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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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It was unnecessary. Asha does not sound like Osha all that much. If you want to go down that route, Yara kinda sounds like Arya. But they barely even named Osha in the show anyway, and I don't think the TV viewers would confuse the two characters based on the name.

I think casual TV viewers would not know a lot of names. Only Jon Snow and Dany have their names constantly uttered. When was the last time Arya was referred to by name? This season the closest I remember they've come to is ' pathway Stark girl'.

And same with Greywind, we really haven't seen enough dire wolves again his year. It would be strange now for Greywind to suddenly appear for the RW.
Victarion is fucking hardcore. After eighteen chapters of nothing but names that are completely impossible to read, the most unlikable Tyrion ever, and stupid Quentyn (I can't believe he was so disappointing after the awesome AFFC reveal), it was so refreshing to see a badass whose chapters were basically "let's kill slavers! Protected by two gods, fuck yes!".

Asha was cool, too. But Reek's chapters were the best of ADWD.
It was unnecessary. Asha does not sound like Osha all that much. If you want to go down that route, Yara kinda sounds like Arya. But they barely even named Osha in the show anyway, and I don't think the TV viewers would confuse the two characters based on the name.
Asha and Osha are more or less identical when pronounced in certain American accents. Arya and Yara, on the other hand, are as different as Mick and Kim.

Ever notice that shows never have two major characters with the names Jesse and Jessica?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What I want from RW

- Major focus of the episode
- Robb's naming of Jon as heir NEEDS to be dealt with
- Talisa to NOT be a spy
- Some fucking backpeddling on the handling of Robb's army. The Karstarks composed half of his force, WHAT?
- And on that note, we'd better fucking see The Greaton, Dacey Mormont, Owen Norry and Robin Flint on top of Wendel Manderly, this was a devestation to the Starks AND their bannermen. This needs to be emphasised
- Robb needs to go down fighting, if not at least being surrounded by his loyalest bannermen doing so themselves (Smalljon table, Greatjon going mental etc)
- "Grey Wind" being Robb's last words, AND the implication of Robb warging into Grey Wind and fucking up like, 11 Freys, before dying once more.
- Rains of Castamere

I'm going to be disappointed, I know it.

Aren't you the guy that posts both in this thread and then posts fake-speculation spoilers in the No Spoiler GOT thread?
What I want from RW

- Major focus of the episode
- Robb's naming of Jon as heir NEEDS to be dealt with
- Talisa to NOT be a spy
- Some fucking backpeddling on the handling of Robb's army. The Karstarks composed half of his force, WHAT?
- And on that note, we'd better fucking see The Greaton, Dacey Mormont, Owen Norry and Robin Flint on top of Wendel Manderly, this was a devestation to the Starks AND their bannermen. This needs to be emphasised
- Robb needs to go down fighting, if not at least being surrounded by his loyalest bannermen doing so themselves (Smalljon table, Greatjon going mental etc)
- "Grey Wind" being Robb's last words, AND the implication of Robb warging into Grey Wind and fucking up like, 11 Freys, before dying once more.
- Rains of Castamere

I'm going to be disappointed, I know it.

It'd be nice, but it's not happening. Especially Dacey, which is a shame, but all we're getting is Wendel from what I've read. Show watchers won't know or care about any of those other specific characters, unfortunately. They'll probably just show a long shot of Robb's army getting destroyed outside the Twins while him, Talisa, Cat and a few nameless bannermen get murdered inside the Twins. If they muck it up with too many people, they risk losing the gravity and weight of the main deaths, IMO.

Having said that, I think the table flip and Robb being defended to the last breath will certainly happen, it just won't be by any named characters.

I really don't envy D+D's task in writing this fucking thing.

Wh0 N0se

It'd be nice, but it's not happening. Especially Dacey, which is a shame, but all we're getting is Wendel from what I've read. Show watchers won't know or care about any of those other specific characters, unfortunately. They'll probably just show a long shot of Robb's army getting destroyed outside the Twins while him, Talisa, Cat and a few nameless bannermen get murdered inside the Twins. If they muck it up with too many people, they risk losing the gravity and weight of the main deaths, IMO.

Having said that, I think the table flip and Robb being defended to the last breath will certainly happen, it just won't be by any named characters.

I really don't envy D+D's task in writing this fucking thing.

This scene is the whole reason they wanted to do the show, I'm sure they've been planning it for a very long time

Conor 419

Aren't you the guy that posts both in this thread and then posts fake-speculation spoilers in the No Spoiler GOT thread?

It was to an extent, I wanted to get the discussion back to Littlefinger Sansa, what I HADN'T noticed is that despite Littlefinger's plans being expressed explicitly, nobody in the thread was clever enough to note that they were actually happening, and so they were (hilariously) treated as spoilers.

