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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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So... I have a date for Valentine's Day again. I just basically messaged a cute Japanese girl, told her I had a Valentine's Day reservation and was looking for a +1 and if she was interested. She said yes.

The impetus for even messaging anyone was not that I'm over what happened earlier today but that I didn't want to go through the hassle of calling and cancelling the reservation. This year has been really weird for me.

Not gonna lie to ya, having come off from a relationship today this sounds a lot like rebound for sure. You are making the most of this reservation though and you are trying to have a good time, but I can't be sure that this whole situation won't change how you act around this date. Try and have fun, but remember that this is a person you are going out with, and not just a substitute to make yourself feel better. I guess folks handle things in different ways, but I personally wouldn't be able to move on that fast lol.
So... I have a date for Valentine's Day again. I just basically messaged a cute Japanese girl, told her I had a Valentine's Day reservation and was looking for a +1 and if she was interested. She said yes.

The impetus for even messaging anyone was not that I'm over what happened earlier today but that I didn't want to go through the hassle of calling and cancelling the reservation. This year has been really weird for me.

That takes courage, emotional vulnerability, and well - everyone here should learn from you.

So, my plans with the hot lawyer (whom I haven't seen since before Christmas) fell apart again tonight, but hey, she asked, then had to reschedule. We'll see each other eventually, but it's one of those things I'm not too worried about. I ended up messaging a gorgeous mid-20s Latvian girl, but she seems really sweet, and we're chatting. It's also said knowing that I'm one of the few (maybe only) guys that didn't creep on her.

Ended up returning one girl's message and sent another one out. I'd do more, but I've got a date with Noctis.
DatingGAF, do women care if a guy is super pale? I've heard it's considered somewhat feminine, but I'm someone who burns pretty easily, I don't tan. Is a translucent glow alright?

Edit: No avatar quote :p
Depends, do you sparkle?



Not gonna lie to ya, having come off from a relationship today this sounds a lot like rebound for sure. You are making the most of this reservation though and you are trying to have a good time, but I can't be sure that this whole situation won't change how you act around this date. Try and have fun, but remember that this is a person you are going out with, and not just a substitute to make yourself feel better. I guess folks handle things in different ways, but I personally wouldn't be able to move on that fast lol.

Thanks. Although I already know and agree with everything you've laid out, it's always good to be reminded of it.

I've already framed this as a meet up with no pressure. I made it clear, we're just going to be two strangers out to have a good time over dinner. And we'll proceed from there.

The mindset with this date and the original are completely separate. The original was filled with ideas of cheesy romance and making her laugh. This will be a meet up, be a gentleman and see if anything happens after that.

I should have been doing this until exclusivity was established with the first girl but I was foolish and put all my eggs in one basket.

That takes courage, emotional vulnerability, and well - everyone here should learn from you.

I'm not gonna lie. Tears were shed earlier but I just got tired of the grief, took a shower and assessed what my next steps were. The notion of calling up the restaurant to cancel the reservation felt like I was giving up on myself and admitting defeat so I decided to re-install OKC and just see if anyone catches my eye. Then I just told myself "Be bold." and just rolled with it and voila.
I'm not gonna lie. Tears were shed earlier but I just got tired of the grief, took a shower and assessed what my next steps were. The notion of calling up the restaurant to cancel the reservation felt like I was giving up on myself and admitting defeat so I decided to re-install OKC and just see if anyone catches my eye. Then I just told myself "Be bold." and just rolled with it and voila.

You need a new username and a new tag.


