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Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


No, they are releasing a patch in the coming weeks and that patch won't even be the final fixed version.

I read the interim patch's change-log, and wondering what is still missing, besides maybe further improvements to performance.

Seems to address most of the problems, no?
Why do people do this? what benefit is there to limiting every single game to frivolous goals for a high end graphics card
It's perfectly reasonable to have an acceptable performance point given the visuals. Just like everyone here has an *unacceptable* levels. The game was even (falsely) promoed by Nvidia showcasing all the gameworks settings running at 60.
I read the interim patch's change-log, and wondering what is still missing, besides maybe further improvements to performance.

Seems to address most of the problems, no?

"Addressing" the problems can mean anything, or nothing in some people's cases. They're using words like "reduce" and "improve," which could mean any range of effectiveness, really. For all we know this patch isn't going to do anything significant in terms of performance, and they know it, but they promised a patch for August (a date...no a whole MONTH, that they're most likely going to miss) and don't want to piss people off anymore so they're just going to throw something together in the meantime.

I find it funny how they mention skipping the splash screens as some "work in progress" feature. Aside from the fact that PC games have often had workarounds for that anyways (and this game in particular. It's often the first tweak I do in my games), but how hard can it be for them to implement that? It's like they just wanted to add something else to the list for the sake of it.

Regardless of how this patch, and future patch(es), works out, this situation is going to very interesting to follow. I know they're going to say something about this when they have to hype their next PC game.


Most people have assumed this patch is basically the beta test for releasing the game fully. At this point I believe this too, they just don't want to have the rest of us unlucky ones who decided to wait out the patch complaining some more.


It's perfectly reasonable to have an acceptable performance point given the visuals.

I think you underestimate how demanding or technically demanding features like volumetric smoke are. I would not hope for a flawless 60fps with all the Gameworks effects on even on a 980ti at 1080p.
I think you underestimate how demanding or technically demanding features like volumetric smoke are. I would not hope for a flawless 60fps with all the Gameworks effects on even on a 980ti at 1080p.

This Nvidia promotional video showed off the game with Gameworks effects seemingly running at 60fps. If that was advertised, it should be possible to achieve that for everyone with top of the line Nvidia hardware — as it is now, even people with SLI Titans couldn't get stable performance because of the memory leak.

It definitely is reasonable to demand 1080p/30fps with all settings on the level of the PS4 version, something a lot of people can't match on 900 series cards with 8gb vram, not without the hitching and texture streaming problems.

I read the interim patch's change-log, and wondering what is still missing, besides maybe further improvements to performance.

Seems to address most of the problems, no?

It's a matter of perspective, but They're still behind schedule when it comes to releasing DLC content. If you're asking why people aren't satisfied, it's because everything in the change log should've been present on day 1. This will be them breaking even months after the fact.

Again I don't experience these qaulms/broken aspects. I simply don't use batarangs unless an enemy is too far away to continue free-flow, I honestly haven't experienced hitting armoured enemies with them.
If the vault attack now requires a longer time, then you should adjust to the time required, it's like wondering why you got hit when you used a ground pound takedown too early, those require a hell of a of time as well and it just means you need to become better at spacing.
Also if enemy animations are faster, it's by a miniscule amount, I just replayed 1-100 (without gauntlets/gadgets/takedowns) and the animations seem to be similar in speed to JC, the enemies themselves however are far more aggressive, and ofcourse the martial artists spice up the combat just the right amount.

I also haven't experienced enemies running through smoke, sounds like a random bug.

The batarang thing can happen and it only serves to discourage their use.The ground takedown takes the same amount of time the aerial attack, yet the former guarantees a knockout, the latter does not. It's extended "slam" animation coupled with enemies' increased tracking ability makes that move borderline useless. The move used to be useful for spacing — it had no other pay off since it wasn't a OHKO move like the ground attack. It isn't worth the trouble to "get better at spacing" for that move since it just locks you to one spot for a whole second, and you're not even guaranteed a KO.

