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Twitch Plays Pokemon Community Thread: We're Here Forever


So we deposited dome, deposited the owl, then released the banette (lol), but then stupidly withdraw the dome. Seriously? Do these people not understand pokemon or do they honestly think an Ariados is worth anything? Hopefully we can catch some pokemon now that make up for the wasted slot on our team.

Edit: No, of course not. Back to the PC!


Got a Hippopotas and a Flaaffy. Watch us box/release them in frustration against Will, only for the rest of the E4 to turn out to be Rock and Water.


I've been busy the last few days and haven't watched since we caught the Groudon. Somebody please tell me that it's locked away in the PC and we'll attempt some sort of rescue operation soonish.


I've been busy the last few days and haven't watched since we caught the Groudon. Somebody please tell me that it's locked away in the PC and we'll attempt some sort of rescue operation soonish.





I've been busy the last few days and haven't watched since we caught the Groudon. Somebody please tell me that it's locked away in the PC and we'll attempt some sort of rescue operation soonish.

He's at a farm really far away where he can be happy and frolic with other mailmen.


Nice to wake up and see that the whole team was not boxed, we even kept the "big 3".
Those additions seem decent if we get lucky and get our mons evolved. Ariadome is weak but at least it has a good moveset for now.

It seems that at least some of them will go with the PC shuffle soon, I hope we can keep the essential mons (and the spider).

Edit: Spider boxed but the other 3 have mail, yay : )


So we deposited dome, deposited the owl, then released the banette (lol), but then stupidly withdraw the dome. Seriously? Do these people not understand pokemon or do they honestly think an Ariados is worth anything? Hopefully we can catch some pokemon now that make up for the wasted slot on our team.

Edit: No, of course not. Back to the PC!
We used an Azumarill without Huge Power for most of Emerald. I think we're long past the point of caring about how useful a Pokemon's stats are.


We used an Azumarill without Huge Power for most of Emerald. I think we're long past the point of caring about how useful a Pokemon's stats are.
This pretty much, but to be honest we really need all the good mons we can get to beat the E4.

I'm completely fine with losing the rather bad Ariados if it means we can get the Lords Armor, Root and Skull! We have to grind and then get to the daycare and save Cranidos.
This pretty much, but to be honest we really need all the good mons we can get to beat the E4.

I'm completely fine with losing the rather bad Ariados if it means we can get the Lords Armor, Root and Skull! We have to grind and then get to the daycare and save Cranidos.
Yeah having a dinosaur lineup helps alleviate the pain of losing Groudon.


Seriously? They killed him? Bunch of morons, he was stupidly broken.

Yea, that's the problem. Because of how broken Groudon is it started to suck up all the exp and made the game easy so a small group of people started to hate it. On top of that there're the trolls who always want to release everything, and groudon became a big target for them. When people were stupid enough to attempt to deposit some of our weaker mons for the chance of getting a level 15 randomized "dratini" the trolls and groudon-haters took advantage of the situation and killed it off.

Basically, randomizer runs suck. Too many shiny objects to tempt people to the PC and not much attachment to party members because a single random move can change them from amazing to shit.


I don't think the streamer's ever done anything with regards to trolls or bots aside from removing the ability to soft reset and timing people out for start inputs. Anyone correct me if wrong tho.

lel social experiment brah

streamer has been behind the bots all along
This ground/rock team theme haha

What 5 pokemon we have are pretty good

Vibrava- Swift/Hammer Arm/Trump Card/Bone Club (Arena Trap YESYESYES)
Lileep (root YAY!)- Mega Drain/Leech Seed/Rock Tomb/Absorb (?)
Bastiodon- Metal Burst/Magnet Bomb/Stealth Rock/Flash Cannon (Soundproof)
(Shiny) Xatu- Fly/Whirlpool/Amnesia/Mist Ball (Hustle)
Sudowoodo- Cut/Strength/Surf/Rock Wrecker (D:) (Sniper)

We should go for the Spiritomb in Victory Road, imo
Wow... spiritomb just knocked off vibrava's mail. He's definitely getting released.