How do you guys suggest dealing with bigger dating dealbreakers, like me not being into dogs, not drinking alcohol, and to a lesser extent not being that into 'travel'? Those all seem like really common traits on the most shallow of profiles, but that also means they're common for people who don't mention it. Being flexible and compromising is important, but things like that feel like inevitable wedges, in my last relationship it was great, but as it lasted longer I could tell those preferences were going to cause some divisions if it went longer term. I don't think you want to be up front with negatives like "I'm not into dogs" but it seems like you'd want to get it in the clear early somehow before things get too attached.
So I went out with a girl on our first date and think we really hit it off, but something just...confused me at the end. I went for the kiss and I'm not sure if she's just not a good kisser or if she was caught by surprise/not into it, but it was really weird and I know for a fact I'm not a bad kisser; or at the very least not THAT bad. It almost seemed like she was doing a terrible impression of someone making out.

She was biting my bottom lip and seemed to enjoy the whole thing by the smile she gave me at the end, and we're going out next week so she must have had a good time; but... this girl is just too good-looking to be that bad at kissing.
So I went out with a girl on our first date and think we really hit it off, but something just...confused me at the end. I went for the kiss and I'm not sure if she's just not a good kisser or if she was caught by surprise/not into it, but it was really weird and I know for a fact I'm not a bad kisser; or at the very least not THAT bad. It almost seemed like she was doing a terrible impression of someone making out.

She was biting my bottom lip and seemed to enjoy the whole thing by the smile she gave me at the end, and we're going out next week so she must have had a good time; but... this girl is just too good-looking to be that bad at kissing.

You're overthinking it. It was probably just a miscue. You kissed and have a second date lined up, so don't worry about it.

That said, your other point... I once dated this gorgeous blonde girl, and while she kissed fine, she was so inexperienced at anything sexual that I had to drop her. (In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have, but she was also kinda boring.)

Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean they've got experience.

Be patient and enjoy your second date.


Some people are just bad at kissing and get better at it over time. I do notice a lot of women are into the lip biting thing. I blame 50 shades. I think the last 2 or 3 women i was with all did that lol . You start to kiss and suddenly GLOMP there goes your lip
Some people are just bad at kissing and get better at it over time. I do notice a lot of women are into the lip biting thing. I blame 50 shades. I think the last 2 or 3 women i was with all did that lol . You start to kiss and suddenly GLOMP there goes your lip

Yeah, no shit! I don't remember lip-biting being that much of a thing when I was in college, and now it actually weirds me out if a girl doesn't do it.

Into it, though.
You're overthinking it. It was probably just a miscue. You kissed and have a second date lined up, so don't worry about it.

That said, your other point... I once dated this gorgeous blonde girl, and while she kissed fine, she was so inexperienced at anything sexual that I had to drop her. (In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have, but she was also kinda boring.)

Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean they've got experience.

Be patient and enjoy your second date.

Yeah, figured as much. I've also been dating this other girl for about a month and I think I might just have gotten accustomed to her vibe by now, so it caught me a little by surprise when kissing this girl felt so different.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. But hey, you get to look at Randy Savage's glorious visage twice.


Why the fuck did I decide to swipe on Tinder earlier today? I matched with about 90% of the girls I swiped right to... :(

I'm probably not contagious with mono anymore (my doctor said I shouldn't be once the symptoms go), but I was going to wait a few more weeks before dating and tie it into when I can drink again.

Would not chatting to them for a few weeks hurt?

God I wish that girl hadn't given me mono...

Too bad you, me, and Xun can't go out for a beer on Monday. I've made peace with my last breakup, if only because I completely understand the rationale. To make a long story short, she started a new full-time job, had grad school classes three times a week, and her father's cancer returned. She canceled last Friday's date to take an emergency flight home, then told me -- very forthrightly -- that she didn't have the bandwidth for anything in the near-term.

It was the honest and mature thing to do. Sadly, she was one of the few people I've dated that I actually connected with. I'm wondering if, when things quiet down in her life she might be amenable to trying again.

But I'm not waiting (and she wouldn't expect me to). It's just that dating itself is a hassle, and I wish I could skip ahead to Date Three.

