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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!

Just finished this bad boy up. It was good but not great. Graphics were really rough on the PS3. The first half didn't have enough shooting and the second half had too much haha. Stealth aspects were as bare bones as can be. I did enjoy the story, the music, the atmosphere (dat bridge level!), the shooting mechanics, the light exploration elements, and the enemies, minus those shotgun shrapnel shooting assholes. I would love a sequel that bared more of a resemblance to Wolfie 3D though.
BJ is alive, right?


I wonder if we're at the point now where people think "pacing" means a consistent pace, rather than a varied and interesting mix. It's kind of like how there are no dynamics in pop music, so people get weirded out if a song has both quiet and loud parts.

I don't know how you can levy pacing criticisms against Wolfenstein when we have games like Rage. Whereas I was bored to tears in Rage by doing stuff like exploring the (empty) Wasteland, shitty racing, and talking to pointless characters, I felt the small inclusions of moments where you're not shooting added to the experience of Wolfenstein.


Game is excellent. Normally I'm not one to cry about no multiplayer but this game really should have it. The guns and cover system would really have made for an excellent multiplayer shooter
What are you guys thinking about the graphics? Does it have that next gen feel to it? The trailers didn't impress me too much but maybe it looks better in person?
What are you guys thinking about the graphics? Does it have that next gen feel to it? The trailers didn't impress me too much but maybe it looks better in person?
I think it looks like a refined old gen looking game, it doesn't wow you graphically, however it looks very good and runs 1080p 60fps!
Just got this, played for an hour. Wow - all I can say is I wish I had bought this sooner!

Guns feel fantastic, game is legitimately funny at times as well. Having more fun with this than Watch Dogs, easily.
What are you guys thinking about the graphics? Does it have that next gen feel to it? The trailers didn't impress me too much but maybe it looks better in person?

I think it's a gorgeous game, so much detail in every location. Love the character models. The art direction, grain, and lighting is what does it for me especially when it's on 60fps, but if you're a texture hound, then you won't get dat next gen feel whatever that means lol since this is the idTech 5 engine.









I think it's a gorgeous game, so much detail in every location. Love the character models. The art direction, grain, and lighting is what does it for me especially when it's on 60fps, but if you're a texture hound, then you won't get dat next gen feel whatever that means lol since this is the idTech 5 engine.










Argh... you're tempting me! I feel like I need something to play on my PS4. Loving SM3DW on the Wii U right now... but sometimes I need something a little more gritty... when the kids are in bed.
Just finished the
destroyed bridge.

Holy shit what a challenge... took me close to two hours to get through :)

EVERYTIME I return to this game (been working a lot the past few days), I IMMEDIATELY fall in love all over again <3


Gold Member
But this game, I honestly can't imagine how you would regret it.

I've met people who jumped into a multiplayer match just to question the players on why they were playing this over another X game. I mean, c'mon. If there's a complaint to be made, someone will make it. And heaven forbid it's a single player game with tons of action. It's like a bright red target.

I've heard the following line of dialogue 700 times:

"Like Prometheus, I steal fire from the Gods!"

Up to this point, I felt the challenge offered by the game was reasonable. Especially in areas where there were a disproportionately large number of enemies, the designers gave you some options. Sometimes it took twenty deaths for me to figure that out, but I figured it out eventually.

I liked this game a lot, but this fight is frustrating and I'm not having any fun with it.


Gold Member
I've heard the following line of dialogue 700 times:

"Like Prometheus, I steal fire from the Gods!"

Remember in BF3's MP you'd hear "c****s****r" every single match? That made the entire game seem pitiful. I don't mind repetitive dialogue unless it's excessive dialogue that doesn't add any merit.
Remember in BF3's MP you'd hear "c****s****r" every single match? That made the entire game seem pitiful. I don't mind repetitive dialogue unless it's excessive dialogue that doesn't add any merit.

No no, the dialogue is fine. It's the fight that's maddening. It takes a bunch of deaths to even figure out what to do, then a bunch of deaths to actually try to do it, and then who knows how many deaths after that to actually figure out how to finish. I'm trying to not to, but I may have to resort to a video.


I'm having a hard time playing on PS4... I still suck at console fps, but I feel this was designed to be played on m/k. I'm not that far in the game, but I feel it already. Number of enemies, their positionng, pace of everything, braking boxes that feels good like in half-life needs some free moves, shooting from the hip that works and is essential to gameplay...

On the other hand, that lean mechanic is a work of genius and perfect for a controller. More shooters should have this.
Just finished this a few days ago and had a blast playing it. The "old-school" mechanics were refreshing, IMO. Being forced to scour the environment for more ammo or health packs during a balls-out firefight added another layer of intensity.

Regarding possible DLC:
Frau Engel and Mecha-Bubi trying to rebuild the Nazi empire?.


