the hell? Moffat just said screw it and sent out spoilers before hand?
No, Spoiler people leaked it on outpost galifrey, The Sun found it. Everyone else picked it up
the hell? Moffat just said screw it and sent out spoilers before hand?
The could absolutely still do a Valeyard story. He could have been planning behind the scenes. Just because he comes about between 12 and 13 dosn't mean that that's when he has an effect on the doctors timeline.
Cumberbatch as anything but the Master is a waste.
He's such an obvious choice for the Master, though. I'd like to see somebody really out there for the role, especially opposite Capaldi.
Don't even joke about shit like that.Patrick Stewart.
He's such an obvious choice for the Master, though. I'd like to see somebody really out there for the role, especially opposite Capaldi.
Would Cumberbatch even do it at this point? Dude's probably going to follow up being in The Hobbit with being in Star Wars, while still doing Sherlock and whatever other movies he's GUARANTEED to be offered in the interim.
Oh shit, Patrick Stewart would be fucking gold.
Cumberbatch is in The Hobbit?
Alan Rickman for the Master
Cumberbatch has not so subtly said that his career is too big now for him to do just a guest stint on Doctor Who.Would Cumberbatch even do it at this point? Dude's probably going to follow up being in The Hobbit with being in Star Wars, while still doing Sherlock and whatever other movies he's GUARANTEED to be offered in the interim.
Oh shit, Patrick Stewart would be fucking gold.
He's Smaug and the Necromancer.
I want Matt Smith as the Master. He chose that face out of SPITE!![]()
Patrick Stewart.
It's that or make that bloody comic canon...
Cumberbatch has not so subtly said that his career is too big now for him to do just a guest stint on Doctor Who.
I'm not going to miss Matt, honestly. I want Capaldi much more.
I'm not going to miss Matt, honestly. I want Capaldi much more.
You're a bad person. Eleven is probably my favourite Doctor at this point. Not something I said of Ten at the end of his life.
Stewart talked in interviews loads about wanting to do Who when he was starring opposite Tennant in Hamlet, though he gave the impression it was less because of the show and more because of how much he loved working with Tennant. The right role never came in time (though allegedly was off-the-record asked about Rassilon, but wasn't free during End of Time's filming) and once Tennant left he stopped talking about it, sadly. I'd love him to do it, though. Hopefully one day they can get him. He must have a working relationship with Capaldi, there's no way those two haven't met on the theatre circuit.
It's that or make that bloody comic canon...
Edgar Wright still interested in doing an episode of Doctor Who
Also claims he came up with the casting for David Bradley as William Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time! I think I'd die of happiness if we had Wright behind a Capaldi episode. He'd put everybody else, including Gaiman to shame.
Edgar Wright still interested in doing an episode of Doctor Who
Also claims he came up with the casting for David Bradley as William Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time! I think I'd die of happiness if we had Wright behind a Capaldi episode. He'd put everybody else, including Gaiman to shame.
Gaiman put himself to shame with Nightmare in Silver
If there is any justice in the world, this is the Doctor and the Master
He's had his part on who, not again!
The first 10 minutes or so of that episode are great!
Doesn't he actually play The Master in the Big Finish audios? At any rate, he's too softspoken in my opinion.
I know, its not the best statement to make when mentioning Who and multiple parts for the same Actor.
I'm just a little tired of Pegg, lol
He wasn't in Scott Pilgrim at all if memory serves me right! But god I'd love to see Wright do one. Lovely to think that he doesn't think himself above it now that he's making a Marvel film and all, good shit.
There's a fair few British film makers I'd love to see given a crack at it in my dreams. Joe Wright, Sam Mendes, Steve McQueen. Please.
I know, its not the best statement to make when mentioning Who and multiple parts for the same Actor.
I'm just a little tired of Pegg, lol
I know, its not the best statement to make when mentioning Who and multiple parts for the same Actor.
I'm just a little tired of Pegg, lol
How could you ever get tired of Pegg. Which reminds me, I need to .gif my World's End DVD...
He just tends to grate on me a bit, not sure why.
He's one of those actors that I like and dont like at the same time.
I dunno, just something about him.
There's a fair few British film makers I'd love to see given a crack at it in my dreams. Joe Wright, Sam Mendes, Steve McQueen. Please.
... you wait right there Mister, I've got a "Get in your spaceship and fuck off back to Legoland" .gif in the making that will blow your socks off.
If there is any justice in the world, this is the Doctor and the Master
Gaiman put himself to shame with Nightmare in Silver
I still blame cuts. And maybe the subject matter, to be honest, Gaiman is best when he wants to do these... weird, fairy-tail, Gaiman-esque type of stories and a bunch of Cybermans being dicks wasn't it.
Good god The Doctor's Wife is an excellent episode.