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Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 |OT| FOR THE EMPEROR!!


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I've been doing Primarch coop, all I can say is Cyrus is the best space marine.
He can take out whole base on his own, his snipe skill can 1-shot allot of annoying enemies.

He can use Det packs and remote mines to take on the big enemies that one-shot you, he can also rez allies instantly while invisble.

Hell, his ability to use items while stealthed is so overpowered.

Primarch is fun, but some bosses are a bit too hard, such as that bloody Eldar women you fight at angel forge, and defence missions against the Tyranids are insanely hard once you get around level 15 on Primarch.


R Squared said:
I've been doing most of those pretty well, except I tend to use Thadeus instead of Cyrus.

And usually I get Avitus under the best cover I can find then send in the Force Commander and leave him in the trenches while Tarkus provides backup and Thadeus storm jumps in to knock some fools around.

I guess I just have to get better at microing. This is the first RTS (and to call it that is kindof a stretch since it's such a new thing) I've ever been able to play with any level of competence.

Other tips are welcome, and of course thanks, Des0lar.

Do you use the taunt ability of Tarkus?

He can direct incoming enemy fire his way with the taunt trait, then he has a trait called tactical advance which diminishes the amount of damage ranged attacks do. Then you can use the other 3 commanders to sweep in and kick some ass. Also, I equipped Tarkus with frag grenades since when he takes incoming range fire you can chuck some frags their way to clear out enemies.


Got my copy earlier today, and started playing the campaign on the Easy setting seeing as I often suck at RTS's. Just unlocked planet Meridian, and damn this game is fine, regardless of having to visit the same locations again. Fun stuff.


TheExodu5 said:
I'd urge you not to ignore Cyrus. Either replace Tarkus or Thadeus. Currently, I like Thadeus more than Tarkus, but the fact that he disperses all the enemies after a jump makes it harder for my backup units to take em out, so I'm not 100% sure yet.

Cyrus is easily one of the best units in the game. The only caveat is this: get him the 3rd energy ability. This allows him to use accessories from stealth! This even includes explosive shots! You can send him into enemy territory, blast up their squads with grenades, pop a few explosive shotgun shots, and the battle becomes a hell of a lot easier.

I've used Cyrus exclusively over Tarkus, at least in my first playthrough. I just think he brings a lot more to the table (his high-powered rifle shot is insanely useful on bosses and big enemies), especially if you have Avitus. Avitus is your long-range heavy weapons guy who concentrates on hordes, so it makes sense that your other long-range guy should be the opposite, quick, nimble and who generally concentrates on high-priority targets.

And as you noted, Cyrus' cloaking ability also becomes hugely useful once you unlock a couple of the traits that relate to it, such as allowing him to stay cloaked when resurrecting fallen leaders or throwing grenades. I took the habit of sending Cyrus' squad in cloaked to cause a little ruckus before sending in my other guys.

The only thing that got me to finally replace Cyrus was the arrival of the Dreadnought, but I also wasn't expecting to have to repair him as often as I do (and use up an item for it), so Cyrus may be making a return. I love the Dreadnought's propensity for both short-range and long-range fighting, though, and he also gives some neat passive boosts to anyone fighting around him. Is there a way to repair him that doesn't use up a rite of repair?
Thanks guys. All your suggestions have been great. I've been a little more successful, but I've decided that I'm just not good at microing. Will keep at it, though. Love this game far too much to quit.


After having used all groups with different equipment quite alot, I have to say that as soon as you get all three terminator armors, Cyrus and Avitus becomes obsolete. You can use them for some Defend missions just to mix things up if you want to, but they actually only slow you down in missions that require you to be offensive. Cyrus is of no use since everything dies easily enough thanks to Thaddeus force weapons or Thules assault cannon barrage and Avitus rarely have the time to start shooting before Thule has killed everything.

I usually send my Force Commander (melee focused and decked out with the best gear) to clean up one half of the map and I let Tarkus, Thaddeus and Thule clean up the rest and have all four meet before meeting the boss creature. Thule basically kills everything on his own (improved assault cannon barrage ftmfw), Thaddeus are used to help Thule with looted tanks and Tarkus is there to provide support/healing to Thaddeus.