I tried Tinder, and honestly, I fucking hate it. I had a few matches, but I didn't feel inspired to message anyone, even the hot ones. There's something about the medium that doesn't comport well with how I do business, I guess. OKCupid is kind of a cesspool, but I just activated my profile and let the messages roll in. So far, I've responded to one. In the two years that I've been in this city, I think 80% of the girls have "liked" me.

I signed up for volunteering tomorrow, because I'm so over this online shit that I'd rather meet someone in person.
One day!

I'm sorry to hear things ended, but I'm glad you're doing relatively well AD.

Online dating definitely can be a drag, so hopefully things go better for you in person!

Well there was definitely some truth to that in the 1960's-80's (especially the latter) for sure, it was definitely the look. You're not wrong, it can fit well enough with being a guitarist :p
Haha, yeah.

I don't think there's many musicians who really look that "manly" as such anyway.


Why the fuck did I decide to swipe on Tinder earlier today? I matched with about 90% of the girls I swiped right to... :(

I’m probably not contagious with mono anymore (my doctor said I shouldn't be once the symptoms go), but I was going to wait a few more weeks before dating and tie it into when I can drink again.

Would not chatting to them for a few weeks hurt?

God I wish that girl hadn’t given me mono...

I would say no. It wouldn't hurt but I can't even use Tinder anymore (can't activate) so what do I know? I did drag this conversation with a girl on Tinder on for like 3 weeks because she was replying infrequently.

I feel emotionally drained this morning. I pretty much fell asleep while texting an ex that I am friends with. We got into why it didn't work between us and she gave me some unique perspective on me. She also insisted that I text the girl who dumped me and ask for reasons so I can learn from them but I cut off that idea. Maybe in a few months but seeing how I still woke up thinking of her, there is no way I can handle reconnecting right now. (It's funny how I am so much more open and comfortable with her now than when we were dating.)

I already know I came on too strong. I even recognized it while I was doing so but I didn't see warning signs to back off before it was too late. The big "rule" I think I broke was to not text unless I had something important to say. I was essentially checking in with her daily and thought it was okay because she kept replying back daily all cheery and such. Or at least that's what I rationalized it to.

Well, I am not making that mistake again.


I need opinions. I have a close female friend who I've known for years (I'm a guy). Is there ever a time when it's appropriate for me to tell her that she should dump her boyfriend? I know it's not my business, but she always comes to me crying about how he mistreats her and whatnot. I've always assured her that it's normal, and that he could change, even though I don't believe it. If she were a guy, I wouldn't really feel any hesitation saying what I really feel, but it just seems a bit inappropriate... but I'm starting to get concerned about her emotional state and am starting to think she needs a few harsh words.

Yes or no?


Junior Member
Previously, I've really never been in a proper long-term relationship. I've been in one for at least 7-8 months now, so I've never really experienced the ups and downs of a relationship until now.

Now my question is... why are girls so fucking emotional. One second they're happy, the next second they're upset and won't tell you why.

Heck, even if I give a bit of banter and some jokes, sometimes she'll up getting upset and she'll take it personally. I thought as a joke I'd text her 'Thank you for your call. My office hours at 9am until 5pm. I will get back to you at the next working day. Have a nice day', and she got really upset/moody over that. Her immediate reply was 'Don't ever talk to me again'. Really now? REALLY? Lmao.


Previously, I've really never been in a proper long-term relationship. I've been in one for at least 7-8 months now, so I've never really experienced the ups and downs of a relationship until now.

Now my question is... why are girls so fucking emotional. One second they're happy, the next second they're upset and won't tell you why.

Heck, even if I give a bit of banter and some jokes, sometimes she'll up getting upset and she'll take it personally. I thought as a joke I'd text her 'Thank you for your call. My office hours at 9am until 5pm. I will get back to you at the next working day. Have a nice day', and she got really upset/moody over that. Her immediate reply was 'Don't ever talk to me again'. Really now? REALLY? Lmao.

I've been in three different (long) relationships for a total of 10 years, and none of them would've reacted that way, lol.

