Hopefully I'm not missing anything, but is there any easy way to harvest multiple things from an item? I have 30 cloth, and it'd be great if I could just harvest a certain number of bandages from that cloth instead of having to do it one at a time.
That's what I figured, but it would be a nice way to spend a day (well...maybe not IRL haha), just sitting inside by the fire making bandages or breaking down mats.Don't think so..I mean it takes 30+ minutes to cook harvested meat from a rabbit...
This game seems hard - too hard for me.
LOVE the concept - how different is it from a year ago? I may need to pick this up.
It's hard, but it's also something I think you can 'learn'. Unlike other 'hard' games like Souls that rely on your reflexes and precision. I don't think there's an ability barrier here, just time and patience.
Survival mode is still very similar, though there may have been a new region or two added since you last played. Lot of stuff just been polished and tweaked, it really does feel like a final product now. And of course there's Story Mode which is way meatier than I was expecting, in terms of length.
Speaking of survival, booted up a new file and this is the first sight that greeted me
Crashes on PS4 still present, and happening so frequently it's starting to be really annoying have to re-do progress.![]()
Welp, looks like I'm screwed, both the last save and checkpoint get me killed within 5 minutes. Damn save system in this game, just let me save when I want.
Got to restart from start.
EDIT: Maybe I'll do Survival Mode until some patches are out.
They did say they're doing some balance and checkpoint tweaks
What part are you at?
* Improvements to checkpointing to help avoid getting into a low-Condition death spiral
* Buffed the Condition-restoration boost when player reloads after Death
Is the game beatable or is it just survive till you die?
Played a couple of hours yesterday and as I've played quite a bit of sand box most of it is like teaching grandmother to suck eggs at the moment.
The story scenes were pretty woeful I thought, very similar in feel to Firewatch with regard to the dialogue, which is fine, but I feel like this sort of tone is applied to too many game stories lately. Anyway, I got stuck in a car with a wolf outside and left it there as I was for sure going to be torn to pieces.
Is this a new area for the story mode? It didn't feel like id seen these areas before.
I'm guessing the story mode is beatable. Sandbox (which is the real meat of the game) is very much survive til you die
I wish I'd bought this when it was early access and on sale now!
Bear in mind that in Sandbox mode there is a tipping point where survival transitions from an hour to hour affair to a more "relaxing" pace of week to week, etc. Once you establish a base of operations and familiarize yourself with the surrounding maps, you can settle into a more confident Exploration style of gameplay.
It's why there's an Achievement for 500 Days in Survival mode.
The wolves can be such a fucking annoyance. I hold a lit flare into their face and they don't run away? I THROW a lit flare at them and they attack me? Fucking infuriating.
There were tips for dealing with them on a previous page, you can also drop bait.
I've had pretty good luck at scaring them off, I make sure I face them and move the torch around a bit and it usually does the trick.
I think they're a bit too plentiful though, I'd be ok with them being even more dangerous if it meant you ran into them much more rarely. As it is it feels like it's every area now and it's killing the flow a bit.
I tried to find the tips on the last page but couldn't, all I found was the bait option but I don't even know how to get bait to begin with.
There's mix messages on wolves, some people say throwing torches works, other says it doesn't then people say to drop the torch and line it up with the wolves head until he runs into it and runs away.
Can someone please, very clearly, explain how to deter wolves? ...because it's hit or miss right now for me.
I think it's supposed to be hit and miss. I've had the best luck with angling the torch down a bit so it's pointed right at them then kind of lunging forward when I get close to them.
Your best bet is still going to be to avoid or run.
In the case of the road there's enough cars you can probably sprint from one to the next and take shelter in each until the wolf wanders away a bit.
I'd suggest taking a look at hinterlandforums.com, there's a lot of activity and advice there right now on the Wintermute board
PC definitely has some sort of mouse acceleration going on, I cannot play with it, I just won't be able to enjoy it.
Until they add mouse accel toggle, I'm out.
Also, why is there a 120FPS cap? My 144hz needs all them FPS's mang.
Oh man, that's an awesome find! Will definitely try this when I get home, thanks for posting.
I've been scouring reddit/gaf/official forums/steam discussions about mouse accel and there really isn't many people talking about it or posting any solution.
Thanks again!
You're welcome, not sure if it will work for you but I saw a few threads and everyone said it helped so it's worth a shot.
Its weird that I didn't have to do this and mine feels fine. I'm on Windows 10 if that makes a difference.
Yeah, I did it during my lunch break and it didn't work
Also on windows 10, but I have a 144hz monitor with gsync enabled... maybe that's the reason.
Have you tried forcing v-sync off in the Nvidia CP?
I don't know exactly, but it's low. Doesn't seem like there is any pro support. Jaggies everywhere. Considering the resolution and general sparse lo-fi aesthetic, you'd think it would run easily at 60fps, but it doesn't do that either.Resolution on the Pro?
I don't know exactly, but it's low. Doesn't seem like there is any pro support. Jaggies everywhere. Considering the resolution and general sparse lo-fi aesthetic, you'd think it would run easily at 60fps, but it doesn't do that either.
