
I do like the others!
Typical Bungie. We're winning by like 10k and got booted. Now game is taking forever to boot back up.
i guess me, but if no one helps then i'll either pvp or call it a night.
Elmo doing a double carry today, if he had his trials partner Lucky, it might have been a different story
Nice job getting Turtle to mercury.
Just did my first two trials cards with 2real and it was intense. Every team after 6 wins is ridiculous!
Couldn't get past four wins* last night on Xbox. Either lag or getting matched with super-high skill opponents shut us down. Sunsingers everywhere.
Anyway, how's the trials rocket launcher? I got one with grenades & horseshoes from the gold package.
*Not that this means much, my best is six wins.
Somehow I got legendary marks twice from daily crucible. Have video to prove it.
Thorn putting in work.
It's nice, definitely a solid legendary RL option. Base stats like velocity and blast radius are a bit lower than a well-rolled gunsmith Suros RL or the Vertigo RL you can buy from FWC. But afaik those launchers still glitch out and only give you 2 rockets even if you have extra RL ammo boots. The Trials launcher will give you 3 rockets with extra ammo boots, which is more valuable imo than slightly better stats.
It's good to have grenades and horseshoes but they nerfed the detonation radius so hard that it rarely proc's nowadays. You really have to aim your rockets well which is another reason the stats aren't critical. Personally I use the Trials RL whenever I want a legendary one, although I usually run Truth since I've been maining Doctrine as my primary.
Whats going on gaf pals
Are there any Mercury virgins around now? Inapp might be able to help w a run.
I can >.>;
I'll be on in 12 min or so, just making coffee and toast real quick.
Right on, take your time. I'm gonna tidy a few things real quick then I'll be ready.
@Inapp if you're still down just throw up a post real quick to confirm.
Right on, take your time. I'm gonna tidy a few things real quick then I'll be ready.
@Inapp if you're still down just throw up a post real quick to confirm.
He's probably trying to drown himself in a puddle on the Tower.
Not quite yet.
Cash4carry.comWho wants to carry Macello and me to Mercury? The Reef is also fine.
You will after playing Firebolt Delphi.
It's appreciated, regardless.Yeah unfortunately I don't see any other helpers around so we may be out of luck for another run tonight. Hopefully we'll have more time later this weekend. Realistically unless more helpers can grab people on that list then I definitely won't be able to run enough games to get to everyone this weekend. Regardless of whether or not we actually make it through.
But it's not a big deal. We'll just do the best we can with the people we have.
It's appreciated, regardless.
Yeah, sure.We just deflowered virgin #2 for the week, huzzah! Inapp said he's down to help with another run if you want to fire it up.
If you get through the list and want to run a card with this scrub let me know.We just deflowered virgin #2 for the week, huzzah! Inapp said he's down to help with another run if you want to fire it up.
You and Inapplicable were awesome. Great great plays. Glad I could support where I could. Year 2 Mercury done. Feels amazing. Thanks again.We just deflowered virgin #2 for the week, huzzah! Inapp said he's down to help with another run if you want to fire it up.
Yeah, sure.
Edit: Do i have to reset my card? It's 4-0.
You and Inapplicable were awesome. Great great plays. Glad I could support where I could. Year 2 Mercury done. Feels amazing. Thanks again.
It's guaranteed. The reason you don't have it is because it is a y2 emblem, y1 Mercury had a different emblem.What is the requirement for the Hic Jacet emblem? It is not guarenteed to drop on Mercury? I was carried by Drizz on Y1 but I don't have it unlocked.
Sorry did not mean to quote a message.
Trials anyone?
It's guaranteed. The reason you don't have it is because it is a y2 emblem, y1 Mercury had a different emblem.
That's fine need a 3rd?I can play. I'm not that great though.
Update list in order of replies:
Mercury Virgin:
Light_Knight_Sky (Sat and Sunday)
tp_Drewz (Australia timezone)
Year 2 Virgin:
Dr_LawyerCop (All weekend)
ErnieMcCracken (Monday Night)
Ugh, I know. Bad enough when you get dc'ed and Inapp and I have to 2v3 a pretty scrubby team, but to lose him when you and I have to face a pretty competent team is another thing. We (you) were almost able to do it too which is crazy. Rough, but such a fun ride.Congrats and GGs to you, sir! We had some incredibly bad luck with me getting DC'ed one game then Inapp getting DC'ed another game, but we still managed to clutch out the Lighthouse trip. You could tell how good our teamwork was when we matched that same team for our last two games. They made a valiant comeback attempt in the first game but we shut them down 5-1 in our final game to stamp our cards for Mercury. It was such a relief that the disconnection bullshit didn't cheat us out of a flawless.