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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yea, you guys are right; if Rhaegar married Lyanna that would change things. Still I'm skeptical of any of this mattering, especially if only one person in the entire world can confirm it. But then again perhaps that's why Jon keeps dreaming about the Winterfell crypts: maybe some evidence is hidden down there.

Seems more like a testament to his writing than a bad thing imo. The clues are there, as they are for the Red Wedding and even Aegon (whether he's real or fake).

There would have to be a lot of implausible scenarios for this to matter. For one, Jon would need to be released from the Night's Watch, which Robb already stated there was no precedent for (Of course, the breaking of precedent is why a book gets written...), R+J=L would have to be true AND Rheagar would have to have gotten a second marriage/annulled the first to Elia AND both Dany and "Aegon" would have to submit to Jon's greater claim to the Iron Throne.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
There would have to be a lot of implausible scenarios for this to matter. For one, Jon would need to be released from the Night's Watch, which Robb already stated there was no precedent for (Of course, the breaking of precedent is why a book gets written...), R+J=L would have to be true AND Rheagar would have to have gotten a second marriage/annulled the first to Elia AND both Dany and "Aegon" would have to submit to Jon's greater claim to the Iron Throne.

Your watch is over when you die. Jon will rise as Azor Ahai Reborn.


So not worth it
There would have to be a lot of implausible scenarios for this to matter. For one, Jon would need to be released from the Night's Watch, which Robb already stated there was no precedent for (Of course, the breaking of precedent is why a book gets written...), R+J=L would have to be true AND Rheagar would have to have gotten a second marriage/annulled the first to Elia AND both Dany and "Aegon" would have to submit to Jon's greater claim to the Iron Throne.

As said. Death breaks the vow. Guess who just died at the end of the last book? As Trojita says, I too pick Jon to be reborn as Azor Ahai.


Poor George. His fans figured out the twist with Jon's parentage about 20 years before he intended.

A+ zing.

There would have to be a lot of implausible scenarios for this to matter. For one, Jon would need to be released from the Night's Watch, which Robb already stated there was no precedent for (Of course, the breaking of precedent is why a book gets written...), R+J=L would have to be true AND Rheagar would have to have gotten a second marriage/annulled the first to Elia AND both Dany and "Aegon" would have to submit to Jon's greater claim to the Iron Throne.

R+L=J is true, fshure. And none of the rest of that really matters. Jon dies for serious while ending the Second Long Night. Even without, laws of succession are totally non-starters now.

As said. Death breaks the vow. Guess who just died at the end of the last book? As Trojita says, I too pick Jon to be reborn as Azor Ahai.

Azor Ahai, and everything about the Red God is hoohockey. That's dude's a shifty mofo.


That event reads much more like a miscarriage than menses. Which may mean she is fertile-- there is a crackpot theory that Mirri Max Duur's statement that “When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.” was actually a prophecy and not Mirri simply taunting Dany. Details of the theory are here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Prophecies/Entry/1799

I'm not sure I buy into it, but it is interesting to think about.
Oh wow, had completely missed this one.


Maybe I shouldnt be asking but does Winter come to the Reach or Dorne?


good avatar for "maybe I shouldn't be asking". so nervous.

I don't think it's ever established properly. I think the answer to Dorne is "yes". They do specifically call out the Summer Islands for never experiencing winter. As far as the continent goes, I wondered this a little while ago and nobody else seems to know.

makes the whole questions of stakes complicated.

EDIT: If things like latitude even matter:

We know winter comes south to King's Landing at least.


The Banker mentions ice forming on the canals of Braavos, so we can assume that they experience it.

Well yeah. They are quite far north too.

As far as geography is concerned, I have often imagined Kings Landing as having similar climate to Germany, ( which is why I despise its depiction in the series. You'd almost think the stormlands were north of Kings Landing, in the series. ) The Reach France, with its South-western peak with Oldtown being more like Spain/Portugal. I'd imagine they would get snow too, but it would be mild, at the worst. Still enough to put a hamper on the farming for a while, when winter comes. As for Dorne, I dunno. The Dornish Marches seem to parallel the Atlas Mountains to an extent. I don't imagine they have a lot of snow in the low-lands even during the coldest winter, but the Marches are likely hit. Obviously there is really no comparison. If the Iron isles are akin to the British Isles, then that would put the North in Scandinavia. With summer snows on top of the real winter, you can imagine why the Stark words are so grim. And they aren't even as far north as you can get.
I read the first Sam and Gilly sex scene last night and I have to say, it may have been the most disgusting thing I've ever read. Breast milk? Really? Fucking really? If they put that shit in the show...Jesus Christ.