The game design may be good, but it's a technical mess.
Can someone please, very clearly, explain how to deter wolves? ...because it's hit or miss right now for me.
Strip naked and stab them to death. Your clothes don't get torn up and you get some nice wolf pelts and fresh meat!
I mean, you can do it that way, provided you have materials to heal up afterwards or mend your clothing and your condition is ok going into such an encounter. Honestly, that's what I've been doing more often in story mode so far since I find the wolves more annoying than anything when you're trying to carefully maneuver around them all the time.
It's just annoying how often they respawn after you kill them. I wish they were maybe a finite number of them in a set area but they were more deadly- that way killing them would feel like more of an accomplishment and you'd get a better reward out of it long term.
Thanks, I kind of regret buying this seeing how slow the patches are to come to PS4. I got emotional and wanted to support a Canadian Dev and the Canadian Media Fund but, fuck, this needs patches...
I'll keep on playing Survival until at least Patch 1 and 2 hit PS4 then hit the story mode again...
Patch 1/2/3 combined went live for PS4 last night.
I'll try and find the notes
Patch 1/2/3 combined went live for PS4 last night.
I'll try and find the notes
Save files are disappearing on survival mode! Lost 3 of them and more than 30 hours played... I'm done with this game until you guys fix this issue.
I hope lost all your game progress be more important to fix than a floating grey mother neckless or radios playing music without aurora.
In love with the game but how can you guys release it full of bugs? Seems like it still on early acess test... anyway, hoping a fix soon before giving up about trying and lost all progress.
Damn, must have gone up right after I finished my play session. Thanks for the heads up!
Seems to be an issue with latest patches on PS4:
From what I've seen on the forum and Twitter it looks like in the rush to patch it there might be a versioning issue, patch notes say 1.04 but in game says 1.03, so it's not erasing saves but technically it's not detecting them.
Either way it seems like if you're on PS4 it might be a good idea to stick to survival for now and get more experienced with the mechanics, hopefully Story Mode is smoothed out in a few days.
I definitely feel for you guyshavent run into any issues on PC but have played my share of buggy games and it's super frustrating
Hello community,
We've issued our first patch for PS4, which includes all the fixes from Patches 1-3 (basically, everything we've fixed over the past 48 hours). This brings the PS4 version to 1.03 (32306).
The Long Dark -- Playstation 4 -- Patch 1 + 2 + 3
* Added missing translations for Trust dialogue
* Fixed issue with some books disappearing when dropped
* Improvements to checkpointing to help avoid getting into a low-Condition death spiral
* Buffed the Condition-restoration boost when player reloads after Death
* Added a Bedroll to the Cave after the Crash Site in "Survival of the Fittest". This can be used to Save your Game.
* Removed requirement to drink Rosehip Tea in Survival Bowl; it is now an optional objective
* Fixed issue with Rifle Cleaning Kit disappearing after reloading a save
* Fixed issue with environment geo near the Climbing Park section in Milton
* Fixed various cases where audio could cut out
* Fixed locked controls when throwing a stone and picking up a rabbit at the same time
* Fixed floating necklace when speaking with Grey Mother
* General cinematics polish
* Fixed scrollbar issue when transferring items to NPCs
* Fixed place object shader so objects tint correctly over decals
* Fixed issue with radios playing music when aurora isnt present
* Fixed save/restore issue that could result in missing loot in scenes when reloading from a checkpoint. This bug was preventing some quests from being completable after reload.
* Fixed issue that could cause player to spawn on top of a campfire in "Survival of the Fittest". It should now be impossible to place a fire and then spawn on it the following day.
* Memory optimizations to reduce chance of crashing
* Added some more tools in Milton.
* Fixed issue with Wolf AI not fleeing correctly when the player throws a lit Flare, Torch, or Stone at it.
* Fixed issues that preventing the WINTERMUTE soundtrack from playing correctly; you should now hear more music as you explore the world.
* Modified Fire objective on Day 3 of "Survival of the Fittest" to track how long fire has been burning, vs how long it will burn.
* Fixed issue where unlocked Crafting Blueprints could carry over to a New game.
* Fixed issue with Condition tutorial triggering after every death. It will now only trigger once.
* Add some missing subtitles.
* Fixed issue with Map Marker not clearing after retrieving Distress Pistol in "Light Up the Night".
* Fixed issue with Echoes of Astrid objective marker appearing during Grey Mother mission set
* Fixed floating campfire in Milton.
* Fixed issue where looping Wolf "feeding" sounds remained even when the Wolf AI was absent.
* Fixed issue where feeding Wolves could face the player while still playing feeding animation.
* Fixed issue where Wolves would sometimes not go into their Hold Ground AI state when approached with a Flare or Torch.
* Fixed issue with map icon showing up for some Stone spawn regions.
* Fixed issue where player could get stuck on geometry in Milton.
* Added missing audio for picking up Astrid's Hardcase on Day 4.
* Added additional checkpointing in Ep1 and Ep2.
* Tuned Antiseptic so that one dose is sufficient to treat Infection Risk.