The other night watched Doctor Who that appeared on Fox so long ago, got to say it was good stuff. It really felt in touch with the newer stuff that would later come out. The Master having snake like abilities and a form was bad, like his later Palpatine resurrection bad but otherwise it was well done. The Doctor was likeable, the cast was great and the story good.
It's really a pity the guy who played the Doctor hasn't been welcomed much, he was great in the role.
The funny thing about the Master is that he's always had these shit abilities and over-the-top resurrections, not just under RTD or in the movie, but even in classic Who. He's a bit of a crap villain, really. That's why Moffat went on the record back before RTD revived him saying he always thought he was rubbish, though obviously quieted himself to be diplomatic once the character was revived. Also why I'd be surprised to see him under Moffat, purely because of that.