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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Ignore those guys

You should attach yourself to her in a strictly platonic fashion until she spontaneously breaks social barriers and realises she is attracted to you & asks you out on a date.
I'm a homeowner with a house that is practically unsellable (I tried), so as good of a piece of advice as that is, it's not viable.

Lease that shit out and use the monthly rent as buffer to set up in a city.

You're not looking for ways to better your situation, you're just wallowing in your problems and that won't get you anywhere.
Just as an update on my dumb self being hooked into this girl for nothing:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk, she did it again. She was online, I was ready to end up this once and for all properly, I said hello, she left me on "seen", I send her another hello, she left me on seen again and then immediately goes offline. This was the last nail in the coffin. I was willing to help her but it truly feels like if she was 12 with that behavior and ain't got no time to deal with that anymore, even tho, I already wasted enough time with her, offering my help and genuine support only to get ignored. But... just an hour ago, she send me the usual long "sorry" message of the day for ignoring me last night... and I gotta admit that I'm tempted to answer her because god damn this are the type of messages that got me so hooked into her because she tells me the sweetest and most inspiring things nobody has ever said to me so I feel shitty not answering her but I think it's for the best, otherwise I would get into this vicious circle of nothingness again.

Will probably just talk to her for the last time tonight if she doesn't freaking ignore me and then suddenly goes offline, so I can let her know why I'm moving forward without her and to wish her all the best because at least I'm grateful for all the nice things she said to me during this months (even though, not sure anymore if she was being genuine or just saying it for the sake of saying something.) I guess the fact she's 20 and I'm 26 affects somehow because you have a totally different way to look at life in general when you're 26 compared to when you're 20 and I guess that influenced between us somehow. 6 years of difference is quite noticeable in those aspects. I was dumb for believe that things will improve if I'm patient and stick with it, but after 6 months of 85% anxiety, excuses and depressive thoughts with her, better to move the hell on.

Thanks guys for your replies and for opening my eyes on this situation, otherwise I would had continue drowning in anxiety with this situation moving in circles.

I already logged on Tinder for the first time in a while today but without any hopes anymore TBH. I hate that I have to rely on this damn app to meet girls but what can I do when I barely go out to parties to meet new people since I literally have no friends : / Sigh, let's see what happens. Once again thanks to you all.


The fuck is going on here, the fuck are you doing with your life. Jesus fuck.

YOU HAVE NOT MET THIS PERSON, YOU DON'T OWE HER ANY GODDAMN THING. MOVE THE FUCK ON. Stop with this bullshit, block her number and get the fuck out there and actually meet someone.

What the fuck is happening with people having exclusively online only relationships all of a sudden? I'm getting too old for this shit.
If you want to date people your own age at 35, I think you might have to lift the blanket ban on single mothers...
That seems an awful lot like settling.

Who here has dated someone with a child(ren)? It's a challenge all unto itself. The childless one is always second-fiddle. If they get attached, they're getting attached to two people, leading in double heart-break. Then there's an inherent lack of spontaneity, as dates have the element of needing a caretaker for the child(ren). The matter of the kids' out-of-the-picture parent is also at play. Sometimes that can be very messy.

And, in my case, I have zero interest in having children. It's a core belief/value.

I dated a woman with a 7 year-old a few years back. At least I can say I tried, but it didn't work out for a myriad of reasons.

Then there was another woman whose niece was around a lot. I remember after that breakup it hitting me that I'd never see the niece ever again and it made the breakup even more shattering.

Lease that shit out and use the monthly rent as buffer to set up in a city.

You're not looking for ways to better your situation, you're just wallowing in your problems and that won't get you anywhere.
Okay, I appreciate the advice. I do. I think we need to not look at the situation in a vacuum, though. The advice of both finding another job and selling/leasing the house are both monumental life changes. And they can take a long time for just one of those to come to fruition, let alone both.

I just took my house off the market in September. I had few bites. That was both having a shitty realtor and a fixer-upper house.

So, it's not really fair to say I've not been trying. Read the below for more examples.

Something like this will definitely do the trick. It seems you're from a small town in Missouri or Illinois.

Try to move out and use your favorite activities as a way to meet people. Like rock climbing? Join a gym or group to climb with people within your age group. I joined a studio and I've met quite a bit of new people.

It seems you need access to more people to experience in general, so moving to a city that is even a little bigger will make a good difference.

Also, erase the online dating apps. They're not going to make you feel better in the state you're in.

(Oops) just read your response. What are your activities since moving is out of the picture?
These are also good pieces of advice.

