Peter Ian Staker
It will become interesting post Brexit, one of the driving forces of motivation for the right will be gone, and the left might become liberated without EU limitations on state economic/industrial interference.
I hope something like that happens but that would take a long time to pan out.
What is your reasoning for thinking this is the case? The Voteshare for Labour and the Tories was, at the last election, basically "normal" insomuch as it corresponded to about the same total percentage of the vote as it usually does.
Its the law of diminishing returns at work. Labour can't move any further to the right from where they were before the election without alienating their left wing.
Even if they did it its debatable it would get a lot of people to defect from the Tories.
Lots of politician now rubbing their hands now thinking they can form a party to pander to the pro-EU 48% and win an election thanks to them but its going to take more than an pro-EU stance to unite these people. I doubt a lot of young Remainers would vote for pro-EU Tory-lite.