Before I got all the terminator armor, I did use Cyrus to help Tarkus support Thule on his epic rampage but the terminator armor is so imba that you can basically forget about anything resembling defense. :p

I'd say that:

Low level/bad gear: Tarkus, Avitus, Thaddeus
Mid level/so-so gear: Tarkus, Avitus, Thaddeus
High level/pre- all the best stuff: Tarkus, Thule, Cyrus
Max level/best gear: Tarkus, Thule, Thaddeus

Zeliard: The last health ability makes Thule able to repair himself (which makes him hundreds of times more useful).


zon said:
Zeliard: The last health ability makes Thule able to repair himself (which makes him hundreds of times more useful).

Awesome! Looking forward to that, thanks. That might be the single most useful ability/trait in the game. :lol

And I actually haven't gotten Terminator armor yet, and I've been wondering about it. Most of my guys are around level 12 or 13, I believe. Did I somehow miss it or does it start appearing after a specific mission?
Zeliard said:
Awesome! Looking forward to that, thanks. That might be the single most useful ability/trait in the game. :lol

And I actually haven't gotten Terminator armor yet, and I've been wondering about it. Most of my guys are around level 12 or 13, I believe. Did I somehow miss it or does it start appearing after a specific mission?
you get the armor as a reward for 3 of the missions later on. i had 3 anyway


Holy shit, I'm addicted to this game now! Eventhough the locations are re-used, I'm having great fun since my inner loot whore is appeased, and certain elements that I love in games are used in this: no base-building, replenishing health and energy (thus I'm not afraid of using special abilities), persistent-style game world that impacts performance, character building, boss fights etc.

I fucking love this game, and it's eating away a large chunk of time from Killzone 2. :D


BeeDog said:
I fucking love this game, and it's eating away a large chunk of time from Killzone 2. :D

Oh man same here. It really has that "just one more" itch that I love to scratch. I don't miss base building at all. I love the intensity of the battlefield and pretty much everything else about this game. Is it just me or does this game feel way more optimized than company of heroes? Maybe it's the style choices they went with or something but I couldn't get company of heroes to run at such a steady frame rate as I do DoW2 on ultra.

I should probably start to play skirmishes to understand the nuances of the tech tree and the maps but I really can't break away from the campaign. I'm going to be so shitty when I eventually do try playing against people online :lol


Is Warhammer 40K: 2 still crashing often in MP? Atleast in the Beta I had quite a lot of crashes during my MP games (MP games just froze and the only thing you could do was closing the game by task manager), making it a pain in the ass to play :p .

I am tempted to buy Warhammer 40K:2 , but I am also thinking of buying Empire: Total Wars. If it still crashes it is a easy decision.


I haven't had any crashes yet, but my multiplayer action so far has been limited to skirmishing against 2 to 3 cpu with a friend of mine.

Speaking of multiplayer skirmish, I'm really enjoying using the Orks. The three commanders have some decent buffs, and the unit availability is pretty balanced. You can do a ton of damage bringing some shoota boyz with some nob boyz and tankbusters. Tankbusters are crazy powerful as far as taking down enemy vehicles. Just need to make sure they are protected.

Plus their voice accents are the funniest thing I've ever heard in a RTS.


So I've switched from multiplayer to singleplayer as multiplayer is currently utterly unbalanced (hopefully it will be patched soon) and wow, never thought the campaign could be this fun. I'm playing on primarch and with the exception of the bosses the difficulty is perfect. The last level I played tasked me with eliminating several tyranid structures and I was constantly fighting rippers, termagaunts and hormogaunts every step of the way.


With the game being out does anyone know how much time one could get out of the single player? Length a typical mission can be? Number of missions or campaigns?



Wow i can honestly say i have never been so pissed off with a game as i am pissed off playing dawn of war 2.

