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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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So, post-Trump and shit went south fast with the girl I was seeing. She's Hispanic and had depression issues, and I had to talk her out of suicide at one point. I told her that I cared for her and was afraid of losing her in all this shit, but she's drifted away. Hasn't texted since.

Shit sucks so much.

Not equivalent, but the girl I've gone out with twice was also sent into a Trump-inspired spiral, enough that she even apologized for taking her vehemence against -- well, let's be real -- affluent white heterosexual men, out on me.

Just a different vibe now, so I'm not sure where I even want it to go. I've got no filter with her, which is awesome, but I guess we'll see if there's any chemistry beyond that.


Chatted with a girl on Tinder for one day, asked her out and she said she's not that quick to meet people from online.

Well she's been messaging me for a week now, I guess I should ask again lol.

Normally I would've given up after couple days but she's the one that keeps approaching me if I don't message her for a while.

She's looking for attention/self esteem boost. I would maybe ask her out one more time and if she says no again, she's never going go beyond anything than text buddies.
Chatted with a girl on Tinder for one day, asked her out and she said she's not that quick to meet people from online.

Well she's been messaging me for a week now, I guess I should ask again lol.

Normally I would've given up after couple days but she's the one that keeps approaching me if I don't message her for a while.

She's looking for attention/self esteem boost. I would maybe ask her out one more time and if she says no again, she's never going go beyond anything than text buddies.

Yea I agree with gwailo, ask her out once more if she says no then its time to move on.


So i have been dating a girl for a couple of months now but only just recently i have noticed we seem to disagree on almost everything we talk about. She comes from quite a wealthy family and my family is middle class. I find we both have differing views on a lot of social issues and just in general. I only see her once or twice a week because we both work different shifts during the week.

I am seeing her tomorrow and i am going to try to analyse it a bit more tomorrow..sometimes it feels as if she is disagreeing with me on purpose..but i could just be imagining it. I know its normal to disagree with certain things and everyone has their own opinion but it just seems like it isEVERYTHING we talk about. She hasnt been condescending towards me but it does get quite frustrating

Im thinking of bringing it up if it continues to happen, what do you guys think?


Why would you even want to date someone like that long-term? Of course it's good to not be dating a clone of yourself, but if you literally have no common ground, the relationship is going to go nowhere.


Why would you even want to date someone like that long-term? Of course it's good to not be dating a clone of yourself, but if you literally have no common ground, the relationship is going to go nowhere.

Well i have only recently noticed it so i guess thats why. If it continues to happen ill talk to her and see what she thinks...and if she thinks im just making it up or something ill probably end it.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
So i have been dating a girl for a couple of months now but only just recently i have noticed we seem to disagree on almost everything we talk about. She comes from quite a wealthy family and my family is middle class. I find we both have differing views on a lot of social issues and just in general. I only see her once or twice a week because we both work different shifts during the week.

I am seeing her tomorrow and i am going to try to analyse it a bit more tomorrow..sometimes it feels as if she is disagreeing with me on purpose..but i could just be imagining it. I know its normal to disagree with certain things and everyone has their own opinion but it just seems like it isEVERYTHING we talk about. She hasnt been condescending towards me but it does get quite frustrating

Im thinking of bringing it up if it continues to happen, what do you guys think?

The best advice as always is to not talk about things and let them fester
The process of dating is finding out if a person is right for you. Unless you are very lucky, most people do the same. It is good to go on unsuccessful dates because you learn more about your wants and needs.

Yeah but if you know what you're looking for in a partner and then still date people that aren't even close to that, you're either too horny or too desperate.


Hey GAF I was afraid posting here about my dating life, but here it goes lol.

I have recently been talking to someone in my class for weeks. However, we talk a lot about social media, but when I meet her face to face I barely can't start a conversation with her. I feel awkward and ashamed about myself because of this, I see other people joking and plays around with her. What should I do :(.


Hey GAF I was afraid posting here about my dating life, but here it goes lol.

I have recently been talking to someone in my class for weeks. However, we talk a lot about social media, but when I meet her face to face I barely can't start a conversation with her. I feel awkward and ashamed about myself because of this, I see other people joking and plays around with her. What should I do :(.

All your talking on social media might be using up all your conversation ammo. One day, instead of messaging her or replying, just be busy, and use that conversation prompt the next day you see her.

If you have problems talking to anybody in real-life, practice more and/or see a therapist about social anxiety.


All your talking on social media might be using up all your conversation ammo. One day, instead of messaging her or replying, just be busy, and use that conversation prompt the next day you see her.