Edit: root deposited. I really think this run is going to be troll-only soon.


The Church of the Helix Choir crowd-sourced a more contemporary remake of their Helix Fossil Hymn. I don't know what the consensus is but I think their output has been consistently good and its one of the best things to come from TPP.


lel social experiment brah

I really want to fucking see his "research" about this experiment. And it better be good, because he's pretty much just torturing the community by not doing something about the trolls at this point, all for the sake of his "social experiment". It's gotten to the point where trolls have more control than actual players, and it's depressing. It's not like it'd be hard to systematically ban every troll in the stream--they're hardly ever not open about their intentions.

This ground/rock team theme haha

What 5 pokemon we have are pretty good

Vibrava- Swift/Hammer Arm/Trump Card/Bone Club (Arena Trap YESYESYES)
Lileep (root YAY!)- Mega Drain/Leech Seed/Rock Tomb/Absorb (?)
Bastiodon- Metal Burst/Magnet Bomb/Stealth Rock/Flash Cannon (Soundproof)
(Shiny) Xatu- Fly/Whirlpool/Amnesia/Mist Ball (Hustle)
Sudowoodo- Cut/Strength/Surf/Rock Wrecker (D:) (Sniper)

We should go for the Spiritomb in Victory Road, imo

Spiritomb moveset=Lock On/Flatter/Pursuit/Knock Off. We caught one, and it could be good if we can teach it some HMs or TMs, but good luck convincing the chat to withdraw something with a moveset like that.

Wow... spiritomb just knocked off vibrava's mail. He's definitely getting released.

Knock off only lasts for the current battle.

Edit: root deposited. I really think this run is going to be troll-only soon.

TPP is dying because of the trolls, and the streamer seems to be perfectly content with letting it die. It's sad, and it's starting to feel like a big fuck you to the remaining community.

I honestly wouldn't mind democracy at this point, it's better than the trolls taking full control of the game.
Personally I don't care if it dies off, the community will most probably restart it themselves and moderate the room from trolls.

The streamer probably got his answer on his experiment after Red and this is just to see how far the experiment can go as is.


Eh I kinda didn't like how it started going from "twitch plays pokemon" to "a handful of people tell twitch how to play pokemon".

But it's not a big deal though. It's only natural that even in complete chaos, some form of order will somehow get established. Maybe part of the streamer's "experiment" was to see how long it would take for some kind of de facto leadership to rise up from the disarray.
Another PC shuffle! Nooooo! (Our big 4 all have mail so I guess we're just getting to get
Root back). I still think they should just get Cranidos back and use the rest of the money to buy balls for octillery or golduck and mail for the 5th and 6th slots.
Edit: Crayolan, for your health, please don't check the stream or live updates.
We got ariados instead of buying balls for octillery.


Another PC shuffle! Nooooo! (Our big 4 all have mail so I guess we're just getting to get
Root back). I still think they should just get Cranidos back and use the rest of the money to buy balls for octillery or golduck and mail for the 5th and 6th slots.
Edit: Crayolan, for your health, please don't check the stream or live updates.
We got ariados instead of buying balls for octillery.

Better hope level 60 sudowoodo is capable of soloing will, because ariados just accentuates our problems with the E4 tenfold. At the very least we got a ton of Bastiodon grinding done, so that's good.


So we deposited Dome(yes!) and now have room to catch a water type. We also actually managed to beat Koga for the first time and get some money. Bruno is just as much of a joke as usual, with a flying type team this time. So pathetic, in fact, that we beat him with just Xatu. So on that same run we also got to Karen, and it seems she has a rock team, since she started with an Aerodactyl and I'm assuming there aren't 2 flying teams in a row.

Now we have money and can buy balls, yes!....or I would say that, but we just stupidly charged back into the e4 and are going to lose most of our money, since getting by Koga was just a fluke. Sigh. Since Karen is probably rock though, getting a water type for our 6th pokemon is more important than ever now.
well we made it to Lance. He has electric team with at least Luxray, Electivire and Raikou.
We just defeated Lance with Vibrava!

