Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]

There you go! At least now you know you have an option

Thanks for the suggestion. I guess their texture streamer works somehow off of the games internal framelimiter setting and not just by what it is objectively set at (RTSS).

I am running it at 3K instead of 4K. 4K runs at 30 all the time except for when there is tons of batmobile smoke I think.

Still really good AA quality of course.


Just played an hour after installing another stick of ram, it's perfectly stutter free now, even in the batmobile...what a shit port.

Yeah it's really odd. I installed extra 4GB (now 8+4GB) that was laying around and now it seems to be 50-60fps. Even on Batmobile.


I am running it at 3K instead of 4K. 4K runs at 30 all the time except for when there is tons of batmobile smoke I think.

Still really good AA quality of course.

I see. I guess my 2nd Titan X dedicated for PhysX came in handy after all. Sledgehammer meets nail. lol


Yeah the refund thing is a big deal, don't be surprised if WB doesn't compensate people who bought it before it got yanked and didn't refund. They yanked it so quickly, and people can refund, so I wouldn't expect anything. As mentioned above, Unity was a very different situation. It's actually really instructive and maybe a long-term net good for the industry that Arkham Knight came out as broken as it did now, right after Steam refunds. I think/hope publishers will think twice before putting out more broken-ass PC ports. This is just what the PC ecosystem needed.

See, I'm on the opposite end. I could see WB offering compensation for people who bought and didn't refund (Like, free season pass for people with base game, and a free game for people who got season pass.)

Then again, I have been accused of being delusional.


I started to try it out again last night and stopped myself because I'm worried about the texture bug. I've never actually gone beyond the benchmark though so I will try it tonight instead of getting scared off each time and see how it runs with default settings.

Geforce experience wants me to turn the game down really low because it claims my PC can't run it. I've seen some other users report that too. And as a comparison it wants to crank The Witcher 3 as high as it will go so it has to be something with the game and the way the settings are created for the GFE (don't know how to abbreviate that).

I'm hoping they will give us a status update before the end of the week. Doesn't have to be the patch or major details but even a simple "we're making progress on these 2 items" for example would be nice. After they posted the patch on Saturday and the outline of what they're working on I figured they would give periodic updates based on the way they phrased it.


Thanks for the suggestion. I guess their texture streamer works somehow off of the games internal framelimiter setting and not just by what it is objectively set at (RTSS).

I am running it at 3K instead of 4K. 4K runs at 30 all the time except for when there is tons of batmobile smoke I think.

Still really good AA quality of course.

Just curious, how big are your dips at 4K with all the smoke?
no patch update is worrying

They just released the first patch (which I'm damn sure was in the works before release) like five days ago, we already know what they're working on, the only relevant info they could give is when it'll be released.

EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised if they're working nearly around the clock because this debacle has cost WB Games millions at this point and every day it's not out is costing them more.


Just to clarify, do you leave the ini at the default 30 fps lock without doing anything else about frame pacing? (such as settings in nvidia inspector or rivatuner)

The most stable way of setting a 30 fps cap I know of is to enable 1/2 refresh via Nvidia Inspector, along with a 30 fps cap via Rivatuner, even if the game has an existing cap. That's what I'm using, and it goes a long way to reduce stutter and improve consistency/responsiveness.

1/2 refresh sets your refresh rate to 30Hz, and the Rivatuner cap gives you a constant 33.3ms frametime, unless of course you ever drop below 30 at any point. If you want to guarantee a little less input lag, you can also set max pre-rendered frames to "1" in Nvidia Inspector.


The most stable way of setting a 30 fps cap I know of is to enable 1/2 refresh via Nvidia Inspector, along with a 30 fps cap via Rivatuner, even if the game has an existing cap. That's what I'm using, and it goes a long way to reduce stutter and improve consistency/responsiveness.

If you want to guarantee a little less input lag, you can also set max pre-rendered frames to "1" in Nvidia Inspector.



Just to clarify, do you leave the ini at the default 30 fps lock without doing anything else about frame pacing? (such as settings in nvidia inspector or rivatuner)

The approach I followed was to set MaxFPS to 31 instead of 30 and use half refresh rate in NVCP. Haven't noticed any stuttering at all. Reason I went a little above 30 was because the engine would randomly drop a few frames otherwise which would take it below 30.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Yeah it's really odd. I installed extra 4GB (now 8+4GB) that was laying around and now it seems to be 50-60fps. Even on Batmobile.