The increased aggression you speak of is a combination of the increased attack frequency in addition to moderately increased attack speed over AC. Added to that was increased recovery time for enemies' "lock-on" after the player doing something to break their targeting (vaulting/evading, freeflow gel "cartwheel", enemy-to-enemy aerial attack, attacking a far away enemy, etc.). That's why enemies not caught in the immediate smoke bomb blast will start running straight through it before it's even halfway dissipated, attacking as if it weren't there — yes, that happens, regardless of whether you've seen it.

All of these things and more were changed by WB Games Montreal without enough consideration and/or without enough time/resources to adjust everything else accordingly. Had everything been adjusted to accommodate these changes, it would've been great. As it is, Origins' combat is just a slightly worse version that City's with some additions that are either more abuse-able than even the bat-swarm in City (gauntlets, x2 consecutive combo takedown moves), or are just not very useful for combat (concussion grenades).
I think you underestimate how demanding or technically demanding features like volumetric smoke are. I would not hope for a flawless 60fps with all the Gameworks effects on even on a 980ti at 1080p.
Gameworks settings in AK have little impact on the frame times on a 980ti. You can do a big burnout with smoke everywhere and still hold very close to 60. Moving fast and streaming causes the framedrops. At least from what I remember.


Gameworks settings in AK have little impact on the frame times on a 980ti. You can do a big burnout with smoke everywhere and still hold very close to 60. Moving fast and streaming causes the framedrops. At least from what I remember.

Oh, then you are correct. Assuming the VRAM allocation is fixed your 980ti should not have many problems. I have to say I'm quite surprised, I didn't expect a single GPU to "max" out this game at 60fps.

This Nvidia promotional video showed off the game with Gameworks effects seemingly running at 60fps. If that was advertised, it should be possible to achieve that for everyone with top of the line Nvidia hardware — as it is now, even people with SLI Titans couldn't get stable performance because of the memory leak.

It definitely is reasonable to demand 1080p/30fps with all settings on the level of the PS4 version, something a lot of people can't match on 900 series cards with 8gb vram, not without the hitching and texture streaming problems.

The Nvidia promo demo could have been from a different build because it had AO while the release versions sadly did not. They could also have captured this footage on SLI, maybe the build they had supported it to a degree.

Just hypothesises.

I agree that 1080p/30fps without any Gameworks features (console settings) should not take anywhere near the amount of horsepower it does right now, once performance is improved I expect a 760/Radeon 7870 paired with a decent quad core Intel CPU to achieve that. And I expect a 960 (2015 mid-range) to run at close to 60fps at console settings. The game as it stands does not justify its hardware demands.
It isn't worth the trouble to "get better at spacing" for that move since it just locks you to one spot for a whole second, and you're not even guaranteed a KO.
I think you are misremembering things, the enemy vault attack is definitely a guaranteed KO if you space it correctly, since it's basically a ground pound takedown in Origins (but just a pounce in AC).

I'm assuming it was changed to be this way because it's basically a pointless move in AA/AC; why take the trouble of stunning > vault > attack for just a single hit, when you can just punch instead.
Pretty much another move I never use in combat, it's like the giant movelists in ninja gaiden, when all you need is izuna drop and steel splitter.

The increased aggression you speak of is a combination of the increased attack frequency in addition to moderately increased attack speed over AC.
I've been playing JC/PL and 100-1 back to back in the past day, and I'm not seeing any increase in attack (animation) speed, if it's there it's miniscule and not moderate.

As it is, Origins' combat is just a slightly worse version that City's
We'll just have to agree to disagree, however I did test your smokescreen thing, and it seems that as soon as the smoke density hits red! they indeed start attacking....in both games...tested it 25x in both penguin lounge and 100-1...


