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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Had another first date ending in the friend zone last night - I've developed quite the talent for this.

On the other hand, the woman I'm meeting tonight seems a bit over eager but hopefully she'll calm down when we meet.
Maybe it's time to match her level of eagerness?
But why not? It's not about having a hot bod. Lifting gets you into shape. Look great, feel great. I think the vast majority of people are doing it to impress other people, it's a great and natural motivator, that one should not ignore. Virtually everything man does, that is good and productive, is to impress a woman.
Thanks man, I'm actually relieved now compared to the uncertainty and emotional rollercoaster that's been running for the last three weeks. I got closure and I can focus in the future now.

Also gym, I need to get some gains for summer :p

Yeah, having some finality and closure is always nice. The part of a relationship where it's on life support but you're trying to keep it alive is the worst.

Also I should work out more, but my birthday is this week so it'll have to wait until I'm done partying.

lol! There are plenty of animes I like, I just don't bother much nowadays because I tend to be intolerant of all the fanservice. I don't have anything against anime itself, just that... I don't like most of it xD

I might know a girl or two ;)

Yeah, fanservice takes me out of anime real quick.

Also If any of those cool cats live in Cali send them my way lol.

Nah. She just seems a bit intense.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but I get what you're saying. I dated a girl once who was just way more intense than I was and it got exhausting at times. She was gorgeous though, so I did my best to just keep up.


Man, as someone about two months into the dating game I can't imagine finding any flaws in a beautiful woman right now. Like, I'm getting laid Friday night but girl is sort of just fine in the looks department. I've yet to match with any girls I really find attractive.
Man, as someone about two months into the dating game I can't imagine finding any flaws in a beautiful woman right now. Like, I'm getting laid Friday night but girl is sort of just fine in the looks department. I've yet to match with any girls I really find attractive.

What's worse is when you do but can't consistently replicate. Finally had someone tick ALL the boxes, and then her dad's cancer recurred. (Seriously, fuck cancer.)


What's worse is when you do but can't consistently replicate. Finally had someone tick ALL the boxes, and then her dad's cancer recurred. (Seriously, fuck cancer.)
That really does suck. How'd you meet? I'm about to swear off apps and just start asking girls out at the supermarket.
Gah! Another girl just suddenly stopped texting back after a few days. I'm having a hard time finding the balance between asking for a date immediately (coming on too strong and could be off putting) or building more rapport first (girl gets bored, or another guy swoops in).

A small blow to the ego, but on to the next one!
Gah! Another girl just suddenly stopped texting back after a few days. I'm having a hard time finding the balance between asking for a date immediately (coming on too strong and could be off putting) or building more rapport first (girl gets bored, or another guy swoops in).

A small blow to the ego, but on to the next one!

Few messages. Dont come on too strong. After introductions normally just ask a couple simple light things to gauge personality/interest/w/e then just say you seem cool. How about we go for drinks/coffee at some place on some specific date.

If it fizzles out its w/e. You dont need 30 things going on. You just need 1 lead.
Any tips for a gen X'er trying to date a Millennial who's showing some interest/attention? Doomed from start? Bail out now? This is the biggest age gap I've dealt with (45 and 30). All my exes were within 5 years difference in age from mine. But then again, there is no way she is less mature than my last GF who was only 3 years younger than me and turned out to be a total princess without much clue.


Eh, my boyfriend's and I's TV/movie tastes only match up every once and a while (if there's enough action and fights and explosions, we can both like it lol). He like anime, me... not at much. I like most sitcoms and drama stuff, he doesn't. It's whatever, you don't have to have a bunch in common to be with someone. I mean you gotta have some common thread or something, but media doesn't have to be the one :p

I'm finding this to be very true. I find tolerance or acceptance for each other's dumb hobbies/interests far more valuable than liking the same stuff.
Any tips for a gen X'er trying to date a Millennial who's showing some interest/attention? Doomed from start? Bail out now? This is the biggest age gap I've dealt with (45 and 30). All my exes were within 5 years difference in age from mine. But then again, there is no way she is less mature than my last GF who was only 3 years younger than me and turned out to be a total princess without much clue.

Treat her as a person and not a generalization?


Liking the same stuff is such an inaccurate predictor of compatibility. Which is why those looking for someone who likes games or anime just like them is such a silly criteria (irrespective of their other qualities). Someone who accepts/respects them, sure, and even then I'm not sure about anime.


For what it's worth I don't like Anime but I would still date a woman if she liked it. I just never cared for the art style or, what I perceive as strange, stories. Just my opinion.