There are actually girls with a sense of humor out there.


Junior Member
If any man could answer that he'd be a god. All women do that, your only hope is that your partner does it less than other women or gets over it quickly.
I wondered if this was a problem specific to her but if all women are like that then that sucks. Or perhaps it's comforting to know that.

She's currently ignoring me now. I don't know why. The other day we were talking fine, but today and yesterday? I don't even know what's up with her now. Tried calling her but no luck.


I wondered if this was a problem specific to her but if all women are like that then that sucks. Or perhaps it's comforting to know that.

She's currently ignoring me now. I don't know why. The other day we were talking fine, but today and yesterday? I don't even know what's up with her now. Tried calling her but no luck.

I've only gone out with two girls ever, but both of them reacted similarly lol. The worst part is that one of them thought it was perfectly fine if she joked that way with me but then if I did the same it was a big fucking problem. Nothing is up with her. She's just mad and ignoring you.


I have gotten into the habit of buying small gifts for my GF. Like today the family and I went stopped by a well-known cheese store on the way to somewhere and ended up buying her a nice cheese. Even wrapped it lol. She gets me things too so it's a nice thing we do
Decided to refresh my Tinder account, since I never tried doing a wipe. I remade it, and not too long after the fact, I match with this girl... After a little bit of talk I find out that we both went to the same high school back in the day and have a bunch of mutual friends. Got her number and will be asking her out. Funny how things go.


Okay, this is me officially declaring that I am no longer going to mindlessly swipe right through Tinder until I run out of swipes. I feel so fucking bad when a girl I don't find attractive matches with me, messages me, and then I just don't respond.


She also insisted that I text the girl who dumped me and ask for reasons so I can learn from them but I cut off that idea.
You will never get the real reason out of her. Consider this all the closure you are likely to get.

I'm rooting for you, man! Remember your fearlessness in Mechwarrior and be bold!
Okay, this is me officially declaring that I am no longer going to mindlessly swipe right through Tinder until I run out of swipes. I feel so fucking bad when a girl I don't find attractive matches with me, messages me, and then I just don't respond.

I don't get it. Why even do this in the first place? Just to be bummed out when you look at your new matches and find a wasteland of uggos?


You will never get the real reason out of her. Consider this all the closure you are likely to get.

I'm rooting for you, man! Remember your fearlessness in Mechwarrior and be bold!

Thanks for the support!

I don't know about never but I know better than to even entertain the idea of going after a reason now. I managed to get several reasons why it didn't work with that female friend/ex last night. But this is 5 months after the fact and we've both cleared the air and actually want to maintain a friendship.

You just reminded me that I haven't touched MechWarrior Online in ages. I wonder how it is nowadays...
God, I went to a fantastic meetup today - ended up meeting three girls, who invited me out to a party tonight, but I've got another one to attend. Really bonded with one over CW TV shows, #gamergate, intersectional feminism, and Onionshare servers. I think she's gonna be my new friend, and she's married, so I won't catch feelings. (Her friend gave me her number though, and she's cute...). Gonna attend another one of her group's events on Tuesday. It's been so long since I made new friends.

Hot lawyer is driving 45 minutes to see me, so we're headed to dinner in advance of the party.

I've also been chatting with my ex from last fall, though we talk every day, and there's still something there. She booty called me a couple weeks ago, but I was still seeing the most recent ex, and thus demurred. I don't know.

Suffice it to say, we'll see where all this goes.


Good luck AD. You seem to have a lot of promising things going for you.

I signed back into eHarmony and just found out that I was matched with the girl who just dumped me on 1/1/2017. I can't see photos but I read her profile over and it's 100% her. We met through POF. That was a heart wrenching discovery as eHarmony highlights out compatibility and all that stuff. No more for tonight.


So my first ever date was fucking hell. I invited this cute art student from tinder to visit a new exhibit at the local museum. I was so excited, I even put on makeup.

Two hours of not talking.

