Worse actually... Disappointing port.
FFS, the Batman games have always been fine on PC, if a little demanding. What's this shit all of a sudden.
Worse actually... Disappointing port.
Outsourced portFFS, the Batman games have always been fine on PC, if a little demanding. What's this shit all of a sudden.
FFS, the Batman games have always been fine on PC, if a little demanding. What's this shit all of a sudden.
Won't be doing the Face-Off but I'd imagine it will be mentioned in there. I'll have to try it myself in the future when I can get access to it. Now I'm super curious to see how it performs on my PC.
Lé Blade Runner;169485581 said:I can't underline this enough. Never pre-order - always wait for reviews and user-impressions. PC has so much to offer beside that one brand new game that there is never a hurry to buy anything in advance.
Its the best-looking game across all three platforms (yes, even over The Witcher 3), but more importantly it just delivers in every aspect you could hope for.
Arkham City is still a stuttering unoptimised mess on a 980gtx with DX11.
Some 4k Gameworks smoke for yalls
So those with a 980ti, how is 60fps performance at 1080p?
I am running a 980gtx and while driving it is a clusterfuck of stuttering performance, often down to 30fps.
Ive been tempted by the ti while my 980 still has decent value. This might be the excuse I need?
Well, I am not interested in this game, but reviews were released few days ago and they were all solid. AusGamers, which gave this game 10/10 even went so far as to say that:
Which raises a question whether or not they actually played it on PC?
My point is that you cannot really trust reviews. At least there are now Steam refunds.
On our review platform: PS4 [...]
We can disable DX11 and have a perfectly ok game minus eyecandy.
BAK is unplayable over 30 fps no matter the settings and config.
Please stop.
Wait a fucking munite.
Textures just go up to normal and its says you need fucking 3gb ram to move that shit?
Did they just named it normal but they are high resolution textures or this is piece of shit levels of port (apart from all the broken things the game seems to have on PC) and uses even worse tectures thatn the PS4 version or something.
From what im reading my new 970 and i7 was going to get me 30fps on 1080, and that is already bad, but the textures thing is making me scrath my head even more.
Well AusGamers do state this:
No PC review copies were available before release as far as I know.
We can disable DX11 and have a perfectly ok game minus eyecandy.
BAK is unplayable over 30 fps no matter the settings and config.
Please stop.
Jim's uploaded a video showing the issues for anyone who's thinking of picking it up. Not that it needs to be said at this point but WAIT.
I believe you made an error when purchasing a 980 and 12GB of RAM then.and I don't really care about 60FPS most of the time
We can disable DX11 and have a perfectly ok game minus eyecandy.
BAK is unplayable over 30 fps no matter the settings and config.
Please stop.
We can disable DX11 and have a perfectly ok game minus eyecandy.
BAK is unplayable over 30 fps no matter the settings and config.
Please stop.
So the game is running well, however I'm a bit confused, this definately does not look as impresive as I'm expecting. I'm running a 970gtx and the texture resolution maxium setting is normal (it says next to it this setting is for up to 3gb cards).
But could it be that the PS4 version would actually look better?! Also the reviews of the PS4 version give graphics praise, even in some cases regarding it above the witcher. Which seems crazy as the witcher looks lush on my PC.
What I need to know: is the PS4 version capable of higher textures than a PC with a 970gtx? I hate myself for being such a batman fan, but i'm going to have to double dip if thats the case (can't get a refund, didnt get my key on steam).
how the game unplayable over 30 fps yet its playable @ 30 fps ?
you might not get a stable fps @ 60. but its still better than 30 fps.
unless you are talking about the fps dipping making the game unplayable for you ?
also. i got the game for 20$ unrefundable. so i am stuck with it and can't return it. not that i am complaining i got it for cheap lol
Tell me this - what is it about The Witcher that you find impressive? They are visually striking in very different ways.But could it be that the PS4 version would actually look better?! Also the reviews of the PS4 version give graphics praise, even in some cases regarding it above the witcher. Which seems crazy as the witcher looks lush on my PC.
Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.
since noone has said it, i will. Batman Arkham Knight lead platform is PS4 people.
sux it and weep. including me
to memory i saw no media, previews or indeed video apart from a trailer on the PC version leading upto launch i mean ZERO. it was all PS4, so now we know.
SLI not working right now. Your frames should double once it's fixed.
Glad to see the AMD drivers. I'll post later on what type of performance I'm getting with a 7850. Woof.
Just hoping for medium settings 1080/30.
wut? : /
Did the Nvidia driver last night not include the profile for it? Or is the game just broken and not using SLI properly?
I mentioned the benchmark scores just because, as you pointed out I knew full well that the game would be locked at 30FPS.
I just want a mostly flawless gameplay experience, and seeing as I have that I am happy.
ok let me ask you this. assuming both the PS4 version and the pc version are playable @ 30 fps. which of these versions look and play better ?
It doesn't matter if the lead platform is on PS4. the PC version will always look and play better at the end. not to mention thie game will be patched soon enough
How about giving them a chance after they fix this pos. Refund magic time everybody.Guys, I really urge you to be patient and give them a chance to fix things.
Tell me this - what is it about The Witcher that you find impressive? They are visually striking in very different ways.
Batman pushes a lot of visual effects that come together in a very tight package. The animation and transitions between animations and cutscenes is really incredible. The motion blur, lit particles, model detail, material quality and overall fluidity is just impressive to behold.
The Witcher 3 features a massive world with fully dynamic time of day and a lot of lovely design elements BUT it animates very poorly and generally feels a bit clunky in motion. They built some beautiful locales but nothing really moves all that well and the post-process effects are pretty tame. It looks like a GAME where as Batman is very clearly trying to resemble pre-rendered film.
I think a lot of the elements I love in Batman are things that many PC gamers do not. Lots of heavy blur and depth of field effects, camera distortion, etc. I think it looks insanely good here but I know a lot of PC gamers would want to disable ALL of those things just to get something that looks super clean.
If you want a super pristine looking game without any of those effects then Batman probably isn't going to appeal to you. I'm more a fan of high quality animation and effects work which is why I find Batman so damn incredible in motion.
It's all just opinion.
I get negative scaling, so there's something wrong with it. That's with the latest drivers and the SLI profile (have manually confirmed it is there).
Yup, that's what I was saying. It's an issue with the engine.Every Arkham game had streaming problems exactly as every other UE3 game. Every previous Arkham game can be "fixed" messing with config files and options. Arkham City can't be played without stuttering in DX11. Arkham Origins has a near perfect DX11 implementation btw with minimal frametime problems because the streaming.
There is some LOD pop-in, of course, but I feel it's nicely concealed and not particularly noticeable. No texture pop-in, though.I've been noticing pop in while fliding around and descending to the ground. Ps4 version has no pop in?
my RSS osd just stopped working, fraps wont work either. is there a known solution for this?
I just realized that this thread has more posts than the OT.
I just finished Arkham City maxed out DX11 + PhysX stuff last week 60FPS no stutter. I get roughly 40FPS before the game crashes with AK.Every Arkham game had streaming problems exactly as every other UE3 game. Every previous Arkham game can be "fixed" messing with config files and options. Arkham City can't be played without stuttering in DX11. Arkham Origins has a near perfect DX11 implementation btw with minimal frametime problems because the streaming.
It's not a problem with loading textures, but other assets like geometry and scripts (texture streaming is asynchronous). The more different assets a UE3 game has, the bigger problem you will have. You can't avoid stutters in "Vanishing of Ethan Carter" and so is great devs are porting the game to UE4.
Streaming holds the main thread for a while and the renderer is stopped this time. In a big frametime, 33 ms for example, those probems could be invisible. But the engine can't handle loading a lot of assets without problems in 16 ms frametime. That's why they have a 30 fps lock as default option.
I hope Rockstady can help those fucked porters to "fix" this shit.
I've paid 22 for a not refundable game and I have not downloaded the game yet.
Encouragement to those affected.