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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Haha, Oded Fehr was who I imagined the Red Viper as. I always thought the Dornish were supposed to be Middle Eastern-like.
I always imagined them as Spanish or Latin. Whenever Oberyn spoke to Tyrion, I heard Antonio Banderas' voice in my head. The sand snakes were Paz Vega, Penelope Cruz and America Ferrera. Arianne was Salma Hayek and Doran was played by Jimmy Smits.

For some reason, I imagine Gael García Bernal as Quentyn. Amiable, friendly, kind of dopey and unreliable.


Well here's how they are described:

Dornish lords wear silk and satin robes with jeweled belts and flowing sleeves and favor light armor that is heavily enameled and inlaid with burnished copper, shining silver, and/or soft red gold.

The Rhoynar were a slender people with smooth olive skin, black hair and dark eyes. Their impact on the Dornish gene pool is strongest along the coast, and grows faint farther inland. Dornishmen with more Andal and First Men blood are larger and fairer than those with more Rhoynish.

According to King Daeron I's observations during his wars in Dorne, there are three group of Dornishmen:

- Salty Dornishmen live along the coasts, mainly along the Broken Arm region, where the Red Mountains stretch out into the Sea of Dorne. These Dornishmen are lithe and dark, with smooth olive skin and long black hair. They are fishermen and sailors, hard men who sail the ships of the Dornish fleet.

- Sandy Dornishmen live in the deserts and the long river valleys, faces burned brown by the hot Dornish sun, they are even darker than the salty Dornishmen.

- Stony Dornishmen live in the passes and heights of the Red Mountains. They have the most Andal and First Men blood and mostly resemble the other people of the Seven Kingdoms in look, customs and traditions. They are brown-haired or blond with faces that are freckled or burned by the sun.

House Martell are "salty". House Dayne are "stony".


What do you think Rhaegar would have done if he had beaten Robert? Deposed of his father and had two wives?

It would be difficult. He would need to marry Lyanna to get the North back on his side, and depending on the fate of Jon Arryn and Ned Stark this would help with the Vale and Riverrun (due to Ned's marriage). I doubt however the Martells would like that. So you'd get either Jon Arryn as the Hand if Rhaegar doesn't marry Lyanna (but still recognizes Jon) or one of the Martells if he does marry Lyanna. Supposing they could be placated that leaves the Lannisters and the Baratheons. If Jaimie was released from the King's Guard, the Lannisters would probably be pleased. And for the Baratheons, I suppose Stannis would bend the knee if his brother was defeated.


Show spoilers I guess? Especially since GRRM wrote this episode so these might be important down the road.

So, Theon's loss of penis had been confirmed.

What's more interesting are some of the comments made by Margaery. They seem... suspicious in light of ADWD events.


I liked Tyrion's line about juggling

Also Talisa/Jeyne is pregnant confirmed?

I wonder when is the earliest Quentyn can show up. I wonder if they'll make him bigger on TV than in the books.

Yeah if they want to use him effectively as a late season twist (as in all that build up and he just dies) then they'll have to pump him up a bit more on the show


Show spoilers I guess? Especially since GRRM wrote this episode so these might be important down the road.

So, Theon's loss of penis had been confirmed.

What's more interesting are some of the comments made by Margaery. They seem... suspicious in light of ADWD events.
I always took Pycelles comment about the moon tea as the truth. But who she was having sex with, is the big question.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Ser Robert Strong is my bet. Cersei summons him as her champion but is shocked as he lays down his sword and throws away his life for the fair rose of House Tyrell, his one true love.


I always took Pycelles comment about the moon tea as the truth. But who she was having sex with, is the big question.

I knew the line about horse riding being weird, but that apparently can happen. And Pycelle is just a tool, he would never testify against a Lannister so that further increased my belief that Margaery might really be a virgin. Now, I wouldn't be so sure.

If Talisa is pregnant and is killed at the RW then woo-hoo, we can put the whole argument about hips behind us. And it will add even more gravity to the event for non-book viewers if not only they kill Talisa, but a PREGNANT Talisa.

Ser Robert Strong is my bet. Cersei summons him as her champion but is shocked as he lays down his sword and throws away his life for the fair rose of House Tyrell, his one true love.

The Theon torture scenes are terrible and boring and I'm glad show watchers agree. And no, the stupid reek reek nursery rhyme garbage didn't make up for it! I'm vindicated. I hope the show writes him out permanently.


Here's a general question. I forget which book (maybe ACOK?) when Arya was off chasing cats in Kings Landing, and when she was lost in the tunnels under the city she came across Varys chatting to some dude with a funny coloured beard.

Was that guy one of the people in ADWD in the company of the other Targaryen?


Here's a general question. I forget which book (maybe ACOK?) when Arya was off chasing cats in Kings Landing, and when she was lost in the tunnels under the city she came across Varys chatting to some dude with a funny coloured beard.