If you have problems talking to anybody in real-life, practice more and/or see a therapist about social anxiety.

Funny thing is i can talk to other people very well but when i try talk to her everything just changes lol.

Also is it bad that i always start the conversation on social media?


Keep on getting a date pushed back week by week. Decided to just go out today and meet people in real life, one-on-one dating.

Just needes to get out of the house and partially vent.


Funny thing is i can talk to other people very well but when i try talk to her everything just changes lol.

Also is it bad that i always start the conversation on social media?

Can you talk well to other girls whom you want to date?

That you always start the conversation isn't good. Do you give her enough time between conversations to start them herself, so see if she does?


Can you talk well to other girls whom you want to date?

That you always start the conversation isn't good. Do you give her enough time between conversations to start them herself, so see if she does?

Hmmmm good question 50/50 i would say.

I think so. This is getting me worried now lol.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Quoting for context:

Been talking to this girl for a month, I've seen her everyday, but she's not really over her ex. She's said she's left dude in the past for about a month before she ends up back with him. She says she regretted leaving to go back to him, and wants this time to be different. They lived together for over a year, and what's different this time is she actually moved out. Said she never planned on doing that, but she liked me enough to take that chance. They took their good old time moving out, maybe 8 times going to the apartment to get things together, and she said nothing happens but just talk and cry about how it's over. Now yesterday, she went out bowling with him. She told me it wasn't a date, and that I don't have to worry, that she's not going anywhere. After I heard that, I told her that I was done, that I couldn't handle her ex constantly prowling, and in her phone everyday trying to sweet talk her back. Just to have her leave him in a few months. I can't handle the stress, I'm not going to get feelings for someone that I know has a big chance of leaving at any moment.

So, after I sent that, she said "Wow, this is absolutely crazy. I was about to tell you that when I was with him all I could think about was you." "I gotta say, I'm broken. Just when I made my decision, that it was you."

A few messages back and forth and I'm at square one, with the ex around, and me still tolerating it. They were together three years, and it's hard to compete with that history, especially when he's telling her things like "I was about to marry you, give you a house, and kids. All you had to do was wait a little longer."

She said he told her that he can tell that she's falling for me, and is fading from him. When they were bowling.

Idk what tf to do. I know I have about a 50/50 chance of getting fucked over so fuckin hard, but I like this girl way too much to let her go back to him. Considering she told me she's left him 10+ times, tried killing herself, and he laid hands on her. I don't want that for her.

Help me lol

I told her I can't do this if she stays in contact with her ex, so she said she's cutting ties with her ex. I'm gonna keep going for a bit. If I get fucked over I'll come back and let you all know about how shitty I feel lol

So I just got off the phone with her ex, apparently he got my number somehow. Maybe from one of her friends. He said that he hasn't talked to her in close to a month, he was telling me how much he loves her, crying n shit, and wanted me to break it off with her. He basically begged me to break her heart. So, I got pissed as fuck. I called him some shit I shouldn't have. Called him a pussy like 4 times. I told him not to ring my phone again. Even though I'm not about to do shit to him. I'm a grown man with a career, that's some petty shit. Hopefully it's done, I blocked him, so we'll see.

Figured I'd update yinz because it seemed entertaining to me lol
Quoting for context:

So I just got off the phone with her ex, apparently he got my number somehow. Maybe from one of her friends. He said that he hasn't talked to her in close to a month, he was telling me how much he loves her, crying n shit, and wanted me to break it off with her. He basically begged me to break her heart. So, I got pissed as fuck. I called him some shit I shouldn't have. Called him a pussy like 4 times. I told him not to ring my phone again. Even though I'm not about to do shit to him. I'm a grown man with a career, that's some petty shit. Hopefully it's done, I blocked him, so we'll see.

Figured I'd update yinz because it seemed entertaining to me lol

What! Ive never heard of anyone doing that before. How did he ever expect that to pay off for him? Bitch ass pussy is right.


Quoting for context:

So I just got off the phone with her ex, apparently he got my number somehow. Maybe from one of her friends. He said that he hasn't talked to her in close to a month, he was telling me how much he loves her, crying n shit, and wanted me to break it off with her. He basically begged me to break her heart. So, I got pissed as fuck. I called him some shit I shouldn't have. Called him a pussy like 4 times. I told him not to ring my phone again. Even though I'm not about to do shit to him. I'm a grown man with a career, that's some petty shit. Hopefully it's done, I blocked him, so we'll see.

