Phoenix is the most difficult character to balance in the game. Her character strength is directly tied to the system mechanics, and even a small system change impacts her greatly. We feel that in a game where TAC infinites are removed and the characters who can build a ton of meter from single combos (like Magneto/Doom) are toned down, she would be in a very difficult spot. A few other system changes we made will hurt her as well, such as no chainable jabs (no more protective feather spam), reduced X-Factor bonuses, and increased character health. Basically, Phoenix will not be able to chew through entire teams in seconds anymore. At the same time, if the side exchange TAC is removed, then that is a straight buff to her, as players would no longer get free TACs against Phoenix teams, and the X-Factor TAC technique is now pointless. When looking at our Phoenix changes, keep these factors in mind.
Dark Phoenix is the games only 5-bar hyper, and the entire team is balanced around achieving that goal. As such, it is extraordinarily frustrating that certain characters increasingly, many characters can completely counter Dark Phoenix either through a transformation setup (Frank West and Funny Faced Smasher) or screen control that renders her helpless (Spiral Swords). At the very least, we feel Phoenix players should have the option to self-activate Dark Phoenix. The obvious tradeoff here is that the Phoenix player is losing normal Phoenix, who is fully capable of wrecking teams thanks to her excellent normals and speed. This seems like a good trade, and a good solution to the Dark Phoenix slaughter endemic. As a point of balance, the hyper requires Phoenix to be on the ground, so players still have the opportunity provided by the incoming mix-up to take her down with an anti-Dark Phoenix setup.
We also changed Phoenixs aerial projectile limitations. In Vanilla Marvel, we fully recognize that the so-called salty balls were too strong. Ultimate is a different ballgame, and we think she should get some of their functionality returned to improve her general threat level. With the abundance of Phoenix counters out there, this seems more than fair to her.