Video games are a major activities, of course. When the weather is nice, I road cycle. Even when cycling with a group, it's not really the best social experience. I tried martial arts as a an activity for fun, exercise, and to expand my social circle. Money eventually became an issue, but it was a perfect place if I wanted to meet High Schoolers (or barely out of) or adult men.

There's a board game group that I've gone to a few times. I should go to more. It'd only be a social solution, not a dating solution.

I live near a State park and a National park. There are activities there, and I've gone to a few, but they're never quite good for dating connections.

Long story short, I am in a really shitty place, figuratively and literally.

I feel like the above posts seem like excuses, but they're not. I've been trying, but it appears I could be trying harder. That still doesn't make the pangs of loneliness any less, though.
Two dates today. One Korean BBQ lunch with a girl I first went out with over a year ago. I think she just likes me as a friend, though. Oh well. Takes her forever to get to my part of the city anyway, but she sure is cute.

Second girl loves much closer, went to movies and walked around the mall. Another girl I've known for over a year. She wants to be in a real ass relationship. Maybe it's time. She's super cute also.

Lease that shit out and use the monthly rent as buffer to set up in a city.

You're not looking for ways to better your situation, you're just wallowing in your problems and that won't get you anywhere.

Where the hell did you come from? Back with a vengeance

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, DatingGAF, this is going to be long. I need to dump these thoughts/feelings.

I'm 35 and single. It's been two years since I've had a relationship. There's been some dates here and there, but nothing special and with little frequency. I'm on a losing streak. And the older I get the more it seems the idea of me being forever alone is cemented.

All my friends are married. I live in a small town of ~15,000 that doesn't have shit for meeting people outside of a bar. I'm close enough to Chicago that all of the online dating hits are from there, yet far enough away that there's no way anyone would consider such a dating distance (40+ miles). So, it's pretty much a barren wasteland for meeting people.

Tinder hasn't worked for me for shit, so much so that I had it off my phone for over a month recently. OKCupid and Plenty of Fish haven't done much, either. There's a lot of single mothers there or people not my type. I can't have children, which I'm cool with, so I sure as hell don't want somebody else's. And not wanting/being able to have children kills any other slight potentials.

It's hard to find dates and even harder to make new friends at this age and situation. There's a teacher I work with, where we've had long talks at work (it's been an hour in the blink of an eye type talks), so I asked her out to coffee on Thursday.

Dating a coworker is dangerous, I know. Been there, done that, got the forever-lasting scars to prove it. It's not my intention for asking her out, it's just to have these awesome talks about movies and joking, etc outside of the work environment.

Well, after giving me her number, I texted her to finalize plans yesterday. I got an excuse (a valid one) and then ghosted.

My point to this story is that's how helpless I am. I can't even make new friends! All of the above just ball up into this emotionally painful wound that has been festering for a long time. And since I turned 35 (last month), there's been a reflective "how/where did I fuck up so badly to be here?" element that makes it all hurt more.

Any advice from my fellow GAFfers? Anyone been in similar situations or have friends/family that were, also? If so, how'd they get out of the rut?

Ha, just jumping in to assure you you're not alone :) 36, big city and still no one's in sight atm. Know the Tinder feel, it can be a black hole for bad feelings if you don't look perfect. Also fell for the coworker thing once, and also didn't have much luck apart of the occasional date, so most of your story seems familiar. Try to not worry too much about it I guess. The more you focus on it, the worse you'll probably feel.

I do not have any great advice though, else I obviously wouldn't write this text. Quite the contrary, my thoughts may be incredibly bad advice lol. Just, idk, take your mind off of it for a while. Stay positive, man.
Second date arranged! All I had to do was ask. Weird that. Taking her out to a classy little country pub nearby. Got to make sure my car isn't super mucky..

Going to go in for the kiss for sure this time. Felt like I should have last time, just bailed at the last time.


Yeah, I kinda have to say that you shouldn't move just on the terms of dating prospects. I'm one that's all for moving for a change of pace and etc etc, but it is a big life change and not everyone can just get up and go like that. I'm planning on moving myself, but the preparations I have to make to do so will take me at least a year... and that's if I can find a job. It might be great advice, but it's not exactly the most viable in some cases.