Figured I'd update yinz because it seemed entertaining to me lol

this is the exact kind of shit I told you would happen.

You're not acting like a "grown man with a career". Grown men wonder about what wine to have with dinner or how to diversify their 401k or fuck - just what to do with your lady on a Friday night. Exes should pretty much never come into the mix, much less them fucking calling you for any reason. This is some junior high level wannabe drama bullshit.


Male Gaf: What type of experience have you had dating a women who are older than you? There's this girl who really the first I've felt that I've had a good connection with and I feel like our friendship could turn to a relationship. Thing is, she's 4 years older than me. Is 4 years too much?
Male Gaf: What type of experience have you had dating a women who are older than you? There's this girl who really the first I've felt that I've had a good connection with and I feel like our friendship could turn to a relationship. Thing is, she's 4 years older than me. Is 4 years too much?

4 years isn't too much but make sure you both want the same thing. I went on two dates with this girl who was 4 years older than me, both times we ended up in her bed, and then after the second I found out she wasn't looking for a relationship, just a fling. That cut me pretty deep because I had mentioned I was looking for a relationship. I wouldn't have gone that far if I didn't assume we were gonna be dating in the future.

Obviously I'm not saying this will happen to you, but bear in mind that someone who's 4 years older may be at a much different place in life. As long as you're comfortable with the age gap, go for it. I personally find more success and healthy relationships with people at least a year younger than me. The current girl I'm dating is 2 and a half years younger.


Well, things got fucked with my plans with her. Got called into work tonight with promised overtime pay, so I decided to go in.

She's not a late night type of person and likes to get to bed earlier than I'm used to, so me getting off work at 9:30 P.M was a bit late for her tastes + happy hour is over by then. She's always fucking tired for some reason.

I asked her if there was any other time she would like to go out this weekend and she mentioned that she had other things planned in Saturday and Sunday, but wasn't sure if they'll come through. Told me that she would get back with me if she follows through with them or not.

I just said it's alright and wrote it off. I'm gonna have a nice paycheck, so I'm not disappointed.

Part of me thinks she's making excuses, but I won't jump to that conclusion.

Male Gaf: What type of experience have you had dating a women who are older than you? There's this girl who really the first I've felt that I've had a good connection with and I feel like our friendship could turn to a relationship. Thing is, she's 4 years older than me. Is 4 years too much?
I was gonna make a post about this sexy older woman that I met through strange events today. Some crazy woman came on the bus and started spitting on some children. I was pissed and ready to subdue her if I had to, but it settled down fast.

This woman sat next to me. I knew she was older due to gray hairs, but she has an attractive face and a nice body. We started talking about what happened and she said she was impressed with how controlled I was in the situation. Mentioned how she loved how I started writing a report immediately etc. It felt like we had met before. We had to wait for the police for a while, so we ended up talking for the meantime. Didn't see a ring on the finger, but felt it would be strange if I were to ask her out for a round.

When the officers asked for my I.D, she looked at it really hard.

Really vibed with her. Kinda regret not asking. She shops at my job, so maybe she'll walk in one day. Idk.

Fuck, she was hot.


Went on a couple of dates with a girl recently, but I'm not really feeling it.

She hasn't even bothered to text me since our last date on Wednesday, so should I even text her or just leave it?
Man, I wish more people had the guts and/or respect to just be honest.

Being ghosted is like the worst way to let someone know you are no longer interested.


Homeland Security Fail
Man, I wish more people had the guts and/or respect to just be honest.

Being ghosted is like the worst way to let someone know you are no longer interested.

The sad truth is some people don't handle rejection well. And it is those people that ruin it for everyone that can.
Bruhs. Winh manning fucking sucks for people that dont wanna help themselves. Went to the bar yesterday. Friend being a whiny man baby stump as usual so I am like "let me show you how easy it is. Stay here and I will introduce you."

Three separate times I went up to the cutest girl in the vicinity and introduced my self (the one girl shot me down hella quick, the other 2 were receptive and the 1 girl was fucking down for me) and got the ball rolling. I do the pivot to introduce him and he was gone, like couldn't stay in the same place for literally 45secs. I looked stupid as fuck 3 times and son out here like "I cant meet girls!!!". You dumb motherfucker never waste my time on this tripe again :/

As a side note bruhs. Talking to girls is literally as easy as approaching and saying "hey I saw you around the bar and knew I wannted to talk to you." That works, people are receptive or rejective right away. Stop being scared of this

The sad truth is some people don't handle rejection well. And it is those people that ruin it for everyone that can.

