Ok, I'm not trying to be an ass.
The first thing I thought of seeing Christie's frame was...Oswald Cobblepott in 'Batman Returns'.
I'm an ass, right?
My first thought was FUPA so if you're an ass, I'm screwed.
Ok, I'm not trying to be an ass.
The first thing I thought of seeing Christie's frame was...Oswald Cobblepott in 'Batman Returns'.
I'm an ass, right?
In context of national disaster, you don't dick around with the President.
Did you send $5?
My first thought was FUPA so if you're an ass, I'm screwed.
Just make it an avatar saying "Dax was right." Or something to do with me. He'll love that.Just a reminder that while I hold PD's avatar rights after Obama wins, I'll be taking suggestions.
Just make it an avatar saying "Dax was right." Or something to do with me. He'll love that.
Depending on what they show, I might reconsider my Florida prediction.
Obama hasn't managed much more than a tie there in a while from the major pollsters...
tnr said:Romney made larger gains in Florida after the first presidential debate than most other battlegrounds, leaving him about 1 or 2 points ahead in the Sunshine State. But the polls suggest that one reason for Romney’s strength might be a surprising group: Florida’s Latino population.
In 2008, Obama won Florida’s Latinos by 15 points with a relatively strong showing among Miami’s traditionally Republican Cuban population and the exploding and heavily-Democratic non-Cuban Hispanic population, especially the Puerto Ricans of the Orlando-Kissimmee metropolitan area.
Over the last four years, those demographic changes have continued to aid Florida Democrats, as non-Cuban Hispanics continue to flock to the state....
But Florida polls show a tighter race than expected among Florida’s Hispanic voters....
The issue might be that polls don’t weight Hispanic voters by ancestry, so if 60 percent of respondents are Cuban, polls won’t take measures to ensure that a larger share are Mexican-American or Puerto Rican. This introduces another layer of error into the already difficult task of polling Hispanic voters, and it might be influencing the numbers. Two data points are consistent with this possibility. A Latino Decisions survey found Obama ahead by 30 points in early October, and their surveys are weighted for ancestry. Similarly, SurveyUSA, the only statewide, full-population survey to find Obama leading by a double digit margin among Hispanics, disaggregated and presumably weighted by both Cuban and non-Cuban Hispanics and found Obama ahead by 40 points among non-Cuban Hispanics but trailing by 8 among Cubans, with Cubans representing 48 percent of Hispanics. Those numbers sound about right and that might have something to do with why SurveyUSA is the only recent poll showing Obama ahead in the Sunshine State.
Just a reminder that while I hold PD's avatar rights after Obama wins, I'll be taking suggestions.
i want people to make an electoral map for Nov 6. Use 270towin to guide you (I'll save links; no changing links after October 31). Then, in the same post, I want a popular vote margin. For "in case of tie" purposes, I also want everyone to guess the time Virginia will be called for either candidate.
The winner will get a 20 dollar gift on Steam of their choice.
Submissions over on the last day of October 2012.
I'm partial to "Dax was right, sweetie."![]()
Dick Morris shares his wisdom as to why Ohio isn't that critical for Romney
I see what you did there.
Just predicted the 2008 map...lol.
I call him BO since I first learned of him. It's an amazing term of endearment and you have to pry it from my cold dead hands!
the image that will cost Christie the 2016 primaries
the image that will cost Christie the 2016 primaries
I see the polling aggregates have Obama at about 50% in Ohio and expanding his lead.
No snark here. Just pure :lol hopium. No wonder Romney is lying as he has never before about the auto industry.
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
Oh right, no Indy.
Other than that, LOL.
Dude, naw. The dog is Bo, the president is B-Rock The Islamic Shock. Seriously, we've been over this.
for some reason this is how I imagine Chris Christie based on this picture
Still waiting for non-PPP polls to show anything like this. Sure the WaPo confirmed PPP's VA findings, but let's not whip our dicks out yet. Romney is gaining in Ohio with this Jeep attack
How exactly is he going to reduce the debt? What is he going to do in order to simplify the tax code? How will either of these affect the middle and lower class? What does getting tough on China actually mean, and how does that contrast with Obama? How will he backup Israel, and once again, how will it contrast with Obama? What exactly does the DoD want, and how has Obama not given them what they have asked for? How will killing Obamacare help the nation? Specifics please.
I am very curious to see how far you have thought this through.
I'm going to try running the actual-poll average differentials against latino population for the 2010 and 2012 elections after this is all said and done. Maybe nothing, but the lingering thoughts of NV and CO being the ones who survived in 2010 make me wonder if there might be something there after all.So here's my super-secret lead on Florida, from Nate Cohn:
It's only a possibility, but if there's any truth to it, AND Obama's getting a bump, then I think it's worth considering. If PPP shows Obama with a tie, then I'm going to feel pretty confident about my Florida prediction. But I actually think there's a good chance he'll be up 1, and I'll feel VERY confident.
Great interview.
I'm really interested in seeing how the right reacts to a non-black democratic presidential candidate in 2016. If the next dem after obama isn't black they're gonna be hard pressed to do all this racial baiting. If its a women they'd risk pissing women off and if its an hispanic they risk that crucial voting bloc and if its a white guy then they can't really go after anything but the old "tax and spend liberal."
you know what a good contingency for that is?
early voting.
I think both Republicans will run women for president in 2016.
Any time we have a tax policy debate, I begin to fall asleep a bit, as the folks on one side of the debate are entirely unreasonable and like to conveniently "forget" where the top lines used to be.
I'd love to see us go back to where they were for most of Reagan's two terms. But for some reason, that's evil. Ugh.
I think both Republicans and Democrats will run women for president in 2016.
why are you asking how romney would "reduce the debt"
why are you not asking why "reducing the debt" is seen as a thing to work toward in the first place
(why do i not straight-up have an empty vessel signal)
what a time to be alive.
secret pollster says he's winning CA amirite
clinton vs. rice?
i think if there's a woman on the republican ticket, they'll fill the vp role.
Any time we have a tax policy debate, I begin to fall asleep a bit, as the folks on one side of the debate are entirely unreasonable and like to conveniently "forget" where the top lines used to be.
I'd love to see us go back to where they were for most of Reagan's two terms. But for some reason, that's evil. Ugh.
why are you asking how romney would "reduce the debt"
why are you not asking why "reducing the debt" is seen as a thing to work toward in the first place
(why do i not straight-up have an empty vessel signal)
Sigh.I didn't get a single mention in Dax's fanfic.
I guess I'm not a 'sweetie' yet.
Any time we have a tax policy debate, I begin to fall asleep a bit, as the folks on one side of the debate are entirely unreasonable and like to conveniently "forget" where the top lines used to be.
I'd love to see us go back to where they were for most of Reagan's two terms. But for some reason, that's evil. Ugh.
I was in the top 3 for a couple of threads, though last one I didn't post as much.I even made the Wall Of Fame last cycle!
I'd love to see the top rate return to Nixonian levels if only because it'd likely dramatically reduce income inequality