Hmmm. Interesting little incident this morning.
So people who have taken the streetcars regularly have likely run into the fare enforcement officers once or twice. I've actually never seen them do anything since nobody has gotten caught.
This morning though, a man who looked homeless and seemed like he had some mental problems got caught and I had a front row seat; I was literally sitting across from him. The enforcement officers were pretty friendly and sat down and listened to the guy go on about how he had just gone to get something to eat and how he just got back from the cemetery and how his brother died after being high af and passing out on some tracks and getting cut in two. Anyways, the enforcement officer asked for his ID and said they were getting off at the next stop and that he'd write him a fine. The thing is, what is this fine going to do...? It's not as if he can get his driver's suspended or give him trouble for getting a loan or even stop him from getting back on the TTC in the future.