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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Maybe he knows Canadians won't buy anything he has to say so he just tries to look good to the rest of the world while snubbing the people he should be dealing with.

His stances or lack of stances on specific issues has not made him look that good on the international stage, no matter how often he speaks on it.





I dunno, I'm no fan of the Conservatives at all, but his apology seemed weirdly sincere, mostly because his feelings on it seemed so deeply out of proportion to the offence, that it seems kind of wrong to make fun of him for it or the Israel thing now.

Now the rest of the trained seals applauding away at both his original deflections and his apology, as if there's no inherent contradiction there, they deserve all the ridicule in the world.
the crying comes from the Republican playbook; Americans have a tendency to forgive officials who apologize and feel remorse (real or fake), crying on camera makes them seem sincere (most of the time not)

David Cameron did not hesitate to address Westminster.

Now Harper looks like the most opaque secretive out of the gang without ever addressing Canadians while his two feet are on Canadian soil.

But nah, he talks to Americans and talks to foreign business leaders but not to Canadians.


the crying comes from the Republican playbook; Americans have a tendency to forgive officials who apologize and feel remorse (real or fake), crying on camera makes them seem sincere (most of the time not)
Boehner seems to exclusively cry at 'positive' things. Events honoring him or someone else, people retiring, etc. Usually other politicians cry when they're caught in adultery or being anti-gay while having a gay lover.

This still strikes me as pretty unusual, to cry over an honestly minor breach of etiquette. I still don't like his party or even him, but this is a weird one and afaik he has no track record of doing it.


Boehner seems to exclusively cry at 'positive' things. Events honoring him or someone else, people retiring, etc. Usually other politicians cry when they're caught in adultery or being anti-gay while having a gay lover.

This still strikes me as pretty unusual, to cry over an honestly minor breach of etiquette. I still don't like his party or even him, but this is a weird one and afaik he has no track record of doing it.

Nothing any conservative mp does is not completely vetted by the PMO in this administration.
I dunno, I'm no fan of the Conservatives at all, but his apology seemed weirdly sincere, mostly because his feelings on it seemed so deeply out of proportion to the offence, that it seems kind of wrong to make fun of him for it or the Israel thing now.

Now the rest of the trained seals applauding away at both his original deflections and his apology, as if there's no inherent contradiction there, they deserve all the ridicule in the world.

I honestly think it was shame, embarrassment, and frustration at not only having been given the response in the first place, but then made to go out and apologize.

Julie Snyder offered Senate seat by the Tories in 2009
pffff hahhahaha. Harper looks like a dote today since PKP's true colours reveal last Spring.

more and Sun Media related News.

Justin Trudeau gets apology from Sun Media

on a scary note about Sun News followers in this online poll:
Do you support the potential use of Canadian boots on the ground to fight ISIS?
Yes 65%
No 35%

WHAT?? 65% of Sun News followers support Canadian boots on the ground in Syrya/Iraq? WTF


This still strikes me as pretty unusual, to cry over an honestly minor breach of etiquette. I still don't like his party or even him, but this is a weird one and afaik he has no track record of doing it.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. Calandra has a reputation of being the guy they'll trot out to regurgitate talking points during QP. Nearly all other MPs refused to do what he did, because they refused to be humiliated like that, but Calandra seems like he doesn't have any shame.

This is a good discussion panel on the affair: http://www.cbc.ca/thenational/content/analysis/atissue/democracy_in_action_or_abuse_of_parliament.html


listen to the mad man
Actually, it's quite the opposite. Calandra has a reputation of being the guy they'll trot out to regurgitate talking points during QP. Nearly all other MPs refused to do what he did, because they refused to be humiliated like that, but Calandra seems like he doesn't have any shame.

Yes, I would put Calandra in a category of MP with Pollievre in terms of willingness to fall on a sword for the party.
Mike Duffy is the counterweight that will end up toppling Harper.

1st Harper made a fixed date election law, now he will violate that law to avoid the Duffy trial in April.



Actually, it's quite the opposite. Calandra has a reputation of being the guy they'll trot out to regurgitate talking points during QP. Nearly all other MPs refused to do what he did, because they refused to be humiliated like that, but Calandra seems like he doesn't have any shame.

This is a good discussion panel on the affair: http://www.cbc.ca/thenational/content/analysis/atissue/democracy_in_action_or_abuse_of_parliament.html

Are you reading what I said as saying he has no track record of being a deflecting asshole? I was saying he has no track record of crocodile tears a la Boehner.


Mike Duffy is the counterweight that will end up toppling Harper.

1st Harper made a fixed date election law, now he will violate that law to avoid the Duffy trial in April.


Harper has gone back on his word plenty of times. As long as the 38-39% of voters that don't give a shit come out and the vote splits his way he will win his majority.


