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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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In his defense, Mackay is probably one of the dumbest politicians you've seen in awhile, too.*

* Note: this does not apply if you've seen Rob Anders more recently.
If anyone is worried that he'll apologize or maybe say he regrets wearing the shirt, don't worry. If there's one thing the conservatives are great at it's doubling down on their worst instincts.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
The Conservatives are disgusting. It seems like anything they do is a competition to see if they can make me hate them even more.


Remember when Peter just got dumped by Belinda around the time she crossed the floor?

Politics was fun back then.



The RCMP is developing a program to stop Canadians from becoming radicalized by violent ideologies, a new report reveals.

As of early 2014, about 130 people with Canadian connections were believed to be in countries such as Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan participating in terrorism-related activities, the Public Safety Canada report said.

Another 80 have returned to Canada, according to the 2014 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada.

The RCMP is putting in place the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program to stop Canadians at risk of being radicalized. The police force says it aims to have the program in place by year's end.

It's not entirely clear how the program will work.

In an email, the RCMP says it will work with families of "vulnerable individuals" who are experiencing behavioural changes. It also says the program "will include educating Canadians on the role of law enforcement and the responsibilities that they, in turn, have in safeguarding Canada."



The RCMP is putting in place the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program to stop Canadians at risk of being radicalized. The police force says it aims to have the program in place by year's end.

It's not entirely clear how the program will work.

I have some guesses as to that: "poorly", "arbitrarily", "unfairly", "secretly", and "ill-advisedly". Actually, you could probably pick any 3 of those and not be wrong.


Can't wait to hear how the RCMP finds/chooses 'vulnerable' individuals.

But for realsies, don't be obtuse, it says right in the article that the program will work with families, so it's more of a "community outreach"-style initiative.

I have some guesses as to that: "poorly", "arbitrarily", "unfairly", "secretly", and "ill-advisedly". Actually, you could probably pick any 3 of those and not be wrong.

And what is "ill-advised", "unfair", or "arbitrary" about taking the risk of homegrown radicalization/returning Syrian fighters seriously and trying to develop a community-based approach to dealing with it?
Canada has a higher disproportionate amount of home grown terrorists participating in Syria and Iraq when compared to the US.

UK had it worse but it is not normal that Canada has more per capita than our US neighbors.

The government and the RCMP should do more IMO to tackle this problem.

IMO, Canadian Cutzenship should be revoked if an homegrown terrorist has dual citizenship and deported. Single Canadian Cutzenship terrorists should be under surveillance 24 7.

I supported Pierre Trudeau's decision of using the War Measures Act to fight the FLQ during the October Crisis.
I would fully support any PM's usage of the Canadian War Measures Act to clamp down on terrorists here at home.


There are bizarre situations right now where families who suspect their kids are getting radicalized tell the police about it but then after that nobody has any idea what to do. So setting up some kind of program for that is a good thing. Poisonous shit spreading on youtube requires some sort of organized response.

Harper international dick waving continues....

My biggest gripe about this guy is that he spends more time talking about foreign affairs than domestic issues in the present tense.

when he doesn't talk about foreign affairs, he talks about imaginary wars like 1812 as if it was Canada that participated (it wasn't Canada, it was Great Britain who participated).
Those who called themselves Canadians back then were French-Canadians, not the English; they called themselves British Subjects just like J-A MacDonald called himself (he was actually a Scot).

oh they found a piece of ship in the Artic oh oh oh. How about talking about domestic issues in the Present?

+he never allows journalists at home to talk to him but he is free to talk to journos from other countries about his rendition of Beetles songs

He cuts into EI that wall pay into but he has ha MASSIVE HARD ON for the Monarchy and loves the make it rain when Royals visit Canada.


So one of the most interesting things about the Scotland referendum (to me at least) is that they've lowered the voting age so that 16 year olds could vote in the referendum. Regardless of how the vote goes, it seems that a lot of teenagers are now suddenly interested in politics. According to the guy heard being interviewed on NPR the kids aren't actually any less informed than adults on average. In fact, they read relevant articles just as much as adults, the difference being that they tend to find these articles on social media. One wonders if lowering the voting age has created a generation of kids who are now interested in politics and will have higher voter turnouts in future elections then previous generations. They're also more likely then adults to vote against Scottish independence, so that backfired on the SNP.

I think we should lower the voting age in Canada, perhaps even as low as 14. If we let kids participate in elections earlier in their development they might be more politically involved for the rest of their lives. This could increase voter turnout, in young voters at first, but then also in all other demographics as their generation grows old. Certainly appealing to, and relating to, Canadian youth would suddenly be much more important for Canadian politicians, at the very least.

So how would you feel about the voting age being lowered in Canada? Do you believe that it would, over the long run, increase voter turnout?


