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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Voted Liberal and glad to see them winning. Also happy to see NDP have some success.

The mouth breathers in my riding voted Conservatives in droves as usual -_-
Shit yeah! See ya later Hudak!




The NDP is winning their seats fastest, who actually have the most "elected" right now. Which really reflects the way in which they dominate the seats they do win, and also shows why they have almost as many votes overall as the PC's but far fewer seats.


listen to the mad man
So, what are the obvious conclusions to draw from this?

1) The PCs have grasped defeat from the jaws of victory again by running an ass-about-face campaign whose primary campaign promise was creating jobs by firing people.

2) Despite a presumed boost in the popular vote, Horwath is likely to gain nothing from having forced to election, and any subsequent Liberal budget will be to the right of what was on the table before the election, so she probably strategically lost by forcing one

3) Whatever mandate Wynne draws from this election, it'll be tainted by the ongoing cloud of corruption. I don't for a second believe that ruling out coalition governments benefitted either the PCs or Liberals, or the province of Ontario. Everyone can fuck off with the brinksmanship now and save us the expenses for another four years.

I hope all the the party employees using this campaign as training for next year's federal election got something out of this whole process because I sure didn't. Thankfully, I won't have to live in this province anymore.


insert blank space here
Looking forward to other leaders at the helm of the opposition parties. They (NDP and PC) presented quite the shitty alternative (imo of course). What a missed opportunity for those parties.
I'm in Ottawa West-Nepean, and my polling station was dead. My wife and I were literally the only people there when we left, apart from the poll workers.


So, what are the obvious conclusions to draw from this?

1) The PCs have grasped defeat from the jaws of victory again by running an ass-about-face campaign whose primary campaign promise was creating jobs by firing people.

2) Despite a presumed boost in the popular vote, Horwath is likely to gain nothing from having forced to election, and any subsequent Liberal budget will be to the right of what was on the table before the election, so she probably strategically lost by forcing one

3) Whatever mandate Wynne draws from this election, it'll be tainted by the ongoing cloud of corruption. I don't for a second believe that ruling out coalition governments benefitted either the PCs or Liberals, or the province of Ontario. Everyone can fuck off with the brinksmanship now and save us the expenses for another four years.

I hope all the the party employees using this campaign as training for next year's federal election got something out of this whole process because I sure didn't. Thankfully, I won't have to live in this province anymore.

Hear hear.


Subete no aware
So, what are the obvious conclusions to draw from this?

1) The PCs have grasped defeat from the jaws of victory again by running an ass-about-face campaign whose primary campaign promise was creating jobs by firing people.

2) Despite a presumed boost in the popular vote, Horwath is likely to gain nothing from having forced to election, and any subsequent Liberal budget will be to the right of what was on the table before the election, so she probably strategically lost by forcing one

3) Whatever mandate Wynne draws from this election, it'll be tainted by the ongoing cloud of corruption. I don't for a second believe that ruling out coalition governments benefitted either the PCs or Liberals, or the province of Ontario. Everyone can fuck off with the brinksmanship now and save us the expenses for another four years.

I hope all the the party employees using this campaign as training for next year's federal election got something out of this whole process because I sure didn't. Thankfully, I won't have to live in this province anymore.
Haha, you're ditching Ottawa?


So, what are the obvious conclusions to draw from this?

1) The PCs have grasped defeat from the jaws of victory again by running an ass-about-face campaign whose primary campaign promise was creating jobs by firing people.

2) Despite a presumed boost in the popular vote, Horwath is likely to gain nothing from having forced to election, and any subsequent Liberal budget will be to the right of what was on the table before the election, so she probably strategically lost by forcing one

3) Whatever mandate Wynne draws from this election, it'll be tainted by the ongoing cloud of corruption. I don't for a second believe that ruling out coalition governments benefitted either the PCs or Liberals, or the province of Ontario. Everyone can fuck off with the brinksmanship now and save us the expenses for another four years.

I hope all the the party employees using this campaign as training for next year's federal election got something out of this whole process because I sure didn't. Thankfully, I won't have to live in this province anymore.

