You can't out man a Bei Fong, just ask Bataar Sr.Damn. Would pay for Young Tenzin/Lin flashbacks.
You can't out man a Bei Fong, just ask Bataar Sr.Damn. Would pay for Young Tenzin/Lin flashbacks.
You post more received stuff than I do. I talk about sexuality but I may as well be Zoidberg with a tumblr lol.
Well, that and post a bunch of great fanart, doing god's work by filtering out the bad art.
The cool thing about Unalaq was that he wasn't written to grandstand on some political agenda. He just wanted power.
He was basically a waterbending Ozai. I also don't recall him flaking or having their character ruined by the end unlike the other three villains. He just became super duper and died like any reliable villain would do in any modest series.
Bryke had no business writing Amon or Zaheer since that was 2deep4them. Kuvira was a nice middle ground sans the orphan shit.
wtf I just praised Book 2 for something.
You can't out man a Bei Fong, just ask Bataar Sr.
I lost all respect for the man when Lin was rescuing him and he was wailing like a crybaby leading them to getting caught.![]()
He knew what the business was.
I don't think the things you post are bad, and the some of the fan art is cool, I'm just really sick of the total domination of Korrasami in terms of conversation. Keep in mind, that domination is not being blamed on you at all, but it is part of the reason I started posting so many gifs. Just changing it up a bit. Besides, we had some nice talk going about comparing the different Books as wholes. It was nice.
Yep. Korrasami dominating all discussion of the series, just shows how messed up this fan base is, and how messed up the writing was. It shows how shallow the overall writing was in this show, and what people really cared about. I mean, there is so much wrong with the finale and the overall series, and yet people only care about Korrasami. Even if people don't think the finale had issues or the series had overall problems. The show was not Korrasami. And at best, it was a side relationship that only barely got introduced in Book 3 (and wasn't even close to a main focus of Book 4. It legit had almost no screen time).
So that people are satisfied with everything solely because Korrasami, and it's what the show is being 100% defined by....it's a big let down, to be quite honest.
And this is coming from someone that loves Korrasami. Who shipped them back in Book 2. Who dreamed about them being together. Who thinks the actual Spirit Portal scene is beautiful. But that, it's what everything is about now, I just find baffling.
Why even watch the show, if the world of avatar (the characters, the mythology, the themes)...didn't matter and all you cared about was about romance. I dunno. I don't get it. I also think Bryke are super lazy, and really just copped out of finishing up the series properly. They knew this is what would set off the fan base, and what would dominate the discussion. I really think they just gave up (ran out of ideas), and used Korrasami as their ace in the hole to kind of fix all their Book 4 issues.
I lost all respect for the man when Lin was rescuing him and he was wailing like a crybaby leading them to getting caught.
Pretty much how I felt.
I have a thing against heights as well. Lin should have just gagged the guy or do one of those anime knock out punches and then flung him over.Well, I do understand, but as a guy not too fond of heights, I sympathize.
And here I was thinking Mako was the sperm donor.Welp, the Korrasami fan art has reached this point faster than I thought it would lol. Before anyone loses their shit, the kids are adopted, no biological mumbo jumbo was involved here
Can I also say that the artist is amazing,
I'm ok with this.
Welp, the Korrasami fan art has reached this point faster than I thought it would lol. Before anyone loses their shit, the kids are adopted, no biological mumbo jumbo was involved here
Can I also say that the artist is amazing,
I'm ok with this.
Azula said:Man, I hate Book 2. But it had some pretty sweet fighting scenes.
I kind of with they would have went into more depth, with the family aspect of the plot. Like the really painful/bad blood between Korra's sad and Unalaq. Korra feeling absolutely gutted at her uncle having her trust, and using her (and wanting to kill her).
I almost find it odd that, Korra wasn't broken like she was after Book 3, by having a relative want to kill her. I mean, Korra didn't really seem to react too much after the events of Book 2. Well, she was bummed about the spirit connections being lost. And she was trying to find her next purpose after Republic City didn't want her there anymore. But I dunno. It's like damn, your own flesh and blood wanted you dead.
Is smh "shaking my head" or "so much hate"?
I agree on the principle that Korrasami shouldn't be the only thing talked about. But I am also in the camp that genuinely loved Book 4 for the most part and finale overall.
