Very happy everyone is getting the Hypehorn - the more the merrier.
I'll take the shards if you don't want them.Crota's chests today earn me 4 radiant shards, and thunder lord my 3rd one :/
This is where I'm at. I can't enjoy any drops until I get the G-horn out of the way. I swear something feels broken in the new raid without it. Last night we were messing around at the bridge, and Phen0m was on a 29 toon and two G-horns would crush the Sword Bearer. As a 30, four Truths would take him down to maybe half. I think with the yellow bar baddies having fast regen'ing health, the constant barrage of rocket, wolf pack, rocket, wolpack really does a number on them. Truth is like rocket...wait for it...rocket...wait for it...rocket...wait for, oh...reload... rocket.
(ノಠ益ಠノ彡┻━┻ ┻━┻ ┻━┻
I hate you all!
(╯°□°)╯︵( .O.)
Fatebringer eludes me again. So frustrating :/
I'll do one run with ya. psn: quintGoing to have a go at the nightfall if anyone wants to join in (PS4), might do two runs depending on time...
I'm taking my maxed out Hawkmoon and the four Dismantled Hawkmoons out of this dump!
Thanks for joining guys!
So what is the better exotic helmet "Achlyophage Symbiote" or "arachnid" for my Hunter?
My alt visited also in da chest, got 2 shards.
(ノಠ益ಠ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ![]()
When I was using the Ghorn on a sword bearer it had the opposite effect of the rubber-banding health regen. He was at about 65% health, I hit him with the Ghorn the wolf pack rounds kicked in, there was a slight pause and the game was like "**** it! Just kill him!" He exploded and just went flying.
Mind if I join? A_javierpI'll do one run with ya. psn: quint
I haven't heard from Fixed at all. You they best Fixed!?!?
I sent him PMs here and PSN messages. We may need a 3rd for our 9pm festivities
Not everybody...![]()
Currently soloing nightfall, wish me luck or join me PSN:YzeNup
Maybe I should.I think you need to eat.
I hear that people prefer the Symbiote for the extra shot, nothing can top that. Plus if you are good at aiming and know when to use your super you don't need the added zoom (PVP).
Personally I am a fan of Knucklehead.
I have the 2nd chest checkpoint. who wants to get it and help my hunter alt get is as well?
I have the 2nd chest checkpoint. who wants to get it and help my hunter alt get is as well?
Woo, solo'd the abyss as a sunsinger using this method:
2nd pair of gauntlets.
I'll help of you still have room
PS4 DekuBleep
I'll help. Kadey1up. I want my alt to get it as well if that's okay.
Yo, want to speed run through the "story" on the new alt with me?Joined on you, I was about to solo it, too lol.
Rolled a Devil You Don't with field scout, third eye, and outlaw. It's deliccccccccious!Anyone looking to replace their old legendary hand cannon with a new 331 version should definitely go for The Chance from Future War Cult. It was previously awful as it had a 6-bullet clip but now it comes with Field Scout, which should bump it's clip to 13.
That and the fact that the other 2 vendor sold HCs are pretty awful, Devil You Dont having a clip of 5 combined with high fire rate and the Crucible one coming with only ammo saving perks make The Chance an easy choice.
Can this work with two people? Or will you not both fly up on that ledge after the lamp explodes?
You're there now? I'm trying to get on.Still room for 3 to get the 2nd chest in Crota's end. Add PewPewPewBow.
Still room for 3 to get the 2nd chest in Crota's end. Add PewPewPewBow.
(ノಠ益ಠノ彡 ( .O.)
Yo, want to speed run through the "story" on the new alt with me?
Although I am curious because the Arachnid helmet says that it grants bonus damage to higher level hive enemies... How much better is the improved damage? Maybe it's good in the raid and the new DLC story missions on heroic?
Still room for 3 to get the 2nd chest in Crota's end. Add PewPewPewBow.
Can youx break down iron banner armor for shards?
I just unlocked the moon missions. Still need to do the last two missions on Old Russia and the strike.Sure, I'm a couple of missions in already, but it doesn't matter. Doing it after this nightfall?
Hm? I just got the helmet this morning and it doesn't have that perk.
6 different groups, 0 crota kills.... really bummed. Maybe this week will be better. Also, what NF/burn this week?
Is it true that dismantling new crota's raid gear gives ass mats instead of radiant? lol
I just unlocked the moon missions. Still need to do the last two missions on Old Russia and the strike.