Doable. Let's team up later. Still need to get my alts to rank 5.Good morning DGAF
So never managed to play any IB this week... if I decide to go from 1 - 5 today, doable?
Doable. Let's team up later. Still need to get my alts to rank 5.Good morning DGAF
So never managed to play any IB this week... if I decide to go from 1 - 5 today, doable?
The only thing i got from from the rank 5 pacjage was a 310 ghost. Bummer
Nope, you have to go back to orbit for your real reward.
After a few weeks of not raiding my group did one HM yesterday.
Totems: nothing, warpriest: nothing, golgi: nothing, daughters: nothing.
Oryx: 312 hand cannon, 318 helmet, 310 bad juju. My first HM primary and helm, HM shader get!
Doable. Let's team up later. Still need to get my alts to rank 5.
You could probably do it in 13 matches with the weeklies and todays dailies. Did you bank any dailies before?
Going to try to get my last character from 0 to 5, have my titan at 3, and Warlock at 5. So far, the first package gave me a 319 Nirwen's which instantly went into Hung Jury.
Have to give props to Bungie for making IB so rewarding. Now do that for every activity and everyone will be happy. People were getting loot left and right.
That Deku troll.321+
WTF loooli had a destiny dream again.
i was on a weird map that was like a mix of Burning Shrine and some temple from Journey.
I was a Titan with the Twilight Garrison and I had a shotgun called Crowd Pleaser that killed from insane ranges. it was basically Halo 5's Scattershot with no damage dropoff.
I got like 70 kills just running around aiming down sights at people walking into hallways.
My team was cheering me on and i was freaking out.
Then one of their players finally got a super and drew their Hammer.
I ran out of ammo in my shotgun, but i didn't run..
I barrel rolled to dodge his hammers and then hand cannoned him in the face. Boom Boom Boom and he was dead.
The next guy popped Stormtrance and i two shotted him before he could even get close.
Then another one of their players was trying to final round, so I pistol whipped him too.
Finally a Bladedancer managed to sneak up behind me with another shotgun - the Standing Ovation. He killed me then his whole team (like 12 people because at that point my own team had turned against me) came to my body and teabagged me.
I "woke up" in a lucid state and got out of my bed wanting to get on Destiny to find that shotgun. So i logged on and went to check my inventory. I looked at my primary however and there was just a question mark in the box instead of the gun i was using.
Then i remembered hand cannons suck and realized i was still dreaming.
So would the Refer-A-Friend quest work with an old-time Destiny player that stopped after The Dark Below and never got HoW + The Taken King?
Do we have any news on this? I think nobody knows.
More info todaySo would the Refer-A-Friend quest work with an old-time Destiny player that stopped after The Dark Below and never got HoW + The Taken King?
BothSo what? More info or goes live today?
I have so many games to play but all I want to play is Destiny. Seriously have fallen in love with this game since giving it another go a few months prior to TTK launch. I mean, I have Fallout 4, SWBF, Black Ops 3, and many other games sat on my shelf waiting to be played. Yet every time I try to play them, I decide I want to play Destiny instead.
Nirwen > Hung Jury IMO.
It´s my main since I got it.
More info today
I want the refer a friend emblem. It looks bad ass.
Exactly where I'm at. Have Fallout 4 and BlackOps, which are both great, but I still enjoy playing Destiny too much.
For PVE? I don't see how lol.
Bet Bungie were toying with your emotions![]()
Noobs and juniors are going to become SUPER POPULAR!
Hey, I've been kicked off a Fireteam once or twice.
When you holdin' back the Mercury train and they boot yo ass to orbit
When you're asking for a revive but they know you're just gonna give the enemy Super energy.
When you're complaining about an LFG group to Wicked and he's thinking the same about you
Nope, you have to go back to orbit for your real reward.
Doesn´t take up half your screen and has outlaw.
Love it.
315 boots!
I have a new love even better than both of those. A Thread Upon Stars with Zen Moment & Grenadier. It's exactly like VoC, but better (Full Auto is nice, but totally not necessary. Just wastes ammo more often than not). Love it on my max discipline Warlock. Grenades everywhere. Now I just need those Nothing Manacles for total destruction on everyone.
I really have to get that.
I forgot - where does it drop?
Pantheon I wanted to say thank you. This post was awesome. I am really bad at pvp. This post hit me right in the feels.![]()
Don't fall for Phaethon's scrub talk guys. He usually hides his true power.
Going to try to get my last character from 0 to 5, have my titan at 3, and Warlock at 5. So far, the first package gave me a 319 Nirwen's which instantly went into Hung Jury.
Have to give props to Bungie for making IB so rewarding. Now do that for every activity and everyone will be happy. People were getting loot left and right.
WTF loool
314 Boots for my second Rank 5 Package, 5 bounties and a weekly put me to rank 5
Going to try for my 3rd tonight.
I've had about 5 chest pieces drop which is insane, highest being 300 but has good stat rolls.
Wonder if creating a different account and starting a fresh guardian would work for the quests with veterans and vice versa.
My Rank 5 IB haul:
316 Titan helmet (didn't have a helmet over 311 anywhere)
318 Sidearm (went straight into 1000 yard stare)
313 Warlock bond (Boooo, I have a 319 raid bond.)
3x 310 Ghost, just for Jigga Man!
Probably, but are you really gonna pay for Plus on a second account? And then you can't even use the stuff on your main.
Wonder if creating a different account and starting a fresh guardian would work for the quests with veterans and vice versa.
He is judging to see if you are worthy of his teachings!Meh, where was his true power on any of our Mercury runs?![]()
Just a heads up, I plan to run full Oryx HM (all the way up to and maybe including Oryx) in about 3-ish hours. I'll post again then.
I would really appreciate if we can get a crew going because DGAF's been very unresponsive to my LFG's lately. :/ I don't know if it's bad timing (EU GAF here) or what but I haven't been able to pick up a DGAF crew for IB,KF or anything the past couple of weeks. ForeverAlone.jpg
You're 315+ right now. I feel no sympathy for you.Everyone is getting cool helms and stuff, and all what I got is shitty weapons that not even useful for infusion fuel.
Going to try to get my last character from 0 to 5, have my titan at 3, and Warlock at 5. So far, the first package gave me a 319 Nirwen's which instantly went into Hung Jury.
Have to give props to Bungie for making IB so rewarding. Now do that for every activity and everyone will be happy. People were getting loot left and right.