So one of the most interesting things about the Scotland referendum (to me at least) is that they've lowered the voting age so that 16 year olds could vote in the referendum. Regardless of how the vote goes, it seems that a lot of teenagers are now suddenly interested in politics. According to the guy heard being interviewed on NPR the kids aren't actually any less informed than adults on average. In fact, they read relevant articles just as much as adults, the difference being that they tend to find these articles on social media. One wonders if lowering the voting age has created a generation of kids who are now interested in politics and will have higher voter turnouts in future elections then previous generations. They're also more likely then adults to vote against Scottish independence, so that backfired on the SNP.

I think we should lower the voting age in Canada, perhaps even as low as 14. If we let kids participate in elections earlier in their development they might be more politically involved for the rest of their lives. This could increase voter turnout, in young voters at first, but then also in all other demographics as their generation grows old. Certainly appealing to, and relating to, Canadian youth would suddenly be much more important for Canadian politicians, at the very least.

So how would you feel about the voting age being lowered in Canada? Do you believe that it would, over the long run, increase voter turnout?

I would have invoke slippery slope, if only because lowering the voting age could subsequently be used to argue that kids under 18 could then be charged as adults when committing crimes, which I am strongly against.
Scotland IMO are their own people and their decision is their own business.

Stephen Harper has no business voicing his opinion on the matter while he was visiting the UK.

The Parti Quebecois has no business sending MNAs to Scotland on Referendum night while the National Assembly here has resumed.

Pierre-Karl Peladeau the media mogul who owns Sun News, TVA, QMI will be the Parti Quebecois's next leader. He's in Scotland right now:


Yup, the owner of Sun News Network is the leader in waiting of the Parti Quebecois... and owns newspapers, TV stations
Stephen Harper has commited Canada to Iraq if we like it or not without talking to us, without debating about it (because keeping Canadians in the dark is the best way for Harper to control us)

Jean Chrétien on Harper's Iraq involvment:
"I hope they did not make a mistake. They are part of it. You know, I find it a bit unusual that they are part of it and then they say we're not quite part of it,"

«Vous ne pouvez pas y être seulement en partie. Vous êtes engagé, ou vous ne l'êtes pas,.... Bien sûr, si vous refusez d'agir, vos partenaires diront que vous ne respectez pas votre promesse.»

the fact that nobody in Canada is talking about this means that Harper got away with it, committing our involvement in Iraq without talking to us.... eeessh.

As a Liberal, I think Mulcair is 100% right on this.
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...o_back_canadian_military_mission_in_iraq.html (video included)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Stephen Harper has commited Canada to Iraq if we like it or not without talking to us, without debating about it (because keeping Canadians in the dark is the best way for Harper to control us)

Jean Chrétien on Harper's Iraq involvment:
the fact that nobody in Canada is talking about means that Harper got away with it, commiting our involvement in Iraq without talking to us.... eeessh.

As a Liberal, I think Mulcair is 100% right on this.
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2...n_in_iraq.html (video included)
I never thought I'd say this back in the 1990's, but holy shit do I miss Chrétien. :|


So Justin Trudeau has apparently said he will no longer talk to Sun Media after(I think) Ezra Levant aired a slam piece against him. Cue various Sun Media personalities being butthurt claiming violations of free speech.

Edit: OK, turns out Levant called PET a 'slut' and Margaret as someone 'who didn't wear panties'. So yeah...



Mike Duffy trial begins in April, that dumps a cold shower on Harper's plans to unveil his spring budget full of short term candy.

Spring election?

Man, I wish I could get my cases to go from the laying of charges to trial in only 9 months.... :p

edit: ahh, Duffy chose to skip his option for a prelim. Ya, dude definitely wants to use the trial to mess with the Conservatives.
So Justin Trudeau has apparently said he will no longer talk to Sun Media after(I think) Ezra Levant aired a slam piece against him. Cue various Sun Media personalities being butthurt claiming violations of free speech.

Edit: OK, turns out Levant called PET a 'slut' and Margaret as someone 'who didn't wear panties'. So yeah...



The owner of Sun News Network - QMI = Pierre-Karl Péladeau... the next leader of the separatist Parti Québecois who happens to be a Right Winger and a Separatist who owns Sun News Network

Ezra Levant is a separatist sympathizer

Harper international dick waving continues....

My biggest gripe about this guy is that he spends more time talking about foreign affairs than domestic issues in the present tense.

when he doesn't talk about foreign affairs, he talks about imaginary wars like 1812 as if it was Canada that participated (it wasn't Canada, it was Great Britain who participated).
Those who called themselves Canadians back then were French-Canadians, not the English; they called themselves British Subjects just like J-A MacDonald called himself (he was actually a Scot).

oh they found a piece of ship in the Artic oh oh oh. How about talking about domestic issues in the Present?