I owned the original dawn of war when i got it as a freebie when i purchased company of heroes, i took dawn of war out the box, installed it, set it to the maximum settings and had a great time with it.....i wish i could say the same about dawn of war 2.

To begin with i got dawn of war 2 a day early so, happy it had arrived i went to install and play the game. I sat there for over 10 minutes waiting for it to install and then i get told i have to install steam, so i do. Then i get told i have to register the product with steam, okay no problem there i think but everytime i typed in the code i get told i am unable to register this product, after an hour of messing about on the internet i find out that even though i have the damn game in my possession i can't install it because it officially doesnt come out till the next day and only then will steam register it. So slightly annoyed i leave it till the next day.

The following day i go to install dawn of war again and this time hoooorah it works, i can finally play the game, so i click on the game to play it......only for me to be told that before i can play the game i now have to install a day zero patch. Now i don't mind patches in general but releasing a game that needs patching day one just goes to show how rushed this game is. The patch was only 130mb so with my internet connection that should take less then 5 minutes, again okay not a massive problem i thought to myself but the reality was the shitty steam severs were so busy and broken that i had to restart the download 6 times over the space of an hour because the download kept on hanging, and even tho it finally started downloading without freezing it took 8 and half hours for the damn patch to fully download and i had to leave it going over night to finish, what a joke, i had to wait 2 full days to play the game that i paid for because of a bunch of bullshit.

Well anyway the game was on my pc now and it was time to actually play the game. So i booted it up and set everything to the maximum settings to see how it would play, the frame rate was around 30fps which was good enough and off i went into the warhammer 40,000 universe.....for about 4 minutes until the game crashed my entire pc by overheating the cpu. Now i know i don't have the greatest pc in world but it is above the minimum specs of the game and i can run crysis on maximum settings in direct x 9. So again i thought to myself fair enough, my fault for setting the settings too high, i'll tone them down a bit. Over the next 2 hours i continually knock the settings down but each time watched the game crash to the desktop or crash my entire pc over and over again, till finally with everything set to the absolute lowest setting it worked about 80% of the time with random crashes still happening at the most annoying times. And every damn time it crashes, the game thinks i quit the mission and it counts as a loss costing me items and resources!!!

Battling through the game breaking crashes i finally complete the single player game which was way too short and had a distinct lack of levels and mission types. Unlike dawn of war 1 there was only one race to play as which was very disappointing and the characters and script were truely terrible and cliched.

Now i am a big achievement junky so a pc game with achievements was a nice novelty for me however even tho i completed the game i got cheated out of the 80 achievement points you're supposed to get for finishing the game, yeah brilliant, and then to cap it off i continued playing to get the achievement for reaching 90,000 in campaign score but when i reached 78,000 the game stopped spawning random missions cheating me out of yet another achievement not to mention making me waste 6 hours of my life getting that far.

So after reading countless other people complaining of the same glitches and crashes in the single player i decided to leave the campaign well alone untill relic patch the game they never should have shipped until it was done in the first place. So it was on to the multiplayer.....which in short is so bad it makes the single player look like game of the year. To begin with the multiplayer mode crashes my pc 60% of the time and everytime it does it counts as a loss, without these crashes in 3vs3 games i would have a record of 61 wins to 47 loses, but thanks to the crashes i have a record of 61 wins and 132 bloody loses. There is no rhyme or reason to these crashes so yet again countless hours of my gaming time have been wasted by getting near the end of a multiplayer player game only to have it crash thanks to these bugs and glitches.

Even putting the game crashing bugs to one side atleast 1 in 3 games suffer from people laging out the game and ruining the multiplayer experence. Then on top of that there are only 2 1vs1 maps and 4 3vs3 maps with no 2 vs2 maps at all, that's only 6 measly multiplayer maps in the entire game, absolutly pathetic!!

You've then got problems with path finding and line of sight firing issues with some units but the biggest problem of all is how unbalanced the game is. Tyranids when played correctly beat the crap out of all the other races, only the eldar put up a half decent fight, the space marines are a distant 3rd and orks are beyond worthless.