I've met people who jumped into a multiplayer match just to question the players on why they were playing this over another X game.

I think my response would be, "Well you obviously bought the game yourself, why do you still own it if it is so bad?"
I've heard the following line of dialogue 700 times:

"Like Prometheus, I steal fire from the Gods!"

Up to this point, I felt the challenge offered by the game was reasonable. Especially in areas where there were a disproportionately large number of enemies, the designers gave you some options. Sometimes it took twenty deaths for me to figure that out, but I figured it out eventually.

I liked this game a lot, but this fight is frustrating and I'm not having any fun with it.

Honestly, I love that about the game so far (I'm only on chapter 8 or 9). I had times where I died a lot but then finally figured out what I should be doing (I really liked that it encouraged you to find tactics and it gave ways you could do tactics to give yourself an advantage).

I'm kinda moving through it slowly cause to tell the truth Borderlands 2 is also taking up a lot of my time. That and I'm finding Wolfy pretty challenging (I suck at FPS in general, not good at quick aiming. Which is why I have to rely on stealth and tactics ;) ).


Gold Member
I think my response would be, "Well you obviously bought the game yourself, why do you still own it if it is so bad?"

My reply would be, "oh it was fun at first, I bought it to play MP with friends,but their consistent jokes and negative comments alluded me into thinking I was indeed this bad person". ;) That's until I got home and played it by myself.
Honestly, I love that about the game so far (I'm only on chapter 8 or 9). I had times where I died a lot but then finally figured out what I should be doing (I really liked that it encouraged you to find tactics and it gave ways you could do tactics to give yourself an advantage).

No, I agree. I like a challenge and I don't mind dying if I'm learning to play the game better. The final fight is just bad though. Die, load, restock armor, health, ammo, try again. Die, load, restock armor, health ammo, try again. It's actually marred my overall opinion of the game. Like, just checkpoint us AFTER we've stocked up. Give us that, at least.

With regards to the final fight:
When he's in the basement, does he have invincible frames? Like if I dump rockets at him, are they not affecting him when he flinches/staggers?


With regards to the final fight:
When he's in the basement, does he have invincible frames? Like if I dump rockets at him, are they not affecting him when he flinches/staggers?

This is what I was wondering too. That seems to be the case. I gotta mow my lawn and then I'm taking another run at this fucker.
Ok, I got convinced to get Wolf by reading a Wolf vs. Watch Dogs thread. I have to say like many others I am blown away. I had no interest in this despite loving all the entries except the one previous to this. so I didn't go in expecting much need less to say this one is an overachiever. I haven't finished it yet but here are some initial thoughts for anybody who might be on the fence after three levels.

-Multiple approaches to levels that feel organic. Branching storyline.
-Feel. Everything feels smooth and there is a high "fit and finish" feel to the whole package.
-Old school design that doesn't seem prohibitive and works.
-Characterization and story. Super shocking to me personally, even though I heard it was good.
-Weapon feel, variety and sound are spot on. I love listening to the spent shells bounce around after ejection.
-Environments are varied and seem very distinct.
-Secrets! Everywhere! One tenant of old school design that this one has in spades. What? I can find stuff that makes the game different/better? I haven't seen that since PS2 days!
-Best lean system ever created.
-Nice cover/destructibility system in place.

-Graphics fluctuate from great to meh. They don't maintain AAA quality throughout so far and sort of hit peaks and valleys. Not bad by any means, just slightly inconsistent.
-Enemies can be quite difficult to see against backgrounds at times.
-Talking and objectives during combat can be difficult to hear. I fixed this by turning on subtitles. Not optimal but workable. Better sound and visual options would have been nice.
-Having to use a button to pick things like ammo up sucks.

Anybody who has found themselves bitching about the the state of the modern shooter should go pick this up without hesitation. Now.


The thrill of stealthily taking down an entire area of nazis in this game is amazing
Yup, I really enjoyed coming into a new area and evening up the odds a bit with stealth, before murdering everyone that's left.

I understand why some people find the stealth incredibly weak, but it was satisfying for me.


Incidental grenade kills from Nazi grenades.... where to grind this?

Also, I will need to find area where I can perform health overcharge stealth kills.


I understand why some people find the stealth incredibly weak, but it was satisfying for me.

I really only started using it towards the end when it became kind of a necessity, but I wish I would have been doing it throughout the game. I like it a lot. Everything about this game feels old school in just the right way to me.


For people who have played Rage on console and playing Wolfenstein on PS4/XB1, how do the controls feel? I played Rage on PS3 and I felt like the controls felt a little sluggish. I remember cranking the sensitivity to max in order to make the controls feel somewhat similar to most other FPS games I play.

Like, going ADS in Rage I found it really sluggish. I know that looking down the sights it's supposed to be a little slower for finer aiming but it felt a bit cluncky in Rage. Do the controls feel snappier in Wolfenstein? I'd be playing this on PS4.