It'd be nice, but it's not happening. Especially Dacey, which is a shame, but all we're getting is Wendel from what I've read. Show watchers won't know or care about any of those other specific characters, unfortunately. They'll probably just show a long shot of Robb's army getting destroyed outside the Twins while him, Talisa, Cat and a few nameless bannermen get murdered inside the Twins. If they muck it up with too many people, they risk losing the gravity and weight of the main deaths, IMO.

If that's the case, then his entire storyline has been fucked up royally, and this series will slink further and further from its high heights. A shame, I just hope it gets cancelled before it catches up with the books.


What I want from RW

- Major focus of the episode
- Robb's naming of Jon as heir NEEDS to be dealt with
- Talisa to NOT be a spy
- Some fucking backpeddling on the handling of Robb's army. The Karstarks composed half of his force, WHAT?
- And on that note, we'd better fucking see The Greaton, Dacey Mormont, Owen Norry and Robin Flint on top of Wendel Manderly, this was a devestation to the Starks AND their bannermen. This needs to be emphasised
- Robb needs to go down fighting, if not at least being surrounded by his loyalest bannermen doing so themselves (Smalljon table, Greatjon going mental etc)
- "Grey Wind" being Robb's last words, AND the implication of Robb warging into Grey Wind and fucking up like, 11 Freys, before dying once more.
- Rains of Castamere

I'm going to be disappointed, I know it.

Thanks for making that depressing scene once again vivid in my mind.

Conor 419

I don't understand how you can be accepting of a staggering misunderstanding of the entire series? How on earth will they deal with the Northern conspiracy through Wendel alone? What on earth are show watchers going to think happened to Robb's army, did the Greatjon, Galbert Glover and Maege Mormont just disappear?

Also the composition of Robb's army being Half Karstark, one eigth Bolton, one eigth Frey, and then the other quarter being the entirety of


The Riverlords
The Tallharts, Dustins, Cerwyns, Wulls, Flints and Ryswells

Is quite frankly, outrageous. Further combine that with the whole Robb/Talisa relationship being devestated by the interpretation of Robb's betrayal of his oaths, and I'd question how the fuck Robb ever hoped to win the War of Five Kings to begin with.
Am I the only one who felt worse with the duel than the wedding?

Fucking Mountain, man.

I sort of felt like that... but at the same time i was thinking "There is no way Tyrion gets out of this again" but it was written well enough where I was like "Holy shit... the gods must really love Tyrion!" and then BAM. Fucking ego.

and I'd question how the fuck Robb ever hoped to win the War of Five Kings to begin with.

It isn't the war of the Five Kings he wants to win... he just wants to eliminate the lannister's rule, and remain King in the North. I don't think he ever expressed interest in removing Stannis or Renly or whoever else was running from their claim.
I sort of felt like that... but at the same time i was thinking "There is no way Tyrion gets out of this again" but it was written well enough where I was like "Holy shit... the gods must really love Tyrion!" and then BAM. Fucking ego.
I dunno. I felt like I've never hated a character as much as the Mountain (Seriously, just how many violent rapes/murders do we have to read? Just about every damn time he shows up) so I was really looking forward to his death. Also I really liked Oberyn and the Martells in general just on concept alone, and I was sure they weren't going to execute Tyrion, so I was pretty hyped for the fight.

And then he fucking crushes his skull. I actually looked up when would he die, because I really wanted that to happen.

Conor 419

It isn't the war of the Five Kings he wants to win... he just wants to eliminate the lannister's rule, and remain King in the North. I don't think he ever expressed interest in removing Stannis or Renly or whoever else was running from their claim.

Uhh, the remaining combatants at this point are all his enemies, so yes, yes it is.
I dunno. I felt like I've never hated a character as much as the Mountain (Seriously, just how many violent rapes/murders do we have to read? Just about every damn time he shows up) so I was really looking forward to his death. Also I really liked Oberyn and the Martells in general just on concept alone, and I was sure they weren't going to execute Tyrion, so I was pretty hyped for the fight.

And then he fucking crushes his skull. I actually looked up when would he die, because I really wanted that to happen.

Like i said, I sort of saw the failure coming, despite how satisfying it would have been to see the mountain die and the Viper be successful. As a matter of fact, there are some lines of inner monologue I believe from Tyrion that expressed my entire thoughts on the fight. Something along the lines of "What the fuck was he thinking by constantly taunting him!"

Uhh, the remaining combatants at this point are all his enemies, so yes, yes it is.