Lushious, my advice to you is to keep trying to put your feelers out into Chicago and the surrounding area. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass to live a bit outside the area, but as long as you have a car, 40 or so miles isn't really that bad? That's like what, 45 minutes on the freeway or something? It's worth it to keep trying, at least, and you don't really seem able to move closer to the city.
Yeah, I kinda have to say that you shouldn't move just on the terms of dating prospects. I'm one that's all for moving for a change of pace and etc etc, but it is a big life change and not everyone can just get up and go like that. I'm planning on moving myself, but the preparations I have to make to do so will take me at least a year... and that's if I can find a job. It might be great advice, but it's not exactly the most viable in some cases.

Lushious, my advice to you is to keep trying to put your feelers out into Chicago and the surrounding area. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass to live a bit outside the area, but as long as you have a car, 40 or so miles isn't really that bad? That's like what, 45 minutes on the freeway or something? It's worth it to keep trying, at least, and you don't really seem able to move closer to the city.

Let me play devil's advocate here for a second, mostly because I'm drawing upon personal experience. I was in the military for a while; I was stationed in the Florida panhandle for 2 years. There were no dating options, let alone a chance to make friends -- those were completely wasted years where, instead of moving forward, I totally regressed as a person.

I 100% support DJ Lushious leaving wherever he is. And my question for him is this: if not now, when? Are you going to wait until you're 40 and your prospects (for personal growth, for relationships, for more friendships) are even worse?

Take an affirmative step forward. Start applying for jobs in Chicago. (What do you do? Can we help you in any way possible? I'd be happy to review your resume.)


Take an affirmative step forward. Start applying for jobs in Chicago. (What do you do? Can we help you in any way possible? I'd be happy to review your resume.)

Yeah, but "applying to jobs in Chicago", a place that it sounds like he could theoretically commute too (it'd be a shitty commute but still) is a bit different than the more general advice that was being said which just sounded like "drop everything and move". I think that's some good advice too, if for whatever reason he's unhappy with his job.

And believe me, as someone that lives along the Florida panhandle I know how shitty some areas can be... well, just in general. God, I know.

I'm not saying "hey don't move", but moving just for the a prospect of a better dating life and nothing else? I'm not so sure. Like look at bluethree, he moved to a bigger city and is still having trouble. I cannot say what the reason for that trouble is, but just because there's a bigger pool of women to date doesn't mean success... though of course, it helps!

Now, if there are other reasons for him wanting to move, then I do agree he should find some way to make it happen. Yeah, doing something with that house will suck but he's a teacher, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a new job. But I don't really know his situation other than the dating part so I was more just providing some counter advice. :3

EDIT: And Lushious, if you do heavily consider moving again, I'd be happy to help as well, in, er... someway. I know it's a big step and super hard because of that house, but I'm sure your fellow GAFfers can help if you're serious about it :D
That seems an awful lot like settling.

There's a board game group that I've gone to a few times. I should go to more. It'd only be a social solution, not a dating solution. t

Something you need to realize, social solutions expand your friend group and expanding your friend group increases your chances of organically meeting women. You should always take up an opportunity to be more social if you are trying to date. You meet people generally by knowing people. And the more people you know the better your odds. So if all you want to do is an activity where you randomly meet an awesome girl, well the odds it works out like that are pretty fucking low. You are gonna have to follow a road map man.


I support you moving also, look for jobs, put your house on the market, get the fuck outta there. It's one thing if you like where you live and you just can't find a girl but you don't even sound like you like it. And if you really want to find someone then you have to make a change. Buying a house is a huge life change and so is getting a new job but the alternative of being miserable, that's a huge life decision too. So yeah, I suggest you look into moving again.


Met a fantastic woman. She has a boyfriend! Blah.

Don't worry, GAF, I'm not that kind of guy. Still sucks, though. Just gotta get back on the horse.


Met a fantastic woman. She has a boyfriend! Blah.

Don't worry, GAF, I'm not that kind of guy. Still sucks, though. Just gotta get back on the horse.
Jumping out of the bushes!
Avoid he like the plague, you wouldn't want to become friends with her at all with conflictive feelings.


DJ Lush and anyone else struggling finding someone but really wanting to: Move. I know its been said but I really gotta echo it. Life's too short. Find a way to get out from under that house. Not that it means much to you now but that's always been my biggest fear with regards to buying a house, getting trapped. I've moved around the world and around the States, not for dating necessarily but for general happiness purposes, and I definitely wouldn't be a happy dude if I was in some dating hellhole.

Speaking of hellholes, I'm back in the States now for the holidays and Jesus T.F. Christ! Tinder in my area has about 99 absolutely no way in hells for every 1 maybe. Tinder (and dating in general I guess) is superficial so hope I don't come across as a complete asshole, but really it's all some combination of single mom's, hideously ugly or morbidly obese, Trump supporter, or some other deal breaker. And I am not looking for a life partner lol you'd think I'd be able to swipe left on more than a handful of women.