Welp, the Korrasami fan art has reached this point faster than I thought it would lol. Before anyone loses their shit, the kids are adopted, no biological mumbo jumbo was involved here
Can I also say that the artist is amazing, I thought it was an official picture for a moment.
He would just be adding one more L to that trophy case.
Unalaq had a better overall story (even if it was worse in terms of execution). But Kuvira had a better design and fighting technique. Unalaq was just a generic design and was a moustache twirling villain with a bland design.
I guess I can see why Kuviras stoic personality came off bland though to some
This is Avatar. I'm sure Korra can spirit bend or some shit to make her preggars.
Kids are adopted? YEAH RIGHT
But holy cheese that's pretty amazing art.
He would just be adding one more L to that trophy case.
Romance is easy to talk about, especially one with such intrigue beyond the show's universe. Besides, there's been a range of topics discussed in this thread since the finale. I don't find the Korrasami stuff overbearing or dominating discussion at all.
The most common refrain of this thread has been taking turns chastising Mike and Bryan, and Nick.
I posted that mary sue article about Korrasami and the space to possibly critique it in a way that benefits folks who are happy about representation, but that got ignored :/
Romance is easy to talk about, especially one with such intrigue beyond the show's universe. Besides, there's been a range of topics discussed in this thread since the finale. I don't find the Korrasami stuff overbearing or dominating discussion at all.
The most common refrain of this thread has been taking turns chastising Mike and Bryan, and Nick.
Romance is easy to talk about, especially one with such intrigue beyond the show's universe. Besides, there's been a range of topics discussed in this thread since the finale. I don't find the Korrasami stuff overbearing or dominating discussion at all.
The most common refrain of this thread has been taking turns chastising Mike and Bryan, and Nick.
I guess. Maybe he'll shack up with the anti Korra when she gets out of prison. Given his lingering feelings for Korra he's a bit of a masochist, it could work.Yo, I thought some magical bullshit happened too, until I read the artists blog, turnws out to be just simple adoption lol
But yeah, this is probably the best Korrasami fanart I've seen, it looks like something you'd see Bryke themselves come up with.
Dude has been screwed over too much, Bryke have to go easy on him now.
I put them around the same, I dont think the design of Kuvira is anything special either, her battle style is much better, for the two times she fights, but at least we know what Unalaq was, an evil, power hungry sadistic bastard, but who the hell is Kuvira ? a dictator with good intentions, or a power hungry racist ?
Whats the deal with the labor camps? or the " i always get what i want" or her attitude when she fights Korra the first time? why kidnap Wu? why not use her firebender and waterbender citizens as weapons, instead of whatever she does?
When I first saw season two I seriously thought Unaloq was Tarlock.When I say design, I just liked her uniform and her bending style. The whole religious/robe water tribe look, didn't do anything for me. And also Unalaq like actual look (his face) was just kind of meh to me.
I do. It's literally the majority of all people talk about. Also, Trey you disagree with me on everything. Christ balls. I've never met someone that is lock in step against everything I say. Lol
I know the feeling mate.
Here's something to make you a feel a bit better
Here's the article I've been mentioning: http://www.themarysue.com/legend-of-korra-ending-scene/
I've been going back and forth with myself on why exactly the ending of LoK made me as happy as it did regardless of the criticms I could find easily within it, the book itself, and the whole show it concludes. I think it's because there's actual representation of a minority group within a children's show on a network that had every ability to nix any sign of bisexuality.
That said, regardless of myself and others knowing full well the pairing was true at the end before Bryke both came out to reaffirm it, we all honestly felt there could've been more to build up it. Either to help some audience see where the 'crazy shippers' were coming from or to give folks who geninuely saw Korra and Asami compatible together some more tangible and concrete to see how close the two really were, there could've been more even if the two never kissed. Potentially, this would've been something sprinkled throughout the show in their own small three or four minute segments as opposed to this extravagant display of Korra and Asami at the end.
Them hugging or admitting they loved each other right before the colossus attack or something. Anything. When you think about it, if such a moment existed between the two characters, then the reception of Bryke's blog articles about Korrasami being canon wouldn't have been as big as it was, you know? Even I got hyped about it.
I can't say for sure if Nick censored Bryke's plans to have the two interact more intimately (they definitely were on par for the course, you'd think), but I think we should take into consideration that the writers shot themselves in the foot when they, again, decided they should make shorter books and write them with underwhelming stories for all four books.