Mr. Democracy around the world Stephen Harper is super silent and mum with the happenings in Hong Kong hmmmmm doesn`t want to offend one of Canada's biggest consumer of Oil Sands.. but I thought he was all about freedom and democracy around the world, ... so quiet


Mr. Democracy around the world Stephen Harper is super silent and mum with the happenings in Hong Kong hmmmmm doesn`t want to offend one of Canada's biggest consumer of Oil Sands.. but I thought he was all about freedom and democracy around the world, ... so quiet

Of course. His friends in the Communist Party have deemed the protests 'illegal'.

ISIS fight: 6-month maximum attached to Canada's air combat offer

my take of it is that it is mostly a ''symbolic'' gesture towards allies.

but the 6 months time table... hmmm smells like an Spring election (use military intervention to boost support before Mike Duffy trial begins in April)

by the way, Justin's CF18 comment was stupid. I know he says stupid things all the time but one of these days one of them is going to stick

Stage On

by the way, Justin's CF18 comment was stupid. I know he says stupid things all the time but one of these days one of them is going to stick

You mean the "It's not about whipping out our CF-18s to show how big they are" line?

That doesn't seem stupid to me. If anything that makes him more relateable since it's really not a problem we can solve simply by throwing our jets at it. Never mind the fact we shouldn't be throwing out jets at it with out even having a debate about it...
but at the end of the day, it's just a support symbolic mission.

Canadian jets were envolved in the Lybia mission with jets; that ended up having the removal of Momar Ghadaffi Kadaffi ....

so Canada was technically involved in a regime change in Lybia. Which is always something to ask ourselves in 10 years if Lybia gets worse.


but at the end of the day, it's just a support symbolic mission.

Canadian jets were envolved in the Lybia mission with jets; that ended up having the removal of Momar Ghadaffi Kadaffi ....

so Canada was technically involved in a regime change in Lybia. Which is always something to ask ourselves in 10 years if Lybia gets worse.
Which is a failed state right now after the removal of Ghaddafi.
Which is a failed state right now after the removal of Ghaddafi.
exactly, so if the failure of that failed state gets worse in the future, the taint will stick on us.

just like the removal of Saddam Hussein is was created the power vaccum that left the void open for worst organizations to take over. Shit just gets worse.

sorry for the spelling mistakes though.
here it comes, the Conservatives are going to use JT's decision not to support the mission as being anti-freedom, anti-this, anti-that.
I can see it now, ''if you are not with us, you are against us''

bye bye nuance, bye bye critical thinking. Let's just follow our allies to hell without even thinking about the end game
What happened to the new jet fighters the Conservatives said we were getting? I though our CF-18's were too old to contribute to US led campaigns

Stage On

but at the end of the day, it's just a support symbolic mission..

I don't care if it's symbolic or not. I do care that the Prime minister promised to discuses this sort of issue in parliament and then completely went back on his word. If anyone is being anti-freedom it's him for not keeping his promises and not talking to his own people about if we even WANT to be involved in this war or not.


I don't care if it's symbolic or not. I do care that the Prime minister promised to discuses this sort of issue in parliament and then completely went back on his word. If anyone is being anti-freedom it's him for not keeping his promises and not talking to his own people about if we even WANT to be involved in this war or not.

I think you forget this is Harper we are talking about. If he wants to do something, he's going to do it. If he wants someone to say something, he's going to make them say it because they are all clapping seals.

Fucking Harper. This is what happens in a majority government, especially a Conservative one.
6 fighter jets and a refuler jet for 6 months is unrealistic if Harper is adement about wanting to actually stop ISIS, it's not realistic.

that conflict is going to last for decades,
the US should have never removed Saddam Hussein, they created a power vacuum and a failed state int the process.


Well, this is going to be interesting.


Postmedia Network today announced it is buying 175 English language newspapers, specialty publications and associated digital properties of Sun Media Inc. – including its flagship, The Toronto Sun and sister papers in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton from Quebecor Media Inc.

The deal also includes the London Free Press and the free 24 Hours dailies in Toronto and Vancouver. Postmedia will pay $316 million in the deal, which includes real estate holdings worth approximately $50-60 million. The deal is subject to

regulatory approval, including from the Competition Bureau. That is expected to take several months. The deal excludes Quebecor holdings in Quebec.


That's a lot of money for trash.

I wonder if it spells the end for Sun News Network. If it is, I will miss it. Ezra and the gang were always good for a laugh.
PKP looked two faced being owner of Sun News, a right wing media who does Quebec bashing while PKP is aiming for the PQ leadership.

So he is a Conservative nationalist who cozied up with Harper for CRTC leeway then appointed Brian Mulroney has head of Quebecor while PKP goes into politics.