She never asked me questions. Never tried to jump start the convo. Didn't find anything to say about the pieces. One word answers to every thing, if even that. Followed me to every piece v of art and never tried to lead me anywhere.

Like if she didn't want to go on a date with me she could have just said no or ghosted me. She could have found an excuse to ditch me.


We were supposed to have dinner afterward but I was done. Made an excuse about homework then bailed.

I hope this isn't an omen for shit datest to come.


So my first ever date was fucking hell. I invited this cute art student from tinder to visit a new exhibit at the local museum. I was so excited, I even put on makeup.

Two hours of not talking.

She never asked me questions. Never tried to jump start the convo. Didn't find anything to say about the pieces. One word answers to every thing, if even that. Followed me to every piece v of art and never tried to lead me anywhere.

Like if she didn't want to go on a date with me she could have just said no or ghosted me. She could have found an excuse to ditch me.


We were supposed to have dinner afterward but I was done. Made an excuse about homework then bailed.

I hope this isn't an omen for shit datest to come.

Sounds bad man, but sometimes we get those. I wouldn't be too deterred.


So my first ever date was fucking hell. I invited this cute art student from tinder to visit a new exhibit at the local museum. I was so excited, I even put on makeup.

Two hours of not talking.

She never asked me questions. Never tried to jump start the convo. Didn't find anything to say about the pieces. One word answers to every thing, if even that. Followed me to every piece v of art and never tried to lead me anywhere.

Like if she didn't want to go on a date with me she could have just said no or ghosted me. She could have found an excuse to ditch me.


We were supposed to have dinner afterward but I was done. Made an excuse about homework then bailed.

I hope this isn't an omen for shit datest to come.

You two just didn't connect. Not every date is gonna work. You're projecting way too much intent into her actions.


You two just didn't connect. Not every date is gonna work. You're projecting way too much intent into her actions.
I know that but I have never had someone just completely check out on me before in any situation. Like it was almost unsettling the way it went. I would have preferred we talked and realized we had absolutely nothing in common than what I got.


The girl I've been talking to has been dead silent since last night. It's odd because she hasn't been like this. I texted her this morning since we're supposed to go out tomorrow night after she cancelled on Thursday but she never responded. It could be that she lost interest but if so, why not just block me? I don't think she has since my message from this morning was delivered. She could also be busy which is fine but then I see that she's been posting stuff on her Snapchat story all day. Maybe I'm being dense but this is all still fairly new to me.

EDIT: She just texted me. I guess we're still on for tomorrow. For now.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Depends, do you sparkle?


Heh, I [B]was[/B] told I sparkled white a bit like that sometimes when Twilight was popular.


Just another lonely saturday night.

Yup. I have been checking this thread obsessively looking for distractions.

I know that but I have never had someone just completely check out on me before in any situation. Like it was almost unsettling the way it went. I would have preferred we talked and realized we had absolutely nothing in common than what I got.

I've been on dates where the other person is just incredibly shy or intimidated by the situation. Could any of those be a possibility?

The girl I've been talking to has been dead silent since last night. It's odd because she hasn't been like this. I texted her this morning since we're supposed to go out tomorrow night after she cancelled on Thursday but she never responded. It could be that she lost interest but if so, why not just block me? I don't think she has since my message from this morning was delivered. She could also be busy which is fine but then I see that she's been posting stuff on her Snapchat story all day. Maybe I'm being dense but this is all still fairly new to me.

EDIT: She just texted me. I guess we're still on for tomorrow. For now.

It's just a day. I had to learn to back the fuck off and stop wondering why established patterns went awry. She has no obligation to text you back in a timely manner and you should learn to realize that. I struggled with this because of the nature of my work, I am on top of emails and messages and wrongly assumed everyone should be like me. Maybe she just didn't feel like focusing on you for a bit and wanted to have fun with Snapchat.