To make matters even worse then what i've said above the match making system is as good as broken as well. Apart from it taking anywhere up to 10 minutes just find a game the teams it creates are very rarely balanced, i've lost count of the amount of times i am a better player then anybody on the other team but because it pairs me with a bunch of 'noobs' who dont have a clue what they are doing i end up on the losing team.

In short this game needs a major patch and it needs it a week ago.
Effect said:
With the game being out does anyone know how much time one could get out of the single player? Length a typical mission can be? Number of missions or campaigns?

Depends on how you play and how much time you want to devote and of course the difficulty setting you're playing on. I'm not really good at RTS and I finished the campaign on Captain at around 25h clocked. That being said I did a lot of side missions as well because I'm a loot whore (loot drops are pretty inconsistent though).

Oh and for the record: Didn't have any problems installing. The only thing I don't like is the Live thingy - I don't care for my e-penis and it could've been done in Steam as well seeing how it's neccessary to register the game through Steam anyway.


Yeah I haven't had any crashes or issues with installing the game at all. I've put about 50 hours into the game in the past couple weeks. Sorry with your bad luck.

The one thing which doesn't work are some of the achievements in the game are broken. Not playing the campaign again until Relic patches this.


Zeliard said:
I've used Cyrus exclusively over Tarkus, at least in my first playthrough. I just think he brings a lot more to the table (his high-powered rifle shot is insanely useful on bosses and big enemies), especially if you have Avitus. Avitus is your long-range heavy weapons guy who concentrates on hordes, so it makes sense that your other long-range guy should be the opposite, quick, nimble and who generally concentrates on high-priority targets.

And as you noted, Cyrus' cloaking ability also becomes hugely useful once you unlock a couple of the traits that relate to it, such as allowing him to stay cloaked when resurrecting fallen leaders or throwing grenades. I took the habit of sending Cyrus' squad in cloaked to cause a little ruckus before sending in my other guys.

The only thing that got me to finally replace Cyrus was the arrival of the Dreadnought, but I also wasn't expecting to have to repair him as often as I do (and use up an item for it), so Cyrus may be making a return. I love the Dreadnought's propensity for both short-range and long-range fighting, though, and he also gives some neat passive boosts to anyone fighting around him. Is there a way to repair him that doesn't use up a rite of repair?

I've actually dumped Cyrus for Tarkus now. I'm on regular difficulty, so I find Cyrus just isn't needed. He slows down my missions considerable, since I need to stop prior to encountering enemies, cloak him, go in and use an ability, and then bring the rest in. Now I've got Tarkus with terminator armor and a flamethrower...he's pretty damned awesome.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
The game is relatively solid for me. LIVE itself shits me in a big way though; drop outs and very poor voice quality. Can't even use Skype to chat with friends due to a NAT conflict that it creates with LIVE.

Another quirky LIVE related bug is that, sometimes it won't sign me in at the beginning of the game, and frustratingly won't let me sign in at all until I quit out and restart the game.

But the game does have the best bug of any game; the zap brannigan bug I'm dubbing it; occasionally when an enemy dies, they'll keel over, and instead of staying dead on the spot, they'll start twirling up, further and further up. It's quite amusing. Even more amusing is that when it happens in multiplayer, everyone sees it.


Crayon Shinchan said:
The game is relatively solid for me. LIVE itself shits me in a big way though; drop outs and very poor voice quality. Can't even use Skype to chat with friends due to a NAT conflict that it creates with LIVE.

Another quirky LIVE related bug is that, sometimes it won't sign me in at the beginning of the game, and frustratingly won't let me sign in at all until I quit out and restart the game.

But the game does have the best bug of any game; the zap brannigan bug I'm dubbing it; occasionally when an enemy dies, they'll keel over, and instead of staying dead on the spot, they'll start twirling up, further and further up. It's quite amusing. Even more amusing is that when it happens in multiplayer, everyone sees it.

Use my ventrilo server.



