An alternate control scheme that changes the Jump button to L1 instead of X, Melee to R3 instead of L1, and Super activation to X instead of L1+R1 (on PS4.)wtf is bumper jumper
An alternate control scheme that changes the Jump button to L1 instead of X, Melee to R3 instead of L1, and Super activation to X instead of L1+R1 (on PS4.)wtf is bumper jumper
I'm F5ing like crazy on Reddit, here, and I'm terrify about the Titan changes.
I'm F5ing like crazy on Reddit, here, and I'm terrified about the Titan changes.
my most hated map, and anothe snipe-fest. Seriously?
dunno what it is. maybe my new monitor or the fact im playing jumper on warlock but damn i feel agile even though i'm at 3 sensitivity.
anyone up for a crucible train? not gonna do trials yet since i only have 8 coins.
An alternate control scheme that changes the Jump button to L1 instead of X, Melee to R3 instead of L1, and Super activation to X instead of L1+R1 (on PS4.)
When sunbreaker gets nerfed, hope they buff defender at the same time. That class is horribly underpowered
in pvp
Jump with L1, super with X. It's crazy.
"Weve removed the titan class from Destiny until further notice"
Aka accidental supers all day everyday.
R3 for melee on jumper? absolutely hate it. would rather have reload on R3.
When sunbreaker gets nerfed, hope they buff defender at the same time. That class is horribly underpowered
in pvp
Fuck sunbreakers on this map
You could post that every week since trials came back lol.
Lol they had to move him, he's now in the hangar.
Lol they had to move him, he's now in the hangar.
They should move him every few hours, like he's playing hide and seek.
Surprised the Titan update isn't up yet. All I want is "Sunbreakers nerfed to hell and back" and I'll be happy.
I can playGunawi and I need one more for Trials. Any takers?
Surprised the Titan update isn't up yet. All I want is "Sunbreakers nerfed to hell and back" and I'll be happy.
I'm F5ing like crazy on Reddit, here, and I'm terrified about the Titan changes.
My PSN is Macello. Send me a FR.I can play
The ability to utilize vertical space while never sacrificing the ability to aim is a huge advantage.
Got someone chasing you? or got a slide-shotgunner? Run around the corner and double jump in the air and aim down. Nobody expects it.
Need to quickly clear an obstacle? Do so faster and never letting your guard down.
Need to get past a sniper lane? Why not avoid his hardscoped sights, by jumping above them?
It's probably the single easiest improvement you can make to your Crucible game.
OkMy PSN is Macello. Send me a FR.
I've only done it once.Aka accidental supers all day everyday.
A small nerf, and I'd be happy.
They are going to destroy my class, aren't they?
Shit, me too. I'm getting more scared the longer it takes for the page to go up. *breathes*
Defenders can now shoot through their Ward of Dawn to defeat minions of darkness and other guardians in the crucible.
Defenders can now shoot through their Ward of Dawn to defeat minions of darkness and other guardians in the crucible.
What are the trials drop this week?
Here's my thought: it's going to be a small nerf. DeeJ mentioned that Sage would be bringing charts and data, and I bet that's because while Sunbreakers feel broken, they're actually not. They're just a bit too strong and need to be pulled in just a bit.
I agree, and then the community clamoring to nerf Hammer of Sol into the ground will be disappointed, then the boards will erupt claiming that Bungie is looking at it the wrong way or has insufficient data and didn't nerf it enough.
I'm just worried about things I probably shouldn't be worried about, and more about Strikers and Defenders.
Here's my thought: it's going to be a small nerf. DeeJ mentioned that Sage would be bringing charts and data, and I bet that's because while Sunbreakers feel broken, they're actually not. They're just a bit too strong and need to be pulled in just a bit. But that's not a popular opinion so that's why they're pushing it til later in the day/week.
I agree with kairi.