I had one 307 chest dropped for my Warlock. Bought the vendor version and started infusing lol.
I didn't like the vendor Perks for either class. Hoping for better hunter chest tonight and maybe arms. Got Sniper Arms for my titan though.
I had one 307 chest dropped for my Warlock. Bought the vendor version and started infusing lol.
I have to dish more hate out on Bungie. All I got worthwhile in getting 2 characters up to rank 5 was the 310 artifact. I got a 312 scout and a 314 sniper from my rank 5 packages neither of which help me out in any way shape or form. All of my loot drops from playing have been sub 300. Pretty shitty IB yet again.
I didn't like the vendor Perks for either class. Hoping for better hunter chest tonight and maybe arms. Got Sniper Arms for my titan though.
Bungie needs to address the variance in the loot drops possible for players, that is what causes the most discord.
Person X got 2 primaries, a helmet and an exotic weapon. Person Y got 2 shards and 310 boots from the same raid. There shouldn't be such a huge delta between the rewards. If Bungie can address that properly, then I will consider it a success.
I didn't have a legendary chest for my warlock that I was aesthetically pleased for. The vendor version had Sniper and Dis/Int - all I needed haha.
Truth. The best part of last night was losing a game and the bottom 3 people all with bad K/D ratios got legendary items. The top 3 all with positive K/D got nothing. Bungie really needs to add incentives to play well and also not quit. I think they should increase the odds of legendary and chance for exotic for players who play the entire match.
Talking about loot drops, for the past what...6-7 weeks, Warpriest has dropped nothing for me. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. The only time he dropped something for me was the first week, and that was 2 sniper rifles. I really want a heavy but Warpriest is being a sod.
I'm back after travelling all weekend. Turning in my weekly bounties to go from Rank 2 to Rank 5 instantly is very nice indeed.
Got the Iron Banner helmet! Alright!
It's DISC/STR with Orbs give Melee charge....
I can't imagine a worse stat split/perk combo for a Titan.
That I got literally the same roll on my Trials helmet is just salt in the wound.
It's too hard for me to get a competent HM KF group. I know what to do, and I don't want to wipe for hours for a small chance at loot that has an even smaller change of advancing my light level. My regular group doesn't play destiny so much any more. Sucks that you can't quickly complete HM KF without forming a really strong full group of players.
Last night I even tried an LFG Oryx CP and the team assured me that they all knew what to do and they had all done it before, but after we had wiped a bunch of times, people forgot their lies and started saying "I just want to see the shade for the first time"... That's when I jumped out of the group.
I've got a spot for you tonight on team competent if you're interested.
Decided to do IB on my hunter just this morning. Figured the weekly bounties would jump me up to rank 5 pretty quick.
Except I forgot 1 weekly requires 13 games played, and another requires rank 4, so I'm definitely going to have to actually play at least somewhat.
That said, 2 wins and 3 daily bounties shot me up to half way to Rank 3.
I've got a spot for you tonight on team competent if you're interested.
loving the high level IB and Trials drops. Means I don't have to bother with that effing raid anymore. At least until Challenge Mode brings something good to the table.
Edit: Oh, and I didn't even cash in two of the weekly bounties. Will probably just save them for next time.
Yeah, you can hold onto them so they're already completed for next IB. You won't be able to do them twice or anything. I didn't have to play many games on my hunter either because if it.So when exactly is refer-a-friend supposed to go live?
Can you do that?
Can you do that?
I'm playing for random drops if you want to group upIB anyone?
IB anyone?
SureI'm playing for random drops if you want to group up
I'm in orbit. Join up when ready.I'm game for a few
To do what? I only need Oryx CP this week. What time?
I'm up for it, whole raid or CP, if there are still spots left.
Edit: With my IB & last week's HM loot, I'm up to 311! Woot!
LT if you need another body Ill be around to raid tonight, I can help ouuuut
I really, really need that iron banner helmet(and legs BTW)
I've already reach rank 5 and got an 316 scout rifle
Is there any way to obtain that helmet?
P.S: Can some one tell me what pieces of armor Iron Saladin sold during previous iron banner? much appreciated
P.S 2: Really sry for bad English, not may native language
I really, really need that iron banner helmet(and legs BTW)
I've already reach rank 5 and got an 316 scout rifle
Is there any way to obtain that helmet?
P.S: Can some one tell me what pieces of armor Iron Saladin sold during previous iron banner? much appreciated
P.S 2: Really sry for bad English, not may native language
I really, really need that iron banner helmet(and legs BTW)
I've already reach rank 5 and got an 316 scout rifle
Is there any way to obtain that helmet?
P.S: Can some one tell me what pieces of armor Iron Saladin sold during previous iron banner? much appreciated
P.S 2: Really sry for bad English, not may native language
Ah I gotcha. We'll be doing it around 9:30-45. We can start w/ oryx. If we do more we can grab another sixth.
Heck yeah. That's six.
See y'all around 9:30-9:45 Eastern.
I feel your pain. The HM Oryx fight is so annoying. Even if the group is competent, you just might not mesh well together. And one weak link can bring the whole thing crashing down. I wiped for hours with a group of friends with one guy I've never played with before dying on his platform doing the no knights strategy every single time. I have no idea how you can die just crouching/sitting there.It's too hard for me to get a competent HM KF group. I know what to do, and I don't want to wipe for hours for a small chance at loot that has an even smaller change of advancing my light level. My regular group doesn't play destiny so much any more. Sucks that you can't quickly complete HM KF without forming a really strong full group of six players. If it wasn't so hard to find a group, I might keep doing it on the regular.
Last night I even tried an LFG Oryx CP and the team assured me that they all knew what to do and they had all done it before, but after we had wiped a bunch of times, people forgot their lies and started saying "I just want to see the shade for the first time"... That's when I jumped out of the group.
I will be on with my Hunter in few seconds.3 more for IB.
So i've got the full IB set on my titan with helm, ghost, mark, etc. Should I post pics tonight with shaders or has that already been done?
So are you not guaranteed a weapon upon lvl 5 in iron banner?
Can be armor too. I got boots and class item on two characters.Weapon or Helmet not both
I got the sniper, others had the pulse or sidearm