Aooooo! Vibrava pulled a gator!

Edit: he OHKOd two legendaries!

WTF did I miss
Holy shit

Listen, I realize that many of you want to get through the Kanto gym leaders and onto Red as quickly as possible.

BUT, we can finally do the Post game outside of those. How many of you wanted t do Battle Frontier in Emerald and Platinum? Well now we can do that? How many of you want to catch the "Kyogre/Groudon" available to us in this game. WE can do that now. How many of you want to do E4 v2.0, and see if we can beat them. It would be good training for our team for Red, at the very least.

Streamer won't end game till we beat Red, so let's delay beating Red and the gym leaders and find time for the rest of the game to squeeze these things in.
We're at the Battle Factory


by Kelcyus

OK, I fully realize many of you may grow tired of constantly scrolling down through these comics, etc., so if you guys can tell me a preferred solution as to what to do, Ill try to make it happen
We're at the Battle Factory


(Read left to right, trying to limit scrolling one would have to go through if they don't care and dont want to read 5/6 comics)

by Kelcyus

Trolls won't let us use it. We run every time. I really don't understand the logic of messing up something where we're just screwing around anyway.

Edit: Now trolls won't let us listen to good music on the boat. This run...
Damn! What was his whole team?

At least there's a plus for Groudon being gone. Lance would've got steamrolled even worse lol.

I don't think Lance even made a scratch against Vibrava so it's a moot point. I know he had like 2 electrobuzzes and 2 raikous, but I don't recall the rest.


I don't think Lance even made a scratch against Vibrava so it's a moot point. I know he had like 2 electrobuzzes and 2 raikous, but I don't recall the rest.

Haha holy shit, didn't expect for him to just wreck them all; I read he pulled a gator so I thought it was like a clutch finish.


Haha holy shit, didn't expect for him to just wreck them all; I read he pulled a gator so I thought it was like a clutch finish.
Yeah, Vibrava beat them surprisingly easily. He had 2 Electabuzzes, 2 Raikous (hah), Electivire and a Luxray.

So Lt. Surge beat us with a single Scyther and we found that Helix lives in the waters nearby. We managed to buy some quick balls and are now searching for The Lord. It is truly a miracle If we manage to catch Omastar to fill the last spot in our team.
Yeah, Vibraba beat them surprisingly easily. He had 2 Electabuzzes, 2 Raikous (hah), Electivire and a Luxray.

So Lt. Surge beat us with a single Scyther and we found that Helix lives in the waters nearby. We managed to buy some quick balls and are now searching for The Lord. It is truly a miracle If we manage to catch Omastar to fill the last spot in our team.

Oh god that would be perfect if Omastar was an amazing pokemon in randomized run

So this happens to be Joey....
Haha holy shit, didn't expect for him to just wreck them all; I read he pulled a gator so I thought it was like a clutch finish.

I just meant he became only the second starter to beat the E4 and happened to do so in dominating fashion.

Edit: Pretty amazing that tookis and slimo both helped catch him.

Second Edit: Meganium caught too! I wonder if we'll end up doing a pc shuffle, though...


I was surprised that the chat beat the E4 before I even woke up this morning. For as long as it was taking to beat Koga, I thought we had a repeat of Emerald on our hands. But it looks like once we stopped screwing around and shuffling our team, we punch through the E4 pretty fast once we got past Koga. Now the chat came together in a concentrated effort to catch Helix and succeeded. I'm impressed. Things have been a bit dark in the last few days, since Groudon being released and the prevalence of trolls. But things are looking up now. Which is good since I want TPP to stick to it at least until we beat BW2. I remember feeling like TPP was at an end back during the bot swarms of Emerald, but we pulled through, and I hope we continue to pull through. It helps when we have forward momentum too. Now we can rampage through Kanto until we get to Mt. Silver.
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