So, the rank 3 IB package only drop a 310 artifact, or something else as well?
So, the rank 3 IB package only drop a 310 artifact, or something else as well?
The one I use for pvp came from a rank up package. I have a similar problem as you, buying a heavy engram always gives me divilan-fuckoff machine gun.
All I want is a INT/DIS chest piece with sniper ammo for my hunter.I got 5 HCs
Only 310 artifact.
Rank 5 gives a 310 Ghost and then any random IB loot between 310-320.
One more day. It's over when the weekly reset happens which is in ~24 hours.
edit: for future references, Weekly reset is every Tuesday @ 4 am EST.
Yeah but the new monarchy chest is ugly. HAHA. I have a raid chest and bog wild with the desired rolls, I'm just a little OCD about wearing armor that is not in a complete set. Also I don't want to wear faction armor that isn't FWC.The New Monarchy chest is INT/DIS with sniper ammo.
I tried TLW/Sniper for a bit last night and didn't do too bad, I'm hoping Hawkmoon is still viable as I fancy running that with quickdraw as I have it on my sniper as well. I'm getting the hang of Nightstalker/Shadestep now and its probably my favourite class out of all of them.
i had a destiny dream again. [...]
Bungie pls.
Three 310 ghosts (fml)
Will you take me out for wings after each win coach? If so I'm in.
The Eldritch truth is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad carrying Phaethon0017-senpai.
Later today someone remind me to post a video of this super laggy warlock we went against in trials. He lagged so hard he was invincible and disappeared. A great example of how well Destiny handles lag.
IB Package haul from all 3 characters:
314 sidearm
317 shotgun
320 auto rifle
Three 310 ghosts (fml)
Didn't do it on Xbox too?
Sounds like you need my expert coaching. Do you think Drizzay, Unstable, and JustGotWicked became experts overnight? NO! They carried my ass! And now look at them. I started them off easy by getting over 100 assists the first weekend Trials came out, and then they had the confidence to go off on their own.
Yes, it is alright to applaud my MVP-ness.
been travelling for the past 2 weeks, so no Destiny for me
whats new?
One spot for IB train
Haven't even started. Got to rank 5 in 2 days on PS4. I don't think I can hit rank 5 in one day.
I will remember this post the next time I go1 and 12egads that was bad
What's DGAF's recommended light level for King's Fall HM?
What's DGAF's recommended light level for King's Fall HM?
What's DGAF's recommended light level for King's Fall HM?
Good morning DGAF
So never managed to play any IB this week... if I decide to go from 1 - 5 today, doable?
Post in the OT thread during ToO. There are plently of groups formed here with that are able to get those wins required for the ToO armor.The only thing I've never accomplished in this game besides getting hard mode Oryx done is doing anything of worth in ToO which sucks because that's my favorite armor I've ever seen in the game. I want it so bad but I'm really awful in it and teams would not want me. lol
Post in the OT thread looking for a group. ThereIs there a Gaf clan/group which I can join on PS4? I need to be able to tackle raids and I don't see a way to create or join a clan in-game. I'm on the Destiny website at the moment but don't see a Gaf clan listed among the top ones.
Post in the OT thread looking for a group. Thereuse to be alotare groups of people creating raid fireteam. However the thread has def slowed down..but still there are groups around reset days and weekends...Just mention you are new so they can explain things along the way. I know Hawkian does new player raids every thursday (?)
300+ for anything but Oryx himself.
310 (ideally) for Oryx.
300 is enough up to and including daughters(though you'll be a little squishy), for Oryx it depends on the group you run with but I'd say 305 minimum if you have a group of players who are 310+ with you.
Iron Banner Rank 5 booty:
1. 312 Auto Rifle
2. 314 Helm
3. 317 Helm
So basically, I got better helms and primaries in 2-3 hours of Iron Banana than I got from 2 months of raiding.
Y u do dis, Bungie?
303 atm, I'll run NM a few times before going to HM.
The only thing i got from from the rank 5 pacjage was a 310 ghost. Bummer
The only thing i got from from the rank 5 pacjage was a 310 ghost. Bummer
You could probably do it in 13 matches with the weeklies and todays dailies. Did you bank any dailies before?Good morning DGAF
So never managed to play any IB this week... if I decide to go from 1 - 5 today, doable?