not saying all are like that but given how some of the higher up view and treat women within the same business it's not much of a stretch.


The scenery is beautiful. Japan is definitely more at one with nature than some of the urban parts of America. Only thing missing is the shot of some random guy buying panties out of a vending machine.

The one thing I do love about Tokyo, is that it really has a lot. Like, it has all the modern stuff. But it also has nature, and just really beautiful outdoor areas. It has temples and historical areas. So you really have everything. And the sub system connects it all, and makes it a breeze to get around. If you actually were able to get a good job, I think Tokyo would be a wonderful place to live. Just because you do have so many options.

Also the sushi is to die for there. Some of my favorite things were eating there. The ramen bars (these little old hold in the wall places), were so amazing. Also, when I was in Kyoto I went to this ramen bar that was playing Spirited Away's soundtrack in the background. Was surreal.


I know this is off topic. But you guys got me looking through my photos I took while I was in Japan last.

[B]Here are two pics I took in Kyoto. One of them was this random white Blossom tree:[/B]



[B]2 pics from Shinjuku Park:[/B]



[B]Another shot from Shinjuku. This couple walked into the frame of my picture, and I have no idea who they are. I actually didn't know they were in the shot until I got back and checked my pics. But yeah, stylish couple. :P[/B]


[B]Lastly, here is a pic I took of Ueno Park. It was right as the Cherry Blossom Festival stuff was starting to get under way. [/B]



[B]Bonus: random shot of Akiba. I didn't take too many pics here, because I dunno. Was just moe/anime everywhere. :P It was a fun place to visit, but yeah. [/B]


Gorgeous pics Azula.


Thanks guys. Wish you guys could come with me. Honestly, traveling in Japan is definitely much better if you have someone with you. It's a lot of fun. Maybe some day? I dunno. Would be cool if some of us could get together and do it.
The one thing I do love about Tokyo, is that it really has a lot. Like, it has all the modern stuff. But it also has nature, and just really beautiful outdoor areas. It has temples and historical areas. So you really have everything. And the sub system connects it all, and makes it a breeze to get around. If you actually were able to get a good job, I think Tokyo would be a wonderful place to live. Just because you do have so many options.

Also the sushi is to die for there. Some of my favorite things were eating there. The ramen bars (these little old hold in the wall places), were so amazing. Also, when I was in Kyoto I went to this ramen bar that was playing Spirited Away's soundtrack in the background. Was surreal.
All of this sounds like a lot of fun. After being in NYC I could use a break and just chill in something more relaxing. Would be great for a vacation.
Thanks guys. Wish you guys could come with me. Honestly, traveling in Japan is definitely much better if you have someone with you. It's a lot of fun. Maybe some day? I dunno. Would be cool if some of us could get together and do it.
This is why I don't travel much. I'm alone so it would just further depress me.


Thanks guys. Wish you guys could come with me. Honestly, traveling in Japan is definitely much better if you have someone with you. It's a lot of fun. Maybe some day? I dunno. Would be cool if some of us could get together and do it.

We can go to Japan!

And then we can get inspired to make our own series and pitch it to Nickelodeon (ha ha ha.)


We can go to Japan!

And then we can get inspired to make our own series and pitch it to Nickelodeon (ha ha ha.)

Why not. If you are seriously a writer, I would love to work on some stuff. Anyone on GAF that wants to do it, I'm always down. Just PM me. We could use google documents. Honestly, you never know if an idea will spark, and chemistry will fly between two writers. You could really have something. It's always worth a try.

I might be working in Japan a year from now. We'll see. :p

Awesome. If you do ever get down there, I'll eventually be there the time you would be there. We should go meet up.

EDIT: I actually still think it would be amazing, if a group of GAF people kind of saved up over time. And then went to Japan together as a group. Like, just put aside $100 a month. And set a goal for like a year from now. Or two years. And then do it. Would be so much fun, and would be a once in a life time kind of thing. Traveling Japan really is something else. That said, I know not everyone has money. And putting aside cash is easier said then done. I can dream though.


