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Toronto-Age |OT4| Molested by a Burger Priest

Yeah but it's not Emily is Away

Edit: On a similar note, KnightHart how is ToCS? I just got the SE in the mail today (finally) but haven't booted it up yet

15 hours in and I'm enjoying it. The first few hours are deceptively anime as hell, and then it apparently descends into Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue with great character development later in the game. I actually enjoy it enough that I'm considering buying it again on Vita (got the PS3 SE) because I want to play it in full comfy-mode in my bed.


15 hours in and I'm enjoying it. The first few hours are deceptively anime as hell, and then it apparently descends into Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue with great character development later in the game. I actually enjoy it enough that I'm considering buying it again on Vita (got the PS3 SE) because I want to play it in full comfy-mode in my bed.

sounds good
i'm probably only ever gonna play it on my Vita at home, since my subway rides are dedicated to either sleeping or playing FFTactics. ToCS looks so interesting though. never got through the ToTS yet either
sounds good
i'm probably only ever gonna play it on my Vita at home, since my subway rides are dedicated to either sleeping or playing FFTactics. ToCS looks so interesting though. never got through the ToTS yet either

I'm always scared of playing my Vita or N3DS on the train. I keep thinking someones just gonna grab it from my hands. I did see someone playing Senran Kagura on his Vita on the train one time and that was a weird sighting.


I'm always scared of playing my Vita or N3DS on the train. I keep thinking someones just gonna grab it from my hands. I did see someone playing Senran Kagura on his Vita on the train one time and that was a weird sighting.

im afraid to take any electronic out on the train, which is why I mainly sleep on TTC, unless there's a ton of people (like rushhour)
my friend was with her two girlfriends, looking at her portfolio on her macbook, and one dude ran by them, grabbed it and jumped out the doors before they closed. also heard stories from friends where their friend's phones got robbed similarly on the trains


Yeah shit the snow blowing against the window is creepy as hell. Like I've forgotten about those windy winter nights that make me glad to be indoors at home.
That was a pain in the ass to walk through. Basically walked down the empty downtown Guelph roads to get my bus. Would've needed a canoe to get to the sidewalk, all slushy and gross.


Man it was an adventure getting to work this morning, looks like they didn't plow at all. Dead set of lights followed by a flooded section of road, I've seen enough flood animated gifs to know not to mess with the latter and tried my best to stay out of the water.

Yeah shit the snow blowing against the window is creepy as hell. Like I've forgotten about those windy winter nights that make me glad to be indoors at home.

My brother's house up north was the best place for spooky video games late at night. I'd end up staying there for 1-2 months when he was out on business and needed someone to take care of his great dane. Just me and the dog in this little house in the middle of the pitch black woods, wind and snow blowing across the river with the wood stove going. Kinda easy to get stranded though, he lives down a long stretch of road with nobody on it.
What is this weather. There's snow everywhere and it's raining. I'm climbing over mounds of snow and jumping over massive puddles. It's like team warm and team cold hate fucked and birthed the devil.

I was momentarily slowed trying to navigate a snow pile where someone had randomly plowed only part of the sidewalk, and this car just fucking floors it through a massive puddle on the side of the street. I just froze, and my jaw dropped. There was nothing I could do. I'm over six feet tall, and I was looking UP at this shit. It was like a massive tidal wave coming out of nowhere, and it nearly rocked me off my fucking feet. I closed my idiot, gaping mouth and managed to start a bracing spin at the last moment, but what was the point? I'm drenched, head to toe.

This has been one of the most massive FML moments ever.
I have the day off today, but wow that was one of the roughest sleeps ive had in a while. The constant shit banging against my window for like 3 hours straight didn't help. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TEAM WINTER?

N° 2048

Well people wanted snow, they got it.

Bet it wasn't what they were expecting and now they have to shovel.

Which no one does. Just me and one other neighbor did it this morning.



This icy, rain-soaked snow is an absolute nightmare to shovel. All I had to do was the bit at the end of the driveway and I'm completely exhausted.

Fully blame #TeamWarm for this
30 degress? you wish bruh

Isn't it summer down there? I'm jelly :( Frozen jelly that is, the best kind, but still jelly.
Yes it is. I'll be catching some rays until May comes when I switch my speedo for jeans and a hoody to survive the numbing winter of 15 degree highs.

💩😺👴👩👨🙆🙌🙋🎶🎸🐶🐢. 🌚🐖🐒🐧👍🐇🐑🐣🐼🐨🐵🐻🐽


We just had a small earthquake here in Vancouver about an hour ago. There was no damage, but it lasted a few seconds and it got my heart racing.


come in my shame circle
Any of you lovely people live/have lived down on Queens Quay area?

I'm possibly looking at that area to move into.
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