I've shared some select images with our resident guru Zackie "Paul Giammati" Chan and even he wouldn't touch these women, and dude's got the lowest standards of almost anyone I know.

Luckily as usual TanTan saves the day, matched a few girls on there and when I head up to Seattle next week got some plans with a gorgeous Chinese girl.
I do have extremely low standards, but then again Vern was drooling over the two ladies I went out with yesterday. Meet me somewhere, mother fucker.
See you in Thailand during Spring Festival? :p


I feel like the Old Guard of Dating Age |OT| should combine forces. Clearly we have succinct words of wisdom for everyone.

By the way, I've never used Tinder. I didn't realize it was that bad. I'm at the point where OKC is basically a cesspool, though. (But: Date 3 with this Amazonian redhead girl tomorrow, and the gorgeous defense attorney I dated in 2014 hit me up again.)

If I'm questioning what's available in DC, anyone who's in Bumfuck, Missouri needs to move. It seriously will not get better.


Bumfuck, Missouri needs to move. It seriously will not get better.
I used to live in Missouri. The dating scene is depressing.

Single mothers and women I can't, in any way, find attractive rule online dating.

Even outside of it, so many of the women I talked to had kids and tons of emotional baggage and when I go back there, I've started to notice that the more attractive ones are usually Trump supporters.

The guys that I've met have either unrealistic or such low standards that they will fuck trash left at the bottom end of the trailer.

Only girls I bother with in Missouri are the ones that I know in the gay district in Saint Louis. Generally artsy, open minded ones that are open to new things.


Not always. I live in a place where 4.5 miles can take over an hour.

A 6 MPH pace is considered a jog, so maybe just walk?
True enough, but in that case I wouldn't really measure by miles in the first place, I'd measure by time.

My high school was like 10 miles from my house but I always just said it was an hour away.

Personal preference is fascinating : My mom uses time, whereas i prefer miles (gas, vehicle wear) and get slightly annoyed when people use time.

On topic : I hate OKC; Id blame Florida but honestly ive never had any luck in the years ive used it. This week i had a few great conversations that fell flat when i gave my number and said we should get coffee. Better yet one said she was getting rid of her phone (???) but would KIK (???) Me. I told her no thanks but if she changes her mind she has my number. She said okay, then asked how i was doing. SMH. I want to do real and awesome things not be an online penpal.


Can somebody help me in a scenario where your at a coffee place and there's this girl that your interested in but she's talking to her friends.

How would you do it ?

Go up to them and straight up ask the girl out ?

How does one do it ?


You mean Songkran? I'll be here in April.

I meant Chinese Spring Festival, Songkran could work too. Depends if I actually have a job or not I guess.


I feel like the Old Guard of Dating Age |OT| should combine forces. Clearly we have succinct words of wisdom for everyone.

By the way, I've never used Tinder. I didn't realize it was that bad. I'm at the point where OKC is basically a cesspool, though. (But: Date 3 with this Amazonian redhead girl tomorrow, and the gorgeous defense attorney I dated in 2014 hit me up again.)

If I'm questioning what's available in DC, anyone who's in Bumfuck, Missouri needs to move. It seriously will not get better.

Spring Fest is late January and Early February. Come out our way and AD, ZC and V can be the three amigos. Although it seems Giamatti is slowing down and has a steady now :p

I will too I think. My last one isn't working out, but the feeling was great while it lasted.
Where the hell did you come from? Back with a vengeance

Ban ended yesterday and a good thing too cause I was going stir crazy reading some of these posts. Someone going out on a date with a woman who fucking out him on blast on the first fucking date and we have another guy virtually dating someone...shit's crazy.

To add my tuppence to the first example, the guy did the right thing but there's no way I would have just ignored that shit. I would have done what Count suggested and attacked her age + biological clock because I'm a cunt but also because there's no fucking way I'm letting anyone talk to me like that or think that shit's acceptable.

You're 35 and single for a fucking reason, especially in the current dating scene where women can pick and choose to their hearts content. Sometimes you just have to make sure people know where the fuck they stand and why their life is shit.
That seems an awful lot like settling.

Who here has dated someone with a child(ren)? It's a challenge all unto itself. The childless one is always second-fiddle. If they get attached, they're getting attached to two people, leading in double heart-break. Then there's an inherent lack of spontaneity, as dates have the element of needing a caretaker for the child(ren). The matter of the kids' out-of-the-picture parent is also at play. Sometimes that can be very messy.