Yeah it's understandable. I've heard stories from girls about guys that don't take it well, so I can see why the easiest way out is preferred most of the time.

Still sucks. Looks like I may be cuffless this cuffing season lol.
Had an awesome night again with the girl I've been going out with. We had plans to go to the movies, but public transit fucked both of us over. We ended up roaming around the city downtown at night. Ended up at a bar where we talked, laughed, listened to music, made out. It was all great. We then proceeded to leave the bar to go home ONLY TO GET FUCKED OVER BY PUBLIC TRANSIT AGAIN. This time, to be fair, more because we were out past 1:30AM which is when the subway closes. We basically walked a bunch, and had a little drunk adventure at night trying to stay warm as we walked and waited for a damn street car to come lol. I am smiling and laughing as I type this, so yeah. I like this girl.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Had an awesome night again with the girl I've been going out with. We had plans to go to the movies, but public transit fucked both of us over. We ended up roaming around the city downtown at night. Ended up at a bar where we talked, laughed, listened to music, made out. It was all great. We then proceeded to leave the bar to go home ONLY TO GET FUCKED OVER BY PUBLIC TRANSIT AGAIN. This time, to be fair, more because we were out past 1:30AM which is when the subway closes. We basically walked a bunch, and had a little drunk adventure at night trying to stay warm as we walked and waited for a damn street car to come lol. I am smiling and laughing as I type this, so yeah. I like this girl.

things going wrong can be a really good thing

I basically never plan dates beyond a starting time and place. Just go with it and improvise.
The sad truth is some people don't handle rejection well. And it is those people that ruin it for everyone that can.
In my experiance as a man, there are a some women that take it so to heart that they have been dumped that they do anything to keep the relationship together so that they can dump the man that does not want them. The delusion that they are not the one at fault.
things going wrong can be a really good thing

I basically never plan dates beyond a starting time and place. Just go with it and improvise.

Yeah I used to be the kind of guy to stick to an itinerary for everything, but more and more I've found the dates where we only have a loose idea of what to do are the best.

Nothing goes to plan all the time, so just go with the flow.
things going wrong can be a really good thing

I basically never plan dates beyond a starting time and place. Just go with it and improvise.

Yeah I used to be the kind of guy to stick to an itinerary for everything, but more and more I've found the dates where we only have a loose idea of what to do are the best.

Nothing goes to plan all the time, so just go with the flow.

I agree, I was a little worried that she'd get bored or that we ran out of things to do or say, but we just had a fucking blast. And I gotta say, even the quiet moments between us were probably some of the best moments in which we just held hands, leaned on each other and just listened to the music in the bar, or looked at the early Christmas lights downtown.

Next week we have solid plans since we have tickets to the new Harry Potter movie premiere, but knowing our luck now, we probably will have something in our way to keep us on our toes ahaha.


I was gonna make a post about this sexy older woman that I met through strange events today. Some crazy woman came on the bus and started spitting on some children. I was pissed and ready to subdue her if I had to, but it settled down fast.

This woman sat next to me. I knew she was older due to gray hairs, but she has an attractive face and a nice body. We started talking about what happened and she said she was impressed with how controlled I was in the situation. Mentioned how she loved how I started writing a report immediately etc. It felt like we had met before. We had to wait for the police for a while, so we ended up talking for the meantime. Didn't see a ring on the finger, but felt it would be strange if I were to ask her out for a round.

When the officers asked for my I.D, she looked at it really hard.

Really vibed with her. Kinda regret not asking. She shops at my job, so maybe she'll walk in one day. Idk.

Fuck, she was hot.

You, uh, have interesting taste in women. Remember, don' stick your dick in crazy
So not been in here a while, gunnin' for some advice.

- (2 months ago) Get set up by two friends with mutual female friend. We hit it off, she's nice, we click, we go on a few dates.
- I end up staying at hers about a month into dating. Seems like it's going really well, but she is really shy as a person. I get the feeling immediately if she had a problem she'd rather not discuss it due to awkwardness.
- She jokingly asks if we're together, she even meets my folks (not properly, she just drops me off after some drinks and briefly see them). I ask her what she thinks, she says we're getting there, and I say that doesn't freak me out at all.
- (1 month ago) THEN it goes weird. She's busy and has busy job, so do I, so she texts less. Sure, why not. We go out properly once about a month ago, she's notably weird and reserved with me i.e. not kissing me as much, being cagey about our next meet.
- Because she's busy, and I am, we don't see much of each other over the past month. We go for coffee once, 1 hour, 1 drink, and she exits pretty quickly.
- She hasn't initiated a conversation for the past few weeks. Even when I'm trying to contact her about doing stuff.
- We were meant to go out and me meet her friends last week, but she didn't give me an exact time to meet her, roads were closed off due to some kind of event, I would have had to get an expensive taxi and she wasn't even sure she could make it. So that didn't happen.
- I ask a lot of work friends advice, they say to take the hint and just not text her, see if she responds. It's Saturday night and I've had no contact from her for exactly one week.

