My opinion on the wolves in this game (in regards to them in Milton during Wintermute, and Stalker level survival) is this:
When I played this game in EA a couple of years ago, I didn't see many wolves. But when I did, it was terrifying. I feel like I remember them being less aggressive. You would see one or two occasionally nearby, or on the periphery of your vision; just enough to make you fear them. I remember finding a rifle in a cabin during EA and seeing a wolf way out in the distance, and I didn't even bother going the way it was. They were something that was always there in the back of your mind. They felt more like they were stalking you, which is significantly scarier (especially the lower you get on supplies) than how it is now.
****slight early story location spoilers below****
The problem with how they are now, particularly in Wintermute, is that right from the jump you are practically thrown into a literal wolves den. They are everywhere fifteen minutes into the story growling, charging you, killing you, etc. You see so many wolves in the first hour of the story mode, you almost become desensitized. For me, the first few wolves induced sheer terror. Trying to run from car to car across the bridge, hoping I'd make it before it caught me. But then you get to the Church/outskirts of Milton and there are so many Wolves, and all of them charge at you, and I died repeatedly to them. This happened so much so early that seeing a wolf went from a moment of panic to how I feel now when I see one, which is just annoyed that they are there because it means I am going to have to get a light source out, and deal with them growling at me forever until they get bored/I go inside.
I think that's a problem for one of the (two?) threatening wildlife "enemies" in the game. from a game design standpoint. Bears, on the other hand, seem to be handled like the wolves used to be. I have only seen them a couple of times, and it's been off in the distance. One charged me and I had to hide in a car, and then it walked away. I am terrified of bears. Wolves are just a pain in the ass, and that's unfortunate to me.