Could really use a third in this nightfall
Not feeling this Patch at all. These weapons...
Could really use a third in this nightfall
Could really use a third in this nightfall
Im unable to join you...change your privacy settings
Record Book items will not be deleted from players' inventories, but will now require ownership of the SRL Record Book in order to equip the items.
The things that matter.
They changed it!
The full auto perk on Scout rifles has a different icon
And they really couldn't just move the decimal place two spots over in any of those changes
I'll do one. Hopefully I can get a Mida.Going to run the nightfall since I'm bored. I'll set my fireteam to public. Feel free to join up. No mic.
PSN: The_Sacred
Bungie just keeps giving ammo to haters with all these screw ups. It's getting harder and harder to defend the game.
holy shit there's sparrow racing
also, for gunsmith weapon test things can you dismantle them after using? I thought you were supposed to keep them for armsday or something??
holy shit there's sparrow racing
also, for gunsmith weapon test things can you dismantle them after using? I thought you were supposed to keep them for armsday or something??
holy shit there's sparrow racing
also, for gunsmith weapon test things can you dismantle them after using? I thought you were supposed to keep them for armsday or something??
That was weird. I just turned back on Destiny - was on earlier - and got the Installing Destiny screen with the Traveler art, for about five seconds.
That was weird. I just turned back on Destiny - was on earlier - and got the Installing Destiny screen with the Traveler art, for about five seconds.
Could use a third in the Nightfall. Join on The_Sacred
Hotfix to fix issues went up this afternoon.That was weird. I just turned back on Destiny - was on earlier - and got the Installing Destiny screen with the Traveler art, for about five seconds.
stealth patch for leg engrams
Or give me your psnLf1m for nightfall...psn T-44
I'll join.Lf1m for nightfall...psn T-44
You can dismantle them once they're 100%. To actually order weapons you have to pick up packages from the gunsmith and keep them in your inventory til next armsday.
Test weapons you are safe to dismantle. You buy packages that give you weapons the next armsday, those you don't want to delete.
the guns you get for free that say "kill fallen captains" or whatever, once you fill up the bar you can dismantle them. the armsday orders you can pick up every wednesday depending on what you bought hte previous week or weeks
Could Reddit be more useless? Heaven forbid we discuss the current state of the game.
Could Reddit be more useless? Heaven forbid we discuss the current state of the game.