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Westworld - Live in Your World, Play in Ours - Sundays on HBO

Tbh I fell asleep during ep 4 it was going so slow. Woke up, rewound and watch the Hopkins Meredith scene and was like ok mind blown again. It does feel like the pacing could be better though. Seems like some scenes drag on for too long. I feel like a lot of the park hq scenes that don't involve Hopkins or Bernard could be completely scraped, except for the one of maeve waking up there. I feel like I don't really need to know what Hemsworth Sr is attempting to direct honestly. Just keep it in the park as much as possible imo. The hq set also just really clashes with the whole western vibe.

A bit like the Matrix films when they had long sections outside the matrix. No-one cares about that bullshit.


Tbh I fell asleep during ep 4 it was going so slow. Woke up, rewound and watch the Hopkins Meredith scene and was like ok mind blown again. It does feel like the pacing could be better though. Seems like some scenes drag on for too long. I feel like a lot of the park hq scenes that don't involve Hopkins or Bernard could be completely scraped, except for the one of maeve waking up there. I feel like I don't really need to know what Hemsworth Sr is attempting to direct honestly. Just keep it in the park as much as possible imo. The hq set also just really clashes with the whole western vibe.

Ep 4 sucked aside from the Hopkins and Ed Harris bits.


MIB moves like an early generation robot in episode 2. He doesn't in episodes 3 and 4. I wonder if he was originally meant to be one but then they changed their minds.


Excited for this weeks episode. Westworld is pretty much my favorite TV show right now -- I don't watch a lot; couldn't get into TWD or GoT or any of that, but WW has its hooks in me. Enjoy reading a lot of the theories in here :D


A bit like the Matrix films when they had long sections outside the matrix. No-one cares about that bullshit.

That's pretty much how I feel about it. It'd be like if Blade Runner spent long segments focusing on the internal politics of the Tyrell Corporation and the petty workplace greivances between colleagues and management. It takes away from the sinister and mysterious aura of the company, and it's also just not interesting to watch.

The show thrives when it focuses on interactions between the androids and the humans, whether they are guests or employees of the company. Many of the android-to-android scenes feel very pointless to me, as do the employee-to-employee scenes.

The tension comes from the interactions with real people and the uncertainty about how much the androids know, feel, and remember. I would say the only exception to the human-to-human scenes that are good are those featuring Hopkins, because (a) he's an excellent actor and (b) he knows things that the others do not - he himself is a mystery.

I like the show but I'm just feeling less and less compelled to watch it as it goes on. It just feels like there is a lot aimless time wasting and attempts to provoke questions just for the sake of manufacturing mystery.

The final scenes of the pilot were absolutely incredible, but nothing since then has really stimulated me quite the same way.


Just a funny little anecdote, not something groundbreaking (you guys have probably all come to the same realization) but I feel like sharing it nonetheless.

So I was talking with a friend the other day abut Westworld, and I complained about how the violence in the show felt artificial so far- there was no dramatic tension, and how it felt like filler to keep the viewer interested. That the show just alternated between philosophically charged scenes followed by bouts of violence.

My friend rebuked by saying the violence had a place in showing us how this world is, and how it works. I replied by agreeing with that notion but also added that there is only so much violence that is needed to get the point that "okay, this is place of violent self indulgence and cheap thrills".

Then it hit me.

The guests go to Westworld (the park) for cheap thrills and indulgences, they want a western experience and they get on. WE (the audience) come to Westworld (the show) for the very reason: the show was marketed as a western and we come for the same thrills and violence, but what we both get is actually different: the guests get a better idea of who they really are, the audience of the show does the same as they contemplate on the idea of AI.

Just felt very meta, that what we are to the show what the guests are to the theme park. We come in with similar expectations of schlock, but leave with a very different idea of our own being.
Maybe I missed the marketing that possibly gave it an 'actual action' feel. But from the start based on the initial trailer and concept of 'robots in the west' I knew it would explore something of AI more than action.
Honestly it seems like Teddy has a bigger role to play. We have Hannibal giving him a fairly large role in the new scenario. We have him joining the man in black. And he's also my man crush.

All signs point that he will be the secret second protagonist.

Oh' I definitely agree he will have a huge role. I just think that whole "I dropped the can" scenario was based off William doing it first.
- Collider Podcast discusses the first four episodes of Westworld (I haven't listened to this, so I have no idea if it's worthwhile)
This week on The Collider Podcast, we’re joined by Allison Keene and Haleigh Foutch to talk about Westworld. While we’ll be doing another podcast on Westworld once the first season wraps up, we wanted to chime in with our thoughts on where the show is going, what it’s doing right, what it’s doing wrong, how it’s a commentary on other HBO dramas, how the show could go off the rails, how it can hold onto its audience despite the inevitable twists, and much more.

Also, Gold Derby notes that HBO has submitted Thandie Newton, Evan Rachel Wood, and Anthony Hopkins as best actress/actor for the Golden Globes, whereas they submitted Ed Harris, James Marsden, Jimmi Simpson, and Jeffrey Wright in supporting roles.


