I want the duo dance.....
Damnit, why do I have to goad people into playing this game. Was really hoping the sub account thing would work.
"Working as intended" - Bungie.Get KD of 5.6
Nami gets 320 ghost
anyone wanna do trials to try and get to at least 5?
I'm down. PSN Jafku
So the refer a friend thing is broken?
Nope. Need to buy Taken King on the sub account:What about a PS Plus trial and a new account?
Q: Can I access Refer-a-Friend if I am playing Destiny through console sharing features?
A: Bungie does not support console sharing features. Players must own Destiny: The Taken King in order to qualify for Referee status in the Refer-a-Friend program, and meet the requirements listed above. You'd each have to re-buy TTK.
Could we just buy 3 month psn cards and do that?
Didn't get any hate messages. I'm sad :/
Got one too. I have a 318 and 319 for my alts in addition. Feelsgoodman.![]()
Posting again since new page...
Anyone still need Nightfalls? I need 3 so if anyone is interested...
anyone else?
Is it normal to feel horribly dirty after trying to convince a friend to get into Destiny solely for the refer-a-friend stuff?
Nope. Need to buy Taken King on the sub account:
i can do trials. Need it for bounties though. I suckI can look on reddit
Is it normal to feel horribly dirty after trying to convince a friend to get into Destiny solely for the refer-a-friend stuff?
i can do trials. Need it for bounties though. I suck
i can do trials. Need it for bounties though. I suck
Well, I guess you could buy TTK again, but that's a lot of money for an emote. I'm not that far gone.
It is green for me in the previous posted picture.I don't understand why the ghost is blue in the picture, but actually green.
dammit i wanted this ghost shell
Man Bungie's FAQ is useless. Can I, or can I not refer a friend who only played The Dark Below but never HoW/TTK?
It is green for me in the previous posted picture.
Anyone know this? Technically he never played destiny the Taken King. Only vanilla Destiny. Still only plays vanilla (+ TDB). Basicly, would legacy players upgrading to the taken king qualify? Can anyone at Bungie confirm or not before I sucker a friend into buying the taken king for this please.
Yes, I know this is what you want, but it's not gonna happen without a confirmation.
I may be crazy but I'm not that crazy.And you just know that someone out there actually bought TTK again just to get that emote/sparrow/whatever.
Far from useless is basically the first line on the FAQ page.
Players may qualify for Referee status for 7 days when playing Destiny: The Taken King for the first time after purchase.
Get it you lazy bum
It's always fun raiding with you guys on Tuesday later on during the morning... I wish I was up at 4am... but I never am.
I'm not an idiot. My question is whether playing an unupgraded Destiny is what Bungie qualifies as "Destiny: The Taken King" or not? The tile and title screen for vanilla Destiny now too says "The Taken King" etc. Nowhere does it explicitly say, hey vanilla players upgrading qualify for this too.
I still have doubts that somehow the console knows the physical copy of TTK CE is mine and not the newly activated psn id I would make in order to do this though. I'm with Trakan here.
No such thing as a Physical edition is there? You would have just redeemed the code on your account.
I'm with Xplicitone on this as I've bought wayyyyyyyyy too many copies of this game and season passes and everything. Not buying it again.
And Luke, if you're reading this if Hawkian and Drizzay don't get this stuff by default by doing countless countless countless noobie sherpa runs, then something is broken.
I still have doubts that somehow the console knows the physical copy of TTK CE is mine and not the newly activated psn id I would make in order to do this though. I'm with Trakan here.
I am dreading that wet fart of a plot twist.The traveler is actually bad.
VoG still the best aesthetics for raid armor. I love all the helmets. Even the Titan bottle opener.330 vault of glass with 330 mythoclast tho
day one