And, in my case, I have zero interest in having children. It's a core belief/value.

I dated a woman with a 7 year-old a few years back. At least I can say I tried, but it didn't work out for a myriad of reasons.

Then there was another woman whose niece was around a lot. I remember after that breakup it hitting me that I'd never see the niece ever again and it made the breakup even more shattering.

Okay, I appreciate the advice. I do. I think we need to not look at the situation in a vacuum, though. The advice of both finding another job and selling/leasing the house are both monumental life changes. And they can take a long time for just one of those to come to fruition, let alone both.

I just took my house off the market in September. I had few bites. That was both having a shitty realtor and a fixer-upper house.

So, it's not really fair to say I've not been trying. Read the below for more examples.

These are also good pieces of advice.

Video games are a major activities, of course. When the weather is nice, I road cycle. Even when cycling with a group, it's not really the best social experience. I tried martial arts as a an activity for fun, exercise, and to expand my social circle. Money eventually became an issue, but it was a perfect place if I wanted to meet High Schoolers (or barely out of) or adult men.

There's a board game group that I've gone to a few times. I should go to more. It'd only be a social solution, not a dating solution.

I live near a State park and a National park. There are activities there, and I've gone to a few, but they're never quite good for dating connections.

Long story short, I am in a really shitty place, figuratively and literally.

I feel like the above posts seem like excuses, but they're not. I've been trying, but it appears I could be trying harder. That still doesn't make the pangs of loneliness any less, though.

I still think you're too focused on the negatives and that's not causing you to the standstill.

You own a home, spend a week or two fixing it up, find a reputable agent who can take care of leasing it and dealing with most issues and start making plans to move. If you don't do it now, when will you do it?

It's nearly 2017, you have the perfect reason to feel motivated right now. New year, new start, new city, etc. Do something, you can't continue to just sit on your ass and complain about how bad things are. It'll take effort, you will struggle, but what's the alternative? You waste your best years doing sweet fuck all only to have a mid-life/existential crisis down the line?

This isn't just for your dating life, it's for your life in general. Moving will open opportunities you haven't even considered. Don't do it just to widen your dating pool, do it to better your life overall.
Wait somebody bitched about dating younger women? This thread moves too fast for me.

Yeah, it's a few pages back. Guy goes on a date and she immediately starts ranting about guys only dating younger women, not taking into consideration that here's a younger guy on a fucking date with her old ass. He decides not to call her, rightly fucking so, and she rants again about the same goddamn thing. Both times she insults the guy and wonders why she's still single.
I meant Chinese Spring Festival, Songkran could work too. Depends if I actually have a job or not I guess.

Spring Fest is late January and Early February. Come out our way and AD, ZC and V can be the three amigos. Although it seems Giamatti is slowing down and has a steady now :p

I will too I think. My last one isn't working out, but the feeling was great while it lasted.

Late Jan? Probably. I'm going to China again for work sometime in January, I think.
Yeah, it's a few pages back. Guy goes on a date and she immediately starts ranting about guys only dating younger women, not taking into consideration that here's a younger guy on a fucking date with her old ass. He decides not to call her, rightly fucking so, and she rants again about the same goddamn thing. Both times she insults the guy and wonders why she's still single.
Oh god yeah, I do remember reading that. One of those "Oh god get the cheque" dates.


Hi Gaf. I just wanted to share some strange thing that happened today.

I just started dating this lady, we can call her Connie, and today we had lunch with another couple (a doomed one - its pretty obvious that their relationship is not going to work out). The lady from the other couple (we can call her Lara) is actually one of Connie's bestfriends. Lara immediately puts Connie on the hot seat and kept pushing, asking about our current status. I was surprised at first with the blunt questions but I played along and had no issues about it. Connie kept laughing and smiling during the conversation. On our way back to the parking area, Connie said she got offended really bad. I had to drive her to her destination for over an hour and she was just there, in a bad mood and was really silent the whole time. I offered to cheer her up but got rejected 3 times. Then I asked her about our status and I didn't get any response. I said, its cool if she wants to take it slow then fine by me but still no response.

After dropping her off, she said her goodbye, got out of the car and walked away without looking back. I messaged Lara about the ordeal and she said she didn't have bad intentions, she just wanted to push my relationship with Connie to the next level. She also admits that she got out of line with her questions. But now, she is advising me to go buy flowers and shit and go to Connie's house and meet her parents to show how serious I am about my intentions. I told her no. That would be really bad since we've only just started going out and now she wants me to skip some steps and go meet the parents. Also, that would just put me in a rough spot and would be pressured to do things that I might regret later on.