I find that the sell of Sun News is more politically motivated to distance himself from English Canada because it will be a subject of debate for the leadership race for the PQ that is starting right now

JF Lisée is already bashing PKP for still holding majority shares of Quebecor media empire while also trying to become Premier of province at the same time.
So what non-Postmedia papers are left? Globe & Mail, the Star...anything else?
in English, pretty much. Kind of scary when news print is reduced to few companies that own the totality of the papers


listen to the mad man
I just had to laugh out loud after seeing the Tories' line of attack against Mulcair's proposition of nation-wide daycare thingy.

Article of La Presse in french, but basically the line amounts to "The NPD wants to raise your children in your stead!

Which is total bollocks and GOP-level of rhetoric. Which I'm sure it's not the first time that it happens, but that one stood out to me.

They've felt this way for a long time. Their stated reason for dismantling the Martin proto-daycare plan was that "parents know how to raise their children better than the government" "you should be able to choose how to raise your children". All about choice, not realizing that the onerous and punitive costs of daycare actually reduce parental choice and make everyone miserable.


They've felt this way for a long time. Their stated reason for dismantling the Martin proto-daycare plan was that "parents know how to raise their children better than the government" "you should be able to choose how to raise your children". All about choice, not realizing that the onerous and punitive costs of daycare actually reduce parental choice and make everyone miserable.

That and it doesn't prevent a parent from going to private daycare or a business from providing its own.



Ekos put out some data on various statistics to do with Canadian values. To summarize:

  • 53% against capital punishment
  • 75% pro-choice
  • 70% disagree with additional powers for Law Enforcement
  • 42% believe the main purpose of the Criminal Justice System should be prevention, 14% punishment. This leaves 44% split between Detterence and Rehabilitation (it's a poorly chosen graph to display this data)
  • 57% support legalization of marijuana, 26% decriminalization and 13% want it to remain illegal
  • 68% support decriminalization
  • 9%/44%/22%/25% believe that Canadian foreign policy has had a NR/Negative/Neither/Positive impact
  • 7%/57%/17%/19% believe that Western foreign policy has had a NR/Negative/Neither/Positive impact
  • 16% believe that the main focus of Canada's foreign policy should be defence, %37 think it should be diplomacy and %40 prefer a focus on development and aid.
  • In recent years there has been an enormous drop in people who are "neither" politically, and a massive rise in people who are small "l" liberals

  • A lot of stats about how people have a negative outlook on the fate of the middle class
  • ~55% think the government is heading in the wrong direction
  • ~55% think the country is heading in the wrong direction
  • ~22% of people trust Ottawa to do what is right most of all of the time, this is a sharp drop from a peak of ~45% in recent years
  • 49% favour a smaller government
  • 89% agree that government should be more transparent
  • 75% agree that government should seek more informed input from average citizens
  • This next one is the big one that surprised me
  • 56% support compulsory voting, 11% take neither stance, and 31% oppose

It's pretty clear why Justin Trudeau has come out so strongly pro-choice, and in support of marijuana legalization. I wonder if he'll come out in support of compulsory voting too, seeing as it now has majority support, support that seems to be rising. I would like to see the support for compulsory voting broken down by party preference.

PS. What are some good French language news sources? I'm hoping to learn French and I figure reading my news in French would be helpful.
I watched SNL Quebec this past weekend. My French is pretty iffy, but the first sketch seemed to mock PKP mercilessly. Does anyone actually like him?

Anyone see the newest poll from Ekos?

I know it's still a year (minus a day!) to the next federal election, but that seems pretty worrisome for the Conservatives. They have an artificially high floor because of Alberta, and their ceiling is severely limited in terms of second choice voters. I know that's always been the case for them, but it seems like they're getting close to a point where they have absolutely zero margin for error. A lot can change in a year, but still...
Anyone still think we'll have a Spring election?
March max, they will use the excuse of not overlapping some provincial fall elections

Mike Duffy trial is scheduled to begin in April.

Even he Harper wins a minority, the Duffy trial will cause him to fall and we could have two federal elections in 2015.

Harper is using the middle east intervention to drum up patriotism. But intelligent Canadians know that 6 fighter jets + 1 refueler is more symbolic to be diplomat2 with the US than anything else

IMO,the best way to fight terror is to beef up the RCMP, provincial police, CSIS at home with the proper ressources to our agencies.

RIP to the soldier who got run over yesterday. i hope that the RCMP clamps down on them


It was only a matter of time until we had an attack. That doesn't make it any easier when it happened. Rest in peace for the soldier, and thoughts to the families.

I don't think it is possible to prevent every future attack, but these threats are definitely the Force's #1 priority at the moment.
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