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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
That norse mythology thing.. I stopped reading about a 3rd into it because it was such unsubstantiated nonsense. It's like a kid who squeezes a square block intro a triangular hole by distorting and squashing the block too hard and then goes "ta-dah!". Sorry, but it's just way too silly.


But, but... Weirwood sap is blood-red...

So is cranogmenpaste. ALSO WHAT MAKES IT RED. also relevant to the theory is when Bran becomes the Trinternet, he sees some old King of Winter either doing an execution or making a blood sacrifice in front of a weirwood, then tree-bran drinks the blood up from his roots.

Jojen is both Howland Reed and a Blackfyre.

IIRC Bran thinks the paste tastes metallic which is where this theory comes from.

Goddamnit it yes. Howland Reed a Dragonlord confirmed. Why not.

Howand Reed is actually Ashara Dayne, and the Reeds are Ned's bastard children. Bran is going to go berserk and join the Others once he realizes he ate his half-sibling and is lusting after another.

Sure. Why not.


I started reading from the bottom of this page and was about to post about how stupid you all are lol.

Digging this theory! Let's see if we can get it to catch on elsewhere haha.


Y'all are forgetting that Howland Reed also warged into Ned at the Tower of Joy and that's why all of the Stark children are wargs and get POV chapters. Except for Robb, who was conceived before Ned left for the war.

Also we can tell from his POV thoughts that Nedland is in denial about who he is, probably because of his aforementioned Dragonlord roots.
I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.


I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.
Holy shit! That would be the biggest disapointment in my life.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.

Words are wind and this theory is as useless as nipples on a breastplate something something where do whores go?

I'm about halfway I think through the Feast + Dance combo read and good lord it's fantastic. I always loved the kingsmoot chapters even on my first feast read, but actually having everything lined up and tidy really brings it forward. That horn man.

Then again, Brienne just came up next. Definitely a slow burn, even in the midst of so much awesome. Hopefully her and nimble dick are about to fight over a fire, if my brain serves correctly.


I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.

Dog, no. Syrio Forel survived his fight because he's Bobby Reed, Howland's halfbrother.

Well this thread got dumb.

go look at some of the super early pages. priceless.
How do you all feel about the dragon under winterfell theory?

I have a strong feeling one or two of dany's dragons will meet their end with only the black remaining. Something goes down with that horn and they kill each other or something. Dany with her juju, remains in control of one. That way there are still three in the world and i can proceed thinking a character we love will be riding and battling with one.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.

Holy shit! That would be the biggest disapointment in my life.

lol, don't worry. GRRM has confirmed that Ned is dead.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Words are wind and this theory is as useless as nipples on a breastplate something something where do whores go?

I'm about halfway I think through the Feast + Dance combo read and good lord it's fantastic. I always loved the kingsmoot chapters even on my first feast read, but actually having everything lined up and tidy really brings it forward. That horn man.

Then again, Brienne just came up next. Definitely a slow burn, even in the midst of so much awesome. Hopefully her and nimble dick are about to fight over a fire, if my brain serves correctly.

This chapter was so incredible. I almost completely forgot about shagwell and co.
I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.

lol amazing

Only issue is Ned swearing his loyalty to a Targ makes no sense.


try this one on for size: Moqorro is the Black Flame, therefore he's a longlost Blackfyre, the get of Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers with some Southern Islander princess while ranging with the Golden Company. he's the third head of the dragon, going to betray Victarion and bind the dragon horn to himself.

also he's Howland Reed


Only issue is Ned swearing his loyalty to a Targ makes no sense.
It does though. A lot of people have commented how Rhaegar was just and would have made a good king unlike his father or Robert. Wasn't there a theory that without Lyanna's abduction a rebellion would still have happened, but that it would just crown Rhaegar instead of a new king.

If Jon is Lyanna's child with Rhaegar, it would even make more sense for Ned to support the Targ bloodline. He has been disappointed by three Baratheon brothers as kings/pseudo-kings (RObert who was a bad king, Stannis who went into 'hiding' and Renly who fled) and obviously wouldn't support a Lannister king.

What if Ned's letter in the dungeon is actually a message to Danys telling her about Jon? He knows she is still alive, he knows Varys can get to her
Enjoy this one, ladies and gentlemen, because after next Sunday it will never be same. The plot of the episode will be blasted far and wide among the media and even people who never watch the show will know what the Red Wedding is.

From that point on, anybody who wants to read these book, will know ahead of time what the Red Wedding is and what happened in it, and that moment of genuine shock from a friend of yours that you introduced the book to who text you in the middle of the night about what they just read, that will never happen again after the next episode airs. And more sadly, no reader who pick up these books will ever be as shocked and dismayed by the event as we were when we first read it. The Red Wedding will never be the same again.


So not worth it
You know what's worst?

I swear I bumped into Jojen is Howland Reed theory several times on the Internet. It's actually a real theory.

Jaime Lannister is actually Bran's father. Which is why he pushed him out of the window, because Cersei knows and always felt really bitter about it. That's where the "Things I do for love" line came from.

There, now you've also seen this theory. :lol

Point is, everyone will make a theory out of everything. I'm only amazed by the silliest of speculation, this is not even in that ballpark though.