I read the first Sam and Gilly sex scene last night and I have to say, it may have been the most disgusting thing I've ever read. Breast milk? Really? Fucking really? If they put that shit in the show...Jesus Christ.

its a sex scene between the slayer and a chick who had a kid with her father.

what did you expect?
As said. Death breaks the vow. Guess who just died at the end of the last book? As Trojita says, I too pick Jon to be reborn as Azor Ahai.

In his own body? I'm certainly curious to see how Martin handles it. Obviously Jon will be a wolf for awhile, but when he comes back I wonder if it'll be in his own body or another. Assuming of course his own body cannot be repaired/healed.


The prologue chapter is a clear indication that Jon's going to warg into Ghost and since warging into some other guy is a kinda taboo, he's going to warg back into his own body when it's healed up or something.


So not worth it
In his own body? I'm certainly curious to see how Martin handles it. Obviously Jon will be a wolf for awhile, but when he comes back I wonder if it'll be in his own body or another. Assuming of course his own body cannot be repaired/healed.

Look at what Dondarrion managed to survive. A bunch of stab wounds aren't going to stop Melisandre.

I read the first Sam and Gilly sex scene last night and I have to say, it may have been the most disgusting thing I've ever read. Breast milk? Really? Fucking really? If they put that shit in the show...Jesus Christ.

Breast milk = disgusting.
Blowjob = perfectly normal.

The prologue chapter is a clear indication that Jon's going to warg into Ghost and since warging into some other guy is a kinda taboo, he's going to warg back into his own body when it's healed up or something.

So two different concepts will be forged (warging plus the R'Hollor healing). And since Jon's psyche will presumably be stored within Ghost, he should be "whole" when he re-enters his body unlike Beric and Catelyn. He has to die in order to justify the breaking of his vows (ie his watch has ended), and free him to go...wherever he winds up going.


So not worth it
Finally got around to listening to some of the commentary tracks on the S2 blu-ray. GRRM constantly complaining about people not wearing their helmets is too funny. It really bugs him haha. Almost in tears here.


paid requisite penance
There's something satisfying about first being able to come into this thread without fear of being spoiled. I just finished ADWD (and the two preview chapters from TWOW) today :).

Although, reading this thread and the ASOIAF wiki sure taught me a lot about Jon Snow's parentage and other such niceties. Speaking of, do we have to spoiler tag theories/rumors/unconfirmed stuff?

[EDIT] Gotcha.


There's something satisfying about first being able to come into this thread without fear of being spoiled. I just finished ADWD (and the two preview chapters from TWOW) today :).

Although, reading this thread and the ASOIAF wiki sure taught me a lot about Jon Snow's parentage and other such niceties. Speaking of, do we have to spoiler tag theories/rumors/unconfirmed stuff?

spoiler tag anything concerning books that haven't been released.

edit: you don't have to spoiler speculation, fan theories, or other crap like that. just spoiler discussion of the preview chapters that have been released and any official discussion of plot details about unreleased books.


Unconfirmed Member
Note quite how I'd put it, but yeah, what's the problem with breast milk?

I guess people would have a problem with it since it's "intended" for babies, and the thought of stealing some baby food from a mother who recently delivered might seem... unsavory?

Then again, blowjobs can seem just as unsettling, as said before. The scene in Feast of Cersei thinking about how she denied Robert true born children was chilling.


In his own body? I'm certainly curious to see how Martin handles it. Obviously Jon will be a wolf for awhile, but when he comes back I wonder if it'll be in his own body or another. Assuming of course his own body cannot be repaired/healed.

I'm convinced he'll go back into his own body once it becomes white-walkered in an ice cell.


It's made of girl juice.

I guess people would have a problem with it since it's "intended" for babies, and the thought of stealing some baby food from a mother who recently delivered might seem... unsavory?