However, I was friends with a girl in HS who lived and breathed Anime. I think all she did in her spare alone time was watch Anime. So if I met a girl like that, I don't think I would date her. Depends how far they take things.


Could certainly use some tips. Can't seem get a date or any messages on these online sites for quite a while. It feels like with all of this rejection that the desire to push forward feels futile.
Well, you could try linking us up to your profile so we can give you some advice to improve it. Online dating is a load of dead ends and time wasting, right up until you meet the right person.
C'mon, we all know how this'll go. He'll post his profile, we'll say his pics suck and regurgitate a list of "requirements" (animals! social pics! you having fun! proper fitting clothes!). He'll then lament that him and his friends were never the picture-taking type and he doesn't have that many pics of himself.
Liking the same stuff is such an inaccurate predictor of compatibility. Which is why those looking for someone who likes games or anime just like them is such a silly criteria (irrespective of their other qualities). Someone who accepts/respects them, sure, and even then I'm not sure about anime.
There's a balance, to be sure. One of the best first dates I had was with a girl I had nothing in common with. She liked sports, I only care about hockey. The first date was pure chemistry. The second date was one of my worst ever...she took me to a college basketball game. I didn't care about it, I think she noticed, there was no third date. Or even making out.
lol! There are plenty of animes I like, I just don't bother much nowadays because I tend to be intolerant of all the fanservice. I don't have anything against anime itself, just that... I don't like most of it xD
Same, I get completely turned off if an anime has fanservice. Even for shows that everyone loves, I just would get angry and so never start. Thankfully I've seen plenty of great anime that have little to no fanservice :D Sturgeon's Law applies to anime as much to anything, gotta pick the wheat from the chaff thanks to best of anime lists for the years.
A year? Check the EXIF data LOL.

Tested it on some photos. OMG I've discovered a whole new world thanks to this! Thanks.
Any tips for a gen X'er trying to date a Millennial who's showing some interest/attention? Doomed from start? Bail out now? This is the biggest age gap I've dealt with (45 and 30). All my exes were within 5 years difference in age from mine. But then again, there is no way she is less mature than my last GF who was only 3 years younger than me and turned out to be a total princess without much clue.

So you dont have a date with this woman and are asking if you stand a chance?

Step one, ask for a date. Then you'll know if she actually is interested. That age diff is about the same as my 2nd wife and I.


Man, I wish I had y'all's problem of women being larger in person. There are simply not enough cute chubby/fat women in my area. Sigh.

Move to America. If you are already there and you can't find enough fat chicks, I guess move to the South? If you are already in the American South and you can't find ladies big enough for you...guess you are SOL


I love those messages from girls who obviously didn't read your profile. A girl who hates cats with a passion, doesn't date guys taller than 5'7", and "isn't looking for someone who wants a girlfriend" is a perfect match for a 6'1" cat-loving monogamist.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I love those messages from girls who obviously didn't read your profile. A girl who hates cats with a passion, doesn't date guys taller than 5'7", and "isn't looking for someone who wants a girlfriend" is a perfect match for a 6'1" cat-loving monogamist.

They know they can afford not to read men's profiles :p


I love those messages from girls who obviously didn't read your profile. A girl who hates cats with a passion, doesn't date guys taller than 5'7", and "isn't looking for someone who wants a girlfriend" is a perfect match for a 6'1" cat-loving monogamist.

That's why I show my cat in my profile picture :p

I chatted with a girl on Tinder about Nioh and Dark Souls last night. She has some potential.


May I have a cookie?
Maybe it's time to match her level of eagerness?
Not necessarily a bad thing, but I get what you're saying. I dated a girl once who was just way more intense than I was and it got exhausting at times. She was gorgeous though, so I did my best to just keep up.

So I took some of the advice given here and the result was a success. It's safe to say a good time was had by all, we'll be seeing each other again and breakfast was delicious.
Thanks GAF!
They know they can afford not to read men's profiles :p

Yup. Supply and demand.

lol I set up a date before that, I'm not there to just talk :p
(also she brought that stuff up)

Sounds like a fun time. Most people look at me weird when I tell them I've 100% DS1 and 2, like it's some impossible challenge.

So I took some of the advice given here and the result was a success. It's safe to say a good time was had by all, we'll be seeing each other again and breakfast was delicious.
Thanks GAF!

Nice! Glad to hear it man. Sometimes it's best to just not worry about things and go with it.