It's a matter of perspective, but They're still behind schedule when it comes to releasing DLC content. If you're asking why people aren't satisfied, it's because everything in the change log should've been present on day 1. This will be them breaking even months after the fact.

Oh no i get that, i preordered the game and i'm still waiting to play it, so it's not like i'm happy with this.

What i was asking is more or less what ClaptoVaughn answered to.


So are we just pretending that they didn't say the interim patch was releasing in August (whose surprise month long delay their latest post didn't address AT ALL), and with nary a reference, we just accept its apparently turned into probably late September---assuming it even makes it through testing without new issues arising. What a bunch of slimeballs these fuck heads are, they're not even going compensate people for this shit are they?
So are we just pretending that they didn't say the interim patch was releasing in August (whose surprise month long delay their latest post didn't address AT ALL), and with nary a reference, we just accept its apparently turned into probably late September---assuming it even makes it through testing without new issues arising. What a bunch of slimeballs these fuck heads are, they're not even going compensate people for this shit are they?

I'm not sure where you're getting late September from, there's still a week left of August and it entered testing a couple of days ago. Taken at face value their new update implies probably first week of September, but they obviously don't know the exact date. It ' could' slip into late September if things go poorly in testing, but what's your alternative here? Post 'he can't keep getting away with it' gifs? Stomp our feet and demand the patch without adequate testing?
So are we just pretending that they didn't say the interim patch was releasing in August (whose surprise month long delay their latest post didn't address AT ALL), and with nary a reference, we just accept its apparently turned into probably late September---assuming it even makes it through testing without new issues arising. What a bunch of slimeballs these fuck heads are, they're not even going compensate people for this shit are they?

We're not ignoring it, but we are aware that video game development takes time and effort.


So are we just pretending that they didn't say the interim patch was releasing in August (whose surprise month long delay their latest post didn't address AT ALL), and with nary a reference, we just accept its apparently turned into probably late September---assuming it even makes it through testing without new issues arising. What a bunch of slimeballs these fuck heads are, they're not even going compensate people for this shit are they?

While this whole situation is shitty, I sure think it's better that they get it right and not just rush out a patch because of a time frame they set quite some time ago. If it isn't ready, then they shouldn't release it. It is just a game after all, if I get to play it next week or next month doesn't really matter to me. What matters is that it actually works like it should, I have plenty of other stuff to play while I wait.

And while it's not very likely, I do think that they should just give people the season pass content for free. They could really use the goodwill after this debacle.
i like how Ive been joking this whole time that the patch will come at 11:59 PM on August 31st....I expected the worst and it might still find a way to get worse


i like how Ive been joking this whole time that the patch will come at 11:59 PM on August 31st....I expected the worst and it might still find a way to get worse

I am looking forward to playing when it is actually fixed, but it is not optimal with a release so close to TPP and Mad Max. I hope some of the fall heavy hitters end up sucking, so that I will have time for Batman ...


Man so much time has passed that I don't even think I'll buy this until the goty hits now

Yeah I'm in the same boat. If I really want new Batman I can just play Origins, I'll get this next year in a drought of games when it's actually good and ready. Too bad, would have played this summer but the moment has passed for sure.
So I bought a Steam code for $20 and finished the game.

i5 2400

I also used the BMT Utility. It seemed to help smooth out the frame rate a lot.

I played at 1920x1080 with AA and everything low and got 30fps most of the time. In the car I got some choppy frame rate, sometimes to the point of actually freezing for 2-3 secs when it got real bad. Gliding over the city could get hitchy. When I was indoors during story stuff I had no frame rate problems.

The worst part of it was the low res texture bug. Cars, thugs, and interactive items like doors and junction boxes could take minutes to load high res textures. One of the worst moments for me was
the scene towards the end when Gordon tries to trade Batman for Barbara.
I got maybe 10fps in that cut scene and textures weren't loading properly.

I will go back after the patch and do more side story stuff.