The show is definitely commenting on the what "prestige" dramas are and what the audience wants with the way the writers/creators grapple with each other and with their clientele and what they are getting out of it vs. what they should be. Westworld is conceived as one thing and becomes another to cater to its audience, to the point where writers are asking for a further devolution of its characters and others are trying to add more nuance. The Westworld "story" is essentially written as a Walking Dead level thing re violence and gore, mixed with the criticisms leveled at many HBO shows as far as violence and nudity/sex. It's essentially an HBO show inside an HBO show that is trying to break out of those constraints.

It's a further extrapolation of my post the other day:
Has it been discussed how Dolores is essentially a typical female character in these types of dramas (woman in love who exists to be a prize for the heroes/villains) who is becoming self aware of her pigeon-holed existence and breaking out of the shackles imposed by her creators to become what she actually wants to be rather than how she was written? Because it's very good.


Rodent Whores
I think I'm enjoying the show, but now I wonder, I'm the only one who thinks that it's a little too slow paced? I'm ok with a slow developing of sentience, but I don't know, for a hour long episode each I think they could speed it up a little, but probably it's just me

I think the pace is great.


Rodent Whores
When William rescues Clementine, she's wearing that green dress. When Clementine interacts with Maeve, is she wearing that same dress?


I don't want to waste time thinking too hard about the little things but I'm curious as to how guests are prevented from harming each other. When that old prospector guy wouldn't leave William alone his buddy Logan just stabbed him right through the hand without warning. If that had been a guest how would he have been protected?


Junior Member
I don't want to waste time thinking too hard about the little things but I'm curious as to how guests are prevented from harming each other. When that old prospector guy wouldn't leave William alone his buddy Logan just stabbed him right through the hand without warning. If that had been a guest how would he have been protected?

You aren't really, just like the real world though there would be legal repercussions. Although you may have a decent defense revolving around not being able to tell someone wasn't a robot. There may be some sort of contact based visual hud we don't even know about yet though.

That would be cool.




I'm torn on who I'd prefer.

Evan Rachel Wood has been consistently great so far. But Thandie had been giving her a run for her money now that her character has been getting more focus.

Maeve has had me spellbound for two episodes now.

Can they split the Emmy.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I don't want to waste time thinking too hard about the little things but I'm curious as to how guests are prevented from harming each other. When that old prospector guy wouldn't leave William alone his buddy Logan just stabbed him right through the hand without warning. If that had been a guest how would he have been protected?
The robots are programmed to intervene when a guest tries to harm another guest. The creators have talked about it in interviews and the preview for next week has a host stopping a human from harming another human.


Rodent Whores
The only thing I remember Thandie Newton from in other media is Mission Impossible 2, hahaha. Her acting is on point in this series.


The only thing I remember Thandie Newton from in other media is Mission Impossible 2, hahaha. Her acting is on point in this series.

The earliest thing I remember seeing her in was the film "Beloved" as the title character. She was amazing in that as well and I've always thought she didn't quite break out as much as she has deserved to do so.

A bit like the Matrix films when they had long sections outside the matrix. No-one cares about that bullshit.

I don't get this viewpoint at all concerning this show. The show is nothing without the corporation, the park employees, and the scenes in the lab and, you know, the real world that is what is driving the narrative. I mean, the show is not a western, not at all, it's about sentience and other such concerns with the western theme in service to it which is just where the "machines" happen to live.

Can we talk about the score? I love the themes in this show, and I particularly love that electronic theme when the hosts start to go all meta-universe, like when the daughter first talks about the maze and when Maeve takes Hector up to the safe to ask about the figure in her drawing.
- Variety interview with HBO president Casey Bloys
You haven’t renewed “Westworld” yet. What’s going on there?

I want to get a very complete picture of the ratings, which seem to be doing very well, so we’re happy with that. [The executive producers are] going to talk to us about what they envision a second season being. But right now I would say it’s looking really good. We’re very pleased with how it’s doing.

What would you tell people to look for in the second half of the season?

All I would say is, it’s a very satisfying end. I think questions will be answered. I love reading the fan theories online. I think it’s great the way people have engaged. I’m just pleased to see the reception from an engagement point of view, and that it has started all of these conversations. I think people will get the answers they’re looking for by the end of Season One. A lot of the ones that people are buzzing about.

Have some people have already guessed correctly?

There are a lot of theories out there, and with some of them, I’ve been very impressed with how they’ve constructed the guesses. I’ll just say, they’re getting close.

One thing that has struck me is how much people have engaged with it on a puzzle level. But I would think, ultimately, you want it to be much more than a puzzle show.

