Just drove home through this shit. I want to bugger all you team winter guys.
Holy shit rocket league best game you never played this year.
Holy shit rocket league best game you never played this year.
Holy shit rocket league best game you never played this year.
Holy shit rocket league best game you never played this year.
my Super Mario Maker level is the best game you never played bruh
Yeah but that isn't Trails in the Sky SC or Trails of Cold Steel
Yeah but it's not Emily is Away
Edit: On a similar note, KnightHart how is ToCS? I just got the SE in the mail today (finally) but haven't booted it up yet
15 hours in and I'm enjoying it. The first few hours are deceptively anime as hell, and then it apparently descends into Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue with great character development later in the game. I actually enjoy it enough that I'm considering buying it again on Vita (got the PS3 SE) because I want to play it in full comfy-mode in my bed.
Holy shit rocket league best game you never played this year.
Freezing rain warning. Everyone charge all their things!
sounds good
i'm probably only ever gonna play it on my Vita at home, since my subway rides are dedicated to either sleeping or playing FFTactics. ToCS looks so interesting though. never got through the ToTS yet either
I keep on saying this but I need to get this game.
I'm always scared of playing my Vita or N3DS on the train. I keep thinking someones just gonna grab it from my hands. I did see someone playing Senran Kagura on his Vita on the train one time and that was a weird sighting.
Working from home this week. Fuck this shit.I wonder if Kuro is alive
Yeah shit the snow blowing against the window is creepy as hell. Like I've forgotten about those windy winter nights that make me glad to be indoors at home.
Yes...! YES!Rain today. See all you team winter guys next year.![]()
Seriously how much snow did you guys get? There was barely any in my area. Maybe like 3cm
I'll be back to 30 degree weather in a few weeks. SayonaraToronto GAFasians!
30 degress? you wish bruh
30 degress? you wish bruh
Yes it is. I'll be catching some rays until May comes when I switch my speedo for jeans and a hoody to survive the numbing winter of 15 degree highs.Isn't it summer down there? I'm jellyFrozen jelly that is, the best kind, but still jelly.
Got like a couple inches here
I ran out of money after taking Harley outThey have gift cards. Get two gifts cards for me and your wife.