This game needs a challenge mode like the one in CoJ: Gunslinger. I just want a room full of nazis and the shrapnel shot gun.


First time I've finished a game and then immediately started replaying it in a really long time.

Yup, and I even watched the cutscenes over again. There are plenty of games where I skip the stupid cutscenes even on the first playthrough, so that's saying something.
Fuck these god damn super armoured shotgun nazis

One shotgun shot to the back on their tanks, and they're down just like that. They have very slow turn radius. Flank em.

Chuck in a grenade to stun them.

Or a fully charged LKW. Which can also take down a turret dude in one shot.


Incidental grenade kills from Nazi grenades.... where to grind this?

Beginning-ish of the 3rd chapter, after you clear the first area - just inside the door the soldier
who gets blasted by Granny
opens for you:


Let the nazis inside see you, but don't enter the room - just peek inside until a guard stops in this position:


I got three kills at the second try here, but it's kind of random. The checkpoint is right there, though.
One shotgun shot to the back on their tanks, and they're down just like that. They have very slow turn radius. Flank em.

Chuck in a grenade to stun them.

Or a fully charged LKW. Which can also take down a turret dude in one shot.
Wow, did not know about shooting them in the back. Figured there had to be some weak spot, but I've just been bullet spamming them


Beat the game yesterday I enjoyed but not quite as much as the general GAF consensus though.

It did hit some emotional notes form me. However i feel no desire to go through it again.
My favorite missions were
Stealing the chopper, u-boat and final mission sans the boss
The missions I didn't like were
Space mission/ London monitor and Bridge mission
Most of the bosses were more tedious than hard imo, I had more fun in the giant rooms full of nazi that allowed you to freestyle.
I thought overall both Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon were better single player FPS's (as you can tell I don't value story that much) just because it let you take things as you wanted as opposed to forcing you the one way or the other. I think if either of those games didn't have side objectives and were just missions strung together they'd easily be worse than this game however.
I'd rank it above Killzone Shadow Falls single player easily.
I have a question about Ramona though
So she was really enya/anya right? that makes sense if that's her backstory why she'd be so willing to join le resistance
just beat the game. really enjoyed the story aside from the ending. reeks of a sequel. i really hate that. otherwise it was a really fun time. i'm about to go through it again just to see how differently some things play out.

I have a question about Ramona though
So she was really enya/anya right? that makes sense if that's her backstory why she'd be so willing to join le resistance

to my understanding, yes. i thought that bit was excellent. and if you didn't take the time to listen you wouldn't have ever known how badass she was.


just beat the game. really enjoyed the story aside from the ending. reeks of a sequel.

How does the ending "reek" of a sequel?
The main antagonist is dead, and so is BJ Blasko, presumably. There's room for a sequel yes, but it's more than fine as a standalone story. I was worried they were going to go in the other direction and have a ragtag group of 7-8 rebels topple the entire Nazi regime.
How does the ending "reek" of a sequel?
The main antagonist is dead, and so is the BJ Blasko, presumably. There's room for a sequel yes, but it's more than fine as a standalone story. I was worried they were going to go in the other direction and have a ragtag group of 7-8 rebels topple the entire Nazi regime.

I mean the scary lady is still alive and honestly, they should just straight up Mass Effect 2 BJ and make him some super human robot man who questions his humanity and shit.

If I ask for one thing to ask for this game to be is to be more light-hearted considering the soundtrack recordings you find in the game are fun as hell.

I was hoping to raid a Nazi prison to this song atleast :/


One shotgun shot to the back on their tanks, and they're down just like that. They have very slow turn radius. Flank em.

Chuck in a grenade to stun them.

Or a fully charged LKW. Which can also take down a turret dude in one shot.
Yeah I was stuck in a spot with no grenades near with two of these fuckers going ham in a open space with little cover on uber. Eventually barely got past them.


How much longer until the end, I haven't really been keeping time in my head but I just
broke a bunch of guards out and shot dudes in a mech. Nazi lady came back after thinking she died.


Also my god this game is fugly. Worst textures I've n personally seen on ps4.

The art is good but everything else is so ugly.
I swear, trying to do the perk where you have to make them kill themselves with their own grenade is such a pain. They barely throw any late game, if at all.


In my opinion, the stealth is at its best when it's optional. I'm not trying to say that it's best when you don't have to do it, but when you have the choice to either go stealthy or all-out, there are actual consequences for failing. In sections where stealth is the only option, there's basically no consequence at all. If you're seen, enemies will just try to hit you in the face in the club, and they are pathetically easy to counter, plus they're just not aggressive enough. Also, the forced stealth sections are mostly sequences in which a bunch of enemies already have their backs to you, so there's really nothing to it.
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