I am telling you all of this but at the same time, I am reiterating to myself. Also, unless she asked you to follow her Snapchat or social media, do yourself a favour and ignore all of that stuff until you are official. It will drive you mad.
She's currently ignoring me now. I don't know why. The other day we were talking fine, but today and yesterday? I don't even know what's up with her now. Tried calling her but no luck.

She's playing the immature game now. If you don't call she'll accuse you of not caring, when you do call she'll ignore it. The end game is to get you to apologise for what upset her, but she won't tell you what it is "and if you have to ask you don't care/understand me". This is likely to be repeated your whole relationship with this girl. I'd start considering other options as I stopped getting with girls that showed this bullshit controlling behaviour.


Jesus, you guys were not kidding about the lead-up to Valentine's Day being a feeding frenzy. Between Tinder and Bumble I just got like 20 matches in a matter of a couple minutes.


I have a date on the 14th. Girl promised me not to treat it like a V-Day date so that a blood ritual can be done on any day. Dunno what that means but I don't care. It's cuffing season. Whether that means I'll snuggle up remains to be seen.


Yup. I have been checking this thread obsessively looking for distractions.

I've been on dates where the other person is just incredibly shy or intimidated by the situation. Could any of those be a possibility?

I didn't know that was a thing. How can you tell the difference between it being a shyness situation and them just not being that into you? Because I wouldn't mind going on another dat but it can not be anything like the first.


Can anyone help me find some clarity here?

I'm interested in a girl in my class; we worked together on something up until yesterday. She's made jokes about me being handsome and wanting to date me... but I never thought she meant any of it. Even if she did, I wanted to wait till we got our work done before going for it.

Well she's called me and messaged me almost everyday since last month. She called yesterday to tell me not to work so hard and relax after we did our presentation. I said I'd talk to her after I studied and she said she's going to relax and watch a film.

When I was done, I texted her to ask how the film was and to just talk for the rest of the night. She replied with, "good, take care. have a good weekend :)". hasn't messaged me or called since. before yesterday she wanted to study with me all weekend and hang out. now, nothing. I don't want to seem pushy and ask what's up... but it is kind of weird to just stop abruptly.

What am I not seeing here? Am I overthinking this? Why the sudden cut off? I've honestly never had a woman do this to me before and my IRL friends don't have any insight Maybe dating-GAF can help me...

Sorry if I've interrupted a going topic or anything.


The gap you haven't been talking doesn't seem that long. She could just be busy and not want to contact you every single day. Or...You came off as not interested in her and she doesn't care anymore. How about just asking her out


The gap you haven't been talking doesn't seem that long. She could just be busy and not want to contact you every single day. Or...You came off as not interested in her and she doesn't care anymore. How about just asking her out
I know the gap doesn't seem that bad but it still seems odd to me to basically say goodbye like I'm a coworker after a month of flirting and calling/texting me.

She wanted to date you, thought you were not interested and is dating some other guy this weekend. You left it too late.

It's a possibility. At least two other guys seemed interested in her.

I hope it isn't really as simple as me not acting fast enough...


Junior Member
She's playing the immature game now. If you don't call she'll accuse you of not caring, when you do call she'll ignore it. The end game is to get you to apologise for what upset her, but she won't tell you what it is "and if you have to ask you don't care/understand me". This is likely to be repeated your whole relationship with this girl. I'd start considering other options as I stopped getting with girls that showed this bullshit controlling behaviour.
This is the precise thing that pisses me off about girls. If she doesn't want to talk, then fine, I'll give her a taste of her own medicine. I'm personally not going to make any effort if she behaves like a petulant child.

Hit the nail on the head with the "you don't care/understand me". She's used that line a few times already. "Why don't you ever understand me?" and "I'm a girl, this is what I'm like". Am I really meant to believe that just because she's a "woman", she's allowed to act like a total moron? She's well educated and has a good job, so it does confuse me. Why would any normal human being get upset for no reason what so ever?
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