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Twitch Plays Pokemon Community Thread: We're Here Forever


Rampardos HYPE!

I am so glad that happened. Maybe the remaining members stayed on twitch while the trolls were out E3-ing? Sneaky move, but they all deserve my gratitude for sticking it out at a time like that. As badly as I want a Flygon, it was really Cranidos that needed to evolve the most.
Just as I was getting tired of this, the stream reinvigorates me

hahaha that one late B

Anyways, apparently here is how it happened

FruitParfait said:
..we weren't paying attention. Simple as that. We were all hyped and angry over loosing to Alice, and in the hype we didn't notice Cranidos gain the levels to evolve. By then, it was too late to stop it.
It's a process that, in theory, can be repeated again with Vibrava. The key is forgetting about her. We need to:
1) Grind Vibrava so she is ALMOST at a level (like we are now). Then
2)Immediately swap Vibrava to the back of the party.
3)Challenge Alice a couple times over till we forget about it (Vibrava usually dies to whatever mon it goes out against, so it probably won't level- if it does, then we can always go back to step one).
4) Go back to 'Grinding', and get a switch in on Vibrava for the kill IMMEDIATELY.
In the Alice Hype we will inevitably forget about Vibrava for a while, especially immediately afterwards. Leaving Vibrava in the front isn't an option, as it's too obvious (and doesn't always die like Skull did). Our best option is to get it close to a level, then stuff it away to be forgotten, and then get the lucky switch in.
Edit: Note that this is just an 'in theory' plan that's just a suggestion. :) I would put up a more solid plan (pictures and pretty text and all!) if it wasn't for the fact that there isn't a viable way to spread these plans without them being seen by "trolls" (I wish there was a better word for that that wasn't as negative). I've made a post on the issue here, but there weren't any viable answers.

So what I'm getting is that this was after our closest run with Alice yet


Alice battle again, this time with improved team.
Edit: Doesn't look too good. Maybe on the next try.
Edit2: Oh, Stalinking got burned!
Edit3: And Full Restore ruins everything again.


Alice battle again, this time with improved team.
Edit: Doesn't look too good. Maybe on the next try.
Edit2: Oh, Stalinking got burned!
Edit3: And Full Restore ruins everything again.

I came in right when Slaking got burned. How many pokemon did Alice have left?


I think she only had Altaria left, didn't see the first minute or so.
And Flameslash has Sacred Fire now replacing its tackle. Flamethrower would have been better as it really had it at one point, but I'm not complaining.


Mew, Shellock and Hyperbug down. Xatu and Helix down. Bastiondon is out.

This might be THE URN



Holy fuck, tuned in to see the second half of that fight. Good shit!

I didn't know there was a move called "Rock Wrecker", lol what the fuck
I get home, then I see PBalfredo's post then immediately went to the stream. Caught Flamesplash entering the fight so I literally caught the end bits.
Video of the Alice battle for those who missed it.

Our final team:

Also we were apparently playing some game with a save and quit option, we selected it, and it turned off the DS. So now we're staring at a black screen. :p

Damn it, I missed it again
That video: wow, things went near perfect for us

I want fanart of treesus stuffing a giant rock into a sniper to shoot altareon badly

Z33k33 says farewell

The Voices are Polytheistic by HedgemazeExpo
The Crux of the Problem: The Solution by RedLutece
What Kenya's Been Up To by Pokeapache
Bill Sanctioned Shenanigans- Pick Your Ending by ZetsuTheFirst (don't worry: don't take title literally)

What Mt Silver Is Looking Like Right Now according to ZetsuTheFirst

Btw, why Z33k33 is leaving TPP for Black
Is because he's never played BW and BW2 before.
He wants to play it himself and doesn't want to get spoiled via TPP, so he's leaving not because he's done with TPP.
In any case, you've made quite a mark on the community here. I don't like chat leaders, but you were able to handle yourself in that light pretty well.


don't ask me for codes
Playing Pokemon Dungeon in Democracy and TPP decides to name the companion Charmander "abby".


(And the starting Cubone "cuboner")


Playing Pokemon Dungeon in Democracy and TPP decides to name the companion Charmander "abby".


(And the starting Cubone "cuboner")


Apparently the streamer has a bunch of testers to experiment playing TPP with the following button disabled.


Okay well it's a start. We'll definitely regret not having the b button really quick into Black, but at least we can evolve our pokemon for once. Expect the first several hours of black to have constant X spam from assholes who want to take advantage of this. After that it should go down to normal levels for the most part.

C-gear might turn out to be even worse than the touch screen menus though.

Okay well it's a start. We'll definitely regret not having the b button really quick into Black, but at least we can evolve our pokemon for once. Expect the first several hours of black to have constant X spam from assholes who want to take advantage of this. After that it should go down to normal levels for the most part.

C-gear might turn out to be even worse than the touch screen menus though.

I do wonder why he doesn't just add the wait command that skips the next non-wait command. Sure two Bs in a row would still stop it, but then it does allow canceled evolutions with enough organization, which I think is fair.
Nearly forgot to do my postgame digging!

Pokemon IV's!

Order (HP/Atk/Def/Spd/SAtk/SDef)

Omastar = 11/23/9/3/31/9 (Max SAtk ftw!)
Vibrava = 25/16/11/16/16/20
Sudowoodo = 13/20/30/7/25/8
Xatu = 18/12/15/30/8/15
Bastiodon = 17/13/29/21/20/2
Rampardos = 15/6/18/17/25/20

Overall the main team has a solid IV roll

Special Mentions:

Geodude = 14/9/12/3/0/0 (Wow talk about absolute garbage IV roll)
Smeargle = 8/6/5/0/6/5 (Another absolute garbage roll lol)
Nidoqueen = 20/18/25/15/31/31

Bagon with Roar of Time
Kirlia with Max SAtk IV and with Luster Purge and Hydro Cannon
Dratini with Hustle and Spatial Rend
Starly with Hyper Beam, Aeroblast, Rock Wrecker, Super Fang
Yeah I don't think I'll be investing near as much time into this run. Trolls almost rubbed the last run and will have a ton more power this time, especially with chat leaders getting burned out. I'll probably watch some, but I won't get into it as much since I anticipate losing a lot of chat favorites.



Mewtifly! Source


Our choice for protagonists. Source


Our choice for starters. Source


Not Fully Evolved Club. Source


Recently done Admiral art. Source

PC Danger

Gen 5 makes the PC more dangerous once inside the PC. However, it's also harder to access the PC at all. For the first time ever it's not in a corner and there is no pokecenter downstairs or upstairs to get trapped in. This should make pokemon centers in general a less dangerous place.
Munna and Sigilyph are solid picks for sure. The elemental monkeys are also pretty decent. Never liked most fighting types so I avoided Sawk and avoiding lillipup is probably a good thing given the evolution chances.


TPP Black starting soon


I'm torn on which protagonist I want for Black. They're both pretty good. Meanwhile, both protags of B2W2 are ridiculous looking in their own ways.
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