Was that guy one of the people in ADWD in the company of the other Targaryen?

No he was the guy brokering the deal between the Dothraki and Viserys.


No he was the guy brokering the deal between the Dothraki and Viserys.

OK, cheers for that. I guess he could have also been a go between with Jorah Mormont (that was my original understanding). I'm glad there are people who pay far more attention to the smaller details than I do :D


Yeah, that was Ilyrio Mopatis, the guy who fostered Viserys and Daenerys, brokered her marriage with Khal, hid Aegon and housed Tyrion after he escaped from Westeros.
Show spoilers I guess? Especially since GRRM wrote this episode so these might be important down the road.

So, Theon's loss of penis had been confirmed.

What's more interesting are some of the comments made by Margaery. They seem... suspicious in light of ADWD events.

I have no doubt in my mind, and didn't when reading that Margaery isn't a maid.


Her innocence never seemed genuine.

I never got the impression that there was more to it than maybe Renly managing to seal the deal.

Soooo the next episode is the RW correct ?

I really really thought Jaime was gonna die there. The way him and that guy were staring at eachother and it got all quiet. I thought he was gonna push Jaime in the ring.

Hes gonna have to start killing people off again at some point.


V I see, thanks !


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Besides whether or not anything was taken off, I thought the question was always whether Theon's penis and balls were removed or just his balls?

Also I think Theon still has a role to play in the books. He has yet to fully redeem himself, even with helping Jeyne Pool.

Theon is now a prisoner of Stannis Baratheon, who plans to have Theon executed, but not right away, Stannis tells one of his knights that the Turncloak "Is more use to me alive. He has knowledge we may need."

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Regarding Margaery, I kinda wondered where the show would go about her so-called virginity. In the book Margaery is only 16, but she's much older in the TV series (the actress is about 30, and the character is probably intended to be at least 20 years old). Are they going to keep the whole intact maiden plot point? It seems significant enough since there's the whole Faith trial, but it'll seem a bit ludicrous for show-Margaery to pretend to be this demure maiden, lol.
Regarding Margaery, I kinda wondered where the show would go about her so-called virginity. In the book Margaery is only 16, but she's much older in the TV series (the actress is about 30, and the character is probably intended to be at least 20 years old). Are they going to keep the whole intact maiden plot point? It seems significant enough since there's the whole Faith trial, but it'll seem a bit ludicrous for show-Margaery to pretend to be this demure maiden, lol.

This past episode, they clearly alluded to Margeary's "virginity" when she was talking to sansa. It is clear that the show is handling it as she is clearly not a virgin but no one else is to know (which is how I always figured it was in the book).
I never got the impression that there was more to it than maybe Renly managing to seal the deal.

Soooo the next episode is the RW correct ?


V I see, thanks !

Hey man, break that link back to the original post! The book virgin you're quoting will see it in the "who quoted me" part of their user CP and follow it back here.

Just edit your post so the first bracket just says QUOTE. That is, erase the part that says =VicoryRed;65465465464 or whatever.
It has all the elements and is even structured in a way that would make for good film. It'd probably be the easiest thing to adapt in the ASOIAF universe.

3 Movie Trilogy a la Lord of the Rings.

Movie 1: Sets up the characters, covers early friendship of boyhood Ned and Robert at the Vale, betrothal of Robert and Lyanna and Brandon and Cat, , all the events at the tourney at Harrenhal, the tourney, the KOTLT plotline, Jaime taking the white, etc. The crown of roses, Lyanna's abduction. Brandon and Rickard's Death, ends at Jon Arryn opting to raises the banners rather than handing over the boys.

Movie 2: Marriage of Ned to Cat and Jon Arryn to Lysa, Robert's successful campaign near Summerhal, Robert's defeat at Ashford by Randyl Tarly, culminating in the Battle of the Bells at Stony Sept where Ned saves Robert.

Movie 3: Return of Rhaegar, battle at the trident, sacking of King's Landing, Tower of Joy. Ends with a scene of Cat holding a baby Robb at the gates of Winterfell waiting as Ned and his troops return, with a wetnurse and a baby in his entourage.

Wh0 N0se

Interesting point drawn from the TV show, if Talisa is pregnant then surely Robb does not name Jon Snow as his heir if he already thought he had one?

I know it's the show and it's different but GRRM was involved in this ep and it didn't have to be put in the show. I guess we'll have to wait and see where they take it. I assume they are not going to kill off the Blackfish in the show?

EDIT: She could be lying I suppose but Robb wouldn't know that


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The guy from the PS4 reveal can play young Ned.

So I read the first chapter of ADwD last night and my question is...Does Tyrion remain as unlikable as he is in this first chapter? I was fine with him snapping at the end of ASoS but I don't want him walking around acting like the male version of Cersei but with bonus self depreciation.