You're leaving Ontario?

Also, fully agreed on point #1. What is it with the Tories and Ontario lately? Are they absolutely tone-deaf?

You should really discount anything you hear about 'internal numbers' out of hand. It's always narrative control.

I dunno... there were internal numbers during the last Federal Election that were very favorable for the Conservatives. Also, wasn't there a book published recently by one of the pollsters (Frank Graves?) that mentioned something about internal polling?



I'm not surprised by the Liberals winning (although it could have gone to the PCs), but I'm surprised by how much they're winning.

If they manage to carry this majority to the end of the night, I know two people who are out of jobs tomorrow.
You mean promising to fire 100,000 people doesn't win you an election? Shocker. Let this be the final nail in the bullshit "common sense" revolution.
You're leaving Ontario?

Also, fully agreed on point #1. What is it with the Tories and Ontario lately? Are they absolutely tone-deaf?

Seriously. They could run on "We'll be like the Liberals, but with beer in grocery stores" and they'd win. The Liberal strategy for two elections has been give the PCs enough rope to hang themselves with.


Canadians burned my passport
What a disaster for the conservatives. They had this win in the bag but I guess going balls-out insane is not a good game plan.


Seriously. They could run on "We'll be like the Liberals, but with beer in grocery stores" and they'd win. The Liberal strategy for two elections has been give the PCs enough rope to hang themselves with.

The PCs are going to have to take a long, good look in the mirror tonight and reevaluate their positions on just about everything.

What flies in the states doesn't fly here. Maybe they should think about where the name "Progressive Conservative" came from.
Horwath ran an absolutely disastrous campaign. My father-in-law is a dyed-in-the-wool Dipper, and he voted Liberal for the first time in his life because he was so turned off by the campaign she ran.

That said, Hudak clearly did way worse -- on TVO, they were just astounded by the collapse of the Tory vote.


Voted NDP, not that it mattered really, my area is pretty liberal as is.

I'm surprised NDP didn't get more votes given the ineptitude of both parties.


Damn, look at those PC numbers, they tanked it this time around.

FYI everyone watch TVO, Steve Paikin is like the Vin Scully of Ontario politics.
I'm surprised how likeable I find this dude, and I've seen like 4 minutes of footage of him in my lifetime.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
There's definitely a lot of vote splitting going on in my riding.

Lib+NDP+Green > 50% of the votes over here
congratulations Ontario GAF for choosing 4 years of stability.

It seems that most of the spike for Liberals did not come from the Left (NDP grew) but from the Center-Right voters who think that the Tories are too far Right


Subete no aware
congratulations Ontario GAF for choosing 4 years of stability.

It seems that most of spike of the Liberals did not come from the Left (NDP grew) but from the Center-Right voters who think that the Tories are too far Right

Well, stability until all the scandals come to light fully and we go through the years of inquiries. lol


Subete no aware
If Wynne has enough integrity, heads will rolls.
If she's smart, she'd deal with it now and hope that everyone forgets in 4 years rather than let it drag out for her entire mandate.

And still, if the alternates are an idiotic NDP and another Mike Harris wannabe, the Liberals will win again.
I don't know what the Tories can do to differentiate themselves, since the OLP is pretty center already. lol


listen to the mad man
And still, if the alternates are an idiotic NDP and another Mike Harris wannabe, the Liberals will win again.

Speaking of Mike Harris, Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) is narrowly leading in his riding. Maybe the best way for the Ontario PCs to break with Mike Harris is to select Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) as their new leader.
Well, stability until all the scandals come to light fully and we go through the years of inquiries. lol

I live in Quebec.
I would vote for corrupt Quebec Liberals any day ever before ever voting for Separatist xenophobes or Right Wing Nationalists.

If our Premier ran over some one while drunk driving, I would still vote Liberal.

If I was an Ontarian, I would do everything possible to prevent another Mike Harris to ever come to power ever again. Hudak was a ass-hat, you guys are better off with corrupt Liberals than Chop Chop Conservatives.
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