TL;DR Super shy girl things were going well with gets less and less engaged, hasn't texted me in a week.
So not been in here a while, gunnin' for some advice.

- (2 months ago) Get set up by two friends with mutual female friend. We hit it off, she's nice, we click, we go on a few dates.
- I end up staying at hers about a month into dating. Seems like it's going really well, but she is really shy as a person. I get the feeling immediately if she had a problem she'd rather not discuss it due to awkwardness.
- She jokingly asks if we're together, she even meets my folks (not properly, she just drops me off after some drinks and briefly see them). I ask her what she thinks, she says we're getting there, and I say that doesn't freak me out at all.
- (1 month ago) THEN it goes weird. She's busy and has busy job, so do I, so she texts less. Sure, why not. We go out properly once about a month ago, she's notably weird and reserved with me i.e. not kissing me as much, being cagey about our next meet.
- Because she's busy, and I am, we don't see much of each other over the past month. We go for coffee once, 1 hour, 1 drink, and she exits pretty quickly.
- She hasn't initiated a conversation for the past few weeks. Even when I'm trying to contact her about doing stuff.
- We were meant to go out and me meet her friends last week, but she didn't give me an exact time to meet her, roads were closed off due to some kind of event, I would have had to get an expensive taxi and she wasn't even sure she could make it. So that didn't happen.
- I ask a lot of work friends advice, they say to take the hint and just not text her, see if she responds. It's Saturday night and I've had no contact from her for exactly one week.

TL;DR Super shy girl things were going well with gets less and less engaged, hasn't texted me in a week.

You already know the answer to this, don't you?

I'll ask a follow-up question: why would you want to be with someone who treats you like this?
Yeah I do really, this doesn't seem like something that naturally happens in the buildup to a relationship does it?

Chew on this fact - you've just written more about her here on NeoGaf than she's written to you in a month.

It's over, or she's playing games. You need to disengage, explore other options, forget about her. Also, and this is pure speculation, maybe she wanted you to be more forward or something because she is super shy. I have no idea. It's impossible to tell when I don't actually know them. But whosever fault it is, it doesn't really matter at this point.
Chew on this fact - you've just written more about her here on NeoGaf than she's written to you in a month.

It's over, or she's playing games. You need to disengage, explore other options, forget about her. Also, and this is pure speculation, maybe she wanted you to be more forward or something because she is super shy. I have no idea. It's impossible to tell when I don't actually know them. But whosever fault it is, it doesn't really matter at this point.

Yeah I'd been told before by the mutual friend that she likes "the man to be the man" in terms of setting stuff up but not sure I want to be with someone like that.


I'm happy that i found this OT the advice you are giving are really helpful :) .

However my situation is still weird and awkward :(.


I'm happy that i found this OT the advice you are giving are really helpful :) .

However my situation is still weird and awkward :(.

Frankly, there's not much to say about your situation. You're messaging a girl on Facebook, she never messages you first, you never talk in person. Effort shows interest, and she's not putting any effort into this. For that matter, you're not putting in much yourself (messaging someone on Facebook isn't hard).

If you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. Start by talking to her in real life more.


Frankly, there's not much to say about your situation. You're messaging a girl on Facebook, she never messages you first, you never talk in person. Effort shows interest, and she's not putting any effort into this. For that matter, you're not putting in much yourself (messaging someone on Facebook isn't hard).

If you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. Start by talking to her in real life more.

Okay :).


not characteristic of ants at all
Hi GAF, I'm posting here because I sadly don't have enough forum permissions to post my own thread!

I'm a 32 year old Chinese girl and have been with my 35 year old Chinese boyfriend for 18 months, living together for 6 months. We got engaged two months ago (which was a surprise, although I suppose it was leading up to it) and now I have doubts, although I also had doubts before.

