right. but... there's now 2 of everybody?
it was presented as a temporary memory loss.
right. but... there's now 2 of everybody?
D'oh, forgot to mention that I've always assumedthe Tennant metacrisis counted as a regeneration. No reason why it shouldn't, really. Although there's every chance it won't.
It definitely does not.
I have to come back to this because it's ridiculous how people are getting so caught up on Baker's appearance and its meaning.Also, in the Mc Gann mini-episode the woman did say the drink allowed him to choose, maybe he chooses his Fourth Incarnation for some reason.
I don't think it's Capaldi who say's "No Sir, all thirteen". It's with an English accent and I thought Capadli was retaining his Scottish accent?
I don't think it's Capaldi who say's "No Sir, all thirteen". It's with an English accent and I thought Capadli was retaining his Scottish accent?
Does Day of The Doctor work as a standalone viewing? I know the basics of Who and watched a few episodes back with Christopher Ecclestone but haven't bothered with it since but the hype surrounding this has made me want to watch it.
D'oh, forgot to mention that I've always assumedthe Tennant metacrisis counted as a regeneration. No reason why it shouldn't, really. Although there's every chance it won't.
The moment is a magic wizard that lets stuff happen
But seriously, its set up to be this incredibly powerful superweapon that can bend time and space allowing stuff like that to happen. And I'm actually okay with that this time because it was introduced at the beginning of the episode and used as the conceit to drive the plot and not introduced at the very end of the episode in order to neatly wrap things up in time.
This is how you handle an arbitrarily powerful plot element Moffat. Thanks for finally getting it right
It wasn't him that said it. It was one of the people in the Time Lord control room that said it. They just showed Capaldi.
Rose was there when Nine turned into Ten. This is after Rose turned into Bad Wolf.
How can 10 not have ever met Rose when he meets her as 9?
Not to mention that he regenerates in front of her and wakes up post-regeneration in her house.
See thing about the the tennant part is he knew rose from when he was 9th so he would have known what bad wolf meant right away since thats how he regenerated.
One of the companions in Old Who was a Time Lord who got to pick what she looked like after regeneration, right?
Also the Master made himself young intentionally when he regenerated from his Professor Yana form.
Did folks note the little nod towards UNIT dating?
yes, and that's why the whole thing isn't completed. I mean they didn't show what they did after that, so we don't know what's gonna happen to those zygon.it was presented as a temporary memory loss.
I mentioned that above in my previous post. It explains it perfectly as to whyThe tardis on Trenzalore is Matts and Clara never seeing Capaldi.
While you guys are watching the real 50th anniversary special I'm gonna watch the Fiveish Doctors instead
But then how do you explain Capaldi showing up in Day of the Doctor?
Seems like I'm the only one who didn't![]()
New set of regenerations (which we should see at the end of the Christmas Special maybe?). Matt's doctor is aware that he needs to use another regeneration (in this case his first of his new set of regenerations) to save Gallifrey and thus went there at that particular point in time.
He showed up because he knew he needed to basically.
I've been toying with watching the (new) series from scratch fully, guess I'm going to have to go through with it once I'm finished with Fringe. Is there a comprehensive list of new episodes of what to watch/skip? From what I vaguely remember some episodes really put me off the series since they were just abysmal filler while some episodes were stellar.
Isn't this the first time Clara has met UNIT and Kate? There's an implication late in the Black Archive scenes that it's not the first time Kate has met Clara. More timey wimey!
Why you should watch that
I mentioned that above in my previous post. It explains it perfectly as to whyThe tardis on Trenzalore is Matts and Clara never seeing Capaldi.
New set of regenerations (which we should see at the end of the Christmas Special maybe?). Matt's doctor is aware that he needs to use another regeneration (in this case his first of his new set of regenerations) to save Gallifrey and thus went there at that particular point in time.
He showed up because he knew he needed to basically.
edit: Just saw your edit.
He keeps his memories in his new regen cycle, doesn't make sense to lose them. He knows he needs to go there to save Gallifrey as they needed one more Doctor to save it. That's how I'd figure it
"Who's your favorite Doctor?"
Barrowman: "Oh, probably Peter Cushing"
Okay, I'll attempt this. Here's a cut-down list of episodes that are either very good or necessary to understand the plot. Multi parters are listed on the same line.
I thought it was confirmed that Clara was to be the companion in Season 8 as well...
if this regen cycle thing is true he must lose something then surely? otherwise why need a new regen cycle? :S argh so much mystery I hate it and love it at the same time
I mean, in the last episode of the last series (7) when shewent inside the doctors time stream and saw all the doctors up to the point where the doctor 'died' apart from the war doctor
The TARDIS used by Capaldi is clearly the current TARDIS
just finished to watch The Five(ish) Doctors.
ah, great.
Not to mention. People are going to extremesThe Curator clearly had memories from when he was 11 and before, so there will be no memory loss either
Oh I get you now. That does make some sense to a point, but I wouldn't expect anything drastic.
I don't see why they'd have to reinvent the Tardis for the next Doctor. It seems like a waste of a good set if they do it.
I've been toying with watching the (new) series from scratch fully, guess I'm going to have to go through with it once I'm finished with Fringe. Is there a comprehensive list of new episodes of what to watch/skip? From what I vaguely remember some episodes really put me off the series since they were just abysmal filler while some episodes were stellar.
I loved that, funny how Tennant fucking dominated the multi-Doctor scenes despite my general preference of Smith
You're overthinking it a bit. It was just a plot device to let him make a cameo as the doctor that made sense.Actually, just had another thought.
The thing with the future Tom Baker Doctor at the end, now could also imply that he will revisit other past incarnations in the future. Leaving the door open forever for the past Doctors to return anytime they want.
if this regen cycle thing is true he must lose something then surely? otherwise why need a new regen cycle? :S argh so much mystery I hate it and love it at the same time