Miles Quaritch
Good episode.
So Zoe is lining up to be the new supreme? Very disappointing. Was hoping she'd die a gruesome death at the hands of frankenkyle....there's still time though. There's still time.
Cordelia's face wasn't as gruesome as I expected based on Fiona's reaction to seeing her, but it looks like she gained a new power in the process...which is cool I guess.
We need more Misty. She had better be in the next episode for more than just a few minutes...we need an entire episode dedicated to her...
Sucks that Myrtle is already gone, but boy...what a scene and the whole scene prior with Fiona was fantastic. They have great chemistry. Glad she's not gone for good.
Good God at the scene with Spaulding and Madison. Where in the hell are going with that storyline exactly?
So Zoe is lining up to be the new supreme? Very disappointing. Was hoping she'd die a gruesome death at the hands of frankenkyle....there's still time though. There's still time.
Cordelia's face wasn't as gruesome as I expected based on Fiona's reaction to seeing her, but it looks like she gained a new power in the process...which is cool I guess.
We need more Misty. She had better be in the next episode for more than just a few minutes...we need an entire episode dedicated to her...
Sucks that Myrtle is already gone, but boy...what a scene and the whole scene prior with Fiona was fantastic. They have great chemistry. Glad she's not gone for good.
Good God at the scene with Spaulding and Madison. Where in the hell are going with that storyline exactly?