Yes. I think a lot of the fans are engaging with Dolores and Maeve specifically, and so from an emotional point of view, I think that will grow, in terms of those characters’ journeys. And from a mystery point of view and a story point of view, I think you will get — I don’t know if “answers” is the right word, but maybe it’s “satisfaction.”
Giving how one of Game of Thrones' biggest themes has been women rising to power, it would be cool for Dolores and Maeve to continue being the main leads (and maybe even the leaders of host revolution)


Rodent Whores
Can we talk about the score? I love the themes in this show, and I particularly love that electronic theme when the hosts start to go all meta-universe, like when the daughter first talks about the maze and when Maeve takes Hector up to the safe to ask about the figure in her drawing.

He's a great composer. I liked his work on GoT, Iron Man, and Pacific Rim.
I however, fucking hate these 'fan' theories. Or rather: "hey let's all assume stuff and talk about it as if it's a thing" when there's nothing. fucking. there. AAARGH

Seriously, this is not that complicated a show. Okay, so games and narrative stuff are home turf for me, but it still ain't that hard. I'm personally kind of even bored with it, sorta waiting for the plot to catch up with expectation. I would expect
Dolores and MiB to meet again
in episode six or maybe seven if they really stretch it.

I do wish TV writers would read broader on psychology though (or have someone to correct them on it, that is). "oh, that's just a bit of cognitive dissonance" in episode three was not was happening or could be used in that way. In reality it's the awareness and avoidance (usually) of contradictory statements, particularly when fundamental to a belief system. I suppose it was there to set up the madam plotline though, since she did have it in the episode after that.
The same thing happened in Hannibal when a line about mirror neurons came up. There it was that it's temporary for empathy, when in reality it's a mirror circuit that fires when seeing motions of others as if they were their own. There it was supposed to be Hannibal neutralizing an argument, but it just took me out of it, since that's not what that is.

who wants to bet Arnold isn't a real person, but rather a product of Ford's? Difficult to check a story when there's no record. If you've read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance you will also be familiar with the Phaedrus, which might be how this plays out too.

It was nice to see the early days of the park though.

oh right, and that barn door where the shootout with William and friend happened seemed to be the same one as Maeve remembers from her remembered plot.


Giving how one of Game of Thrones' biggest themes has been women rising to power, it would be cool for Dolores and Maeve to continue being the main leads (and maybe even the leaders of host revolution)

I'd put good money on Maeve being Dolores's "evil"/vengeful foil -- the one who makes good on the idea highlighted by the IT woman's comment in one episode, "Could you imagine what these things would do to us if they remembered?" I'm paraphrasing, but there've been a few sideways mentions of the observation that the hosts would literally tear the humans apart if they knew the horrors humans inflicted upon them.

Whereas Dolores's consciousness seems to be emerging naturally (relatively) from her backlog of memories, scripting, and overall experiences as the oldest host in the park, Maeve figured out how to game the system with her sleep trick and is waking up violently, metaphorically speaking. And while Dolores is primed for an emotional link with the human race via William, as soon as Maeve realizes she's not crazy, she affirms her belief that nothing matters and immediately gets blown away. Not only that, but her death(s) are due to "the puppets who pull her strings" -- whom she can see, thanks to what she explicitly refers to as a "curse". I think she's heading down the path of vengeful nihilism, in direct contrast to Dolores.

"Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty."

who wants to bet Arnold isn't a real person, but rather a product of Ford's? Difficult to check a story when there's no record. If you've read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance you will also be familiar with the Phaedrus, which might be how this plays out too.

After Dolores echoed Bernard's statements about losing a loved one and pain, and Ford's fatherly/patronly tone towards him, I'm almost ready to write out a Bernarnold theory. But not yet.



“I can tell you that the surprises will floor you. Certainly prepare for [Episodes] 9 and 10 to have your heart broken and your mind blown. And that’s really all I can say. I’m just over the moon about it.”

The fifth episode of “Westworld” will air on Sunday, and the actress teased that that’s when things will really heat up.

“We’ve set everything up really beautifully and the payoffs are going to start hitting you one by one,” Wood said.


“I can tell you that the surprises will floor you. Certainly prepare for [Episodes] 9 and 10 to have your heart broken and your mind blown. And that’s really all I can say. I’m just over the moon about it.”

It's gonna be great.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Isn't it weird that we never seen what Dolores' mom looks like when she was alive? (or dead, for that matter).

That is super weird. I think we've heard her voice but I don't remember ever actually seeing her or even a glimpse of her routine. How strange.


Seems almost unbelievable to me in the year where Stranger Things hit, but Westworld just miiiiight take the crown for me as my favorite new show of 2016. At least that's the trajectory it has after 4 episodes.


“I can tell you that the surprises will floor you. Certainly prepare for [Episodes] 9 and 10 to have your heart broken and your mind blown. And that’s really all I can say. I’m just over the moon about it.”

Oh no, is Teddy gonna die? My heart can't take it.
I'm expecting a Truman Show-esque escape attempt with Teddy and Dolores at some point this season. I thought it was going to happen after they talked about going to Mexico, but that was obviously just the setup.
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