Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


gaf give Life is strange a moment of your time. It's one of the most carefully crafted games I've played where small choices matter more then you think. With a great, engaging story and good character development. and it only gets better with the new ep's.

It's well worth your time and money.


the weird thing is , i played the game 2 days ago for 10 minutes and close it
and after 12 hours i came back and found my self in level 960 and have 1.9M gold
gaf give Life is strange a moment of your time. It's one of the most carefully crafted games I've played where small choices matter more then you think. With a great, engaging story and good character development. and it only gets better with the new ep's.

It's well worth your time and money.

I was just thinking about getting it when I read this so...yeah. Bought.


Steer clear of Bulletstorm, GFWL has decided to rear its ugly head again.

Just played through it last month, had no issues with GFWL. Problems may arise, but I don't think that they are universal.

Mainly, I just hope people play Bulletstorm. One of my fav shooters from last gen


Finally got Banished working (had to change it from Direct X 11 to 9). Thought I was doing well and getting the hang of things and then Winter came. While checking out the progress concerning my buildings and why they weren't being completed (they merely stated "work needs to be done"), I didn't notice all my villagers had died.

Good fun. lol Time for another go!


Ori and the Blind Forest is too beautiful looking to pass on, I think it goes in the cart. Plus, Axiom Verge hasn't even been discounted for the sale, so I think I'll grab Ori and wait for DkSouls2: SoTFS and call it a sale.


Finally got Banished working (had to change it from Direct X 11 to 9). Thought I was doing well and getting the hang of things and then Winter came. While checking out the progress concerning my buildings and why they weren't being completed (they merely stated "work needs to be done"), I didn't notice all my villagers had died.

Good fun. lol Time for another go!

I really loved banished, it definitely takes some time to figure it out though.

Also, someone please stop me from buying dark souls 2 scholar. I've been itching to replay it ever sense I beat it on console. I have not touched or seen the dlc, and I don't know how much longer I can wait!!!


STRIDER is 70% off (the cheapest I've seen it), worth it?

I've got the game and after playing for some time, I'm loving it!

The fast and flashy action is a joy with the very responsive controls. It captures very well the spirit of the original game while adding a little depth.

It's not a super deep Metroidvania, apparently, but I'm ok with that. It reminds me a little of Metroid Other M (more straightforward, fast and responsive action), but no story to get in the way of the gameplay. Also, the backgrounds are a bit bland and they don't change much. I enjoy the clean and stylish visuals though.


I really loved banished, it definitely takes some time to figure it out though.

Also, someone please stop me from buying dark souls 2 scholar. I've been itching to replay it ever sense I beat it on console. I have not touched or seen the dlc, and I don't know how much longer I can wait!!!

Yeah, I was hesitant to buy this game last sale because watching the videos, I wasn't quite clear what the goal was. I mean, I had an idea but it seemed boring and ill conceived. But then GAF knocked some sense into my head and because I like these kinds of games, I made the jump and now that I have some time to play it, I'm enjoying it a lot.
Any opinions on Age of Wonders 3 and its DLC? Ready to pull the trigger but not sure on whether to jump into this or Endless Legend ( not sure which is the better game).
So far I've only bought two games, but I'm really thinking about getting Hand of Fate as well as Ori and the Blind Forest... I'll probably cave.


Ori is top seller atm.



Really want Shovel Knight and Ori but I have too many games to play already, think I'll wait for a bigger discount
Had the exact same problem. Rather than choosing, I went in a completely different direction and got Titan Souls and Rayman Legends.

I honestly don't know why other than the prices came out about the same.


Junior Member
Today I grabbed the following:

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Final Fantasy VII
Life is Strange
Batman: Arkham Origins

Definitely the most I've spent this whole sale. Still waiting on Scholar of the First Sin to drop.


All I've picked up is 25ish games for less than £0.45 each just for the cards. Literally nothing so far has interested me or had enough discount to justify buying.


I don't know, checking steam news it was actually removed from Steam last year in April.

I didn't even know it was back on Steam before it went on sale. AFAIK there's no word on GFWL removal or not.

GFWL is still there and it's the very bad kind that won't work offline. But Bulletstorm is so you good I say buy, play asap and eventually use a crack or something.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hand of Fate impressions:

I cant believe how good this game is. Abridged version (unless someone wants more details on something):

At its core it a roguelike action adventure. You have a deck of cards, from which you'll draw random events. Those events play out as text, sometimes random choices (which might even be affected by items you have equipped), for example: "You met this guy, will you help him?" and then depending on your choices, you get a reward, nothing or you might need to participate in a fight. For fights, the game switches to a 3D perspective and you are then tasked to defeat enemies with the cards you have equipped (sort of works like the Batman combat). The combat isnt stellar, but it works, as different enemy units (ranged, abilities) mean you need to adjust quite often, and especially the bosses might get you to rethink your base counter/attack strategy.

That in return gives you more rewards, which might be cards to put into your deck. That way, you can add more and more varied weapons and event cards to your deck for each playthrough.

The whole setup is just so refreshingly unique and well thought out. You do not only gain more weapons as you progress, but also unlock more events and more challenges that you potentially encounter, bit by bit. Meaning there is plenty of content that you wont even see in the beginning and it will take a while to get through every bit of content. The fact that you need to actively choose which items to put in your deck also makes you experiment more with weird abilities that you happen to draw.

I will play more of this, but I am very, very, very happy I bought it.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Okay I gave myself a $50 limit and I only have $10 left... Hand of Fate is $12.50. What's the call, GAF?
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