caption this
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has suspended ethics critic Scott Andrews and Quebec MP Massimo Pacetti from the party's caucus after two New Democrat MPs alleged they were harassed.Trudeau was informed last week of allegations against the MPs, according to a letter distributed by party whip Judy Foote. The party referred the allegations to House Speaker Andrew Scheer for an independent investigation.
Both MPs deny the allegations, but have been suspended pending resolution.
The letter refers to the allegations being about "personal misconduct."
Dean Del Mastro, the MP for Ontario's Peterborough riding, has quit less than a week after being found guilty of spending too much on his 2008 campaign and trying to cover it up.
Del Mastro spoke to MPs in the House of Commons just after question period today. The resignation takes effect immediately.
"I will not be a distraction in Peterborough," he said.
Truer words have never been spoken about Del Mastro.Del Mastro is a totally crummy MP and an awful party flack. The House will be richer for having another MP representing Peterborough, IMHO.
So oil prices are down and seem to be headed even further. Anyone feel like speculating about what sorts of affects this might have on Canada, the Canadian economy and Canadian politics?
If this continues for a while (and it very well may) the oil companies currently trying to build pipelines might give up on them as they're no longer as attractive an investment.
Alberta's fortunes souring could lead to talk about "diversifying".
Canadians might start buying bigger cars, which would be a damn shame.
Perhaps the coming years might be an expedient time to introduce a carbon tax. The Liberals could sell it as being a "revenue-neutral" way to lower corporate taxes to attract new investment in manufacturing and service industries, as well as perhaps a way to lower income taxes (which I'm sure everyone would love). Meanwhile resistance would reduced because gas prices are low. But maybe I'm just over-optimistic that the political result I prefer would happen.
Canada needs to diversify.
Putting all our eggs into one basket of oil sands is economic suicide.
Our dollar is a petro dollar.
Price od crude goes down, so does our dollars
So the NDP has put in a motion for the form of PR they plan to advocate in the next election as a platform plank: http://craigscott.ndp.ca/make-2015-the-beginning-of-the-end-of-false-majority-governments-in-canada
It's apparently exactly like the Law Reform Commission proposed in 2004: http://wilfday.blogspot.ca/2010/01/law-commission-of-canada-report.html
I personally like this proposal, although I still think larger multi-member ridings might be an easier sell. But the NDP are the first to come out with a real proposal and put it to some kind of democratic test on a federal level (though obviously their motion failed, ~100 to ~160), so I appreciate that. I wish the LPC would jump on board, because I really dislike the instant runoff plan they've talked about so far. I'd rather have the shred of compromise a proportional legislature might force than have just another way to give a party absolute power. Apparently about 1/3 of the LPC caucus voted for it, so maybe that's not too far fetched.
I haven't watched that video in a while and I can't right now, so if I'm wrong about details please correct me, but there are some differences to the plan in that video. Specifically the NDP plan is for open regional lists rather than a closed national list. This means voters can still reject someone on the list, and each 'region' would have its own list for each party.
Yeah you've got it pretty correct. Voting 'slate' means that you just want to express support for the party as a whole and you're fine with the ordering on the list the party has created. If you really like one specific person on the list or really don't like the person on top or whatever but still want to give your vote to the party then you vote for the person in the list and that person moves up the list.Yes, assuming that the NDP follows the 2004 proposal Canada would be divided in regions of 14 MPs ( 9 local MPs and 5 regional MPs) and each region would have it's own list of candidates. If I'm reading this correctly, people's first vote would be for their local representative, and then they could use their second vote to either vote for a party "slate", or pick a specific candidate off of that parties list. I'm not sure whether voting "slate" means that you are supporting the specific list or just voting for that party, and the specific candidates sent to Parliament would be whoever got the most votes when people did vote for a specific candidate.
Can they force people to unlock it? If not then good luck.Police can search cellphones without warrant during arrest
Reading about it, it doesn't seem too bad but it scares me when you think how it can be abused.
Can they force people to unlock it? If not then good luck.
eh, that plummeting price of oil is sinking our Canadian petro-dollar.
nice job going mono-industrial, Harper
This isn't really a national issue, but I'm a bit ticked off about the proposed "National Victims of Communism" monument that Harper wants to build in Ottawa.
He's taking prime real estate from the city and its citizens to build a pet project, an incredibly stupid pet project.
Just be lucky he didn't choose the National Victims of Capitalism monument, they'd have to bulldoze a quarter of the city.This isn't really a national issue, but I'm a bit ticked off about the proposed "National Victims of Communism" monument that Harper wants to build in Ottawa.
He's taking prime real estate from the city and its citizens to build a pet project, an incredibly stupid pet project.
This isn't really a national issue, but I'm a bit ticked off about the proposed "National Victims of Communism" monument that Harper wants to build in Ottawa.
He's taking prime real estate from the city and its citizens to build a pet project, an incredibly stupid pet project.
the ONLY victims memorial that should be acceptable in Canada is one for the First Nations People. Victims of European Colonialism.
The Conservatives dodging requests from the other parties do investigate missing Aboriginal Women is a clear indication that they don't give a fuck of about one of the most marginalized demographics in our country
Conference Board of Canada predicts recession in Alberta
I know it's wrong, but I'm kinda smugly satisfied about this.
I know it's wrong, but I'm kinda smugly satisfied about this.
yep it's awesome, considering how much money Alberta puts into the national economy.
But since your'e from Ontario, that sort of comment is expected I suppose
Sure, what's left of it.And this is exactly why.
Manufacturing in Ontario will be doing just fine because of the low oil prices. For Canada it'll be a wash.
For Albertan's it'll be a well earned comeuppance.
And this is exactly why.
Manufacturing in Ontario will be doing just fine because of the low oil prices. For Canada it'll be a wash.
For Albertan's it'll be a well earned comeuppance.
I really don't know where 'come-uppance' kind of polarising rhetoric comes from. It'd be great if all areas of the country could do well and anybody who wishes any region ill is just being an ass.
Alberta really does need to find a way to diversify its economy though. I don't think massive boom/bust cycles are healthy overall and I really don't think that fossil fuels are a future proof industry.
And now the budget will be delayed until April
And now the budget will be delayed until April
Maybe you should watch this, and pull your head out of your ass.
SunNewsNetwrok was under the ownership of future Parti Quebecois Leader; Pierre-Karl Peladeau.
Now that PKP is under a leadership race, he sold all of SunNewsNetwork assets to convicted fraudster Conrad Black
So Sun News that used to be under Quebec Separatist control (PKP) is now under Convicted Fraudster control (Conrad Black)
so that is my take on Sun News
When do the federal parties start campaigning?
When do the federal parties start campaigning?
The Conservatives have been campaigning everyday since the last election.
Mid to late August, probably. They tend to go for the minimum 5 or so weeks, though we never know, really, since there's no maximum amount on campaign time - only money caps. Longest it's been as of recent is about 7 weeks. But maybe one day you'll just be surprised by a Liberal-attacking Conservative advert on your TV. Just kinda happens.
Gold, hahaha.