Anyone get an INSANELY annoying bug where you can't use the mouse? It's happened about 8 times now where I click on a unit and it gets stuck and I can't unselect, I can't order I can't even click to upgrade or anything. It's like the mouse buttons broke. It's horrible in the middle of a fight and it just stops working, by the time it's fixed my units are half dead! Argh!


Darklord said:
Anyone get an INSANELY annoying bug where you can't use the mouse? It's happened about 8 times now where I click on a unit and it gets stuck and I can't unselect, I can't order I can't even click to upgrade or anything. It's like the mouse buttons broke. It's horrible in the middle of a fight and it just stops working, by the time it's fixed my units are half dead! Argh!

Yep. Only happens for 1 unit though.

Wait...I think it was different for me. I think I could select/unselect it (not 100% sure though), but pressing the action buttons did nothing.


Darklord said:
Anyone get an INSANELY annoying bug where you can't use the mouse? It's happened about 8 times now where I click on a unit and it gets stuck and I can't unselect, I can't order I can't even click to upgrade or anything. It's like the mouse buttons broke. It's horrible in the middle of a fight and it just stops working, by the time it's fixed my units are half dead! Argh!

That's an issue with CoH as well. Sometimes it gets fixed by hitting escape. sometimes

I understand how annoying it is. It always happens to me in CoH during an intense automatch when I'm getting ready to do some micro.


Mindlog said:
That's an issue with CoH as well. Sometimes it gets fixed by hitting escape. sometimes

I understand how annoying it is. It always happens to me in CoH during an intense automatch when I'm getting ready to do some micro.

I'll try press Esc next time and see if it fixes it. Man, I hope they fix it I felt like smashing the mouse into a million pieces when it did it last time because it always does it at the worst possible time.


sooperkool said:
Why do i keep getting jackasses on my team that think turrets can beat Wraithlords and whatnot and we lose?

No matter how stupid your enemy is; your ally will always top them.


One hint for voice chat - try out the Steam private voice chat thingy. I did that with a friend yesterday when in-game chat wasn't working, and it worked really well.

Load up a chat window with one person, or enter a chat room with multiple people, and just click the call button. You can dedicate a push-to-talk button if you wish, or just have an open channel.


dLMN8R said:
One hint for voice chat - try out the Steam private voice chat thingy. I did that with a friend yesterday when in-game chat wasn't working, and it worked really well.

Load up a chat window with one person, or enter a chat room with multiple people, and just click the call button. You can dedicate a push-to-talk button if you wish, or just have an open channel.

That's what I do. Screw GFWL chat. It is horrible.


thanks for the laugh
Sanjay said:
That it? Patch Size: 150MB, there must be other changes?

it's been the single biggest complaint from the multiplayer community since launch. guess i'll start ranking again.
Anybody know how to fix the issue where headsets are detected by GFWL, but not usable. I select it as the device to speak through, but when I go to chat, it says its not there.


MicVlaD said:
I like how Steam booted me out of the game (in the middle of an online match) when that patch became available, and then refused to even let me launch the game until it could actually detect said patch. Which only happened just now, i.e. a few hours later.

I love Steam.

Me too. It's the best PC digital distribution system ever. I have problems buying a PC game if it's not on Steam :lol


offtopic, but I just came to say DoW 2 is selling well also in the US. Great game <3

NPD: 22.-28.2.2009

* 1. Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War II / Relic
* 2. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King / Blizzard
* 3. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe / EA Maxis
* 4. The Sims 2 Deluxe / EA Maxis
* 5. World Of Warcraft / Blizzard
* 6. World Of Warcraft Battle Chest / Blizzard
* 7. Spore / EA Maxis
* 8. The Sims Carnival: SnapCity / Electronic Arts
* 9. The Sims 2 Apartment Life Exp. Pack / EA Maxis
* 10. World Of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade / Blizzard


godofcookery said:
doesnt sound like he loves steam...

It doesn't? He said "I love Steam." Before that of course, he had a bunch of whiny remarks about the game kicking him out because of a new patch. He then proceeded to whine about not being able to play the game until the patch was fully operational, as if other people were playing Dawn of War 2 while he was waiting for the patch to go up.