Renly was never his enemy. He just wanted him to Bend the knee. Stannis is the one that wants everyone else dead. All Robb want was Independence of the north from the Kings Rule and vengeance on the ones who killed his father. (at least from the beginning, like you originally commented). What happens by the time the frey's are betrayed is another story, but you said "to begin with" so naturally, from the beginning, I don't feel that way.
Don't quote people from the NO-BOOK thread because it shows up in their user CP, and if they click on it they will be brought to this thread and could be spoiled before they realize what is happening.

And even if they don't, it definitely tells them that something they said is true or on track if it's being quoted in the full thread.

Edited the quote, if that helps >.<
Renly says he doesn't mind Robb IIRC or am I imagining that/saw this in the show? I'm so confused

Renly would've allowed Robb to remain Lord of Winterfell, but not King. Renly, just like Stannis, wanted to be King of the Seven Kingdoms.

I don't think he ever saw Robb as a legitimate threat though.

Oberyn was doing so well too, maybe he should have shut up :(
The Mountain's reply is brutal, too.

That's why I'm so worried they won't recast Conan Stevens as Gregor. I want that scene to be perfect.

Conor 419

Ok nvm, I apologise for debating this point, it's unfair on you guys as it's clear that you all cannot read. Naturally I can assume your ability translates to your personal interpretations of the series as a whole.


Ok nvm, I apologise for debating this point, it's unfair on you guys as it's clear that you all cannot read. Naturally I can assume your ability translates to your personal interpretations of the series as a whole.

You're the illiterate fuck posting about that stupid TV show in the BOOK thread when we have TWO threads for the show on this forum.

Granted, one show thread tries to pretend the books don't exist and the other tries to pretend that events from a book published over a decade ago are "spoilers", they are still what we are given to discuss the show. This thread is for book discussion. For someone who is accusing others of poor reading comprehension, you should maybe learn to read thread titles.



Why would I discuss the Red Wedding in the TV thread?

That's all they've been talking about in the show thread for book readers lately. Get your TV show bitching into the thread it's on topic in. This thread is for THE BOOKS. Or did you miss that bit in my last post? For someone so quick to put people down for not being able to read, you sure do have a problem with simple explanations, don't you?

Conor 419

Uhh, I made the post as a result of the one YOU made, in an appropriate ASOIAF thread no less. I'm sorry, but your counter argument is unbought.


May contain jokes =>
Oh look it's Conor 419, the asswipe who feels it necessary to poke and prod people in the non-readers thread. Being just as much of a nuisance in this thread I see. (Fuck off)


Uhh, I made the post as a result of the one YOU made, in an appropriate ASOIAF thread no less. I'm sorry, but your counter argument is unbought.

GoT is not and never will be ASOIAF. You want to talk about a TELEVISON SHOW in a thread for literature discussion and then impugn our reading skills? Hilarious.

Who gives a shit that the show sucks? The books are still there. I suggest you read them, and come back when you have something relevant to the novels.

Conor 419

I have read the books, (I mean, how would I be posting comparisons otherwise, I mean, REALLY?) that's why I'm here (again, also to point out in response to YOUR post). Surely it's reasonable to express desire for the TV series to be a fulfilling translation of the book into a visual medium? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity after all.
Has teh wedding happened already?

Anyway, I care as much for magic and the rules that govern them as political machinations.
When did that brotherhood leader dude get resurrected those six times?

Because it seems to me that thart sort of resurrection magic only became possible after the dragons were hatched (who epitomize fire, and thus strengthen the magic of those worshiping the flames), as that shaman lady's "healing" attempt of Drogo (though that might have been intentionally flawed, I dunno) seemed to require a lot more sacrifices than something as amazing as a resurrection.


Quick aside, anyone know how to put someone on ignore in the mobile app?

Back on topic, I was doing some thinking about who should be in Dany's Queensguard should she every take the Iron Throne. I know the fandom head decided that Tyrion should be her hand, and Jon her consort.. But I've not seen fan theories on the QG.

Barristan would be Lord Commander, surely, but who else? Her blood riders? I don't see Daario swearing that particular oath, assuming he survived ADWD and follows her to Westeros.

Any thoughts?


Quick aside, anyone know how to put someone on ignore in the mobile app?

Back on topic, I was doing some thinking about who should be in Dany's Queensguard should she every take the Iron Throne. I know the fandom head decided that Tyrion should be her hand, and Jon her consort.. But I've not seen fan theories on the QG.

Barristan would be Lord Commander, surely, but who else? Her blood riders? I don't see Daario swearing that particular oath, assuming he survived ADWD and follows her to Westeros.

Any thoughts?

Barristan was training a few knights so maybe a few of them.