When I read that the game ran better on Windows 10 I quickly dismissed those claims as placebo but I can now confirm it considerably reduces the hitching, even the batmobile sections are much more playable.

It still does not perform as it should but it's an improvement nonetheless.


Looks like people were right, ha ha. They're saving the release of this patch till the end of august, their last week to release it and "keep their promise". Hoped it would have been mid august, but oh well, not in such a huge rush to play it now with MGS V closing in, but I do want to get back to it for the riddle trophies and etc. eventually.


Looks like people were right, ha ha. They're saving the release of this patch till the end of august, their last week to release it and "keep their promise". Hoped it would have been mid august, but oh well, not in such a huge rush to play it now with MGS V closing in, but I do want to get back to it for the riddle trophies and etc. eventually.

I would keep in mind that that will be the "first interim patch", which not only suggests that the game won't be fully fixed, but also that there are more patches to come before they have it fixed and back on sale.


I would keep in mind that that will be the "first interim patch", which not only suggests that the game won't be fully fixed, but also that there are more patches to come before they have it fixed and back on sale.

Oh really? I thought the interim patch meant it was going back on sale? I knew the interim patch meant it was only a "Part 1 fix" out of how many parts, but hoped it meant it would be mostly fix it, I mean they've been fixing it for like 2 months now, so either the game was that broken, it's been "remade" from scratch or..well that seems the only possible answer, other than WB just not allocating enough resources to fix it in a reasonable time.
I imagine it depends on how this patch does in the wild. If it goes well I imagine they might release a small patch addressing the other three things they mentioned and then put it back on sale.


Considering how taxing Gameworks features are, I disagree. You are setting completely arbitrary targets for your hardware.

Except they're really not - Running maxed out at 1440 downsampled to 1080 and my GPU usages doesn't even go above 50%. If the engine scales well to 60FPS, my 980 should manage that just fine. A 980ti should be even better.


my hard graphic balls
Have they said any more about optimizing the textures for VRAM + RAM? As in get Normal textures working on 2GB VRAM and not 2.8GB as it is now?


Low Poly Gynecologist
Yeah, 90 is a strange number for an fps cap. I mean if you're not on 60 then you're likely to be on 75 or 120 or 144. Never heard of any displays recently with 90 Hz refresh.

Monitors can refresh at whatever rate you tell them to, but if its at 90 you won't be able to lightboost which makes it a really lame cap.
Tbh I wouldn't read too much into it until it's actually out. The issue might be that the streaming still isn't efficient enough for anything higher than 90 so it'll be a use-at-your-own-risk ini tweak (and to be fair, I doubt higher than 90 is going to be used by 98% of PC players - you'd need a very high end PC).

I mean as the game currently is if you cap it at 30 you get a hell of a lot less stuttering, suggesting that the streaming stuff just can't load in quick enough for low frame times.
So no August patch? Must have missed that
On August 20th they stated:

The teams have been working hard to address the issues with the PC version of the game. We are happy to confirm that we are now putting the first interim patch into testing. If all goes well, we expect to issue the patch in the next few weeks. We’ll be sure to report back in the next two weeks on how the testing is coming along.
I see them setting the expectation of a two week minimum timeline from the 20th. I'd rather they didn't try to rush things personally, or commit to a date they know they can't keep at this stage.

I still haven't really done much with the game at all, and refuse to touch another WB game when they launch until I see player experiences.


So no August patch? Must have missed that

these dudes are so scummy, lol. They tell us that its coming in August, getting all our hopes up for an entire month to then not even release it this month (or release it the last few days, which is just as bad). Fuck WB


Gold Member
Considering how taxing Gameworks features are, I disagree. You are setting completely arbitrary targets for your hardware.

I'm using a 970 for rendering and a 970 dedicated to PhysX and at least the interactive smoke & fog effects from Gameworks have stopped bringing the FPS lower than 30. I get a minimum of around 30 when the screen is riddled with them. Don't know how a single 980 Ti stacks up against that.
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