+he never allows journalists at home to talk to him but he is free to talk to journos from other countries about his rendition of Beetles songs

He cuts into EI that wall pay into but he has ha MASSIVE HARD ON for the Monarchy and loves the make it rain when Royals visit Canada.

Kinda old but Harpers foreign policy should be the last thing he should be touting. His foreign policy is complete and utter shit and has almost fucked up Canada's rep internationally.


Kinda old but Harpers foreign policy should be the last thing he should be touting. His foreign policy is complete and utter shit and has almost fucked up Canada's rep internationally.

His base buys into that bullshit though, so he's going to wave that shit around like mad



Just... give it a watch if you have 5 minutes. Thomas Mulcair asks a question in the house about the deployment, and is answered with a completely irrelevant answer about something some NDP fundraiser said about Israel. This process is then repeated several times until Mulcair calls out the Speaker.

Also, if anyone could be so kind as to get a screengrab of the man with the blue shirt behind Calandra, I think I might have a new avatar.


Edit: OK, turns out Levant called PET a 'slut' and Margaret as someone 'who didn't wear panties'. So yeah...
I always thought a pundit would bring the political discourse down so far that the equivalent of "your mother is a whore" would make it on live television.

I just never thought it'd be a Canadian who'd do it.
Shows you what I know.


Levant must be really desperate for attention to pull a stunt like this. I think what frustrates him the most is that he doesn't get either lauded Fox News Style for shit like this OR get hated on and screamed at for it. Canadians tend to ignore him or just not respond awkwardly and that has to be the worst outcome for what he's trying to do.
Levant must be really desperate for attention to pull a stunt like this. I think what frustrates him the most is that he doesn't get either lauded Fox News Style for shit like this OR get hated on and screamed at for it. Canadians tend to ignore him or just not respond awkwardly and that has to be the worst outcome for what he's trying to do.

All Quebecor owned media (including Sun Media) should be boycotted for being un-Canadian


You're way too obsessed with separatists. They're irrelevant right now so you should chill.

That Levant tirade about Trudeau is so ridiculously absurd. Dude is losing the plot and he'll only get worse as we get closer and closer to Trudeau's election, which most likely we be followed by a "that's it, I'm leaving for the USA".

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
With someone like Harper and Canadian conservatives being in power, whose values are such direct opposites of the liberal values of the Québécois people, is it any wonder that there are separatists? Hell, I'm not a separatist, but ever since Harper got in power I've been feeling more sympathetic towards the notion of being a separate country than America Jr. "Un-Canadian", lol, you sound like those "Why do you hate America?" conservatives.


Subete no aware
With someone like Harper and Canadian conservatives being in power, whose values are such direct opposites of the liberal values of the Québécois people, is it any wonder that there are separatists? Hell, I'm not a separatist, but ever since Harper got in power I've been feeling more sympathetic towards the notion of being a separate country than America Jr. "Un-Canadian", lol, you sound like those "Why do you hate America?" conservatives.
Well, the separatist movement is divided politically as well, which explains the CAQ and Quebec Solidaire.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Indeed. To suggest that the separatist movement is inherently conservative and right-winged is all kinds of preposterous. PKP is a giant douche and I loathe him, don't get me wrong, but he has nothing in common with, say, Amir Kadir (who I also dislike but for other reasons).
With someone like Harper and Canadian conservatives being in power, whose values are such direct opposites of the liberal values of the Québécois people, is it any wonder that there are separatists? Hell, I'm not a separatist, but ever since Harper got in power I've been feeling more sympathetic towards the notion of being a separate country than America Jr. "Un-Canadian", lol, you sound like those "Why do you hate America?" conservatives.
Uh, what are you talking about?

The arch-enemy of the separatist movement are the federal Liberals: Trudeau and Chretien.
Pierre Trudeau was against "special powers" and believed every province to be equal.

Brian Mulroney (the last Progressive Conservative Prime Minister) however was more "conciliatory" towards nationalists who wanted to be recognized as a "Distinct Society"" in the Meech Lake accord.
That failed and yadee yada yada....

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't know what you're talking about. It seems like you haven't really read my post or understood it, but I don't know how to make it clearer, so, uh... read it again maybe.
To get back on track with Harper and his international tour:

Anyone notice that he is open speaking outside of Canada to foreign reporters but becomes totally mum and cold when he returns home to Canada and snubs all local journalists?

he gives big speeches in New York, London and Tel Aviv but never ever talks to us Canadians at home
To get back on track with Harper and his international tour:

Anyone notice that he is open speaking outside of Canada to foreign reporters but becomes totally mum and cold when he returns home to Canada and snubs all local journalists?

he gives big speeches in New York, London and Tel Aviv but never ever talks to us Canadians at home

Maybe he knows Canadians won't buy anything he has to say so he just tries to look good to the rest of the world while snubbing the people he should be dealing with.
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