Enjoy this one, ladies and gentlemen, because after next Sunday it will never be same. The plot of the episode will be blasted far and wide among the media and even people who never watch the show will know what the Red Wedding is.

From that point on, anybody who wants to read these book, will know ahead of time what the Red Wedding is and what happened in it, and that moment of genuine shock from a friend of yours that you introduced the book to who text you in the middle of the night about what they just read, that will never happen again after the next episode airs. And more sadly, no reader who pick up these books will ever be as shocked and dismayed by the event as we were when we first read it. The Red Wedding will never be the same again.

Hm...I never thought about this but this is true. The Red Wedding will be Darth Vader'd/Sephiroth kills Aerith'd after this


So not worth it
To be fair, I damn near murdered my iPad after reading that chapter, it's probably for the best for everyone involved now that ebooks are more commonplace.
Red Wedding wasn't as bad as some of you're painting it.

I think Ned threw me for a bigger loop because I just didn't know the story rolled like that at the time. But the Red Wedding is still pretty nuts, although a lot of the surprise comes from it being in the middle of the book. There's certainly some tension that something might happen at the wedding but you're still really not expecting that.

I assumed the wedding happening in Episode 9 would blow most of the surprise but a lot of people in the show thread seem to be looking right past it, even while speculating about how long Robb has to live after Melisandre's curse. The show's done a really good job of playing it down, apparently. The biggest risk for show watchers is getting spoiled over the next two weeks.

Also, someone in that thread is now complaining that people are afraid to speculate because book readers will snitch on them if they're accidentally right. FFS.


I knew something was going to go down when Grey Wind was acting up. The only thing that really surprised me was the brutality of it all and Cat. But I never felt as strongly as others about the RW. lol
I dunno, I already said it, but the Red Wedding was nowhere near as brutal to me as the Duel. *shrug*

I do know it's going to be great to see the reactions of people who don't expect it.


George did such a good job of building up that dread and then slowly dissipating it during the wedding chapter only to hit you in the face when you got comfortable. I hope the TV show can pull that off with the will, Grey Wind, Roslin, and Walder's disposition.
Actually what I remember blew my mind about the wedding was the hints in the chapter itself--the awful musicians, etc. I think I just figured it was the Freys being cheap and sketchy and then daaaaamnn.
It does though. A lot of people have commented how Rhaegar was just and would have made a good king unlike his father or Robert. Wasn't there a theory that without Lyanna's abduction a rebellion would still have happened, but that it would just crown Rhaegar instead of a new king.

I think Jamie mentioned that when Rhaegar returned from the Trident he had planes to end Aerys madness. Also Varys informed Aerys that Rhaegar had intentions to rally together lords at Harrenhal and usurp him (though this could have been a lie).

I knew something was going to go down when Grey Wind was acting up. The only thing that really surprised me was the brutality of it all and Cat. But I never felt as strongly as others about the RW. lol

It was crushing because I felt terrible for all of Rob's bannermen, Dacey Moromont in particular. The lack of strong bannermen is an element the show suffers from, everyone Rob surrounds himself with bar the Blackfish come off as absolute twats which is a shame given The Greatjon was so well done in season one and then he just vanished. In the books it had such an impact on me because it was all of the northern good guys and their armies getting butchered/captured, even after Ned's execution I didn't see anything as savage as it coming.


Red Wedding wasn't as bad as some of you're painting it.

Neds execution was the better twist, because the build up was great. there were many ways how ned would get out alive, mainly the nights watch. he was the main character. killing him off was well done, I was shocked and couldnt touch the book for several minutes.

but when I read the red wedding I was crushed, it made me actually feel sick. not because it was a smart twist, it is not. but because it crushes all hope of the good guys winning. its over.
Dog, no. Syrio Forel survived his fight because he's Bobby Reed, Howland's halfbrother.

This is what I imagined...
I knew something was going to go down when Grey Wind was acting up. The only thing that really surprised me was the brutality of it all and Cat. But I never felt as strongly as others about the RW. lol

Yeah, same. I knew some bad things were happening, but I never expected Robb killed, and then doubly didn't expect cat to be killed.


I have a theory that Syrio Forel survived his fight with the kingsguard, freed Ned from the black cells, and then pretended to be Ned at the execution because he's a Faceless Man and can do that. And Ned Stark is in Essos, ready to reveal himself to Dany and swear his loyalty.

Nonsense, everyone knows that Ned warged to his sword, Ice just before he was killed. His spirit is now lingering there waiting for a new body.


When I was first reading ASOS, I definitely was aware of the term "Red Wedding" well before I got to that point in the books. At the time I thought it was going to be a slaughter of Lannisters by Tyrells/Martells during Joffrey's wedding. Boy was I wrong.
I already knew about Ned when reading but the Red Wedding REALLY caught me off guard, also for the brutality of it as others stated. I really thought Rob and Catelyn would be taken prisoner as it began, not fully slaughtered, that was nuts! I do audio books so I'm driving to work and came super close to pulling over so I could fully process it. I ended up rewinding a bit and going over it again. Mind was blown. The Joffrey one I remember screaming YES, DIE, YES in my car.
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