The competitive system is not set up to really reward strong players regularly. It's been pretty bad for the player pool. Beyond that, every time game balance seems like its escaped one problem it finds itself with another. Blizzard almost just seem to have doubled down on stupid gimmick cards that break the game, and it's only going to get worse with the rest of, HS competitive is a complete joke now, lol. Just look at last year around this time we had ATLC finals happening, even Blizzcon it self, the level of plays and decks have dropped a ton. It's so terrible now.
Competitive HS has been a joke ever since Naxx and GvG released. At least before then Blizzard made regular balance changes and removed/nerfed crazy RNG swing cards (they heavily nerfed Tinkmaster and Pagle as they were heavy RNG swing cards).man, HS competitive is a complete joke now, lol. Just look at last year around this time we had ATLC finals happening, even Blizzcon it self, the level of plays and decks have dropped a ton. It's so terrible now.
Competitive HS has been a joke ever since Naxx and GvG released. At least before then Blizzard made regular balance changes and removed/nerfed crazy RNG swing cards (they heavily nerfed Tinkmaster and Pagle as they were heavy RNG swing cards).
There are a lot of busted cards right now that Blizzard isn't going to nerf because "well it's gonna rotate out anyway".Tinkmaster was just busted dude, nevermind the RNG. Just compare it to Keeper of Uldaman which is also a crazy card.
Tinkmaster was just busted dude, nevermind the RNG. Just compare it to Keeper of Uldaman which is also a crazy card.
talking about keeper of uldaman.. I had a good laugh at the "Lore Description" they have right now on the wiki
It's just so slow. Would've been great at 8 mana but 9 mana is really rough.
It's just so slow. Would've been great at 8 mana but 9 mana is really rough.
Just realized, Silvermoon Portal can screw over a Paladin if they get Doomsayer.
Was thinking about trying it out but I'll probably stick to using Kings.
Just played a Rogue that had what I assume were just Barnes and Blood of The Ancient Ones as his only minions. Barnes - Shadowstep - Barnes for a one turn Ancient one. I polymorphed it and he conceded but the idea was novel.
Not necessarily, Rag is more offensive and can snipe other larger minions plus get lethal. Soggoth matches poorly against other giant minions, hell it trades even with 4 mana 7/7.yeah if its at 8, its better than Rag
fucking shame
The good old Hearthstone rule of thumb applies here. You beat Hunter with something that is faster than it. So Zoo is a good option.So are there any decks out there that farm midrange Hunters? I can't think of any. I guess aggro Shaman and Zoo are supposed to be favorable right? Anything else?
Just played a Rogue that had what I assume were just Barnes and Blood of The Ancient Ones as his only minions. Barnes - Shadowstep - Barnes for a one turn Ancient one. I polymorphed it and he conceded but the idea was novel.
Lol. If you weren't close to a big rank you should have just let him win. He probably lost so many ranks trying to make that happen.
And who still plays polymorph anymore?
Just played a Rogue that had what I assume were just Barnes and Blood of The Ancient Ones as his only minions. Barnes - Shadowstep - Barnes for a one turn Ancient one. I polymorphed it and he conceded but the idea was novel.
That's amazing.Haha, fuck this tempo mage. He got the god opener. Mana wyrm, sorc apprentice, flamewaker, flamewaker, 2nd mana wyrm (first removed), and goes face with all his spells. I am just testing a new shaman cthun deck out in casual, this guy is pro smorcing with an established deck. Turn 7 comes around and I get twin emps up. And he has 1 waker left (both survived spellpower lightning storm btw), and he arcane missiles and pings face. I am down to 2 hp. Next turn he top decks a 2 drop and pings face. I am down to 1 hp. I top deck healing wave (also drake in hand, so I had 2 tries). Healing wave myself back to 15. And then next turn I healing wave again to 28 but he is already dead to my board.
This guy probably thought he had that shit in the bag. Instead he got it ripped away at 1 off lethal. Is there any better comeback than that, with a deck you just built from scratch.
Gotta farm those Resurrect Priests.One win from rank 7 and then I face three miracle rogues in a row, all three have gadgetzan on curve.
Who the fuck ladders with that trash deck.
Gotta farm those Resurrect Priests.
Anybody tried out the cycle cthun warrior deck kolento came up with? It's the only Cthun warrior deck i can afford and I'd like to give it a try, would have to craft Twin emps.
Priest of the Feast and Auchnai Soulpriest out at the same time, rip Priest.
But it was hilarious to watch.
At first I had both in the same deck then I thought, man that makes no damn sense. lol. Never had the negative synergy actually hurt me though. But not exactly winning much either. *sigh*
I felt pretty bad because all he needed to do was Circle first and I think the first Chicken Leg would of healed him instead of damaged, then Power Word: Shield'd his Priest of the Feast. Would of put him out of lethal range.
Instead it was Power Word Shield, Power Word Shield, Circle, Dead.
Reminds me a terrible misplay I had earlier with Wild Pyromancer. I had the cards in hand to clear a menacing board but played them out of order and blew it. Granted, I don't use that card very often. That is my excuse.![]()
Celegus#1599 on NA if anyone wants to hop on quick for that 80g play a friend quest.
just added you