I've been monitoring my systemwide ram usage, and it seems that it is sitting around ~9gigs, peaking (so far) at 10.5gb.
No wonder the swap file was going bonkers at 8gb.


Gemüsepizza;170686703 said:
Haha wow. Removing the 30 fps cap will actually mess with physics calculations in the game. And it will prevent you from getting at least one Riddler trophy:

I fear that fixing this could take a while.

On another note, there was some activity in steamdb yesterday, and not much since then:

I don't actually understand what those entries mean, but the words "qa" and new build numbers made me think that they could be testing a new patch or something?

I just saw this, about the physx calcuations. When I was doing test after test, I noticed something interesting.

Whenever I had FPS unlocked, when gliding to Gordon in the very beginning of the game, I could always get higher after diving and pulling up then I could when the FPS was locked at 30.


The approach I followed was to set MaxFPS to 31 instead of 30 and use half refresh rate in NVCP. Haven't noticed any stuttering at all. Reason I went a little above 30 was because the engine would randomly drop a few frames otherwise which would take it below 30.

Thanks, this seemed to help for me as well. Changed both the ini and rivatuner to 31.

By the way, do you enable in-game anti-aliasing when running in 4k?


Unconfirmed Member
By the way, do you enable in-game anti-aliasing when running in 4k?

No, no need at all. 4k eliminates practically all visible jaggies unless you REALLY go looking for them. No AA needed at all. Game looks so much cleaner in 4K it's worth the 30fps imo.


Thanks, this seemed to help for me as well. Changed both the ini and rivatuner to 31.

By the way, do you enable in-game anti-aliasing when running in 4k?

Nope. I use SMAA using sweetfx. It's far cleaner and removes any visible jaggies, which are pretty minor to begin with. Since I play on a TV from a distance, it's even less visible. It also has a noticeable performance cost, in case you find yourself dipping below 30 at times.


The approach I followed was to set MaxFPS to 31 instead of 30 and use half refresh rate in NVCP. Haven't noticed any stuttering at all. Reason I went a little above 30 was because the engine would randomly drop a few frames otherwise which would take it below 30.

Fair point. Although, even with it set to 31 in both the ini and Rivatuner, I still get momentary pauses down to 29, as opposed to 28 with 30.

If you are going to set it to 31 or higher in the ini file, I'd suggest removing the cap from Rivatuner altogether, seeing as anything above a 30 frame cap is going to give you a variable frametime (33.3ms, 33.1ms, 33.5ms, etc.) at 30hz, as opposed to a 30 frame cap (33.3ms) at the same 30hz. In other words, I'd prefer a momentary drop to 28 during texture load-ins with a constant frametime of 33.3 in between the pauses, as opposed to momentary drops to 29.5-29.9 with the variable frametime a 31+ cap allows.

That said, you have a much more powerful system than I do (GTX 770 4GB, i7-4770k here), and I'm sure since you have more memory (8GB here), your system isn't going to touch the pagefile (4096 on my secondary drive, else the game crashes), thus the probability that there will be less/no stutter when loading in new assets, no matter what the frame cap.
I noticed that when playing AK on PC or XB1 the button prompts that the game gives look more like x360 buttons rather than XB1's.

It makes sense for the PC version since most still play with 360 controllers but why the XB1 version too? They look out of place and awkward just so they could look the same as the PC ones. Especially the RT/LT and the face button prompts scream Xbox 360 rather than XB1.

What gives?


Fair point. Although, even with it set to 31 in both the ini and Rivatuner, I still get momentary pauses down to 29, as opposed to 28 with 30.

If you are going to set it to 31 or higher in the ini file, I'd suggest removing the cap from Rivatuner altogether, seeing as anything above a 30 frame cap is going to give you a variable frametime (33.3ms, 33.1ms, 33.5ms, etc.) at 30hz, as opposed to a 30 frame cap (33.3ms) at the same 30hz. In other words, I'd prefer a momentary drop to 28 during texture load-ins with a constant frametime of 33.3 in between the pauses, as opposed to momentary drops to 29.5-29.9 with the variable frametime a 31+ cap allows.