He is excellent on paper, we get on like best friends and I know that I am very fortunate. However, we differ on the Five Languages of Love theory. He is not affectionate and does not say anything romantic or "I love you" but he shows it through actions, gifts and caring about me. It's a very old-fashioned way which I think is common in some older Asian generations. I have discussed this with him four times over our relationship but it is not possible for him to change because that is just his personality. It is not a bad thing but it is not what I want out of a relationship, we are incompatible in this fundamental issue. Perhaps he would get along with a girl who matches his style, although I would argue it is rather cold and detached.

There is so much expectation to get married ASAP in my culture and my parents are more relieved than genuinely happy for me that I am engaged. They have put the deposit on the wedding venue but that is a negligible price to pay, I think they would be more hurt about losing face as we have already sent invites for April 2017. I have told them truthfully about all of this, but they say I'm getting old and he's good to me and is a kind responsible husband with a good job, so really he's good enough and I can't think grass is greener. They say no couple feels like they're in love all the time after the initial dating, this is just the reality of living together long-term.

I don't know if I should get married and have a comfortable and stable but perhaps unfulfilled life, or break up and hope for someone I feel completely happy with and excited to marry, or is that unrealistic and I am being too fussy?

TLDR; I am not sure if I should marry my fiance. We are comfortable but I do not feel truly in love, but perhaps that is unrealistic in a long-term grown-up relationship?
You are committing yourself to stay with someone for the rest of your life. There is nothing you could be too fussy about. At the very least, you need to communicate these things with your fiance. Before you make any decisions, talk to him about this and tell him how you feel.


Lol, different woman. Didn't really differentiate when I was talking about it.

Oh, okay, whew. I was just imagining how in the weird this crazy ass lady that spits on people is attractive, hot body or not :p

Hi GAF, I'm posting here because I sadly don't have enough forum permissions to post my own thread!

I'm a 32 year old British Chinese girl and have been with my 35 year old Chinese boyfriend for 18 months, living together for 6 months. We got engaged two months ago (which was a surprise, although I suppose it was leading up to it) and now I have doubts, although I also had doubts before.

He is excellent on paper, we get on like best friends and I know that I am very fortunate. However, we differ on the Five Languages of Love theory. He is not affectionate and does not say anything romantic or "I love you" but he shows it through actions/chores, gifts and caring about me. It's a very old-fashioned way which I think is common in some older Asian generations. He does love me but shows it differently in this way.

I have discussed it with him four times over our relationship but it is not possible for him to change because that is just his personality, he's not being malicious. It is not a bad thing but it is not what I need out of a relationship, we are incompatible in this fundamental issue. Perhaps he would get along more with a girl who matches his style, although I would argue that the relationship sounds rather cold and detached. Might as well just be roommates!

There is so much expectation to get married ASAP in my culture and my parents are more relieved than genuinely happy for me that I am engaged. They have put the deposit on the wedding venue but that is a negligible price to pay, I think they would be more hurt about losing face as we have already sent invites for April 2017.

I have told them truthfully about all of this, but they say I'm getting old and he's good to me and is a kind responsible guy with a good job, so really he's good enough and I shouldn't keep thinking the grass is greener. They say no couple feels like they're in love all the time after the initial dating, this is just the reality of living together long-term.

I don't know if I should get married and have a comfortable and stable but perhaps unfulfilled life, or break up and hope for someone I feel completely happy with and excited to marry, or is that unrealistic and I am being too fussy?

TLDR; I am not sure if I should marry my fiance. We are comfortable but I do not feel truly in love, but perhaps that is unrealistic in a long-term grown-up relationship?

First, I want to start with saying that the compatibility of the Five Languages shouldn't be an end-all be-all; people can get along just fine if they have different love languages, as long as they recognize that you two show it in different ways.

That aside, if you don't feel comfortable getting married, don't do it. Talk to your partner first, and seek couples therapy if you must, but don't get married to someone you're not sure about just because other people are pressuring you to do it. I understand cultural issues make it hard, but it's your happiness on the line, not theirs. They don't get to have the ultimate say in it.


Leave it.

Man, I wish more people had the guts and/or respect to just be honest.

Being ghosted is like the worst way to let someone know you are no longer interested.

The sad truth is some people don't handle rejection well. And it is those people that ruin it for everyone that can.

Yeah it's understandable. I've heard stories from girls about guys that don't take it well, so I can see why the easiest way out is preferred most of the time.

Still sucks. Looks like I may be cuffless this cuffing season lol.
Yeah, I think I'll leave it.

Considering she didn't message after the date either I doubt she's interested as well.

She's a nice girl, just not my type.

In other news I have 3 dates this week, with one tomorrow, Tuesday and then one on Friday...
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