Joe Shlabotnik
Does that mean there are now two Neds since the Lannisters had Ice reforged into two swords?
Poor Ned can't stay in one piece.
Does that mean there are now two Neds since the Lannisters had Ice reforged into two swords?
I just realized that I didn't watch this episode.
And that it's episode 8.
So next week is #9.
You will have to wait another week, they're skipping Memorial Day weekend.
I was similar. I had the idea of the red wedding involving one of the Lannisters because of red being one of their house colours. So during the Tyrion/Sansa wedding, I actually kept expecting for Joffrey to rape Sansa.When I was first reading ASOS, I definitely was aware of the term "Red Wedding" well before I got to that point in the books. At the time I thought it was going to be a slaughter of Lannisters by Tyrells/Martells during Joffrey's wedding. Boy was I wrong.
Another theory I've heard is Jon Snow is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son (which I kinda believe). That's why three of the King's Guard were protecting her at Tower of Joy when Ned and Howland rescued her. They should have been beside their King or the Prince...and Ned found her lying in a bed of blood saying "Promise me Ned"....and then Ned brings home Jon.
Another theory I've heard is Jon Snow is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son (which I kinda believe). That's why three of the King's Guard were protecting her at Tower of Joy when Ned and Howland rescued her. They should have been beside their King or the Prince...and Ned found her lying in a bed of blood saying "Promise me Ned"....and then Ned brings home Jon.
Another theory I've heard is Jon Snow is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son (which I kinda believe). That's why three of the King's Guard were protecting her at Tower of Joy when Ned and Howland rescued her. They should have been beside their King or the Prince...and Ned found her lying in a bed of blood saying "Promise me Ned"....and then Ned brings home Jon.
Another theory I've heard is Jon Snow is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son (which I kinda believe). That's why three of the King's Guard were protecting her at Tower of Joy when Ned and Howland rescued her. They should have been beside their King or the Prince...and Ned found her lying in a bed of blood saying "Promise me Ned"....and then Ned brings home Jon.
Or Ned being the hooded man and Hodor azor ahai reborn.Nonsense. We are talking about credible theories, like Varys being a merlin and Tyrion being a Targaryen here.
can we stick to plausible theories please? that last one is just ridiculous
hahah wow... don't talk about Jon Snow theories. haha...I'll just say.. the dragon has three heads...Dany, probably Aegon/Young Griff.. and someone else... and Dany had a vision of a blue rose growing out of a wall of ice in the House of the Undying....Rhaegar gave Lyanna a crown of blue winter roses after the joust...and Jon Snow and ice wall is pretty self explanitory..
Okay, okay joke's over. Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's son is considered by practically everyone to be basically canon.
I was completely blind-sided by the Red Wedding. The signs are totally there from the HotU, the leeches and so much more, but I remember being so focused on Arya getting there and just meeting ANYONE from her family that I ignored all the signs the first time around, and yes I went in with the naive thought that "the Starks never win, they're due for one!"
Red Wedding wasn't as bad as some of you're painting it.
Nonsense. We are talking about credible theories, like Varys being a merlin and Tyrion being a Targaryen here.
I knew something bad would happen at the wedding because Walder Frey is a ridiculous douchebag who telegraphs his bad intentions with every single "heh". And the way Catelyn kept on harping on Robb to drink wine and eat salt because it would make him totally safe from danger was overly emphasized (not to mention ridiculously naive.
I thought the biggest tip-off about the RW was Grey Wind's reaction of not wanting to go. That's when I was like "fuck, what the hell is gonna happen...".
I was kinda disappointed Martin used the same bit with Jon. The moment he locked Ghost up (after being warned by Mel to keep him close) you knew shit was about to hit the fan. If Jon had had any sense he would have locked the fucking pig somewhere and not his prescient wolf.
"Ned loves my hair" is probably one of the biggest gut punches of that entire book. Even after Robb died, I still thought that Catelyn was going to survive and wind up as a prisoner. Her death was far more shocking and upsetting than Robb's was.
I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that GRRM completely ruined the importance of the scene by bringing her back as some psycho zombie a few pages later.
It was an odd choice by Martin to have the seeming deaths of Robb, Catelyn and Arya pretty much back-to-back, only to have two of them turn up again later. I think that was the point where he exhausted his "OMG just killed that guy/gal" trope.
It does cheapen it because she's not technically dead. Not really alive either, but not dead. She still is, at the most basic level, the same character with some head trauma.seeing as she has barely anything resembling humanity left in her, it doesn't really cheapen anything but just makes it more messed up. i don't know why martin kept her alive, storywise, but her just remaining dead would have been a kinder faith. it's really only a matter of time until someone puts her out of her misery.
I never for a second thought Arya was dead.
I don't think too many people did, to be honest. Which makes me wonder why Martin tried to insinuate that she was.
The writing is very episodic, and that means cliffhangers all over the place.
Not to mention I fucking hate Catelyn. Literally despise her. One of the dumbest characters I've ever seen in any medium. Every time she opened her mouth I wanted to slap her - every idea she ever had was just so fucking stupid. Not to mention that her idiocy is the whole reason that the realm went to war in the first place - kidnapping Tyrion.
But yeah, the brutality of Catelyn's death got me more than Ned's beheading. Ned's dying just left me confused because I had misunderstood what the entire series was about when I read GoT. I thought it was about Ned taking over as regent after Robert's death and being caught in an endless series of power struggles between the different houses (and being undermined by his own counselors) while attempting to hold the kingdom together without the true authority of a king. Couldn't have ended up being any further away from that.
No, dont, dont cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold.
It does cheapen it because she's not technically dead. Not really alive either, but not dead. She still is, at the most basic level, the same character with some head trauma.
Not to mention I fucking hate Catelyn. Literally despise her. One of the dumbest characters I've ever seen in any medium. Every time she opened her mouth I wanted to slap her - every idea she ever had was just so fucking stupid. Not to mention that her idiocy is the whole reason that the realm went to war in the first place - kidnapping Tyrion.
Somewhere around the time Arya was at Harrenhal, I'd say.when do you guys think Bolton betrayed Rob? The epilogue states that Bolton was the one who was the mastermind of the red wedding.
Also, why did Varys save Tyrio, but not NEd?
Robb's death didn't freak me out. But Catelyn's did. Going insane, maggots, clawing her shit up, her throat being cut? I did not see that coming at all and it was brutal. I thought they would have taken her prisoner.