After the things that happened today, I realize that Connie and I will probably not work out. As of this moment, I'm letting Connie cool off and will probably check back tomorrow if she's okay. Whatever her response is will probably be the deciding factor if I should pursue or not.

Lara, Connie and I are 28. Lara and Connie always say that "we are not getting any younger and we need to settle soon". But I don't believe that at all. If there's one thing I learned from lurking Gaf's dating threads, its to always think things clearly and do what you think is best.
Oh god yeah, I do remember reading that. One of those "Oh god get the cheque" dates.

A very small part of me feels sorry for her because she clearly got dumped by someone who went younger and now she's attacking everyone not realising that she's self sabotaging by projecting those negative thoughts and feelings.

Which is why she needs to be hit with some hard truths so she can change, she's only 35, there's still time for her to change and find some shred of happiness, but I come back to those posts and they give the impression that she's basically given up, refuses to take a long look at herself and make positive changes.

She believes it's everyone else's fault and goes on the attack to ensure the narrative she's created about why her life sucks is self fulfilling. So eh, she'll end up alone or with some pet to keep her company.


Lara's a shit stirrer. Her own relationship is boring so she meddles and mixes in that of others.

Probably. But she's actually nice. She and I actually have more in common, that's why I didn't get offended at all with the way she talked. Anyway, I told her off that I'll do things on my own terms.
A very small part of me feels sorry for her because she clearly got dumped by someone who went younger and now she's attacking everyone not realising that she's self sabotaging by projecting those negative thoughts and feelings.

Which is why she needs to be hit with some hard truths so she can change, she's only 35, there's still time for her to change and find some shred of happiness, but I come back to those posts and they give the impression that she's basically given up, refuses to take a long look at herself and make positive changes.

She believes it's everyone else's fault and goes on the attack to ensure the narrative she's created about why her life sucks is self fulfilling. So eh, she'll end up alone or with some pet to keep her company.
Best way is to be a hypocrite

I got dumped for an older guy, now I'm dating a younger girl. Oh well.
Ill admit that I haven't read any of this thread but I would like to impart a bit of wisdom to you all.

Dont dip your pen in the company ink.

It never works out. Ever.

Find people to babg outside of work.
Internal relationships never end up well

Expetienced in experience
Ill admit that I haven't read any of this thread but I would like to impart a bit of wisdom to you all.

Dont dip your pen in the company ink.

It never works out. Ever.

Find people to babg outside of work.
Internal relationships never end up well

Expetienced in experience

I feel awkward enough around someone at work that has seen me really drunk, couldn't handle it if they'd seen me in even more compromising situations.
Just started dating and you already have to contend with a meddling best friend who sets out to cause drama for the sake of it?

You've already sensed it's over, because it is.Even if she cools down and things get 'back on track', it's not going to get better and Connie isn't going to sideline her best friend for you either. She's doing shit because she's bored but she's also telling you to do things she wishes guys did for her.

The flowers, etc. You have no idea if Connie would appreciate that or if that's a Lara thing. You know it's over, start putting feelers out again and don't invest any more time into that mess.

Lara's a shit stirrer. Her own relationship is boring so she meddles and mixes in that of others.

Pretty much.


I'm debating what to get the girl I'm seeing for Christmas, but I'm completely stumped aside from a Christmas card I'm making for people.

I doubt I'll go overboard, but I feel I at least need to get something.
Would decent chocolates be a bad idea? We're not technically official yet so I don't want to go over the top.
Would decent chocolates be a bad idea? We're not technically official yet so I don't want to go over the top.

Card and maybe a Christmas themed chocolate. Maybe a Santa mould or some shit.

If you're not official, don't put too much effort into it. That stuff comes when you've both decided to make it official and there's a reason for you to make an effort and spend a little bit extra.


Card and maybe a Christmas themed chocolate. Maybe a Santa mould or some shit.

If you're not official, don't put too much effort into it. That stuff comes when you've both decided to make it official and there's a reason for you to make an effort and spend a little bit extra.

She'll probably appreciate the fact I actually made the card as well.


I went to the girl's place again yesterday. She made pizza, we watched a movie (ok, most of it was spent doing other stuff), then I spent the night. We just cuddled for hours when we woke up.

Great time and can't wait to see each other again, we also talked about christmas and other plans.

Life is good right now.
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