That said, you have a much more powerful system than I do (GTX 770 4GB, i7-4770k here), and I'm sure since you have more memory (8GB here), your system isn't going to touch the pagefile (4096 on my secondary drive, else the game crashes), thus the probability that there will be less/no stutter when loading in new assets, no matter what the frame cap.

Correct. I haven't had asset loading stutters with this game so far. Probably because I have a higher ceiling (16 GB DDR4 + 12 GB VRAM) so the memory leak doesn't seem to affect me.

You can still reduce variable frame time by rendering slightly above 30 and capping rivatuner at 30, instead of 31.

Also, I don't use Rivatuner at all. NVCP adaptive seems to work far better for me for both 30 and 60 fps. Not sure why that's the case but rivatuner has made no difference for me in any games I've tried it (like GTA V or Witcher 3)


Correct. I haven't had asset loading stutters with this game so far. Probably because I have a higher ceiling (16 GB DDR4 + 12 GB VRAM) so the memory leak doesn't seem to affect me.

You can still reduce variable frame time by rendering slightly above 30 and capping rivatuner at 30, instead of 31.

Also, I don't use Rivatuner at all. NVCP adaptive seems to work far better for me for both 30 and 60 fps. Not sure why that's the case but rivatuner has made no difference for me in any games I've tried it (like GTA V or Witcher 3)

Yes, setting the ini to 31-32, with a frame cap of 30 via Rivatuner does help raise the minimum framerate a tad during load transition. Something I didn't try till now, seeing as #1, most games that I force to 30 fps don't have a built-in cap, and #2, raising or removing the ini cap has been giving me texture load in issues. Although, raising it by one or two fps in this case shouldn't hurt.

My next upgrade is definitely going to be 16GB of RAM followed by a new graphics card (most likely a 980ti, if there isn't something better by early next year), but seeing as the game shouldn't be eating as much memory as it is, if they fix the memory management with a patch, it will be a moot point (for this game anyway).

As for why adaptive works better for you, it's probably because you can constantly sustain framerates above your 30 or 60 fps caps; just one frame below, and tearing becomes the issue. For people with weaker systems, adaptive really isn't a good option. Also, frame capping to 30 or 60 with Rivatuner is for getting a constant 33.3/16.6ms frametime, which increases consistency and responsiveness. Said results entirely depend on the display type and an individual's perception.

Evo X

Anyone tested if the textures get progressively worse the higher you set the fps cap?

For example, we know they work at 30, but does setting it to 45 produce better results than 60?

And does setting it to 60 make it better than 120?

I ask because I have it set to 144, same as my monitors refresh rate and wondering if I should lower it a bit if it will get rid of the low res texture problem.


You guys are skipping out the smoke (and the rest of gameworks) for rivatuner and 4k?

Tried that afterwards...No way. 1440p will do. I'll give sweetfx aa a try, but I have a feeling it's some other effect annoying me.


Yes, setting the ini to 31-32, with a frame cap of 30 via Rivatuner does help raise the minimum framerate a tad during load transition. Something I didn't try till now, seeing as #1, most games that I force to 30 fps don't have a built-in cap, and #2, raising or removing the ini cap has been giving me texture load in issues. Although, raising it by one or two fps in this case shouldn't hurt.

My next upgrade is definitely going to be 16GB of RAM followed by a new graphics card (most likely a 980ti, if there isn't something better by early next year), but seeing as the game shouldn't be eating as much memory as it is, if they fix the memory management with a patch, it will be a moot point (for this game anyway).

As for why adaptive works better for you, it's probably because you can constantly sustain framerates above your 30 or 60 fps caps; just one frame below, and tearing becomes the issue. For people with weaker systems, adaptive really isn't a good option. Also, frame capping to 30 or 60 with Rivatuner is for getting a constant 33.3/16.6ms frametime, which increases consistency and responsiveness. Said results entirely depend on the display type and an individual's perception.


You guys are skipping out the smoke (and the rest of gameworks) for rivatuner and 4k?

Not me. I have a whole Titan X just sitting around doing nothing. So I'm using it as my dedicated smoke machine!

Evo X

You guys are skipping out the smoke (and the rest of gameworks) for rivatuner?

Tried that afterwards...No way.

Only smoke and debris cause the memory downclock.

I am still running rain and light shafts.