So I read the first chapter of ADwD last night and my question is...Does Tyrion remain as unlikable as he is in this first chapter? I was fine with him snapping at the end of ASoS but I don't want him walking around acting like the male version of Cersei but with bonus self depreciation.

Too bad.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So I read the first chapter of ADwD last night and my question is...Does Tyrion remain as unlikable as he is in this first chapter? I was fine with him snapping at the end of ASoS but I don't want him walking around acting like the male version of Cersei but with bonus self depreciation.
He gets a bit better. Give him time, he's been through a lot of shit and right now he's in a dark place, so to speak.

Though unfortunately many of his chapters are kinda dull. :|
Interesting point drawn from the TV show, if Talisa is pregnant then surely Robb does not name Jon Snow as his heir if he already thought he had one?

I know it's the show and it's different but GRRM was involved in this ep and it didn't have to be put in the show. I guess we'll have to wait and see where they take it. I assume they are not going to kill off the Blackfish in the show?

EDIT: She could be lying I suppose but Robb wouldn't know that

Still probably names an heir next episode. Perhaps he'll find out that Sansa is to marry Tyrion, and being aware that he's going to enter battle soon, he'll want to name an heir that can lead his kingdom now if he should fall, and an unborn child is not going to do that.

Pretty much the same reasoning for naming an heir in the book that way. Perhaps Blackfish is still with him so that he can be the Lord that holds his heir declaration if and when that comes into play (perhaps he'll be witness to the signing and then Robb sends him back to Riverrrun next episode).

At least this what I'm hoping for.
I've always found Robb's heir to be an interesting point of debate in the series. Everyone seems to assume it's Jon Snow, but that would be such a boring twist. It's like...after all this time, we find out it was the most obvious choice anyways. Plus, Jon Snow already had the chance to be the Lord of Winterfell and he turned it down because he had a duty to the Night's Watch. Doing that again would be boring. Plus we don't even know if he's alive or where his storyline will go from hear.

I have no idea who else it could be, I just don't want it to be Jon Snow.
I've always found Robb's heir to be an interesting point of debate in the series. Everyone seems to assume it's Jon Snow, but that would be such a boring twist. It's like...after all this time, we find out it was the most obvious choice anyways. Plus, Jon Snow already had the chance to be the Lord of Winterfell and he turned it down because he had a duty to the Night's Watch. Doing that again would be boring. Plus we don't even know if he's alive or where his storyline will go from hear.

I have no idea who else it could be, I just don't want it to be Jon Snow.

Well from Jon's perspective I think it's a bit different when your brother declares you a King compared to Stannis making him Lord.

Wh0 N0se

I've always found Robb's heir to be an interesting point of debate in the series. Everyone seems to assume it's Jon Snow, but that would be such a boring twist. It's like...after all this time, we find out it was the most obvious choice anyways. Plus, Jon Snow already had the chance to be the Lord of Winterfell and he turned it down because he had a duty to the Night's Watch. Doing that again would be boring. Plus we don't even know if he's alive or where his storyline will go from hear.

I have no idea who else it could be, I just don't want it to be Jon Snow.
Not everything can be a major plot twist, to some it would be a surprise if he picked Jon.

No book thread...

He knows nothing

That's the point TV viewers will look back on in a few years time saying 'Why didn't Dany just take the gold and go to Westeros!?'
Not everything can be a major plot twist, to some it would be a surprise if he picked Jon.
I agree that it need not be a twist, but how could anyone be surprised at it being Jon after Robb basically told Catelyn that was what he was going to do?

That's the point TV viewers will look back on in a few years time saying 'Why didn't Dany just take the gold and go to Westeros!?'
It's a question book readers have already been asking for years.
To get sent to the Wall to kill Jon Snow by order of Varys and Illyrio to ensure he doesn't complicate the Targaryen heirs' claim.


There's no reason to believe Varys and Illyrio have any inkling of Jon's heritage or significance. Varys doesn't seem to be the type to hire expensive magical assassins either.


So I read the first chapter of ADwD last night and my question is...Does Tyrion remain as unlikable as he is in this first chapter? I was fine with him snapping at the end of ASoS but I don't want him walking around acting like the male version of Cersei but with bonus self depreciation.

I definitely need to do a reread, personally i think anything that Tyrion did was fairly justified. When i read his chapters he didn't come across as a male Cersei at all, just someone who has been through hell of alot being stitched up from all directions when he was generally being a good guy.
Tyrion has always had a vindictive streak and it's not like he hasn't committed his share of crimes in the past (participating in a gang rape of his wife, having a bard killed, murdering a prostitute). He's not any more of a "good guy" than his brother, he actually might be worse than Jaime is some ways. The end of ASOS just seems to have pushed him over the limit. It also somehow made him boring.
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