Breast milk is, of all the body fluids one might consume, the only one specifically designed for human consumption. Blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and all the other fluids that come out of us are NOT for human consumption, and with the exception of blood none of them are taboo. Rational thinking is what is called for. Being creeped out by breast milk ranks up there with the American TV issue with nipples, while death by hail of bullets is fine.


I recall someone linking to a website where they summarized all the sample chapters for The Winds of Winter. Does anyone remember the site?


Breast milk is, of all the body fluids one might consume, the only one specifically designed for human consumption. Blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and all the other fluids that come out of us are NOT for human consumption, and with the exception of blood none of them are taboo. Rational thinking is what is called for. Being creeped out by breast milk ranks up there with the American TV issue with nipples, while death by hail of bullets is fine.


Bad at evolution.

Anyway yeah shit. Never boned a pregnant or lactating lady. I'll try anything once.
I recall someone linking to a website where they summarized all the sample chapters for The Winds of Winter. Does anyone remember the site?

Victarion I and Tyrion I

Barriston I and II


(a couple Theon chapters have been released but I don't see them on Martin's website)

In terms of chronology Martin has mentioned that the Mereen situation will be: Barriston I, Tyrion I, Victarion I, Barriston II.


Breast milk is, of all the body fluids one might consume, the only one specifically designed for human consumption. Blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and all the other fluids that come out of us are NOT for human consumption, and with the exception of blood none of them are taboo. Rational thinking is what is called for. Being creeped out by breast milk ranks up there with the American TV issue with nipples, while death by hail of bullets is fine.

I wish my girlfriend had breast milk. Would be sweet to have a refreshing drink while sucking on some tit mid coitus.


Victarion I and Tyrion I

Barriston I and II


(a couple Theon chapters have been released but I don't see them on Martin's website)

In terms of chronology Martin has mentioned that the Mereen situation will be: Barriston I, Tyrion I, Victarion I, Barriston II.

thanks man. but the site I was referring to was some guy's blog and he had pretty great summaries of every released chapter
When Victorian emerges from his cabin was such a great moment. I simply imagined fucking Cervantes with a black hand in my asoiaf, shit was awesome.
Barriston's TWOW chapters are so fucking awesome. Can't wait to see what happens next. I can't help but think
the dragons are going to turn the battle into a chaotic death spiral for both sides


Breast milk is, of all the body fluids one might consume, the only one specifically designed for human consumption.

I was joking but I don't like the taste and I felt like I was either taking away from the baby or taxing my wife's body for no reason. If I get the urge for dairy it's a chocolate milk for me.
Yay, someone else who thinks this. That little demon baby Melisandre birthed really doesn't give me a good vibe as far as the Red God is concerned.
Neither side seems to stand out as being the 'right' one, which I suppose is the whole point.

On the Red God side, you have them bringing cool dudes like Beric Dondarrion back to life, and Thoros of Myr seems like a pretty good guy all things considered. But then you have the shadow baby, which definitely seems to come from the evil side of the spectrum, along with people being sacrificed in the flames.

On the Old Gods side, you have the Stark connection to them to lend them a bit of auctoritas. But then you have Coldhands, who specifically could not pass under the Wall, and the three-eyed crow is basically a living nightmare, at least to look at. That line that he uses about the darkness making Bran strong is a bit of a worry.
Neither side seems to stand out as being the 'right' one, which I suppose is the whole point.

On the Red God side, you have them bringing cool dudes like Beric Dondarrion back to life, and Thoros of Myr seems like a pretty good guy all things considered. But then you have the shadow baby, which definitely seems to come from the evil side of the spectrum, along with people being sacrificed in the flames.

On the Old Gods side, you have the Stark connection to them to lend them a bit of auctoritas. But then you have Coldhands, who specifically could not pass under the Wall, and the three-eyed crow is basically a living nightmare, at least to look at. That line that he uses about the darkness making Bran strong is a bit of a worry.

On the TV show last night,
they did a very nice job contrasting Melissandra and Thoros (they actually meet). I wouldn't ascribe men's motives to gods, the peopel serving them seem to have their own agendas/interpretations.

^^^ Not much of a spoiler, btw.


So not worth it
Would really appreciate if people spoiler tagged show scenes for a few days at least in this thread. Especially if stuff they're describing deviates from the book.
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