Smoke and debris aren't worth the performance cut either. Turning them off lets me run closer to 4K60 instead of 4K30.


You guys are skipping out the smoke (and the rest of gameworks) for rivatuner and 4k?

Tried that afterwards...No way. 1440p will do. I'll give sweetfx aa a try, but I have a feeling it's some other effect annoying me.

No, you can still use Rivatuner w/Gameworks. I believe someone posted something about it in this thread a while back.

I simply don't use the smoke in particular, because not only do I find it excessive (personal preference), but it's not currently optimized with this specific game, causing the game to halt for a couple seconds when accelerating the Batmobile (at least on my setup), and uses even more RAM/VRAM than the base game already uses (which is ALL of mine).

Anyway, if you want both Rivatuner OSD and Gamworks enabled, go to "Program Files (x86)/Rivatuner Statistics Server/Profiles", locate "iw6sp64_ship.exe.cfg," duplicate it and rename it to "BatmanAK.exe.cfg," and then finally set whatever frame cap you had back in the profile. Should work.


Only smoke and debris cause the memory downclock.

I am still running rain and light shafts.

Smoke and debris aren't worth the performance cut either. Turning them off lets me run closer to 4K60 instead of 4K30.

Bruh… you prefer fluctuating, stutter fest with texture streaming issues over this?


Evo X

Bruh… you prefer fluctuating, stutter fest with texture streaming issues over this?

GSYNC bruh.

Barely any stutter on my end. 30fps just feels so wrong after playing at higher.

Don't give a shit about smoke. I barely use the batmobile. Rather have better performance 95% of the time than fancy smoke 5% of the time.


Bruh… you prefer fluctuating, stutter fest with texture streaming issues over this?


The smoke effects have their moments, and honestly, I'd probably enable them for completion's sake if I had your rig. But compared to the default smoke, (barring the whole dressing up as a bat and flying around the city aspect) I don't find them as realistic; if that much smoke kicked up at such a continuous rate during a burnout (Batmobile or not), well, I'd like to know where Batman gets his tires ;)


GSYNC bruh.

Barely any stutter on my end. 30fps just feels so wrong after playing at higher.

Don't give a shit about smoke. I barely use the batmobile. Rather have better performance 95% of the time than fancy smoke 5% of the time.

4K Gsync? Nice!

Wish they had 4K Gsync TVs. Any variability in framerate and my TV turns the game into a slideshow. I really have no other options than settle for 30 :/

The smoke effects have their moments, and honestly, I'd probably enable them for completion's sake if I had your rig. But compared to the default smoke, (barring the whole dressing up as a bat and flying around the city aspect) I don't find them as realistic; if that much smoke kicked up at such a continuous rate during a burnout (Batmobile or not), well, I'd like to know where Batman gets his tires ;)

You are flying around a city in a latex cape and dive bomb from 100s of feet directly into the cockpit of a supercar-tank hybrid that runs over people while electrocuting them at the same time but not killing them... but you find the exaggerated tire smoke unrealistic… ;)

Evo X

4K Gsync? Nice!

Wish they had 4K Gsync TVs. Any variability in framerate and my TV turns the game into slideshow. I really have no other options than settle for 30 :/

No, I'm downsampling from 4K on my 1440P 144hz Gsync panel. Combine it with Nvidia Control Panel FXAA for a smooth image.

I love it. Along with SSDs, I think it's the biggest PC gaming related breakthrough of the last 10 years.
Performance on my HD 7950 was better than expected. Still a little bummed by performance but I don't have to go out and borrow the ps4 version. Turning level of detail down helped me the most with stuttering, I have it at medium now and I only get it sometimes when gliding and rarely while driving.


You are flying around a city in a latex cape, while dive bombing from 100s of feet directly into the cockpit of a supercar-tank hybrid that runs over people while electrocuting them at the same but not killing them... but you find the exaggerated smoke unrealistic…

To my credit, I did fit "(barring the whole dressing up as a bat and flying around the city aspect)" in my original comment.

Again, I would probably enable it for the heck of it if I had enough overhead. That, and the effect it puts out when firing the turret looks plain cool, and is better than the default. But something about the burnouts/doughnuts make it look as if he has a special smoke machine to produce the effect from an extra exhaust port.

