has calmed down a bit.
No, I meant that changes your lock screen picture like the Bing picture of the day, but with local pictures from the camera roll.
Automates the process for ya. No idea. Sorry...No, I meant that changes your lock screen picture like the Bing picture of the day, but with local pictures from the camera roll.
Any of you use an app to rotate your camera roll pics for the lockscreen? I have an app but it seems to be draining my battery.
Where is the cyan?
No, I meant that changes your lock screen picture like the Bing picture of the day, but with local pictures from the camera roll.
Lock Buster, new version just came out.No, I meant that changes your lock screen picture like the Bing picture of the day, but with local pictures from the camera roll.
Yeah wtf, Nokia? Cyan was the best!
Late, but I'm boggled by the amount of hate in the comments. Why are there so many Symbian refugees there?
What they are saying is true, though. 808 is still the king, L1020 comes close, but some of the pictures look way too damn noisy, and the colors are too saturated for my taste.
Bought a Lumia 920 on ebay for $280. It should be here by around Friday!
Now that the Xbox division is doomed, I wonder if Windows Phone is next!
No, I meant that changes your lock screen picture like the Bing picture of the day, but with local pictures from the camera roll.
Got me the Nokia wireless charging phone holder for my car, good stuff, no more fiddling around with cables.
I did too.
It broke already. I need to contact Nokia support but I'm too lazy.
Love seeing devs taking advantage of "share to Instagram" via 6tag. Ciel now supports it. (What a pretty, if kinda useless app).
Possibly a first video look at Path for WP.
Edit: Some Ciel screens because I really like the design:
It’s a bit of a fad right now, though when traveling around or laying at the beach, it’s a fun way to rub it in to your friends and family.
Shit, that Jokia Lunia guy was right after all.
Nice, what color did you get?
Horrible numbers for US and China. WTF did they do in Mexico to make such an impact? MS needs to bring him across the border to help in the US.
Not gonna lie. It kinda looks like it.dead platform
Not gonna lie. It kinda looks like it.
dead platform
It's been growing in Latin America, which is a pretty large market.
Yes, it's cool to see Windows Phone gaining some ground in some countries, 3 years after launch. But lets be honest, the market that matters the most, to both Microsoft and Nokia, is the North American market and it still looks pretty bad there. I'd also guess that it's the most important market to the big app developers (probably because they also live there), because I don't think they expect huge sales from countries like Mexico, Spain or Italy.
Yes, it's cool to see Windows Phone gaining some ground in some countries, 3 years after launch. But lets be honest, the market that matters the most, to both Microsoft and Nokia, is the North American market and it still looks pretty bad there. I'd also guess that it's the most important market to the big app developers (probably because they also live there), because I don't think they expect huge sales from countries like Mexico, Spain or Italy.
I don't see why North America is more important than Europe when it comes to phones. I mean success in both would be great, but it's not like the European market isn't bigger...
I don't know if you are trying to do your usual cynical thing but India, China and other emerging markets are far, far more important. Smart phone sales are slowing down in the US and even Apple is looking to the rest of the world with their new plastic phone.
I could be wrong, but it feels like most big apps and fads come from the US, hence the "iOS first" mentality. With WP having a small market share there, you won't be seeing any recognition by those developers anything soon, unless you knock on their door with a bag of money (which is what Microsoft and Nokia are doing).
Important in terms of what? Market share? Profitability? Mind share? Nokia and RIM were doing great in those emerging markets and look where they are now. The huge market share they had with BB and Symbian completely rotted away and they owned those markets. I personally don't care about market share or number of apps, but the biggest complain is the lack of apps on the platform and that won't change, even with headlines like "#2 mobile OS in Latin America".
Nokia losing market share in those countries was more due to Elop and the burning platforms memo.
N8 was the most preordered Nokia phone ever, but hey "Symbian is dead lawl" makes the companies bail out, so no support, no sales, etc. Come in Android and cheap phones because hey, its the only shit that is not BB7 and WP is expensive too.
Nokia's demise goes back to Elop. Meego was poised to be the dominant mobile OS in china due to the investment the carriers themselves had but nope, chuck testa.
I like WP, but I'm salty at Elop for not allowing QWERTY Lumias and killing Meego. Very salty.
I don't know, the Symbian phones from 2009-2011 looked all pretty terrible to me. A sluggish OS on mediocre hardware. I mean, the launched something like the N97 and N97 mini against the iPhone. That's a pretty terrible decision.
It does? Is that why they doubled their market share in Europe?
i should really rephrase what i said earlier. it kinda sounds dead, only because i don't hear about at all. i used at least know what the last major update was called, but i dont even know that anymore. i don't see ads anywhere, it feels as if carriers are actively trying to hide it, and say "hey look at all these android phones, so hip and cool." it just looks so dead in the water imo.
they need to make an effort with Sprint period. Sprint has two WP8 phones, and neither is from Nokia.I don't know where you live, but the 1020 was the hero phone for AT&T this summer, with high visibility at all their stores and a big marketing campaign. This is Nokia's platform now, they need to make a bigger effort with Verizon and Sprint.