I have a date tonight. Kinda anxious. I'm not sure if she'll like me all that much or if I'll like her. Kinda worried that we'll run out of stuff to talk about. She did talk a looooot when we talked on the phone so hopefully that's a sign that there won't be much silence. Still not even sure if she'll show up or cancel beforehand either. I'm keeping my expectations of the date actually happening in check but I'm still nervous about what'll happen if she doesn't flake lol.


I have a date tonight. Kinda anxious. I'm not sure if she'll like me all that much or if I'll like her. Kinda worried that we'll run out of stuff to talk about. She did talk a looooot when we talked on the phone so hopefully that's a sign that there won't be much silence. Still not even sure if she'll show up or cancel beforehand either. I'm keeping my expectations of the date actually happening in check but I'm still nervous about what'll happen if she doesn't flake lol.

Dude, relax. Dates are supposed to be fun! If she cancels, well then have a backup plan ready to go. Something fun to do. As far as talking, just be natural and let the convo flow. Maybe come up with two or three topics to bring up in case there is a lull.

But c'mon, enjoy yourself!


I have a date tonight. Kinda anxious. I'm not sure if she'll like me all that much or if I'll like her. Kinda worried that we'll run out of stuff to talk about. She did talk a looooot when we talked on the phone so hopefully that's a sign that there won't be much silence. Still not even sure if she'll show up or cancel beforehand either. I'm keeping my expectations of the date actually happening in check but I'm still nervous about what'll happen if she doesn't flake lol.

I've found that there's nothing wrong with acknowledging awkward silences. I've done it before and it actually breaks the ice and relaxes the atmosphere. She may appreciate the fact that you've acknowledged that you're both a little nervous. It takes confidence to keep a conversation going but there's also a sign of confidence when you acknowledge shortcomings.

Even when I was the one who created the awkward silence, I managed to smooth it over by tackling it head on and being honest about it.


I got a date on valentines day with this girl, I'm pretty nervous haha. She seems really into me and we've been talking for about a week like until we both fall asleep etc. I just don't wanna make a bad impression when we meet in person and stuff. She asked for us to go on a date on valentines (that she really wanted to go out with me, and for me to be her valentine). The cool thing is she went to the same high school a year ago with my fraternity brother and he said he thinks we're a good match and shes really nice. (edit: we matched on tinder and then transitioned into texting etc)

I just don't wanna mess it up and talk too much during the date or talk too less. We're getting dinner so yeah.


Why do I keep asking out girls I don't find attractive

I did the same thing. It was to see if I can develop feelings for someone excluding physical attraction from the equation. For the last one, after a summer of dating, I learned that I couldn't. I got called out for not making it official and the relationship evaporated. We reconnected around the holidays and are now just friends. I actually bounce relationship questions off her now... *shrug*

I just don't wanna mess it up and talk too much during the date or talk too less. We're getting dinner so yeah.


I know texting and in-person is different but just follow the routine you two have already set? Just remember it's conversation and not an interview. Respond to questions and take the initiative to ask your own and go on from there.

Also don't be surprised if she's not as talkative or more talkative in person than in text. You almost have to reset communication expectations when meeting someone in person for the first time. The current girl I'm seeing is far more talkative in person and she was pretty engaging via text & e-mail already.

And yes, have fun!


I got a date on valentines day with this girl, I'm pretty nervous haha. She seems really into me and we've been talking for about a week like until we both fall asleep etc. I just don't wanna make a bad impression when we meet in person and stuff. She asked for us to go on a date on valentines (that she really wanted to go out with me, and for me to be her valentine). The cool thing is she went to the same high school a year ago with my fraternity brother and he said he thinks we're a good match and shes really nice. (edit: we matched on tinder and then transitioned into texting etc)

I just don't wanna mess it up and talk too much during the date or talk too less. We're getting dinner so yeah.

The biggest problem I see is that you're both building each other up too big before you meet. Keep your expectations in check.
Knew having a big ass beard would come in handy.

Talking to a girl on Tinder and she says she recognises me. Turns out I had been in the shop she works at well over FOUR MONTHS ago.

She's either got a good memory or she's been stalking me ever since


You mean Lego Batman and/or John Wick 2.

Take her to something decent to watch, at least.

Nah, 50 Shades will get the, uh, juices flowing. Ladies love the... um... abuse? Wow that sounds horrible I really don't know anything about that series

Who in their right mind would take a chick to see John Wick 2 for Valentine's Day?

I asked my bf to take me to see John Wick 2 for Valentine's Day
Just got into a pretty big argument with the GF. We sometimes argue over stupid little things. She just has to be right, and over silly things. It was all okay in the end, but I dunno.

Also think she likes alcohol too much on weekends. Dunno if I want to always be drunk every weekend for the rest of my life.
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