So thinking in that context, you could say while it may be as realistic as "dive bombing from 100s of feet into the cockpit of a supercar-tank hybrid," I'm not sure I think Batman's inherit stony-faced, no nonsense demeanor would allow for a smoke machine ;p


So thinking in that context, you could say while it may be as realistic as "dive bombing from 100s of feet," I'm not sure I think Batman's inherit stony-faced, no nonsense demeanor would allow for a smoke machine ;p

It does seem to allow for eye shadow and lipstick though. :p


Not me. I have a whole Titan X just sitting around doing nothing. So I'm using it as my dedicated smoke machine!

Ha yeah, I read. You know I wonder if CPUs nowadays can do the calculations now anyway but then AMD (gpu) will get a freebie or something.

Only smoke and debris cause the memory downclock.

I am still running rain and light shafts.

Smoke and debris aren't worth the performance cut either. Turning them off lets me run closer to 4K60 instead of 4K30.

Ah forgot about the memory downclock...but I was under the impression it's not going to make a massive difference?

Fair enough if you're getting those frames, enjoy 4k :) .

No, you can still use Rivatuner w/Gameworks. I believe someone posted something about it in this thread a while back.

I simply don't use the smoke in particular, because not only do I find it excessive (personal preference), but it's not currently optimized with this specific game, causing the game to halt for a couple seconds when accelerating the Batmobile (at least on my setup), and uses even more RAM/VRAM than the base game already uses (which is ALL of mine).

Anyway, if you want both Rivatuner OSD and Gamworks enabled, go to "Program Files (x86)/Rivatuner Statistics Server/Profiles", locate "iw6sp64_ship.exe.cfg," duplicate it and rename it to "BatmanAK.exe.cfg," and then finally set whatever frame cap you had back in the profile. Should work.

Smoke grew on me quickly but I can see where some people might think it's too much especially with the performance. I got the lag with smoke on and accelerating at 4k but not at 1440p with 980ti. Not a couple of seconds but very noticeable.

Thank you very much for the headsup about turning on rivatuner osd. Will make sure to fix that, haven't messed with the framecaps after hearing some worrying comments.
Any word on when this will go back on sale?

...or do you think we'll have to wait until fall when it comes out on Linux and Mac?

Also, in its current state, how do you guys think it would run on this setup...

R9 290X 4GB OC 1.1GHz (with 390X drivers)
i5 2500K @ 4.5GHz
Intel 530 series SSD
21:9 Freesync Monitor (2560X1080@75Hz)
no idea when it will come back on sale. I'm optimistic though and think sometime in august, the game's problems don't seem so bad that it isn't fixable.


download link is there. You can turn off/on some effects by putting 0 instead of 1 in the sweetfx setting file in the folder. It's just drag and drop onto the folder with the exe:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Batman Arkham Knight\Binaries\Win64

going to do it now.
-rename ReShade64.dll (or 32 if you're on win x32) to dxgi.dll and it works for me, I didn't run the setup.

Really need to try the sweetfx smaa if it makes it less blurry...why da fuq would in-game aa make it that much more blurry. Thought that was some dodgy effect.


Doubt it. Some the calculations being done seem too intense for CPU.

I only say that because my cpu cores were at 30% and the framedrops I was getting at 4K with the smoke and litter on while driving was about 3fps (from 30)...but I don't really know the inner goings on in the cards and physx etc. There were also mini-freezes (driving batmobile, going round some corner).


I only say that because most of my cpu cores are at 30% and the framedrops I was getting at 4K with the smoke and litter on was about 3fps (from 30)...but I don't really know the inner goings on in the cards and physx etc. There were also mini-freezes.

GPU PhysX exploits the massively parallel pipelines of GPUs that simply don't work on CPUs. But yeah, this game is pretty terribly optimized on both GPU and CPU
ROG Swift, 980 and i7-4690k, is it possible to play this at 60fps/1440p and have the textures load? Everytime I try to adjust the FPS to a max 144hz I run into the worst texture streaming problems and everything looks like vaseline. I've tried 60fps, no luck. Tried the ini edit for texture stuff, no luck.

At this point I've just cranked everything to max, enabled 1/2 Refresh rate to lock it at 30fps and it's buttery smooth. Feels so wrong though to have GSYNC and not be using it, I feel....dirty.
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