Here's a part of the article I'll probably reference for a long time:
And heres the biggest frustration with the finished result. Because while its clear to me that its not platonic, I wanted there to be no ambiguity. I wanted the writers and animators to have been able to include just one more detail to that moment to sell home that This isnt a fluke. This isnt coincidence. Of course to parallel A:TLAs finale Id want them to kiss in the last shot, but even a kiss on the cheek when they spoke at the wedding would have helped. Even an I love you from one to the other as they stepped into the portal (which the network could in good faith interpret as a platonic sort of love if they wanted to feign ignorance. Or, I dont know, tell themselves the girls are cousins). Even just a little bit more to take away the naysayers. I feel like maybe were even missing a scene somewhere around the time of the clip show, something where Korra and Asami relay their feelings to each other but put it aside because they need to stop this dictator before anything else. Because everything is set up perfectly except for confirming each others feelings.
Yes, I interpret the intent of the last scene to be romantic and I respect the fans shouting to the heavens that its 100% canon to describe that ending moment, but at the same time I dont want LGBT+ fans settling on anything less than explicit because dang it, queer relationships deserve proper representation. This shouldnt be the closest we get to explicit confirmation.
As both a minority (a black man) and a writer, that last paragraph notes something I've always wanted but never actually experienced. I've never looked at representation as being lackluster considering it happens so little, but the writer makes a damn good point IMO.
Well... did you see season 2?She kinda dies and he has not relationship from there on. So he could easily get attracted to another boy. Maybe it's something they wanted to play with in season 3.
God I forgot how relentless YJ was with its characters.
*sigh* Season 3....
You know, I'm wondering if it's even worth putting a show on a network. Granted, I don't like RWBY but that show is popular enough without needing to be on any channel.
We probably agree on 90 percent of things about this show and this community. People tend to give more weight to the disagreements, as they stick out more.
Similar to how it feels like Korrasami is talked about a lot, because you recall the discussion surrounding that more readily than the stuff about the animation being good, Nick sucks, order of the seasons, Mako got shafted, Mike and Bryan suck, KorraGAF goes to Japan, KorraGAF goes to NY/SDCC, Young Justice, order of the villains, etc. (all of this was discussed over the last 24 hours; I'm probably forgetting more).
It'd make for a good conversation afterwards. lolI have a thing against heights as well. Lin should have just gagged the guy or do one of those anime knock out punches and then flung him over.
He is truly the lightning. The rain transformed.Mako still the true hero of the series. Dude was done dirty by Bryke so badly.
When I first saw season two I seriously thought Unaloq was Tarlock.
We probably agree on 90 percent of things about this show and this community. People tend to give more weight to the disagreements, as they stick out more.
Similar to how it feels like Korrasami is talked about a lot, because you recall the discussion surrounding that more readily than the stuff about the animation being good, Nick sucks, order of the seasons, Mako got shafted, Mike and Bryan suck, KorraGAF goes to Japan, KorraGAF goes to NY/SDCC, Young Justice, order of the villains, etc. (all of this was discussed over the last 24 hours; I'm probably forgetting more).
stop it with these book 1 gifs. That's the most depressing book for how much potential it had ;_;
Fuck now I'm depressed at what Korra could have been.
Korrasami dominated the first few days since the finale but by midweek there was a lot more discussion on how awful book 4 was.
So basically we either keep talking about Korrasami or talk about how awful book 4 was. Or post fanart of what the show could have been.
Bring on the awesome fanart for my headcanon!
LoK could have been a lot of things. A tragedy(Books 1 to 3) where a sheltered Avatar only had one dream and one meaning to her existence, to live up to the legacy of the past avatars. Only in the end left crippled and broken, seeing her existence became moot before her eyes. Or perhaps a neat summery of the Interwar period (1920s - 1930s), a great shift ideology and destruction of ancien regimes. A great many number of things LoK could have been...
Disagreements are bound to happen. That's the largest reason I stuck around in this community, because many viewpoints differed from mine. It allowed me to expand my critical lense of the show; it also allowed me to appreciate the fair amount of things Korra does right all throughout its run.
I'm ok with this.
It'd make for a good conversation afterwards. lol
He is truly the lightning. The rain transformed.
I know the feeling mate.
Here's something to make you a feel a bit better
Welp, the Korrasami fan art has reached this point faster than I thought it would lol. Before anyone loses their shit, the kids are adopted, no biological mumbo jumbo was involved here