As you can see, I'm still getting used to trying to decipher sarcasm through text.
BTW, amusing factoid I accidentally discovered in 3 vs 3 today. I don't know why it didn't cross my mind before, but Tyrannids aren't the only race that can garrison their units into Ravener Tunnels. I was like "Huh? Space Marines in underground tunnels?" when I noticed you could travel through them regardless of which race you picked.

FatalT said:
It doesn't? He said "I love Steam." Before that of course, he had a bunch of whiny remarks about the game kicking him out because of a new patch. He then proceeded to whine about not being able to play the game until the patch was fully operational, as if other people were playing Dawn of War 2 while he was waiting for the patch to go up.

As you can see, I'm still getting used to trying to decipher sarcasm through text.
Funnily enough, other people on my Friends List were playing Dawn of War II shortly afterwards while I couldn't, and Steam already downloaded the patch sooner for them while I had to wait 3 hours for whatever reason. Yes, I restarted the application multiple times and rebooted my PC after the crash; nothing triggered the auto-update.

I'm not the kind of person that bitches over every little thing when I can't play one specific game, but these type of Steam shortcomings that carry over multiple games (I also had this happen with Team Fortress 2 before) are ridiculous no matter how you look at it.


Is anyone else have crashing problems? I'm getting thrown to the desktop after every multiplayer match/single player match during the loading screen. Something about 'failure to create dump file'.

It made organized 3v3 really frustrating last night. On top of crashing during loading, forcing my other teammates to disconnect from the game, matchmaking was taking forever to find games.

We probably could have gotten 2-3 more matches with all the waiting we did.


So I just got rank 20 for MP and it said that I unlocked some special armor for my marines. Does anyone know what it does/if they just come with it or is it some sort of upgrade I have to pay for?


Traced-Velocity said:
Is anyone else have crashing problems? I'm getting thrown to the desktop after every multiplayer match/single player match during the loading screen. Something about 'failure to create dump file'.

It made organized 3v3 really frustrating last night. On top of crashing during loading, forcing my other teammates to disconnect from the game, matchmaking was taking forever to find games.

We probably could have gotten 2-3 more matches with all the waiting we did.

I sometimes wonder if certain games just don't function as well with a pc than another with no rhyme or reason.

I have had zero issues with Dawn of War 2 online, but I've been trying to play the campaign of Red Alert 3 with the same person who I went through Dawn of War 2. Biding our time until Relic fixes the single player achievements. It normally takes 4 or 5 invites to get a co op match to start, and then after the match is over it boots us both from the game. Thankfully the game saves automatically after each mission is completed but it is annoying and souring the experience.

Not to mention the core gameplay of Red Alert 3 well, kind of sucks after playing through Dawn of War 2. But that is a story for another time! I just want to make it through the campaign to see all the crazy FMVs!


Halvie said:
So I just got rank 20 for MP and it said that I unlocked some special armor for my marines. Does anyone know what it does/if they just come with it or is it some sort of upgrade I have to pay for?

It's just a cosmetic thing. It just makes your guys look cooler, as a reward for climbing the ranks I guess. Many of them are detailed here:


EDIT: Finally, the Population Cap bug is (semi-) fixed!


MicVlaD said:
BTW, amusing factoid I accidentally discovered in 3 vs 3 today. I don't know why it didn't cross my mind before, but Tyrannids aren't the only race that can garrison their units into Ravener Tunnels. I was like "Huh? Space Marines in underground tunnels?" when I noticed you could travel through them regardless of which race you picked.

Funnily enough, other people on my Friends List were playing Dawn of War II shortly afterwards while I couldn't, and Steam already downloaded the patch sooner for them while I had to wait 3 hours for whatever reason. Yes, I restarted the application multiple times and rebooted my PC after the crash; nothing triggered the auto-update.

I'm not the kind of person that bitches over every little thing when I can't play one specific game, but these type of Steam shortcomings that carry over multiple games (I also had this happen with Team Fortress 2 before) are ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

Really? Weird! Do you live in the United States?
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