Why not. If you are seriously a writer, I would love to work on some stuff. Anyone on GAF that wants to do it, I'm always down. Just PM me. We could use google documents. Honestly, you never know if an idea will spark, and chemistry will fly between two writers. You could really have something. It's always worth a try.

Awesome. If you do ever get down there, I'll eventually be there the time you would be there. We should go meet up.

EDIT: I actually still think it would be amazing, if a group of GAF people kind of saved up over time. And then went to Japan together as a group. Like, just put aside $100 a month. And set a goal for like a year from now. Or two years. And then do it. Would be so much fun, and would be a once in a life time kind of thing. Traveling Japan really is something else. That said, I know not everyone has money. And putting aside cash is easier said then done. I can dream though.

That would be fun. Who knows what could happen down the line. God knows I need to get over there at some point and feel the culture as it breathes.


That would be fun. Who knows what could happen down the line. God knows I need to get over there at some point and feel the culture as it breathes.

Hit me up sometime. We don't need to go to Japan to write/collaborate. But yeah, would be awesome to someday do that.

Azula just watch the show, the unresolved ending~ is a basically a Marvel movie stinger. It's a great ride until then.

lol fine. I'm only going to Netflix it then. Don't feel like wasting money on this. :(

ALSO...if I get depressed over this, I blame you guys.
I'll be the guy in the back of the writer's room making sure your storytelling makes sense as I smh
Bryke needed Greg Weismann to whip them into shape...probably literally.
Azula just watch the show, the unresolved ending~ is a basically a Marvel movie stinger. It's a great ride until then.
Yeah seriously. 2 seasons of this is better than 4 seasons of Korra. At the very least you can experience some very competent villains that think shit out.


Lol, I already have Veelk as one of my own writing go to guy for asking his opinion.

Shit, the more the merrier!


That's great. I didn't know you write. Sheeeeeit. We need to get like a group of 4 people up in this, and come up with a great TV show and pitch it.

Some people work better by themselves though. And yeah, sometimes you can have too many cooks. BUT...I've always loved collaborating. I think it's a lot of fun to sit around and bounce ideas off others. Some of the best experiences I've had, is kind of just meeting with people and trying to create something together. Doing Skype calls, using google documents/hangout.

Having meetings to discuss.

Kind of reminds me of being a child again, and having that imagination run loose.

And once again the Thing saved the day!

Glad me watching it, is so important.


Bryke needed Greg Weismann to whip them into shape...probably literally.

Yeah seriously. 2 seasons of this is better than 4 seasons of Korra. At the very least you can experience some very competent villains that think shit out.
Calling Bryke out on writing AND physique.


Haha oh geez
I think you'll like this one Toa ha.

Why not. If you are seriously a writer, I would love to work on some stuff. Anyone on GAF that wants to do it, I'm always down. Just PM me. We could use google documents. Honestly, you never know if an idea will spark, and chemistry will fly between two writers. You could really have something. It's always worth a try.

Awesome. If you do ever get down there, I'll eventually be there the time you would be there. We should go meet up.

EDIT: I actually still think it would be amazing, if a group of GAF people kind of saved up over time. And then went to Japan together as a group. Like, just put aside $100 a month. And set a goal for like a year from now. Or two years. And then do it. Would be so much fun, and would be a once in a life time kind of thing. Traveling Japan really is something else. That said, I know not everyone has money. And putting aside cash is easier said then done. I can dream though.

That would be fun. Should definitely try and sort some sort of meetup in the future or something. Anyways i'm off to bed as its 4.30 in the morning here and i'm pretty annoyed that Everton lost yet again ugh.


That's great. I didn't know you write. Sheeeeeit. We need to get like a group of 4 people up in this, and come up with a great TV show and pitch it.

