Angela Eagle to announce Labour leadership bid on Monday
Looks like it's happening.
Eagle will surely win an election...if you're gonna change leader in the name of electability you should y'know get someone that can win votes.Angela Eagle to announce Labour leadership bid on Monday
Looks like it's happening.
I'm assuming that nobody else wanted to sacrifice their future leadership potential at the altar of Corbyn - assuming there'll be a party left to lead at the end of this. Regardless, I'll be rejoining to vote for Eagle, then probably leaving again once the inevitable happens.
I fully support Corbyn.
I honestly feel he's the right person to lead the party, even if he could've supported the remain campaign more.
The only thing that's going to happen is Corbyn will win again. Probably by a bigger margin this time.
A Corbyn led Labour with a skeleton shadow cabinet and 80% of non-support from their MPs vs a Theresa May PM for the next 3 1/2 years.
Sounds a lot of fun.
Every couple of cycles in the UK the losing party loses its mind and goes to the far end of it's respective ideological base. The Tories did this with IDS and Howard it's just Labours turn. The PLP would have been best served just to suffer in silence and give Corbyn his period in office and have the survivors remove him once he led them to electoral oblivion*,
*which he will, the polling at this point in the GE cycle is appalling.
Is 'strong opposition' some kind of political double-speak? Labour under Ed Miliband was a complete non-entity as opposition.
Is 'strong opposition' some kind of political double-speak? Labour under Ed Miliband was a complete non-entity as opposition.
I completely disagree with this, I think Ed was an incredibly effective Leader of the Opposition.
If nothing else he has to be given credit for preventing us going to war in Syria on the side of what would become ISIS, and basically forced a precedent that means the PM won't be able to go to war without consulting the house ever again.
Can you think of a single change in government policy Corbyn has forced? I really can't, I'd say Cameron has faced much more effective opposition from the leavers or even the SNP than he has from Corbyn.
Labour needs more than a soundbite, party of protest leader right now.
In general, across countries, why is the centre-left so terrible at choosing electable Leaders? Even in the US, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama seem to be the exception to the rule in modern history.
Labour also needs to find a leader capable of outsing him in the first place, instead of resorting to ineffective, poorly thought-out backstabbing that only helps to strengthen its opponents.
Paid for membership. I would consider voting for a non-corbyn left wing candidate but not Eagle, no Blairites for me
Paid for membership. I would consider voting for a non-corbyn left wing candidate but not Eagle, no Blairites for me
Interesting! I've only been able to speculate on what the left of Labour is thinking... it'd be good to actually find out the truth by asking people. I have two questions for you, if that's okay?
Do you think a left-wing candidate can win the next general election for Labour?
Is Labour winning the next general election more important to you than Labour being a solidly left (i.e. socialist) party?
Are you implying Eagle is a Blairite? If so please learn a bit more about this before talking nonsense.
Bams was to the left of hills, and had the most liberal voting record in 2007.
He was the "far left" option, as far as the american climate is concerned.
Bams was to the left of hills, and had the most liberal voting record in 2007.
He was the "far left" option, as far as the american climate is concerned.
Interesting! I've only been able to speculate on what the left of Labour is thinking... it'd be good to actually find out the truth by asking people. I have two questions for you, if that's okay?
Do you think a left-wing candidate can win the next general election for Labour?
Is Labour winning the next general election more important to you than Labour being a solidly left (i.e. socialist) party?
Are you implying Eagle is a Blairite? If so please learn a bit more about this before talking nonsense.
These idiots should have just gone into the next election with corbyn and when he lost he would have resigned. They have fucked the party forever doing it this way
These idiots should have just gone into the next election with corbyn and when he lost he would have resigned. They have fucked the party forever doing it this way
These idiots should have just gone into the next election with corbyn and when he lost he would have resigned. They have fucked the party forever doing it this way
That will happen anywayI'd rather not just concede control of the country until 2025 unless we absolutely have to.
I fully support Corbyn.
I honestly feel he's the right person to lead the party, even if he could've supported the remain campaign more.
"Blairism" is not "affiliate of Tony Blair" in this case, it's rather "Believer in the same neoliberal third-way centrism that Tony Blair believes in, and made the ideological line of the Labour party during his tenure as leader". It's an ideological association, not an actual one.
It's a ridiculous, largely meaningless all-purpose pejorative that erodes the possibility of any form of meaningful discussion every time its deployed.
Angela Eagle to announce Labour leadership bid on Monday
Looks like it's happening.
Ahaha. The latest hope of the PLP is Angela Eagle? Oh my sides!
I think people are underestimating the level of personal animosity labour MPs feel because they feel Corbyn has honestly stolen their party. This is a guy who rebelled against the government for decades, wasn't interested in working with anyone outside of his little far left gang, appointed one of the most disliked people in the PLP,John McDonell, as chancellor and has consistently worked against other labour MPs since getting the leadership. He's undermined the party policy on trident and is seeking to get rid of it, despite conference only agreeing the policy last year. He's more interested in chasing after Blair and repeating to same soundbites around austerity than he is actually developing plans and a vision for the country - or even getting into power to make a change. Momentum are howling at the door for a lot of MPs and there's a real concern about entry-ism in to the party again - witness the significant SWP presence at the corbyn events. The EU work capped that all off - being in the EU is one of the core principles behind labour, and to find your leader was actively working against that pushed a lot of "wait and see" MPs into the "he has to go" camp.
3. The Tea Party movement, and the swinging of the GOP to the far right.
A party which will hopefully return to its roots.What party?
Just want to note that the Tea Party started after Obama was elected, though Sarah Palin presaged it.
A party which will hopefully return to its roots.
Consistently voted for the Iraq war.
Consistently voted against an investigation into the Iraq war.
Doesn't particularly matter at this point, it's still a giant mark against Eagle.Do people just forget that public opinion was largely pro-Iraq war at the time, or that Tony Blair was returned to power 2 years after with a strong majority?