Wh0 N0se

Quick aside, anyone know how to put someone on ignore in the mobile app?
Who's that for? :p
Back on topic, I was doing some thinking about who should be in Dany's Queensguard should she every take the Iron Throne. I know the fandom head decided that Tyrion should be her hand, and Jon her consort.. But I've not seen fan theories on the QG.

Barristan would be Lord Commander, surely, but who else? Her blood riders? I don't see Daario swearing that particular oath, assuming he survived ADWD and follows her to Westeros.

Any thoughts?
I dunno, I don't see Barristan making it to the end personally, I kind of wonder if she'll get rid of it. I can't really think of many who she'd want, I suppose we could assume someone from Dorne unless they rebel against her for the Quentyn stuff but there's not many allies for her yet.

Barristan was training a few knights so maybe a few of them.
That's a good point, perhaps she'll take them if they finish their training.
I guess if Jorah handed her Tyrion, she might almost forgive him enough to have him part of the Queensguard, though I feel he'd have to make some kind of big entrance and gain her trust there if that was to happen.

She still thinks about him now and again, so I don't think the relationship is unsalvageable.

Wh0 N0se

I guess if Jorah handed her Tyrion, she might almost forgive him enough to have him part of the Queensguard, though I feel he'd have to make some kind of big entrance and gain her trust there if that was to happen.

She still thinks about him now and again, so I don't think the relationship is unsalvageable.

But Tyrion will be bringing Jorah won't he? Tyrion is in more of a powerful position than Jorah atm.
Ok nvm, I apologise for debating this point, it's unfair on you guys as it's clear that you all cannot read. Naturally I can assume your ability translates to your personal interpretations of the series as a whole.

Since you felt the need to emphasize a contradictory post in the first place, allow me to emphasize your original quote I made my comment to.

and I'd question how the fuck Robb ever hoped to win the War of Five Kings to begin with.

as I said. He was never in it to win the War of Five Kings, before OR after key players deaths


Can you imagine the fan rage if both Daario and Darkstar were in her Queensguard?

If Young Griff was proved false, I could see Connington supporting Dany, and he'd make an excellent guardsman. Except he's apparently dying so there goes that idea.

What other houses would support a return to the Targaryen dynasty enough to supply guardsmen?

Her marrying Jon would give her the North, right? What great knights or warriors are left alive in the north that could join her retinue?
This might be my favorite moment in the series. Not even the Red Wedding brought more emotional turmoil than that fight.

What's magical about that chapter of the book is that every time I read it, I find myself thinking "ok, the Red Viper HAS to get him this time, right?". It produces the same feeling every time I read it.


I kind of hope Barristan passes on the Queensguard commander role to Jorah on his death would keep Jorah around. I don't see Barristan making it past the siege of Yunkai at moment being badly wounded holding on until Dany returns to city then making a final wish.

But at moment seems Jorah will turn up save dany then die for her making up for his "betrayal" which i thought was kind of weak plot idea anyway

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Can you imagine the fan rage if both Daario and Darkstar were in her Queensguard?

If Young Griff was proved false, I could see Connington supporting Dany, and he'd make an excellent guardsman. Except he's apparently dying so there goes that idea.

What other houses would support a return to the Targaryen dynasty enough to supply guardsmen?

Her marrying Jon would give her the North, right? What great knights or warriors are left alive in the north that could join her retinue?

Wouldn't that require Jon to have some kind of non-speculative claim to the North?
I really want to see Jorah survive till the end. He's been through a lot, it would be interesting and unexpected to see him live till the end.

A lot of this is contingent on Dany going all fire and blood super Targaryen crazy and generally descending into illusions of grandeur and madness.
It would be tragic for Jorah to help her rise but be helpless to prevent her fall.


Wouldn't that require Jon to have some kind of non-speculative claim to the North?

Whether he was Ned's son or Lyanna's, he could negotiate a treaty with any Stark loyalists who held the north, once the Boltons and Freys are brought down, even if he personally wasn't in charge. It's all speculation anyway--Dany, Jon, Tyrion holding the throne might be heavily wished for by fans, doesn't mean that is how it'll go down.

Just a fun what-if.
Robb felt he could win war of the Five Kings because the Lannisters were fucked.

Robb commands the forces of the North and the Riverlands, his Aunt is regent in the Vale. The Stormlands, The Reach, and Dragonstone are in open revolt against King's Landing, and the heir of the Iron Isles pledged to support him. And he has Jaime Lannister as a prisoner.

All this "Robb and the North had no chance" is alll hindsight BS. Robb's chances were very good, and it took a lot of unfortunate events that were outside of his control to turn the tide against him. Balon being a douche and turns down his very reasonable offer, Lysa refusing to support her family. Renly getting assassinated, and Reach changes allegiance, and the wildfire at Blackwater.
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