Some people work better by themselves though. And yeah, sometimes you can have too many cooks. BUT...I've always loved collaborating. I think it's a lot of fun to sit around and bounce ideas off others. Some of the best experiences I've had, is kind of just meeting with people and trying to create something together. Doing Skype calls, using google documents/hangout.

Having meetings to discuss.

Kind of reminds me of being a child again, and having that imagination run loose.

How long have you been writing?
That's great. I didn't know you write. Sheeeeeit. We need to get like a group of 4 people up in this, and come up with a great TV show and pitch it.

Some people work better by themselves though. And yeah, sometimes you can have too many cooks. BUT...I've always loved collaborating. I think it's a lot of fun to sit around and bounce ideas off others. Some of the best experiences I've had, is kind of just meeting with people and trying to create something together. Doing Skype calls, using google documents/hangout.

Having meetings to discuss.

Kind of reminds me of being a child again, and having that imagination run loose.

Glad me watching it, is so important.

Yup. I've been writing since 2006.

My first piece of writing was when I was in Eighth Grade and the Game Informer Issue describing Resistance: Fall of Man came out, in '06.

Backstory fascinated me and BAM. I was in the lunch room away from the other kids, in my spiral notebook, writing about Nathan Hale and his fight against the Chimera.

Ah, Memories.


How long have you been writing?

Since I was like 6. I don't write daily like I used to. And over the years, my writing ended up shifting to like critical analysis. I'm a decent writer when it comes to academic style writing (although my grammar can be poor). More so, I just meant I've always been good at essays/research.

But I love creative writing. Just saying, it's not something I've been doing regularly the past couple of years. But I do have a lot of experience with the screenplay format. It's probably why I write so much on these forums. Sometimes my posts are really massive. But I've just always loved writing and expressing my thoughts. Plus, it helps that I type like 140 words per minute lol. So I am able to hammer out a lot of stuff fairly quickly.


If you guys want to watch an awesome show without the fear of it ending, you can always start up on One Piece if you have free time!



Over 600 episodes and can't find any decent GIFs.


I find it helps to write something every week.

Granted, I haven't written anything in a month due to job hunting and working on code screening assignments. I usually write journal/diary entries or short stories.

I think I've started a novel like a hundred times. Having a macbook that opens up every damn document when you turn the machine on is a constant reminder of this.

I never did finish Season 4 of Buffy. I don't know why. I liked it, too.


Why not. If you are seriously a writer, I would love to work on some stuff. Anyone on GAF that wants to do it, I'm always down. Just PM me. We could use google documents. Honestly, you never know if an idea will spark, and chemistry will fly between two writers. You could really have something. It's always worth a try.

Awesome. If you do ever get down there, I'll eventually be there the time you would be there. We should go meet up.

EDIT: I actually still think it would be amazing, if a group of GAF people kind of saved up over time. And then went to Japan together as a group. Like, just put aside $100 a month. And set a goal for like a year from now. Or two years. And then do it. Would be so much fun, and would be a once in a life time kind of thing. Traveling Japan really is something else. That said, I know not everyone has money. And putting aside cash is easier said then done. I can dream though.

I'll keep that in mind, since I adore writing.


Buffy nosedived after Season 3.

Angel is awesome, mind.

Also, I love writing too. I have a BA in it, and an MA is on its way. I'd like to think I'm pretty decent at it. :)


Done my fair share of writing. It's in my blood. I couldn't make it go away, even if I wanted to. Every other day I don't write because I'm busy with my other crafts, I get these urges to write, and I have to go and do it.

And it makes me really happy, so that's a plus.
Angel is equally awesome.
I feel the show had better character arcs than Buffy, but I'd really have to rewatch Buffy since I really haven't seen it since the original air dates so that was a long time ago. Especially when it comes to everything post season 3 since I've probably only watched most of those once.


Buffy is really raw in the early goings. It was really spectacular for its time, its place in television, but earlier on it was definitely... yeah, raw. Some awesome episodes though, and the character chemistry is pretty wonderful.
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